use of com.fsck.k9.mailstore.LocalFolder in project k-9 by k9mail.
the class MessagingController method processPendingAppend.
* Process a pending append message command. This command uploads a local message to the
* server, first checking to be sure that the server message is not newer than
* the local message. Once the local message is successfully processed it is deleted so
* that the server message will be synchronized down without an additional copy being
* created.
* TODO update the local message UID instead of deleting it
void processPendingAppend(PendingAppend command, Account account) throws MessagingException {
Folder remoteFolder = null;
LocalFolder localFolder = null;
try {
String folder = command.folder;
String uid = command.uid;
if (account.getErrorFolderName().equals(folder)) {
LocalStore localStore = account.getLocalStore();
localFolder = localStore.getFolder(folder);
LocalMessage localMessage = localFolder.getMessage(uid);
if (localMessage == null) {
Store remoteStore = account.getRemoteStore();
remoteFolder = remoteStore.getFolder(folder);
if (!remoteFolder.exists()) {
if (!remoteFolder.create(FolderType.HOLDS_MESSAGES)) {
if (remoteFolder.getMode() != Folder.OPEN_MODE_RW) {
Message remoteMessage = null;
if (!localMessage.getUid().startsWith(K9.LOCAL_UID_PREFIX)) {
remoteMessage = remoteFolder.getMessage(localMessage.getUid());
if (remoteMessage == null) {
if (localMessage.isSet(Flag.X_REMOTE_COPY_STARTED)) {
Timber.w("Local message with uid %s has flag %s already set, checking for remote message with " + "same message id", localMessage.getUid(), X_REMOTE_COPY_STARTED);
String rUid = remoteFolder.getUidFromMessageId(localMessage);
if (rUid != null) {
Timber.w("Local message has flag %s already set, and there is a remote message with uid %s, " + "assuming message was already copied and aborting this copy", X_REMOTE_COPY_STARTED, rUid);
String oldUid = localMessage.getUid();
for (MessagingListener l : getListeners()) {
l.messageUidChanged(account, folder, oldUid, localMessage.getUid());
} else {
Timber.w("No remote message with message-id found, proceeding with append");
* If the message does not exist remotely we just upload it and then
* update our local copy with the new uid.
FetchProfile fp = new FetchProfile();
localFolder.fetch(Collections.singletonList(localMessage), fp, null);
String oldUid = localMessage.getUid();
localMessage.setFlag(Flag.X_REMOTE_COPY_STARTED, true);
for (MessagingListener l : getListeners()) {
l.messageUidChanged(account, folder, oldUid, localMessage.getUid());
} else {
* If the remote message exists we need to determine which copy to keep.
* See if the remote message is newer than ours.
FetchProfile fp = new FetchProfile();
remoteFolder.fetch(Collections.singletonList(remoteMessage), fp, null);
Date localDate = localMessage.getInternalDate();
Date remoteDate = remoteMessage.getInternalDate();
if (remoteDate != null && remoteDate.compareTo(localDate) > 0) {
* If the remote message is newer than ours we'll just
* delete ours and move on. A sync will get the server message
* if we need to be able to see it.
} else {
* Otherwise we'll upload our message and then delete the remote message.
fp = new FetchProfile();
localFolder.fetch(Collections.singletonList(localMessage), fp, null);
String oldUid = localMessage.getUid();
localMessage.setFlag(Flag.X_REMOTE_COPY_STARTED, true);
for (MessagingListener l : getListeners()) {
l.messageUidChanged(account, folder, oldUid, localMessage.getUid());
if (remoteDate != null) {
remoteMessage.setFlag(Flag.DELETED, true);
if (Expunge.EXPUNGE_IMMEDIATELY == account.getExpungePolicy()) {
} finally {
use of com.fsck.k9.mailstore.LocalFolder in project k-9 by k9mail.
the class MessagingController method deleteMessagesSynchronous.
