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Example 6 with TimeSpan

use of com.fathomdb.TimeSpan in project platformlayer by platformlayer.

the class ZookeeperUtils method sendCommand.

public static ZookeeperResponse sendCommand(InetSocketAddress socketAddress, String command) throws IOException {
    TimeSpan connectionTimeout = TimeSpan.TEN_SECONDS;
    Socket s = new Socket();
    s.setSoTimeout((int) connectionTimeout.getTotalMilliseconds());
    // TODO: Timeout?
    String response = IoUtils.readAll(s.getInputStream());
    return new ZookeeperResponse(response);
Also used : TimeSpan(com.fathomdb.TimeSpan) Socket(

Example 7 with TimeSpan

use of com.fathomdb.TimeSpan in project platformlayer by platformlayer.

the class SshOpsTarget method executeCommandUnchecked.

protected ProcessExecution executeCommandUnchecked(Command command) throws ProcessExecutionException {
    try {
        String commandString = command.buildCommandString();
        TimeSpan timeout = command.getTimeout();
        if (command.getKeyPair() != null) {
            SshConnection agentConnection = sshConnection.buildAgentConnection(command.getKeyPair());
            try {
                return agentConnection.sshExecute(commandString, timeout);
            } finally {
        } else {
            return sshConnection.sshExecute(commandString, timeout);
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new ProcessExecutionException("Error during command execution", e);
    } catch (InterruptedException e) {
        throw new ProcessExecutionException("Error during command execution", e);
    } catch (SshException e) {
        throw new ProcessExecutionException("Error during command execution", e);
Also used : TimeSpan(com.fathomdb.TimeSpan) SshConnection(org.platformlayer.ops.ssh.SshConnection) ProcessExecutionException(org.platformlayer.ops.process.ProcessExecutionException) IOException( SshException(org.platformlayer.ops.ssh.SshException)

Example 8 with TimeSpan

use of com.fathomdb.TimeSpan in project platformlayer by platformlayer.

the class HttpProxyHelper method chooseProxy.

private String chooseProxy(OpsTarget target, List<String> proxies) {
    String bestProxy = null;
    TimeSpan bestTime = null;
    for (String proxy : proxies) {
        // {
        // // We choose the fastest proxy that gives us a 200 response
        // String url = proxy + "acng-report.html";
        // CurlRequest request = new CurlRequest(url);
        // request.setTimeout(5);
        // try {
        // CurlResult result = request.executeRequest(target);
        // if (result.getHttpResult() != 200) {
        //"Unexpected response code while testing proxy: " + proxy + ".  Code=" + result.getHttpResult());
        // continue;
        // }
        // TimeSpan timeTotal = result.getTimeTotal();
        // if (bestTime == null || timeTotal.isLessThan(bestTime)) {
        // bestProxy = proxy;
        // bestTime = timeTotal;
        // }
        // } catch (ProcessExecutionException e) {
        //"Error while testing proxy: " + proxy, e);
        // }
        // }
            // We choose the fastest proxy that gives us a 200 response
            String url = "";
            CurlRequest request = new CurlRequest(url);
            request.proxy = proxy;
            request.timeout = TimeSpan.FIVE_SECONDS;
            try {
                CurlResult result = request.executeRequest(target);
                if (result.getHttpResult() != 200) {
          "Unexpected response code while testing proxy: " + proxy + ".  Code=" + result.getHttpResult());
                TimeSpan timeTotal = result.getTimeTotal();
                if (bestTime == null || timeTotal.isLessThan(bestTime)) {
                    bestProxy = proxy;
                    bestTime = timeTotal;
            } catch (OpsException e) {
      "Error while testing proxy: " + proxy, e);
    return bestProxy;
Also used : TimeSpan(com.fathomdb.TimeSpan) CurlResult(org.platformlayer.ops.helpers.CurlResult) OpsException(org.platformlayer.ops.OpsException) CurlRequest(org.platformlayer.ops.helpers.CurlRequest)

Example 9 with TimeSpan

use of com.fathomdb.TimeSpan in project platformlayer by platformlayer.

the class SchedulerImpl method parseSchedule.

private JobScheduleCalculator parseSchedule(JobSchedule schedule, boolean tolerant) {
    TimeSpan interval = null;
    Date base = null;
    if (schedule == null) {
        if (tolerant) {
            log.warn("Expected schedule; was null");
        } else {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Schedule is required");
    } else {
        if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(schedule.interval)) {
            try {
                interval = TimeSpan.parse(schedule.interval);
            } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
                if (tolerant) {
                    log.warn("Ignoring error parsing interval: " + schedule.interval, e);
                } else {
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid interval: " + schedule.interval, e);
        if (schedule.base != null) {
            base = schedule.base;
    if (interval == null) {
        if (tolerant) {
            log.warn("Interval not provided; assuming default");
            interval = TimeSpan.ONE_HOUR;
        } else {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Interval is required");
    JobScheduleCalculator scheduleCalculator = new SimpleJobScheduleCalculator(interval, base);
    return scheduleCalculator;
Also used : TimeSpan(com.fathomdb.TimeSpan) Date(java.util.Date)

Example 10 with TimeSpan

use of com.fathomdb.TimeSpan in project platformlayer by platformlayer.

the class MinaSshConnection method sshCopyData0.

protected void sshCopyData0(InputStream fileData, long dataLength, String remoteFile, String mode, boolean sudo) throws IOException, InterruptedException, SshException {
    int lastSlash = remoteFile.lastIndexOf('/');
    if (lastSlash == -1) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Expected dest file to be absolute path: " + remoteFile);
    MinaSshConnectionWrapper sshConnection = ensureConnected();
    MinaScpClient scp = new MinaScpClient(sshConnection);
    String remoteDir = remoteFile.substring(0, lastSlash);
    String filename = remoteFile.substring(lastSlash + 1);
    try {
        TimeSpan timeout = TimeSpan.FIVE_MINUTES;
        scp.put(fileData, dataLength, filename, remoteDir, mode, timeout, sudo);
    } catch (IOException ioException) {
        throw new SshException("Cannot doing scp on file", ioException);
    } catch (RuntimeSshException e) {
        throw new SshException("Error doing scp on file", e);
Also used : TimeSpan(com.fathomdb.TimeSpan) IOException( SshException(org.platformlayer.ops.ssh.SshException) RuntimeSshException(org.apache.sshd.common.RuntimeSshException) RuntimeSshException(org.apache.sshd.common.RuntimeSshException)


TimeSpan (com.fathomdb.TimeSpan)10 IOException ( Date (java.util.Date)3 OpsException (org.platformlayer.ops.OpsException)3 SshException (org.platformlayer.ops.ssh.SshException)3 RuntimeSshException (org.apache.sshd.common.RuntimeSshException)2 RetryPolicy ( CuratorFramework ( Builder ( RetryOneTime ( ByteArrayOutputStream ( Socket ( SimpleDateFormat (java.text.SimpleDateFormat)1 List (java.util.List)1 HttpServletRequest (javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest)1 HttpServletResponse (javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse)1 WebApplicationException ( RepositoryException (org.platformlayer.RepositoryException)1 Action (org.platformlayer.core.model.Action)1 BackupAction (org.platformlayer.core.model.BackupAction)1