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Example 6 with TreeFamily

use of com.ferreusveritas.dynamictrees.trees.TreeFamily in project DynamicTrees by DynamicTreesTeam.

the class NodeFreezer method freezeSurroundingLeaves.

// Clumsy hack to freeze leaves
public void freezeSurroundingLeaves(World world, BlockBranch branch, BlockPos twigPos) {
    if (!world.isRemote && !world.restoringBlockSnapshots) {
        // do not drop items while restoring blockstates, prevents item dupe
        TreeFamily tree = branch.getFamily();
        IBlockState primLeaves = species.getLeavesProperties().getPrimitiveLeaves();
        for (BlockPos leavesPos : BlockPos.getAllInBox(twigPos.add(-3, -3, -3), twigPos.add(3, 3, 3))) {
            if (tree.isCompatibleGenericLeaves(world.getBlockState(leavesPos), world, leavesPos)) {
                world.setBlockState(leavesPos, primLeaves.withProperty(BlockLeaves.DECAYABLE, false).withProperty(BlockLeaves.CHECK_DECAY, false));
Also used : IBlockState(net.minecraft.block.state.IBlockState) TreeFamily(com.ferreusveritas.dynamictrees.trees.TreeFamily) BlockPos(net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos)

Example 7 with TreeFamily

use of com.ferreusveritas.dynamictrees.trees.TreeFamily in project DynamicTrees by DynamicTreesTeam.

the class BlockDynamicLeaves method branchOut.

public GrowSignal branchOut(World world, BlockPos pos, GrowSignal signal) {
    ILeavesProperties leavesProperties = signal.getSpecies().getLeavesProperties();
    // Check to be sure the placement for a branch is valid by testing to see if it would first support a leaves block
    if (!needLeaves(world, pos, leavesProperties)) {
        signal.success = false;
        return signal;
    // Check to see if there's neighboring branches and abort if there's any found.
    EnumFacing originDir = signal.dir.getOpposite();
    for (EnumFacing dir : EnumFacing.VALUES) {
        if (!dir.equals(originDir)) {
            if (TreeHelper.isBranch(world.getBlockState(pos.offset(dir)))) {
                signal.success = false;
                return signal;
    boolean hasLeaves = false;
    for (EnumFacing dir : EnumFacing.VALUES) {
        if (needLeaves(world, pos.offset(dir), leavesProperties)) {
            hasLeaves = true;
    if (hasLeaves) {
        // Finally set the leaves block to a branch
        TreeFamily family = signal.getSpecies().getFamily();
        family.getDynamicBranch().setRadius(world, pos, (int) family.getPrimaryThickness(), null);
        // For the benefit of the parent branch
        signal.radius = family.getSecondaryThickness();
    signal.success = hasLeaves;
    return signal;
Also used : ILeavesProperties(com.ferreusveritas.dynamictrees.api.treedata.ILeavesProperties) EnumFacing(net.minecraft.util.EnumFacing) TreeFamily(com.ferreusveritas.dynamictrees.trees.TreeFamily)

Example 8 with TreeFamily

use of com.ferreusveritas.dynamictrees.trees.TreeFamily in project DynamicTrees by DynamicTreesTeam.

the class BlockBranch method destroyLeaves.

