use of com.github.ambry.account.InMemAccountService in project ambry by linkedin.
the class PutOperationTest method testSlippedPutsWithServerErrors.
* Test PUT operation that handles ServerErrorCode = Temporarily_Disabled and Replica_Unavailable
* @throws Exception
public void testSlippedPutsWithServerErrors() throws Exception {
Properties properties = new Properties();
properties.setProperty("router.hostname", "localhost");
properties.setProperty("", "DC1");
properties.setProperty("router.max.put.chunk.size.bytes", Integer.toString(chunkSize));
properties.setProperty("router.put.request.parallelism", Integer.toString(requestParallelism));
// Expect at least two successes so that you can create slipped puts.
properties.setProperty("", Integer.toString(2));
VerifiableProperties vProps = new VerifiableProperties(properties);
RouterConfig routerConfig = new RouterConfig(vProps);
int numChunks = 1;
BlobProperties blobProperties = new BlobProperties(-1, "serviceId", "memberId", "contentType", false, Utils.Infinite_Time, Utils.getRandomShort(TestUtils.RANDOM), Utils.getRandomShort(TestUtils.RANDOM), false, null, null, null);
byte[] userMetadata = new byte[10];
byte[] content = new byte[chunkSize * numChunks];
ReadableStreamChannel channel = new ByteBufferReadableStreamChannel(ByteBuffer.wrap(content));
MockNetworkClient mockNetworkClient = new MockNetworkClient();
PutOperation op = PutOperation.forUpload(routerConfig, routerMetrics, mockClusterMap, new LoggingNotificationSystem(), new InMemAccountService(true, false), userMetadata, channel, PutBlobOptions.DEFAULT, new FutureResult<>(), null, new RouterCallback(mockNetworkClient, new ArrayList<>()), null, null, null, null, time, blobProperties, MockClusterMap.DEFAULT_PARTITION_CLASS, quotaChargeCallback);
List<RequestInfo> requestInfos = new ArrayList<>();
// fill chunks would end up filling the maximum number of PutChunks.
Assert.assertTrue("ReadyForPollCallback should have been invoked as chunks were fully filled", mockNetworkClient.getAndClearWokenUpStatus());
// poll to populate request
// Set up server errors such that put fails on 2 out 3 nodes, hence creating a slipped put on the succeeding node.
// Second attempts on all node succeed.
List<ServerErrorCode> serverErrorList = new ArrayList<>();
// Success on the first host, slipped put
// Fail on the second host
// Fail on the third host
// Success on the second attempts on all hosts
// Send all requests.
for (int i = 0; i < requestInfos.size(); i++) {
ResponseInfo responseInfo = getResponseInfo(requestInfos.get(i));
PutResponse putResponse = responseInfo.getError() == null ? PutResponse.readFrom(new NettyByteBufDataInputStream(responseInfo.content())) : null;
op.handleResponse(responseInfo, putResponse);
Assert.assertEquals("Number of slipped puts should be 1", 1, op.getSlippedPutBlobIds().size());
// fill chunks again.
// poll to populate request
// Send all requests again.
for (int i = 0; i < requestInfos.size(); i++) {
ResponseInfo responseInfo = getResponseInfo(requestInfos.get(i));
PutResponse putResponse = responseInfo.getError() == null ? PutResponse.readFrom(new NettyByteBufDataInputStream(responseInfo.content())) : null;
op.handleResponse(responseInfo, putResponse);
Assert.assertEquals("Number of slipped puts should be 1", 1, op.getSlippedPutBlobIds().size());
PutOperation.PutChunk putChunk = op.getPutChunks().get(0);
// Make sure the chunk blob id which has been put successfully is not part of the slipped puts.
use of com.github.ambry.account.InMemAccountService in project ambry by linkedin.
the class PutOperationTest method testHandleResponseWithServerErrors.
* Test PUT operation that handles ServerErrorCode = Temporarily_Disabled and Replica_Unavailable
* @throws Exception
public void testHandleResponseWithServerErrors() throws Exception {
int numChunks = routerConfig.routerMaxInMemPutChunks + 1;
BlobProperties blobProperties = new BlobProperties(-1, "serviceId", "memberId", "contentType", false, Utils.Infinite_Time, Utils.getRandomShort(TestUtils.RANDOM), Utils.getRandomShort(TestUtils.RANDOM), false, null, null, null);
byte[] userMetadata = new byte[10];
byte[] content = new byte[chunkSize * numChunks];
ReadableStreamChannel channel = new ByteBufferReadableStreamChannel(ByteBuffer.wrap(content));
PutOperation op = PutOperation.forUpload(routerConfig, routerMetrics, mockClusterMap, new LoggingNotificationSystem(), new InMemAccountService(true, false), userMetadata, channel, PutBlobOptions.DEFAULT, new FutureResult<>(), null, new RouterCallback(new MockNetworkClient(), new ArrayList<>()), null, null, null, null, time, blobProperties, MockClusterMap.DEFAULT_PARTITION_CLASS, quotaChargeCallback);
List<RequestInfo> requestInfos = new ArrayList<>();
// fill chunks would end up filling the maximum number of PutChunks.
