use of com.frameworkset.commons.pool2.impl.GenericObjectPool in project fess-crawler by codelibs.
the class WebDriverClientTest method setUp.
protected void setUp() throws Exception {
CrawlerPooledObjectFactory<CrawlerWebDriver> pooledObjectFactory = new CrawlerPooledObjectFactory<>();
pooledObjectFactory.setOnDestroyListener(p -> {
final CrawlerWebDriver driver = p.getObject();
final StandardCrawlerContainer container = new StandardCrawlerContainer();
container.prototype("webDriver", CrawlerWebDriver.class).singleton("mimeTypeHelper", MimeTypeHelperImpl.class).singleton("pooledObjectFactory", pooledObjectFactory).singleton("webDriverPool", new GenericObjectPool<>(pooledObjectFactory), null, pool -> {
}).<AOnClickAction>singleton("aOnClickAction", AOnClickAction.class).<FormAction>singleton("formAction", FormAction.class).<WebDriverClient>singleton("webDriverClient", WebDriverClient.class, client -> {
AOnClickAction aOnClick = container.getComponent("aOnClickAction");
FormAction formAction = container.getComponent("formAction");
webDriverClient = container.getComponent("webDriverClient");
use of com.frameworkset.commons.pool2.impl.GenericObjectPool in project athenz by yahoo.
the class DataSourceFactory method create.
static PoolableDataSource create(ConnectionFactory connectionFactory) {
// setup our pool config object
GenericObjectPoolConfig config = setupPoolConfig();
PoolableConnectionFactory poolableConnectionFactory = new PoolableConnectionFactory(connectionFactory, null);
// Set max lifetime of a connection in milli-secs, after which it will
// always fail activation, passivation, and validation.
// Value of -1 means infinite life time. The default value
// defined in this class is 10 minutes.
long connTtlMillis = retrieveConfigSetting(ATHENZ_PROP_DBPOOL_MAX_TTL, MAX_TTL_CONN_MS);
if (LOG.isInfoEnabled()) {"Setting Time-To-Live interval for live connections ({}) msecs", connTtlMillis);
// set the validation query for our jdbc connector
final String validationQuery = System.getProperty(ATHENZ_PROP_DBPOOL_VALIDATION_QUERY, MYSQL_VALIDATION_QUERY);
ObjectPool<PoolableConnection> connectionPool = new GenericObjectPool<>(poolableConnectionFactory, config);
return new AthenzDataSource(connectionPool);
use of com.frameworkset.commons.pool2.impl.GenericObjectPool in project atlasdb by palantir.
the class CassandraClientPoolingContainer method createClientPool.
* Pool size:
* Always keep {@link CassandraKeyValueServiceConfig#poolSize()} connections around, per host. Allow bursting
* up to {@link CassandraKeyValueServiceConfig#maxConnectionBurstSize()} connections per host under load.
* Borrowing from pool:
* On borrow, check if the connection is actually open. If it is not,
* immediately discard this connection from the pool, and try to take another.
* Borrow attempts against a fully in-use pool immediately throw a NoSuchElementException.
* {@code CassandraClientPool} when it sees this will:
* Follow an exponential backoff as a method of back pressure.
* Try 3 times against this host, and then give up and try against different hosts 3 additional times.
* In an asynchronous thread (using default values):
* Every 20-30 seconds, examine approximately a tenth of the connections in pool.
* Discard any connections in this tenth of the pool whose TCP connections are closed.
* Discard any connections in this tenth of the pool that have been idle for more than 10 minutes,
* while still keeping a minimum number of idle connections around for fast borrows.
* @param poolNumber number of the pool for metric registration.
private GenericObjectPool<CassandraClient> createClientPool(int poolNumber) {
CassandraClientFactory cassandraClientFactory = new CassandraClientFactory(qosClient, host, config);
GenericObjectPoolConfig poolConfig = new GenericObjectPoolConfig();
// immediately throw when we try and borrow from a full pool; dealt with at higher level
// this test is free/just checks a boolean and does not block; borrow is still fast
poolConfig.setMinEvictableIdleTimeMillis(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.convert(config.idleConnectionTimeoutSeconds(), TimeUnit.SECONDS));
// the randomness here is to prevent all of the pools for all of the hosts
// evicting all at at once, which isn't great for C*.
int timeBetweenEvictionsSeconds = config.timeBetweenConnectionEvictionRunsSeconds();
int delta = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(Math.min(timeBetweenEvictionsSeconds / 2, 10));
poolConfig.setTimeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.convert(timeBetweenEvictionsSeconds + delta, TimeUnit.SECONDS));
poolConfig.setNumTestsPerEvictionRun(-(int) (1.0 / config.proportionConnectionsToCheckPerEvictionRun()));
GenericObjectPool<CassandraClient> pool = new GenericObjectPool<>(cassandraClientFactory, poolConfig);
registerMetrics(pool, poolNumber);
return pool;
use of com.frameworkset.commons.pool2.impl.GenericObjectPool in project ofbiz-framework by apache.
the class DebugManagedDataSource method getConnection.
public Connection getConnection() throws SQLException {
if (Debug.verboseOn()) {
if (super.getPool() instanceof GenericObjectPool) {
GenericObjectPool objectPool = (GenericObjectPool) super.getPool();
Debug.logVerbose("Borrowing a connection from the pool; used/idle/total: " + objectPool.getNumActive() + "/" + objectPool.getNumIdle() + "/" + (objectPool.getNumActive() + objectPool.getNumIdle()) + "; min idle/max idle/max total: " + objectPool.getMinIdle() + "/" + objectPool.getMaxIdle() + "/" + objectPool.getMaxTotal(), module);
} else {
if (Debug.verboseOn())
Debug.logVerbose("Borrowing a connection from the pool; used/idle/total: " + super.getPool().getNumActive() + "/" + super.getPool().getNumIdle() + "/" + (super.getPool().getNumActive() + super.getPool().getNumIdle()), module);
return super.getConnection();
use of com.frameworkset.commons.pool2.impl.GenericObjectPool in project ofbiz-framework by apache.
the class DebugManagedDataSource method getInfo.
public Map<String, Object> getInfo() {
Map<String, Object> dataSourceInfo = new HashMap<String, Object>();
dataSourceInfo.put("poolNumActive", super.getPool().getNumActive());
dataSourceInfo.put("poolNumIdle", super.getPool().getNumIdle());
dataSourceInfo.put("poolNumTotal", (super.getPool().getNumIdle() + super.getPool().getNumActive()));
if (super.getPool() instanceof GenericObjectPool) {
GenericObjectPool objectPool = (GenericObjectPool) super.getPool();
dataSourceInfo.put("poolMaxActive", objectPool.getMaxTotal());
dataSourceInfo.put("poolMaxIdle", objectPool.getMaxIdle());
dataSourceInfo.put("poolMaxWait", objectPool.getMaxWaitMillis());
dataSourceInfo.put("poolMinEvictableIdleTimeMillis", objectPool.getMinEvictableIdleTimeMillis());
dataSourceInfo.put("poolMinIdle", objectPool.getMinIdle());
return dataSourceInfo;