 * Attempt to destroy all of the leaves on the branch while leaving the other leaves unharmed.
 * @param world           The world
 * @param cutPos          The position of the block that was initially destroyed
 * @param species         The species of the tree that is being modified
 * @param endPoints       The absolute positions of the branch endpoints
 * @param destroyedLeaves A map for collecting the positions and blockstates for all of the leaves blocks that will
 *                        be destroyed.
 * @param drops           A list for collecting the ItemStacks and their positions relative to the cut position
protected void destroyLeaves(World world, BlockPos cutPos, Species species, List<BlockPos> endPoints, Map<BlockPos, IBlockState> destroyedLeaves, List<BlockItemStack> drops) {
    if (!world.isRemote && !endPoints.isEmpty()) {
        // Make a bounding volume that holds all of the endpoints and expand the volume by 3 blocks for the leaves radius
        BlockBounds bounds = new BlockBounds(endPoints).expand(3);
        // Create a voxmap to store the leaf destruction map
        SimpleVoxmap vmap = new SimpleVoxmap(bounds);
        // For each of the endpoints add a 7x7 destruction volume around it
        for (BlockPos endPos : endPoints) {
            for (BlockPos leafPos : BlockPos.getAllInBoxMutable(endPos.add(-3, -3, -3), endPos.add(3, 3, 3))) {
                // Flag this position for destruction
                vmap.setVoxel(leafPos, (byte) 1);
            // We know that the endpoint does not have a leaves block in it because it was a branch
            vmap.setVoxel(endPos, (byte) 0);
        TreeFamily family = species.getFamily();
        BlockBranch familyBranch = family.getDynamicBranch();
        int primaryThickness = (int) family.getPrimaryThickness();
        // Expand the volume yet again by 3 blocks in all directions and search for other non-destroyed endpoints
        for (MutableBlockPos findPos : bounds.expand(3).iterate()) {
            IBlockState findState = world.getBlockState(findPos);
            if (familyBranch.getRadius(findState) == primaryThickness) {
                // Search for endpoints of the same tree family
                Iterable<MutableBlockPos> leaves = species.getLeavesProperties().getCellKit().getLeafCluster().getAllNonZero();
                for (MutableBlockPos leafpos : leaves) {
                    vmap.setVoxel(findPos.getX() + leafpos.getX(), findPos.getY() + leafpos.getY(), findPos.getZ() + leafpos.getZ(), (byte) 0);
        ArrayList<ItemStack> dropList = new ArrayList<ItemStack>();
        // Destroy all family compatible leaves
        for (Cell cell : vmap.getAllNonZeroCells()) {
            MutableBlockPos pos = cell.getPos();
            IBlockState state = world.getBlockState(pos);
            if (species.isCompatibleLeaves(world, pos, state)) {
                species.getTreeHarvestDrops(world, pos, dropList, world.rand);
                // We are storing this so it must be immutable
                BlockPos imPos = pos.toImmutable();
                BlockPos relPos = imPos.subtract(cutPos);
                // Covertly destroy the leaves on the server side
                world.setBlockState(imPos, ModBlocks.blockStates.air, 0);
                destroyedLeaves.put(relPos, state);
                dropList.forEach(i -> drops.add(new BlockItemStack(i, relPos)));
Also used : IBlockState(net.minecraft.block.state.IBlockState) SimpleVoxmap(com.ferreusveritas.dynamictrees.util.SimpleVoxmap) TreeFamily(com.ferreusveritas.dynamictrees.trees.TreeFamily) MutableBlockPos(net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos.MutableBlockPos) BlockPos(net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos) ItemStack(net.minecraft.item.ItemStack) BlockBounds(com.ferreusveritas.dynamictrees.util.BlockBounds) MutableBlockPos(net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos.MutableBlockPos) Cell(com.ferreusveritas.dynamictrees.util.SimpleVoxmap.Cell)

Example 9 with TreeFamily

use of com.ferreusveritas.dynamictrees.trees.TreeFamily in project DynamicTrees by DynamicTreesTeam.

the class TreeRegistry method getPotionTransformableSpecies.

 * @return All species which can be transformed and have their own seed (so should have a potion recipe created).
public static List<Species> getPotionTransformableSpecies() {
    final List<Species> speciesList = getTransformableSpecies();
    speciesList.removeIf(species -> {
        TreeFamily family = species.getFamily();
        // Remove the species if its seed not set, or if it's not the common species and its seed is the same as the common species'.
        return (species.getSeedStack(1) == null || species.getSeed() == Seed.NULLSEED) || (species != family.getCommonSpecies() && species.getSeed() == family.getCommonSpecies().getSeed());
    return speciesList;
Also used : TreeFamily(com.ferreusveritas.dynamictrees.trees.TreeFamily) Species(com.ferreusveritas.dynamictrees.trees.Species)

Example 10 with TreeFamily

use of com.ferreusveritas.dynamictrees.trees.TreeFamily in project DynamicTrees by DynamicTreesTeam.

the class TreeBuilder method build.

