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Example 6 with ResultsInstance

use of in project VERDICT by ge-high-assurance.

the class VerdictSynthesis method performSynthesisMultiple.

 * Performs synthesis on multiple cyber requirements. This is the only version of synthesis that
 * should be used.
 * @param tree the defense tree
 * @param factory the dleaf factory used to construct the defense tree
 * @param costModel the cost model
 * @param partialSolution whether we are using partial solutions
 * @param inputSat whether the input tree is satisfied
 * @param meritAssignment whether to perform merit assignment if the input is satisfied
 * @param dumpSmtLib whether to output the intermediate SMT-LIB file for debugging
 * @return the result, if successful
public static Optional<ResultsInstance> performSynthesisMultiple(DTree tree, DLeaf.Factory factory, CostModel costModel, boolean partialSolution, boolean inputSat, boolean meritAssignment, boolean dumpSmtLib) {
    Context context = new Context();
    Optimize optimizer = context.mkOptimize();
    System.out.println("performSynthesisMultiple, configuration: partialSolution=" + partialSolution + ", inputSat=" + inputSat + ", meritAssignment=" + meritAssignment);
    Collection<ComponentDefense> compDefPairs = factory.allComponentDefensePairs();
    // Encode the logical structure of defense tree in MaxSMT
    // Encode cost(impl_defense_dal) >= the target cost (based on the severity of cyber req)
    // With merit assignment off and partial solution on, you will
    // subtract the cost of each DAL by the impl DAL cost, and use 0 if the result is negative.
    if (meritAssignment) {
        // set upper bounds at the current values, so that no upgrades are reported
        // Encode component_defense_var <= the the implemented DAL cost
        optimizer.Assert(context.mkAnd( -> context.mkLe(pair.toZ3Multi(context), DLeaf.fractionToZ3(pair.dalToRawCost(pair.implDal), context))).collect(Collectors.toList()).toArray(new BoolExpr[] {})));
    // Make all component-defense var >= Cost(DAL(0));
    optimizer.Assert(// to DAL, then this can be changed to the minimum of all costs.
    context.mkAnd( -> context.mkGe(pair.toZ3Multi(context), DLeaf.fractionToZ3(pair.dalToRawCost(0), context))).collect(Collectors.toList()).toArray(new BoolExpr[] {})));
    // Encode objective function: the sum of all component-defense vars
    if (compDefPairs.isEmpty()) {
    } else {
        optimizer.MkMinimize(context.mkAdd( -> pair.toZ3Multi(context)).collect(Collectors.toList()).toArray(new ArithExpr[] {})));
    if (dumpSmtLib) {
        try {
            // this dumps the file in the working directory, i.e. where the process was started
            // from
            PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter("verdict-synthesis-dump.smtlib", "UTF-8");
        } catch (FileNotFoundException | UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
    if (optimizer.Check().equals(Status.SATISFIABLE)) {
        List<ResultsInstance.Item> items = new ArrayList<>();
        Fraction totalInputCost = new Fraction(0), totalOutputCost = new Fraction(0);
        Model model = optimizer.getModel();
        for (ComponentDefense pair : compDefPairs) {
            // get the value in the model
            RatNum expr = (RatNum) model.eval(pair.toZ3Multi(context), true);
            Fraction rawCost = new Fraction(expr.getNumerator().getInt(), expr.getDenominator().getInt());
            // convert back to DAL (the value in the model is cost rather than DAL)
            int dal = pair.rawCostToDal(rawCost);
            // but we don't trust the cost obtained directly from the model.
            // instead, we re-calculate using the cost model because it is less prone to failure
            // The cost of implemented DAL
            Fraction inputCost = costModel.cost(pair.defenseProperty, pair.component, pair.implDal);
            // The cost of output DAL from SMT
            Fraction outputCost = costModel.cost(pair.defenseProperty, pair.component, dal);
            // keep track of total cost
            totalInputCost = totalInputCost.add(inputCost);
            totalOutputCost = totalOutputCost.add(outputCost);
            items.add(new ResultsInstance.Item(pair.component, pair.defenseProperty, pair.implDal, dal, inputCost, outputCost));
        return Optional.of(new ResultsInstance(partialSolution, meritAssignment, inputSat, totalInputCost, totalOutputCost, items));
    } else {
        System.err.println("Synthesis: SMT not satisfiable, perhaps there are unmitigatable attacks");
        return Optional.empty();
Also used : Context( FileNotFoundException( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) UnsupportedEncodingException( Fraction(org.apache.commons.math3.fraction.Fraction) ResultsInstance( ComponentDefense( Model( RatNum( Optimize( PrintWriter(

