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Example 56 with Multipart

use of com.fsck.k9.mail.Multipart in project k-9 by k9mail.

the class MessageViewInfoExtractor method extractTextFromViewables.

     * Extract the viewable textual parts of a message and return the rest as attachments.
     * @return A {@link ViewableExtractedText} instance containing the textual parts of the message as
     *         plain text and HTML, and a list of message parts considered attachments.
     * @throws com.fsck.k9.mail.MessagingException
     *          In case of an error.
ViewableExtractedText extractTextFromViewables(List<Viewable> viewables) throws MessagingException {
    try {
        // Collect all viewable parts
             * Convert the tree of viewable parts into text and HTML
        // Used to suppress the divider for the first viewable part
        boolean hideDivider = true;
        StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder();
        StringBuilder html = new StringBuilder();
        for (Viewable viewable : viewables) {
            if (viewable instanceof Textual) {
                // This is either a text/plain or text/html part. Fill the variables 'text' and
                // 'html', converting between plain text and HTML as necessary.
                text.append(buildText(viewable, !hideDivider));
                html.append(buildHtml(viewable, !hideDivider));
                hideDivider = false;
            } else if (viewable instanceof MessageHeader) {
                MessageHeader header = (MessageHeader) viewable;
                Part containerPart = header.getContainerPart();
                Message innerMessage = header.getMessage();
                addTextDivider(text, containerPart, !hideDivider);
                addMessageHeaderText(text, innerMessage);
                addHtmlDivider(html, containerPart, !hideDivider);
                addMessageHeaderHtml(html, innerMessage);
                hideDivider = true;
            } else if (viewable instanceof Alternative) {
                // Handle multipart/alternative contents
                Alternative alternative = (Alternative) viewable;
                     * We made sure at least one of text/plain or text/html is present when
                     * creating the Alternative object. If one part is not present we convert the
                     * other one to make sure 'text' and 'html' always contain the same text.
                List<Viewable> textAlternative = alternative.getText().isEmpty() ? alternative.getHtml() : alternative.getText();
                List<Viewable> htmlAlternative = alternative.getHtml().isEmpty() ? alternative.getText() : alternative.getHtml();
                // Fill the 'text' variable
                boolean divider = !hideDivider;
                for (Viewable textViewable : textAlternative) {
                    text.append(buildText(textViewable, divider));
                    divider = true;
                // Fill the 'html' variable
                divider = !hideDivider;
                for (Viewable htmlViewable : htmlAlternative) {
                    html.append(buildHtml(htmlViewable, divider));
                    divider = true;
                hideDivider = false;
        String content = HtmlConverter.wrapMessageContent(html);
        String sanitizedHtml = htmlSanitizer.sanitize(content);
        return new ViewableExtractedText(text.toString(), sanitizedHtml);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new MessagingException("Couldn't extract viewable parts", e);
Also used : Alternative(com.fsck.k9.mail.internet.Viewable.Alternative) Message(com.fsck.k9.mail.Message) Textual(com.fsck.k9.mail.internet.Viewable.Textual) MessagingException(com.fsck.k9.mail.MessagingException) MessagingException(com.fsck.k9.mail.MessagingException) Part(com.fsck.k9.mail.Part) Viewable(com.fsck.k9.mail.internet.Viewable) MessageHeader(com.fsck.k9.mail.internet.Viewable.MessageHeader) VisibleForTesting(

Example 57 with Multipart

use of com.fsck.k9.mail.Multipart in project k-9 by k9mail.

the class MigrationTo51 method db51MigrateMessageFormat.

