use of com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.junit.BrowserRunner.NotYetImplemented in project htmlunit by HtmlUnit.
the class StorageTest method localStorageShouldBeShared.
* Note that this test will work only with WebDriver instances that support starting 2 instances in parallel.
* @throws Exception if the test fails
@Alerts("I was here")
@BuggyWebDriver(CHROME = "", EDGE = "", FF = "", FF_ESR = "")
// But when executed manually the LocalStorage is shared.
public // TODO somehow persist the LocalStorage
void localStorageShouldBeShared() throws Exception {
final String html1 = "<html><body>\n" + "<script>\n" + LOG_TITLE_FUNCTION + "try {\n" + " localStorage.clear();\n" + " localStorage.setItem('hello', 'I was here');\n" + "} catch(e) { log('exception'); }\n" + "</script></body></html>";
final WebDriver driver = loadPage2(html1);
final List<String> alerts = getCollectedAlerts(driver);
final String html2 = "<html><body><script>\n" + "try {\n" + " log(localStorage.getItem('hello'));\n" + "} catch(e) { log('exception'); }\n" + "</script></body></html>";
getMockWebConnection().setResponse(URL_FIRST, html2);
// we have to control 2nd driver by ourself
WebDriver driver2 = null;
try {
driver2 = buildWebDriver();
final List<String> newAlerts = getCollectedAlerts(driver2);
assertEquals(getExpectedAlerts(), alerts);
} finally {
if (!(driver2 instanceof HtmlUnitDriver)) {
use of com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.junit.BrowserRunner.NotYetImplemented in project htmlunit by HtmlUnit.
the class URLTest method createObjectURL.
* @throws Exception if the test fails
public void createObjectURL() throws Exception {
final String html = HtmlPageTest.STANDARDS_MODE_PREFIX_ + "<html>\n" + "<head>\n" + "<script>\n" + "function test() {\n" + " if (document.testForm.fileupload.files) {\n" + " var files = document.testForm.fileupload.files;\n" + " var url = window.URL.createObjectURL(files[0]);\n" + " alert(url);\n" + " window.URL.revokeObjectURL(url);\n" + " }\n" + "}\n" + "</script>\n" + "</head>\n" + "<body>\n" + " <form name='testForm'>\n" + " <input type='file' id='fileupload' name='fileupload'>\n" + " </form>\n" + " <button id='testBtn' onclick='test()'>Tester</button>\n" + "</body>\n" + "</html>";
final WebDriver driver = loadPage2(html);
final File tstFile = File.createTempFile("HtmlUnitUploadTest", ".txt");
try {
FileUtils.writeStringToFile(tstFile, "Hello HtmlUnit", ISO_8859_1);
final String path = tstFile.getCanonicalPath();
final String url = getCollectedAlerts(driver, 1).get(0);
Assert.assertTrue(url, url.startsWith("blob:"));
} finally {
use of com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.junit.BrowserRunner.NotYetImplemented in project htmlunit by HtmlUnit.
the class HTMLInputElementTest method maxLengthJavaScript.
* @throws Exception if the test fails
@Alerts(DEFAULT = "§§URL§§?myName=abcdefg", IE = "§§URL§§")
public void maxLengthJavaScript() throws Exception {
final String html = HtmlPageTest.STANDARDS_MODE_PREFIX_ + "<html><head><script>\n" + "function updateValue() {\n" + " document.getElementById('myInput').value = 'abcdefg';\n" + "}\n" + "</script></head>\n" + "<body>\n" + " <form>\n" + " <input id='myInput' name='myName' maxlength='2'>\n" + " <input id='mySubmit' type='submit'>\n" + " </form>\n" + " <button id='myButton' onclick='updateValue()'>Update Value</button>\n" + "</body></html>";
final WebDriver driver = loadPage2(html);
assertEquals("abcdefg", driver.findElement("myInput")).getAttribute("value"));
assertEquals(getExpectedAlerts()[0], driver.getCurrentUrl());
use of com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.junit.BrowserRunner.NotYetImplemented in project htmlunit by HtmlUnit.
the class HtmlImageInputTest method click_NoPosition.
* @throws Exception if the test fails
@Alerts(DEFAULT = "§§URL§§?button.x=0&button.y=0", CHROME = "§§URL§§?button.x=16&button.y=8", EDGE = "§§URL§§?button.x=16&button.y=8", IE = "§§URL§§?button.x=14&button.y=15")
@NotYetImplemented({ CHROME, EDGE, IE })
public void click_NoPosition() throws Exception {
final String html = "<html><head><title>foo</title></head><body>\n" + "<form id='form1'>\n" + " <input type='image' name='aButton' value='foo'/>\n" + " <input type='image' name='button' value='foo'/>\n" + " <input type='image' name='anotherButton' value='foo'/>\n" + "</form></body></html>";
final WebDriver webDriver = loadPage2(html);
assertEquals(getExpectedAlerts()[0], webDriver.getCurrentUrl());
use of com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.junit.BrowserRunner.NotYetImplemented in project htmlunit by HtmlUnit.
the class HtmlElement2Test method addRemove.
* Another nasty trick from one of these trackers.
* @throws Exception on test failure
@Alerts({ "before appendChild;after appendChild;image onload;after removeChild;", "2" })
// node is appended and fails
public void addRemove() throws Exception {
try (InputStream is = getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("testfiles/tiny-jpg.img")) {
final byte[] directBytes = IOUtils.toByteArray(is);
final URL urlImage = new URL(URL_FIRST, "img.jpg");
final List<NameValuePair> emptyList = Collections.emptyList();
getMockWebConnection().setResponse(urlImage, directBytes, 200, "ok", "image/jpg", emptyList);
final String html = HtmlPageTest.STANDARDS_MODE_PREFIX_ + "<html>\n" + "<head>\n" + "<script>\n" + "function test() {\n" + " var elem = document.createElement('img');\n" + " elem.setAttribute('alt', '');\n" + " elem.setAttribute('src', 'img.jpg');\n" + " = 'none';\n" + " elem.onload = function() {\n" + " document.title += 'image onload;';" + " document.body.removeChild(elem);\n" + " document.title += 'after removeChild;';" + " }\n" + " document.title += 'before appendChild;';" + " document.body.appendChild(elem);\n" + " document.title += 'after appendChild;';" + "}\n" + "</script>\n" + "</head>\n" + "<body onload='test()'>\n" + "</body></html>";
final int count = getMockWebConnection().getRequestCount();
final WebDriver driver = getWebDriver();
if (driver instanceof HtmlUnitDriver) {
((HtmlUnitDriver) driver).setDownloadImages(true);
assertTitle(driver, getExpectedAlerts()[0]);
assertEquals(Integer.parseInt(getExpectedAlerts()[1]), getMockWebConnection().getRequestCount() - count);