Example 7 with ResultsInstance

use of in project VERDICT by ge-high-assurance.

the class MBASSynthesisReport method report.

public static void report(IProject project, File projectDir, File xmlFile, IWorkbenchWindow window) {
    try {
        ResultsInstance results = ResultsInstance.fromFile(xmlFile);
        window.getShell().getDisplay().asyncExec(() -> {
            try {
                MBASSynthesisResultsView.results = results;
                MBASSynthesisResultsView.applyToProject = () -> SynthesisAadlWriter.perform(project, projectDir, results);
            } catch (PartInitException e) {
    } catch (SAXException | IOException | ParserConfigurationException e) {
Also used : PartInitException(org.eclipse.ui.PartInitException) IOException( ParserConfigurationException(javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException) ResultsInstance( SAXException(org.xml.sax.SAXException)

Example 8 with ResultsInstance

use of in project VERDICT by ge-high-assurance.

the class App method runMbasSynthesis.

 * Run MBAS Synthesis with CSV input files
 * @param vdmPath VDM input file for synthesis
 * @param modelName Name of model
 * @param stemDir output directory for STEM input files
 * @param soteriaDir output directory for Soteria++ input files
 * @throws VerdictRunException
public static void runMbasSynthesis(String vdmPath, String modelName, String stemProjectDir, String debugDir, String soteriaPpBin, boolean cyberInference, boolean safetyInference, boolean partialSolution, String costModelPath, String outputPath) throws VerdictRunException {
    String stemCsvDir = (new File(stemProjectDir, "CSVData")).getAbsolutePath();
    String stemOutputDir = (new File(stemProjectDir, "Output")).getAbsolutePath();
    String stemGraphsDir = (new File(stemProjectDir, "Graphs")).getAbsolutePath();
    String stemSadlFile = (new File(stemProjectDir, "Run.sadl")).getAbsolutePath();
    File soteriaOutputDir = new File(stemOutputDir, "Soteria_Output");
    String soteriaPpOutputDir = soteriaOutputDir.getAbsolutePath();
    checkFile(stemCsvDir, true, true, true, false, null);
    checkFile(stemOutputDir, true, true, true, false, null);
    checkFile(stemGraphsDir, true, true, true, false, null);
    checkFile(stemSadlFile, true, false, false, false, null);
    checkFile(soteriaPpOutputDir, true, true, true, false, null);
    checkFile(soteriaPpBin, true, false, false, true, null);
    checkFile(vdmPath, true, false, false, false, "xml");
    checkFile(costModelPath, true, false, false, false, "xml");
    checkFile(outputPath, false, false, true, false, "xml");
    if (debugDir != null) {
        logHeader("DEBUGGING XML OUTPUT");
    try {
        // Copy Soteria++ pngs
        for (String soteria_png : soteria_pngs) {
            Binary.copyResource("soteria_pngs/" + soteria_png + ".png", new File(soteriaPpOutputDir, soteria_png + ".png"), false);
    } catch (Binary.ExecutionException e) {
        throw new VerdictRunException("Failed to copy Soteria++ pngs", e);
    log("STEM project directory: " + stemProjectDir);
    log("STEM output directory: " + stemOutputDir);
    log("STEM graphs directory: " + stemGraphsDir);
    log("STEM is running. Please be patient...");
    VerdictStem stemRunner = new VerdictStem();
    Metrics.timer("Timer.mbas.stem", "model", modelName).record(() -> stemRunner.runStem(new File(stemProjectDir), new File(stemOutputDir), new File(stemGraphsDir)));
    log("STEM finished!");
    try {
        Timer.Sample sample = Timer.start(Metrics.globalRegistry);
        CostModel costModel = new CostModel(new File(costModelPath));
        AttackDefenseCollector collector = new AttackDefenseCollector(new File(vdmPath), new File(stemOutputDir), cyberInference);
        List<AttackDefenseCollector.Result> results = collector.perform();
        boolean sat = -> Prob.lte(result.prob, result.cyberReq.getSeverity()));
        boolean performMeritAssignment = partialSolution && sat;
        DLeaf.Factory factory = new DLeaf.Factory();
        DTree dtree = DTreeConstructor.construct(results, costModel, partialSolution, performMeritAssignment, factory);
        Optional<ResultsInstance> selected = VerdictSynthesis.performSynthesisMultiple(dtree, factory, costModel, partialSolution, sat, performMeritAssignment, false);
        if (selected.isPresent()) {
            if (performMeritAssignment) {
                ResultsInstance withExtraDefProps = VerdictSynthesis.addExtraImplDefenses(selected.get(), collector.getImplDal(), costModel);
                withExtraDefProps.toFileXml(new File(outputPath));
            } else {
                selected.get().toFileXml(new File(outputPath));
            log("Synthesis results output to " + outputPath);
        } else {
            logError("Synthesis failed");
        sample.stop(Metrics.timer("Timer.mbas.synthesis", "model", modelName));
    } catch (IOException | MalformedInputException e) {
        throw new VerdictRunException("Failed to execute synthesis", e);
Also used : DLeaf( DTree( VerdictStem( CostModel( AttackDefenseCollector( IOException( ResultsInstance( Timer(io.micrometer.core.instrument.Timer) MalformedInputException( File(