// poll to populate request
// make 1st request of first chunk encounter Temporarily_Disabled
ResponseInfo responseInfo = getResponseInfo(requestInfos.get(0));
PutResponse putResponse = responseInfo.getError() == null ? PutResponse.readFrom(new NettyByteBufDataInputStream(responseInfo.content())) : null;
op.handleResponse(responseInfo, putResponse);
PutOperation.PutChunk putChunk = op.getPutChunks().get(0);
SimpleOperationTracker operationTracker = (SimpleOperationTracker) putChunk.getOperationTrackerInUse();
Assert.assertEquals("Disabled count should be 1", 1, operationTracker.getDisabledCount());
Assert.assertEquals("Disabled count should be 0", 0, operationTracker.getFailedCount());
// make 2nd request of first chunk encounter Replica_Unavailable
responseInfo = getResponseInfo(requestInfos.get(1));
putResponse = responseInfo.getError() == null ? PutResponse.readFrom(new NettyByteBufDataInputStream(responseInfo.content())) : null;
op.handleResponse(responseInfo, putResponse);
putChunk = op.getPutChunks().get(0);
Assert.assertEquals("Failure count should be 1", 1, ((SimpleOperationTracker) putChunk.getOperationTrackerInUse()).getFailedCount());
// Release all the other requests
requestInfos.forEach(info -> info.getRequest().release());
use of com.github.ambry.account.InMemAccountService in project ambry by linkedin.
the class StatsManagerTest method testReplicaFromOfflineToDropped.
* Test Offline-To-Dropped transition (both failure and success cases)
* @throws Exception
public void testReplicaFromOfflineToDropped() throws Exception {
ClusterMapConfig clusterMapConfig = new ClusterMapConfig(verifiableProperties);
ReplicationConfig replicationConfig = new ReplicationConfig(verifiableProperties);
StoreConfig storeConfig = new StoreConfig(verifiableProperties);
MockClusterMap clusterMap = new MockClusterMap();
DataNodeId currentNode = clusterMap.getDataNodeIds().get(0);
List<ReplicaId> localReplicas = clusterMap.getReplicaIds(currentNode);
StorageManager storageManager = new StorageManager(storeConfig, new DiskManagerConfig(verifiableProperties), Utils.newScheduler(1, true), new MetricRegistry(), null, clusterMap, currentNode, null, Collections.singletonList(clusterParticipant), new MockTime(), null, new InMemAccountService(false, false));
MockStoreKeyConverterFactory storeKeyConverterFactory = new MockStoreKeyConverterFactory(null, null);
storeKeyConverterFactory.setConversionMap(new HashMap<>());
MockReplicationManager mockReplicationManager = new MockReplicationManager(replicationConfig, clusterMapConfig, storeConfig, storageManager, clusterMap, currentNode, storeKeyConverterFactory, clusterParticipant);
MockStatsManager mockStatsManager = new MockStatsManager(storageManager, localReplicas, new MetricRegistry(), statsManagerConfig, clusterParticipant);
// 1. attempt to remove replica while store is still running (remove store failure case)
ReplicaId replicaToDrop = localReplicas.get(0);
try {
fail("should fail because store is still running");
} catch (StateTransitionException e) {
assertEquals("Error code doesn't match", ReplicaOperationFailure, e.getErrorCode());
// 2. shutdown the store but introduce file deletion failure (put a invalid dir in store dir)
File invalidDir = new File(replicaToDrop.getReplicaPath(), "invalidDir");
assertTrue("Couldn't create dir within store dir", invalidDir.mkdir());
assertTrue("Could not make unreadable", invalidDir.setReadable(false));
try {
fail("should fail because store deletion fails");
} catch (StateTransitionException e) {
assertEquals("Error code doesn't match", ReplicaOperationFailure, e.getErrorCode());
// reset permission to allow deletion to succeed.