private void deleteMessagesSynchronous(final Account account, final String folder, final List<? extends Message> messages, MessagingListener listener) {
Folder localFolder = null;
Folder localTrashFolder = null;
List<String> uids = getUidsFromMessages(messages);
try {
//as messages get a new UID after being moved
for (Message message : messages) {
for (MessagingListener l : getListeners(listener)) {
l.messageDeleted(account, folder, message);
Store localStore = account.getLocalStore();
localFolder = localStore.getFolder(folder);
Map<String, String> uidMap = null;
if (folder.equals(account.getTrashFolderName()) || !account.hasTrashFolder()) {
Timber.d("Deleting messages in trash folder or trash set to -None-, not copying");
localFolder.setFlags(messages, Collections.singleton(Flag.DELETED), true);
} else {
localTrashFolder = localStore.getFolder(account.getTrashFolderName());
if (!localTrashFolder.exists()) {
if (localTrashFolder.exists()) {
Timber.d("Deleting messages in normal folder, moving");
uidMap = localFolder.moveMessages(messages, localTrashFolder);
for (MessagingListener l : getListeners()) {
l.folderStatusChanged(account, folder, localFolder.getUnreadMessageCount());
if (localTrashFolder != null) {
l.folderStatusChanged(account, account.getTrashFolderName(), localTrashFolder.getUnreadMessageCount());
Timber.d("Delete policy for account %s is %s", account.getDescription(), account.getDeletePolicy());
if (folder.equals(account.getOutboxFolderName())) {
for (Message message : messages) {
// If the message was in the Outbox, then it has been copied to local Trash, and has
// to be copied to remote trash
PendingCommand command = PendingAppend.create(account.getTrashFolderName(), message.getUid());
queuePendingCommand(account, command);
} else if (account.getDeletePolicy() == DeletePolicy.ON_DELETE) {
if (folder.equals(account.getTrashFolderName())) {
queueSetFlag(account, folder, true, Flag.DELETED, uids);
} else {
queueMoveOrCopy(account, folder, account.getTrashFolderName(), false, uids, uidMap);
} else if (account.getDeletePolicy() == DeletePolicy.MARK_AS_READ) {
queueSetFlag(account, folder, true, Flag.SEEN, uids);
} else {
Timber.d("Delete policy %s prevents delete from server", account.getDeletePolicy());
unsuppressMessages(account, messages);
} catch (UnavailableStorageException e) {
Timber.i("Failed to delete message because storage is not available - trying again later.");
throw new UnavailableAccountException(e);
} catch (MessagingException me) {
addErrorMessage(account, null, me);
throw new RuntimeException("Error deleting message from local store.", me);
} finally {
use of com.fsck.k9.mailstore.LocalFolder in project k-9 by k9mail.
the class MessagingController method messagesPendingSend.
private boolean messagesPendingSend(final Account account) {
Folder localFolder = null;
try {
localFolder = account.getLocalStore().getFolder(account.getOutboxFolderName());
if (!localFolder.exists()) {
return false;
if (localFolder.getMessageCount() > 0) {
return true;
} catch (Exception e) {
Timber.e(e, "Exception while checking for unsent messages");
} finally {
return false;
use of com.fsck.k9.mailstore.LocalFolder in project k-9 by k9mail.
the class MessagingController method saveDraft.
* Save a draft message.
* @param account
* Account we are saving for.
* @param message
* Message to save.
* @return Message representing the entry in the local store.
public Message saveDraft(final Account account, final Message message, long existingDraftId, boolean saveRemotely) {
Message localMessage = null;
try {
LocalStore localStore = account.getLocalStore();
LocalFolder localFolder = localStore.getFolder(account.getDraftsFolderName());;
if (existingDraftId != INVALID_MESSAGE_ID) {
String uid = localFolder.getMessageUidById(existingDraftId);
// Save the message to the store.
// Fetch the message back from the store. This is the Message that's returned to the caller.
localMessage = localFolder.getMessage(message.getUid());
localMessage.setFlag(Flag.X_DOWNLOADED_FULL, true);
if (saveRemotely) {
PendingCommand command = PendingAppend.create(localFolder.getName(), localMessage.getUid());
queuePendingCommand(account, command);
} catch (MessagingException e) {
Timber.e(e, "Unable to save message as draft.");
addErrorMessage(account, null, e);
return localMessage;
use of com.fsck.k9.mailstore.LocalFolder in project k-9 by k9mail.
the class MessagingController method updateMoreMessages.
private void updateMoreMessages(Folder remoteFolder, LocalFolder localFolder, Date earliestDate, int remoteStart) throws MessagingException, IOException {
if (remoteStart == 1) {
} else {
boolean moreMessagesAvailable = remoteFolder.areMoreMessagesAvailable(remoteStart, earliestDate);
MoreMessages newMoreMessages = (moreMessagesAvailable) ? MoreMessages.TRUE : MoreMessages.FALSE;