Example 9 with ResultsInstance

use of in project VERDICT by ge-high-assurance.

the class VerdictSynthesisTest method biggerMeritAssignmentTest.

public void biggerMeritAssignmentTest() {
    CostModel costModel = new CostModel(new File(getClass().getResource("meritCosts.xml").getPath()));
    SystemModel system = new SystemModel("C1");
    Attack attack1 = new Attack(system.getAttackable(), "A1", "An attack", Prob.certain(), CIA.I);
    Defense defense1 = new Defense(attack1);
    defense1.addDefenseClause(Collections.singletonList(new Defense.DefenseLeaf("D1", Optional.of(new<>("D1", 1)))));
    Attack attack2 = new Attack(system.getAttackable(), "A2", "An attack", Prob.certain(), CIA.I);
    Defense defense2 = new Defense(attack2);
    defense2.addDefenseClause(Collections.singletonList(new Defense.DefenseLeaf("D2", Optional.of(new<>("D2", 1)))));
    ADTree adtree = new ADAnd(new ADOr(new ADAnd(new ADNot(defense1), attack1)), new ADOr(new ADAnd(new ADNot(defense2), attack2)));
    DLeaf.Factory factory = new DLeaf.Factory();
    List<AttackDefenseCollector.Result> results = Arrays.asList(new AttackDefenseCollector.Result(system, new CyberReq("req1", "mission1", 1, "port1", CIA.I), adtree, Prob.certain()));
    Optional<ResultsInstance> result = VerdictSynthesis.performSynthesisMultiple(DTreeConstructor.construct(results, costModel, true, true, factory), factory, costModel, true, true, true, false);
    Assertions.assertThat(result.get().outputCost).isEqualTo(new Fraction(1));
Also used : DLeaf( ADNot( CyberReq( ADAnd( AttackDefenseCollector( Fraction(org.apache.commons.math3.fraction.Fraction) Attack( ResultsInstance( Defense( ComponentDefense( ADTree( SystemModel( ADOr( File( Pair( Test(org.junit.Test)


ResultsInstance ( DLeaf ( Fraction (org.apache.commons.math3.fraction.Fraction)6 DTree ( ADTree ( Test (org.junit.Test)4 ComponentDefense ( File ( IOException ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)3 AttackDefenseCollector ( ADAnd ( ADOr ( Pair ( Context ( Model ( Optimize ( RatNum ( FileNotFoundException ( PrintWriter (