assertTrue("Could not make readable", invalidDir.setReadable(true));
assertTrue("Could not delete invalid dir", invalidDir.delete());
// 3. success case (remove another replica because previous replica has been removed from in-mem data structures)
ReplicaId replica = localReplicas.get(1);
MockHelixParticipant mockHelixParticipant = Mockito.spy(clusterParticipant);
doNothing().when(mockHelixParticipant).setPartitionDisabledState(anyString(), anyBoolean());
// verify that the replica is no longer present in StorageManager
assertNull("Store of removed replica should not exist", storageManager.getStore(replica.getPartitionId(), true));
// purposely remove the same replica in ReplicationManager again to verify it no longer exists
assertFalse("Should return false because replica no longer exists", mockReplicationManager.removeReplica(replica));
// purposely remove the same replica in StatsManager again to verify it no longer exists
assertFalse("Should return false because replica no longer exists", mockStatsManager.removeReplica(replica));
verify(mockHelixParticipant).setPartitionDisabledState(replica.getPartitionId().toPathString(), false);
use of com.github.ambry.account.InMemAccountService in project ambry by linkedin.
the class BlobStoreTest method storeIoErrorCountTest.
* Tests that {@link BlobStore#onError()} and {@link BlobStore#onSuccess()} can correctly capture disk related I/O errors
* and properly shutdown the store.
* @throws StoreException
public void storeIoErrorCountTest() throws StoreException, IOException {
// setup testing environment
properties.put("", "2");
MockId id1 = getUniqueId();
MockId id2 = getUniqueId();
MockId id3 = getUniqueId();
MessageInfo corruptedInfo = new MessageInfo(getUniqueId(), PUT_RECORD_SIZE, Utils.getRandomShort(TestUtils.RANDOM), Utils.getRandomShort(TestUtils.RANDOM), Utils.Infinite_Time);
MessageInfo info1 = new MessageInfo(id1, PUT_RECORD_SIZE, 3 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000, id1.getAccountId(), id1.getContainerId(), Utils.Infinite_Time);
MessageInfo info2 = new MessageInfo(id2, PUT_RECORD_SIZE, id2.getAccountId(), id2.getContainerId(), Utils.Infinite_Time);
MessageInfo info3 = new MessageInfo(id3, PUT_RECORD_SIZE, id3.getAccountId(), id3.getContainerId(), Utils.Infinite_Time);
MessageWriteSet corruptedWriteSet = new MockMessageWriteSet(Collections.singletonList(corruptedInfo), Collections.singletonList(ByteBuffer.allocate(PUT_RECORD_SIZE)), new StoreException(StoreException.IO_ERROR_STR, StoreErrorCodes.IOError));
MessageWriteSet validWriteSet1 = new MockMessageWriteSet(Collections.singletonList(info1), Collections.singletonList(ByteBuffer.allocate(PUT_RECORD_SIZE)), null);
MessageWriteSet validWriteSet2 = new MockMessageWriteSet(Collections.singletonList(info2), Collections.singletonList(ByteBuffer.allocate(PUT_RECORD_SIZE)), null);
MessageWriteSet validWriteSet3 = new MockMessageWriteSet(Collections.singletonList(info3), Collections.singletonList(ByteBuffer.allocate(PUT_RECORD_SIZE)), null);
ReplicaStatusDelegate mockDelegate = mock(ReplicaStatusDelegate.class);
// Test1: simulate StoreErrorCodes.IOError triggered by corrupted write set.
// verify that store can capture disk I/O errors in Put/Delete/TtlUpdate methods and take proper actions.
BlobStore testStore1 = createBlobStore(getMockReplicaId(tempDirStr), new StoreConfig(new VerifiableProperties(properties)), Collections.singletonList(mockDelegate));
assertTrue("Store should start successfully", testStore1.isStarted());
// verify store can keep track of real I/O errors for Put operation and shutdown properly.
try {
fail("should throw exception");
} catch (StoreException e) {
assertEquals("Mismatch in error code", StoreErrorCodes.IOError, e.getErrorCode());
assertTrue("Store should be up", testStore1.isStarted());
// verify error count would be reset after successful Put operation
assertEquals("Error count should be reset", 0, testStore1.getErrorCount().get());
// trigger a normal shutdown to persist data (otherwise following delete/ttl update operation will encounter ID_Not_Found error)
// restart for subsequent tests
// verify consecutive two failed Puts would make store shutdown (storeIoErrorCountToTriggerShutdown = 2)
for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
try {
} catch (StoreException e) {
assertEquals("Mismatch in error code", StoreErrorCodes.IOError, e.getErrorCode());
assertFalse("Store should shutdown because error count exceeded threshold", testStore1.isStarted());
// verify store can keep track of real I/O errors for Delete and TtlUpdate operations and shutdown properly.