     * This method converts from the old message table structure to the new one.
     * This is a complex migration, and ultimately we do not have enough
     * information to recreate the mime structure of the original mails.
     * What we have:
     *  - general mail info
     *  - html_content and text_content data, which is the squashed readable content of the mail
     *  - a table with message headers
     *  - attachments
     * What we need to do:
     *  - migrate general mail info as-is
     *  - flag mails as migrated for re-download
     *  - for each message, recreate a mime structure from its message content and attachments:
     *    + insert one or both of textContent and htmlContent, depending on mimeType
     *    + if mimeType is text/plain, text/html or multipart/alternative and no
     *      attachments are present, just insert that.
     *    + otherwise, use multipart/mixed, adding attachments after textual content
     *    + revert content:// URIs in htmlContent to original cid: URIs.
public static void db51MigrateMessageFormat(SQLiteDatabase db, MigrationsHelper migrationsHelper) {
    File attachmentDirNew, attachmentDirOld;
    Account account = migrationsHelper.getAccount();
    attachmentDirNew = StorageManager.getInstance(, account.getLocalStorageProviderId());
    attachmentDirOld = renameOldAttachmentDirAndCreateNew(account, attachmentDirNew);
    Cursor msgCursor = db.query("messages_old", new String[] { "id", "flags", "html_content", "text_content", "mime_type", "attachment_count" }, null, null, null, null, null);
    try {
        Timber.d("migrating %d messages", msgCursor.getCount());
        ContentValues cv = new ContentValues();
        while (msgCursor.moveToNext()) {
            long messageId = msgCursor.getLong(0);
            String messageFlags = msgCursor.getString(1);
            String htmlContent = msgCursor.getString(2);
            String textContent = msgCursor.getString(3);
            String mimeType = msgCursor.getString(4);
            int attachmentCount = msgCursor.getInt(5);
            try {
                updateFlagsForMessage(db, messageId, messageFlags, migrationsHelper);
                MimeHeader mimeHeader = loadHeaderFromHeadersTable(db, messageId);
                MimeStructureState structureState = MimeStructureState.getNewRootState();
                boolean messageHadSpecialFormat = false;
                // we do not rely on the protocol parameter here but guess by the multipart structure
                boolean isMaybePgpMimeEncrypted = attachmentCount == 2 && MimeUtil.isSameMimeType(mimeType, "multipart/encrypted");
                if (isMaybePgpMimeEncrypted) {
                    MimeStructureState maybeStructureState = migratePgpMimeEncryptedContent(db, messageId, attachmentDirOld, attachmentDirNew, mimeHeader, structureState);
                    if (maybeStructureState != null) {
                        structureState = maybeStructureState;
                        messageHadSpecialFormat = true;
                if (!messageHadSpecialFormat) {
                    boolean isSimpleStructured = attachmentCount == 0 && Utility.isAnyMimeType(mimeType, "text/plain", "text/html", "multipart/alternative");
                    if (isSimpleStructured) {
                        structureState = migrateSimpleMailContent(db, htmlContent, textContent, mimeType, mimeHeader, structureState);
                    } else {
                        mimeType = "multipart/mixed";
                        structureState = migrateComplexMailContent(db, attachmentDirOld, attachmentDirNew, messageId, htmlContent, textContent, mimeHeader, structureState);
                cv.put("mime_type", mimeType);
                cv.put("message_part_id", structureState.rootPartId);
                cv.put("attachment_count", attachmentCount);
                db.update("messages", cv, "id = ?", new String[] { Long.toString(messageId) });
            } catch (IOException e) {
                Timber.e(e, "error inserting into database");
    } finally {
Also used : ContentValues(android.content.ContentValues) Account(com.fsck.k9.Account) MimeHeader(com.fsck.k9.mail.internet.MimeHeader) IOException( Cursor(android.database.Cursor) File(

Example 58 with Multipart

use of com.fsck.k9.mail.Multipart in project k-9 by k9mail.

the class MessageBuilder method buildBody.

private void buildBody(MimeMessage message) throws MessagingException {
    // Build the body.
    // TODO FIXME - body can be either an HTML or Text part, depending on whether we're in
    // HTML mode or not.  Should probably fix this so we don't mix up html and text parts.
    TextBody body = buildText(isDraft);
    // text/plain part when messageFormat == MessageFormat.HTML
    TextBody bodyPlain = null;
    final boolean hasAttachments = !attachments.isEmpty();
    if (messageFormat == SimpleMessageFormat.HTML) {
        // HTML message (with alternative text part)
        // This is the compiled MIME part for an HTML message.
        MimeMultipart composedMimeMessage = createMimeMultipart();
        // Let the receiver select either the text or the HTML part.
        bodyPlain = buildText(isDraft, SimpleMessageFormat.TEXT);
        composedMimeMessage.addBodyPart(new MimeBodyPart(bodyPlain, "text/plain"));
        composedMimeMessage.addBodyPart(new MimeBodyPart(body, "text/html"));
        if (hasAttachments) {
            // If we're HTML and have attachments, we have a MimeMultipart container to hold the
            // whole message (mp here), of which one part is a MimeMultipart container
            // (composedMimeMessage) with the user's composed messages, and subsequent parts for
            // the attachments.
            MimeMultipart mp = createMimeMultipart();
            mp.addBodyPart(new MimeBodyPart(composedMimeMessage));
            MimeMessageHelper.setBody(message, mp);
        } else {
            // If no attachments, our multipart/alternative part is the only one we need.
            MimeMessageHelper.setBody(message, composedMimeMessage);
    } else if (messageFormat == SimpleMessageFormat.TEXT) {
        // Text-only message.
        if (hasAttachments) {
            MimeMultipart mp = createMimeMultipart();
            mp.addBodyPart(new MimeBodyPart(body, "text/plain"));
            MimeMessageHelper.setBody(message, mp);
        } else {
            // No attachments to include, just stick the text body in the message and call it good.
            MimeMessageHelper.setBody(message, body);
    // If this is a draft, add metadata for thawing.
    if (isDraft) {
        // Add the identity to the message.
        message.addHeader(K9.IDENTITY_HEADER, buildIdentityHeader(body, bodyPlain));
Also used : TextBody(com.fsck.k9.mail.internet.TextBody) MimeMultipart(com.fsck.k9.mail.internet.MimeMultipart) MimeBodyPart(com.fsck.k9.mail.internet.MimeBodyPart)

