use of com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonParseException in project qpid-broker-j by apache.
the class CompressedResponsesTest method doCompressionTest.
private void doCompressionTest(final boolean allowCompression, final boolean acceptCompressed) throws Exception {
final boolean expectCompression = allowCompression && acceptCompressed;
getHelper().submitRequest("plugin/httpManagement", "POST", Collections.singletonMap("compressResponses", expectCompression), SC_OK);
HttpURLConnection conn = getHelper().openManagementConnection("/service/metadata", "GET");
try {
if (acceptCompressed) {
conn.setRequestProperty("Accept-Encoding", "gzip");
String contentEncoding = conn.getHeaderField("Content-Encoding");
if (expectCompression) {
assertEquals("gzip", contentEncoding);
} else {
if (contentEncoding != null) {
assertEquals("identity", contentEncoding);
byte[] bytes;
try (ByteArrayOutputStream contentBuffer = new ByteArrayOutputStream()) {
ByteStreams.copy(conn.getInputStream(), contentBuffer);
bytes = contentBuffer.toByteArray();
try (InputStream jsonStream = expectCompression ? new GZIPInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes)) : new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes)) {
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
try {
mapper.readValue(jsonStream, LinkedHashMap.class);
} catch (JsonParseException | JsonMappingException e) {
fail("Message was not in correct format");
} finally {
use of com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonParseException in project curiostack by curioswitch.
the class ParseSupport method parseUInt64.
* Parsers a uint64 value out of the input.
static long parseUInt64(JsonParser parser) throws IOException {
// cover the vast majority of cases.
try {
long result = parseLong(parser);
if (result >= 0) {
// Only need to check the uint32 range if the parsed long is negative.
return result;
} catch (JsonParseException | NumberFormatException e) {
// Fall through.
final BigInteger value;
try {
BigDecimal decimal = new BigDecimal(parser.getTextCharacters(), parser.getTextOffset(), parser.getTextLength());
value = decimal.toBigIntegerExact();
} catch (ArithmeticException | NumberFormatException e) {
throw new InvalidProtocolBufferException("Not an uint64 value: " + parser.getText());
if (value.compareTo(BigInteger.ZERO) < 0 || value.compareTo(MAX_UINT64) > 0) {
throw new InvalidProtocolBufferException("Out of range uint64 value: " + parser.getText());
return value.longValue();
use of com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonParseException in project nifi by apache.
the class SiteToSiteRestApiClient method execute.
private <T> T execute(final HttpGet get, final Class<T> entityClass) throws IOException {
get.setHeader("Accept", "application/json");
final String responseMessage = execute(get);
final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
mapper.configure(DeserializationFeature.FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES, false);
try {
return mapper.readValue(responseMessage, entityClass);
} catch (JsonParseException e) {
final String msg = "Failed to parse Json. The specified URL " + baseUrl + " is not a proper remote NiFi endpoint for Site-to-Site communication.";
logger.warn("{} requestedUrl={}, response={}", msg, get.getURI(), responseMessage);
throw new IOException(msg, e);
use of com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonParseException in project tika by apache.
the class YandexTranslator method translate.
public String translate(String text, String sourceLanguage, String targetLanguage) throws TikaException, IOException {
if (!this.isAvailable()) {
return text;
WebClient client = WebClient.create(YANDEX_TRANSLATE_URL_BASE);
String langCode;
if (sourceLanguage == null) {
//Translate Service will identify source language
langCode = targetLanguage;
} else {
//Source language is well known
langCode = sourceLanguage + '-' + targetLanguage;
//TODO Add support for text over 10k characters
Response response = client.accept(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON).query("key", this.apiKey).query("lang", langCode).query("text", text).get();
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader((InputStream) response.getEntity(), UTF_8));
String line = null;
StringBuffer responseText = new StringBuffer();
while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
try {
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
JsonNode jsonResp = mapper.readTree(responseText.toString());
if (!jsonResp.findValuesAsText("code").isEmpty()) {
String code = jsonResp.findValuesAsText("code").get(0);
if (code.equals("200")) {
return jsonResp.findValue("text").get(0).asText();
} else {
throw new TikaException(jsonResp.findValue("message").get(0).asText());
} else {
throw new TikaException("Return message not recognized: " + responseText.toString().substring(0, Math.min(responseText.length(), 100)));
} catch (JsonParseException e) {
throw new TikaException("Error requesting translation from '" + sourceLanguage + "' to '" + targetLanguage + "', JSON response from Lingo24 is not well formatted: " + responseText.toString());
use of com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonParseException in project tika by apache.
the class JoshuaNetworkTranslator method translate.
* <p>Initially then check if the source language has been provided.
* If no source language (or a null value) has been provided then
* we make an attempt to guess the source using Tika's
* {@link org.apache.tika.langdetect.OptimaizeLangDetector}. If we
* are still unable to guess the language then we return the source
* text.</p>
* <p>We then process the input text into a new string consisting of
* sentences, one per line e.g. insert \n between the presence of '.'</p>
* @see org.apache.tika.language.translate.Translator#translate
* (java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String)
public String translate(String text, String sourceLanguage, String targetLanguage) throws TikaException, IOException {
//create networkURI
if (!networkServer.endsWith("/")) {
networkURI = networkServer + "/" + targetLanguage;
} else {
networkURI = networkServer + targetLanguage;
if (!this.isAvailable())
return text;
//make an attempt to guess language if one is not provided.
if (sourceLanguage == null)
sourceLanguage = detectLanguage(text).getLanguage();
//process input text into sentences, one per line
// e.g. insert \n between the presence of '.'
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(text);
int i = 0;
while ((i = sb.indexOf(".", i + 1)) != -1) {
sb.replace(i, i + 1, "\n");
String inputText = sb.toString();
WebClient client;
final List<Object> providers = new ArrayList<>();
JacksonJsonProvider jacksonJsonProvider = new JacksonJsonProvider();
client = WebClient.create(networkURI, providers);
ObjectMapper requestMapper = new ObjectMapper();
ObjectNode jsonNode = requestMapper.createObjectNode();
jsonNode.put("inputLanguage", sourceLanguage);
jsonNode.put("inputText", inputText);
//make the reuest
Response response = client.accept(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON).type(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON).post(jsonNode);
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader((InputStream) response.getEntity(), UTF_8));
String line;
StringBuilder responseText = new StringBuilder();
while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
try {
ObjectMapper responseMapper = new ObjectMapper();
JsonNode jsonResp = responseMapper.readTree(responseText.toString());
if (jsonResp.findValuesAsText("outputText") != null) {
return jsonResp.findValuesAsText("outputText").get(0);
} else {
throw new TikaException(jsonResp.findValue("message").get(0).asText());
} catch (JsonParseException e) {
throw new TikaException("Error requesting translation from '" + sourceLanguage + "' to '" + targetLanguage + "', JSON response " + "from Joshua REST Server is not well formatted: " + responseText.toString());