use of com.formkiq.stacks.dynamodb.DocumentItemDynamoDb in project formkiq-core by formkiq.
the class ApiDocumentsTagsRequestTest method testHandlePutTags03.
* PUT /documents/{documentId}/tags/{tagKey} request.
* @throws Exception an error has occurred
public void testHandlePutTags03() throws Exception {
for (String siteId : Arrays.asList(null, UUID.randomUUID().toString())) {
// given
String documentId = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
String userId = "jsmith";
final String expected = "{" + getHeaders() + "," + "\"body\":\"" + "{\\\"message\\\":\\\"Updated tag 'category' on document '" + documentId + "'.\\\"}\"" + ",\"statusCode\":200}";
getDocumentService().saveDocument(siteId, new DocumentItemDynamoDb(documentId, new Date(), userId), Arrays.asList(new DocumentTag(null, "category", "nope", new Date(), userId)));
ApiGatewayRequestEvent event = toRequestEvent("/request-put-documents-documentid-tags02.json");
addParameter(event, "siteId", siteId);
setPathParameter(event, "documentId", documentId);
// when
String response = handleRequest(event);
// then
assertEquals(expected, response);
use of com.formkiq.stacks.dynamodb.DocumentItemDynamoDb in project formkiq-core by formkiq.
the class DocumentsIdUploadRequestHandler method get.
public ApiRequestHandlerResponse get(final LambdaLogger logger, final ApiGatewayRequestEvent event, final ApiAuthorizer authorizer, final AwsServiceCache awsservice) throws Exception {
boolean documentExists = false;
Date date = new Date();
String documentId = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
String username = getCallingCognitoUsername(event);
DocumentItem item = new DocumentItemDynamoDb(documentId, date, username);
List<DocumentTag> tags = new ArrayList<>();
Map<String, String> map = event.getPathParameters();
Map<String, String> query = event.getQueryStringParameters();
String siteId = authorizer.getSiteId();
DocumentService service = awsservice.documentService();
if (map != null && map.containsKey("documentId")) {
documentId = map.get("documentId");
item = service.findDocument(siteId, documentId);
documentExists = item != null;
if (!documentExists) {
throw new NotFoundException("Document " + documentId + " not found.");
} else if (query != null && query.containsKey("path")) {
String path = query.get("path");
path = URLDecoder.decode(path, StandardCharsets.UTF_8.toString());
tags.add(new DocumentTag(documentId, "path", path, date, username, DocumentTagType.SYSTEMDEFINED));
String urlstring = generatePresignedUrl(awsservice, siteId, documentId, query);
logger.log("generated presign url: " + urlstring + " for document " + documentId);
if (!documentExists && item != null) {
tags.add(new DocumentTag(documentId, "untagged", "true", date, username, DocumentTagType.SYSTEMDEFINED));
String value = this.restrictionMaxDocuments.getValue(awsservice, siteId);
if (!this.restrictionMaxDocuments.enforced(awsservice, siteId, value)) {
logger.log("saving document: " + item.getDocumentId() + " on path " + item.getPath());
service.saveDocument(siteId, item, tags);
if (value != null) {
} else {
throw new BadException("Max Number of Documents reached");
return new ApiRequestHandlerResponse(SC_OK, new ApiUrlResponse(urlstring, documentId));