assertEquals("Error count should be reset", 0, testStore1.getErrorCount().get());
// Test2: Simulate StoreErrorCodes.IOError occurred in getStoreKey step even though WriteSet is valid
// verify that store can capture disk I/O errors in GET method and take proper actions. Put/Delete/TtlUpdates are also tested.
properties.put("store.index.max.number.of.inmem.elements", "1");
properties.put("", "3");
MetricRegistry registry = new MetricRegistry();
StoreMetrics metrics = new StoreMetrics(registry);
StoreKeyFactory mockStoreKeyFactory = Mockito.spy(STORE_KEY_FACTORY);
BlobStore testStore2 = new BlobStore(getMockReplicaId(tempDirStr), new StoreConfig(new VerifiableProperties(properties)), scheduler, storeStatsScheduler, diskIOScheduler, diskSpaceAllocator, metrics, metrics, mockStoreKeyFactory, recovery, hardDelete, Collections.singletonList(mockDelegate), time, new InMemAccountService(false, false), null);
assertTrue("Store should start up", testStore2.isStarted());
// shutdown and restart to make the segments be memory mapped (this is used to simulate IOException generated by mockStoreKeyFactory)
doThrow(new IOException(StoreException.IO_ERROR_STR)).when(mockStoreKeyFactory).getStoreKey(any(DataInputStream.class));
// verify that store exceptions (caused by IOException and InternalError) could be captured by Get operation
try {
testStore2.get(Collections.singletonList(id2), EnumSet.noneOf(StoreGetOptions.class));
fail("should throw exception");
} catch (StoreException e) {
assertEquals("Mismatch in error code", StoreErrorCodes.IOError, e.getErrorCode());
doThrow(new InternalError(StoreException.INTERNAL_ERROR_STR)).when(mockStoreKeyFactory).getStoreKey(any(DataInputStream.class));
try {
testStore2.get(Collections.singletonList(id2), EnumSet.noneOf(StoreGetOptions.class));
fail("should throw exception");
} catch (StoreException e) {
assertEquals("Mismatch in error code", StoreErrorCodes.IOError, e.getErrorCode());
assertEquals("Mismatch in error count", 2, testStore2.getErrorCount().get());
// test that when InternalError's error message is null, the error code should be Unknown_Error and store error count
// stays unchanged.
doThrow(new InternalError()).when(mockStoreKeyFactory).getStoreKey(any(DataInputStream.class));
try {
testStore2.get(Collections.singletonList(id2), EnumSet.noneOf(StoreGetOptions.class));
fail("should throw exception");
} catch (StoreException e) {
assertEquals("Mismatch in error code", StoreErrorCodes.Unknown_Error, e.getErrorCode());
assertEquals("Mismatch in error count", 2, testStore2.getErrorCount().get());
// verify that StoreException.Unknown_Error could be captured by Get and error count stays unchanged.
doThrow(new IOException("Unknown exception")).when(mockStoreKeyFactory).getStoreKey(any(DataInputStream.class));
try {
testStore2.get(Collections.singletonList(id2), EnumSet.noneOf(StoreGetOptions.class));
fail("should throw exception");
} catch (StoreException e) {
assertEquals("Mismatch in error code", StoreErrorCodes.Unknown_Error, e.getErrorCode());
doThrow(new InternalError("Unknown exception")).when(mockStoreKeyFactory).getStoreKey(any(DataInputStream.class));
try {
testStore2.get(Collections.singletonList(id2), EnumSet.noneOf(StoreGetOptions.class));
fail("should throw exception");
} catch (StoreException e) {
assertEquals("Mismatch in error code", StoreErrorCodes.Unknown_Error, e.getErrorCode());
assertEquals("Mismatch in error count", 2, testStore2.getErrorCount().get());
// verify error count would be reset after successful Get operation
StoreInfo storeInfo = testStore2.get(Collections.singletonList(id2), EnumSet.noneOf(StoreGetOptions.class));
assertEquals("Error count should be reset", 0, testStore2.getErrorCount().get());
doThrow(new IOException(StoreException.IO_ERROR_STR)).when(mockStoreKeyFactory).getStoreKey(any(DataInputStream.class));
// call put method to trigger StoreException
try {
fail("should throw exception");
} catch (StoreException e) {
assertEquals("Mismatch in error code", StoreErrorCodes.IOError, e.getErrorCode());
// call TtlUpdate method to trigger StoreException
MessageInfo ttlUpdateInfo = new MessageInfo(id2, TTL_UPDATE_RECORD_SIZE, false, true, Utils.Infinite_Time, id2.getAccountId(), id2.getContainerId(), time.milliseconds());
try {
fail("should throw exception");
} catch (StoreException e) {
assertEquals("Mismatch in error code", StoreErrorCodes.IOError, e.getErrorCode());
// call delete method to trigger StoreException
MessageInfo deleteInfo = new MessageInfo(id2, DELETE_RECORD_SIZE, id2.getAccountId(), id2.getContainerId(), time.milliseconds());
try {
fail("should throw exception");
} catch (StoreException e) {
assertEquals("Mismatch in error code", StoreErrorCodes.IOError, e.getErrorCode());
// verify error count keeps track of StoreException and shut down store properly
assertEquals("Mismatch in triggered shutdown counter", 1, metrics.storeIoErrorTriggeredShutdownCount.getCount());
assertFalse("Store should shutdown because error count exceeded threshold", testStore2.isStarted());
use of com.github.ambry.account.InMemAccountService in project ambry by linkedin.