 * Builds a {@link TreeFamily} according to the specs provided. Called last in the builder chain. Repeated calls can
 * be made but be sure to change the Name and Sequence for the tree before creating multiple trees.
 * @return The newly built {@link TreeFamily}
public TreeFamily build() {
    if (name == null) {
        System.err.println("Error: Attempted to build an nameless tree");
        return TreeFamily.NULLFAMILY;
    if (seqNum == -1 && dynamicLeavesProperties == null) {
        System.err.println("Error: Attempted to build an unsequenced tree(or a tree without dynamic leaves properties)");
        return TreeFamily.NULLFAMILY;
    TreeFamily treeFamily = new TreeFamily(name) {

            if (dynamicLeavesProperties == null) {
                dynamicLeavesProperties = new LeavesProperties(primitiveLeavesBlockState) {

                    public int getLightRequirement() {
                        return dynamicLeavesLightRequirement;

                    public int getSmotherLeavesMax() {
                        return dynamicLeavesSmotherMax;

                    public ICellKit getCellKit() {
                        return TreeRegistry.findCellKit(dynamicLeavesCellKit);
                LeavesPaging.getLeavesBlockForSequence(ModConstants.MODID, seqNum, dynamicLeavesProperties);
            if (stickItemStack != null) {

        public void createSpecies() {
            setCommonSpecies(speciesCreator != null ? speciesCreator.create(this) : new Species(name, this, dynamicLeavesProperties));
            if (speciesCreateSeed) {
            for (ISpeciesCreator creator : extraSpeciesCreators) {
                Species species = creator.create(this);
                extraSpecies.put(species.getRegistryName().getResourcePath(), species);

        public void registerSpecies(IForgeRegistry<Species> speciesRegistry) {
            extraSpecies.values().forEach(s -> speciesRegistry.register(s));

        public List<Item> getRegisterableItems(List<Item> itemList) {
            for (Species species : extraSpecies.values()) {
                // Since we generated the species internally we need to let the seed out to be registered.
                Seed seed = species.getSeed();
                if (seed != Seed.NULLSEED) {
            return super.getRegisterableItems(itemList);
    return treeFamily;
Also used : LeavesProperties(com.ferreusveritas.dynamictrees.blocks.LeavesProperties) ILeavesProperties(com.ferreusveritas.dynamictrees.api.treedata.ILeavesProperties) Item(net.minecraft.item.Item) Seed(com.ferreusveritas.dynamictrees.items.Seed) IForgeRegistry(net.minecraftforge.registries.IForgeRegistry) TreeFamily(com.ferreusveritas.dynamictrees.trees.TreeFamily) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) List(java.util.List) Species(com.ferreusveritas.dynamictrees.trees.Species) ICellKit(com.ferreusveritas.dynamictrees.api.cells.ICellKit)


TreeFamily (com.ferreusveritas.dynamictrees.trees.TreeFamily)10 ILeavesProperties (com.ferreusveritas.dynamictrees.api.treedata.ILeavesProperties)4 Species (com.ferreusveritas.dynamictrees.trees.Species)4 IBlockState (net.minecraft.block.state.IBlockState)4 BlockPos (net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos)4 DendroPotion (com.ferreusveritas.dynamictrees.items.DendroPotion)2 SimpleVoxmap (com.ferreusveritas.dynamictrees.util.SimpleVoxmap)2 Cell (com.ferreusveritas.dynamictrees.util.SimpleVoxmap.Cell)2 ModelResourceLocation (net.minecraft.client.renderer.block.model.ModelResourceLocation)2 EnumFacing (net.minecraft.util.EnumFacing)2 ModBlocks (com.ferreusveritas.dynamictrees.ModBlocks)1 ModConstants (com.ferreusveritas.dynamictrees.ModConstants)1 ModItems (com.ferreusveritas.dynamictrees.ModItems)1 ModTrees (com.ferreusveritas.dynamictrees.ModTrees)1 TreeHelper (com.ferreusveritas.dynamictrees.api.TreeHelper)1 ICellKit (com.ferreusveritas.dynamictrees.api.cells.ICellKit)1 ModelHelper (com.ferreusveritas.dynamictrees.api.client.ModelHelper)1 MapSignal ( ITreePart (com.ferreusveritas.dynamictrees.api.treedata.ITreePart)1 com.ferreusveritas.dynamictrees.blocks (com.ferreusveritas.dynamictrees.blocks)1