Example 59 with Multipart

use of com.fsck.k9.mail.Multipart in project k-9 by k9mail.

the class EncryptionDetector method containsPartWithMimeType.

private boolean containsPartWithMimeType(Part part, String... wantedMimeTypes) {
    String mimeType = part.getMimeType();
    if (isMimeTypeAnyOf(mimeType, wantedMimeTypes)) {
        return true;
    Body body = part.getBody();
    if (body instanceof Multipart) {
        Multipart multipart = (Multipart) body;
        for (BodyPart bodyPart : multipart.getBodyParts()) {
            if (containsPartWithMimeType(bodyPart, wantedMimeTypes)) {
                return true;
    return false;
Also used : BodyPart(com.fsck.k9.mail.BodyPart) Multipart(com.fsck.k9.mail.Multipart) Body(com.fsck.k9.mail.Body)

Example 60 with Multipart

use of com.fsck.k9.mail.Multipart in project k-9 by k9mail.

the class TextPartFinder method findTextPartInMultipartAlternative.

private Part findTextPartInMultipartAlternative(Multipart multipart) {
    Part htmlPart = null;
    for (BodyPart bodyPart : multipart.getBodyParts()) {
        String mimeType = bodyPart.getMimeType();
        Body body = bodyPart.getBody();
        if (body instanceof Multipart) {
            Part candidatePart = findFirstTextPart(bodyPart);
            if (candidatePart != null) {
                if (isSameMimeType(candidatePart.getMimeType(), "text/html")) {
                    htmlPart = candidatePart;
                } else {
                    return candidatePart;
        } else if (isSameMimeType(mimeType, "text/plain")) {
            return bodyPart;
        } else if (isSameMimeType(mimeType, "text/html") && htmlPart == null) {
            htmlPart = bodyPart;
    if (htmlPart != null) {
        return htmlPart;
    return null;
Also used : BodyPart(com.fsck.k9.mail.BodyPart) Multipart(com.fsck.k9.mail.Multipart) BodyPart(com.fsck.k9.mail.BodyPart) Part(com.fsck.k9.mail.Part) Body(com.fsck.k9.mail.Body)


BodyPart (com.fsck.k9.mail.BodyPart)57 Part (com.fsck.k9.mail.Part)51 Test (org.junit.Test)47 MimeBodyPart (com.fsck.k9.mail.internet.MimeBodyPart)38 Multipart (com.fsck.k9.mail.Multipart)33 MimeMessage (com.fsck.k9.mail.internet.MimeMessage)29 Message (com.fsck.k9.mail.Message)25 Body (com.fsck.k9.mail.Body)22 MimeMultipart (com.fsck.k9.mail.internet.MimeMultipart)21 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)14 MessageCreationHelper.createEmptyPart (com.fsck.k9.message.MessageCreationHelper.createEmptyPart)13 MessageCreationHelper.createPart (com.fsck.k9.message.MessageCreationHelper.createPart)13 MessageCreationHelper.createTextPart (com.fsck.k9.message.MessageCreationHelper.createTextPart)13 ByteArrayOutputStream ( TextBody (com.fsck.k9.mail.internet.TextBody)7 MessagingException (com.fsck.k9.mail.MessagingException)6 Stack (java.util.Stack)6 SQLiteDatabase (android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase)5 FetchProfile (com.fsck.k9.mail.FetchProfile)5 BinaryTempFileBody (com.fsck.k9.mail.internet.BinaryTempFileBody)5