the class BlobStoreTest method deleteStoreFilesTest.
* Test both success and failure cases when deleting store files.
* @throws Exception
public void deleteStoreFilesTest() throws Exception {
// create test store directory
File storeDir = StoreTestUtils.createTempDirectory("store-" + storeId);
File reserveDir = StoreTestUtils.createTempDirectory("reserve-pool");
DiskSpaceAllocator diskAllocator = new DiskSpaceAllocator(true, reserveDir, 0, new StorageManagerMetrics(new MetricRegistry()));
StoreConfig config = new StoreConfig(new VerifiableProperties(properties));
MetricRegistry registry = new MetricRegistry();
StoreMetrics metrics = new StoreMetrics(registry);
BlobStore testStore = new BlobStore(getMockReplicaId(storeDir.getAbsolutePath()), config, scheduler, storeStatsScheduler, diskIOScheduler, diskAllocator, metrics, metrics, STORE_KEY_FACTORY, recovery, hardDelete, null, time, new InMemAccountService(false, false), null);
DiskSpaceRequirements diskSpaceRequirements = testStore.getDiskSpaceRequirements();
diskAllocator.initializePool(diskSpaceRequirements == null ? Collections.emptyList() : Collections.singletonList(testStore.getDiskSpaceRequirements()));
// ensure store directory and file exist
assertTrue("Store directory doesn't exist", storeDir.exists());
File storeSegmentDir = new File(reserveDir, DiskSpaceAllocator.STORE_DIR_PREFIX + storeId);
if (isLogSegmented) {
assertTrue("Store segment directory doesn't exist", storeSegmentDir.exists());
assertTrue("In-mem store file map should contain entry associated with test store", diskAllocator.getStoreReserveFileMap().containsKey(storeId));
// test that deletion on started store should fail
try {
} catch (IllegalStateException e) {
// expected
// create a unreadable dir in store dir to induce deletion failure
File invalidDir = new File(storeDir, "invalidDir");
assertTrue("Couldn't create dir within store dir", invalidDir.mkdir());
assertTrue("Could not make unreadable", invalidDir.setReadable(false));
try {
fail("should fail because one invalid dir is unreadable");
} catch (Exception e) {
// expected
assertTrue("store directory should exist because deletion failed", storeDir.exists());
// reset permission to allow deletion to succeed.
assertTrue("Could not make readable", invalidDir.setReadable(true));
// put a swap segment into store dir
File tempFile = File.createTempFile("sample-swap", LogSegmentName.SUFFIX + BlobStoreCompactor.TEMP_LOG_SEGMENT_NAME_SUFFIX, storeDir);
// test success case (swap segment is returned and store dir is correctly deleted)
assertEquals("Swap reserve dir should be empty initially", 0, diskAllocator.getSwapReserveFileMap().getFileSizeSet().size());
assertFalse("swap segment still exists", tempFile.exists());
assertEquals("Swap reserve dir should have one swap segment", 1, diskAllocator.getSwapReserveFileMap().getFileSizeSet().size());
assertFalse("store directory shouldn't exist", storeDir.exists());
assertFalse("store segment directory shouldn't exist", storeSegmentDir.exists());
assertFalse("test store entry should have been removed from in-mem store file map ", diskAllocator.getStoreReserveFileMap().containsKey(storeId));