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Example 11 with MockDataNodeId

use of com.github.ambry.clustermap.MockDataNodeId in project ambry by linkedin.

the class OperationTrackerTest method deleteTtlUpdateWithReplicaStateTest.

 * Test delete/ttlUpdate operation when replicasStateEnabled is enabled/disabled.
 * local dc: 2 STANDBY and 1 INACTIVE; remote dc: 2 STANDBY and 1 INACTIVE
 * 1. Issue 3 requests in parallel
 * 2. Make 2 requests fail
 * 3. Issue 1 requests (replicaState enabled tracker only has 4 eligible replicas)
 * 4. Make 1 succeed and 1 fail (replicaState enabled tracker should fail)
 * 5. Make remaining requests succeed, this only applies for tracker with replicaState disabled and operation should succeed.
public void deleteTtlUpdateWithReplicaStateTest() {
    List<Port> portList = Collections.singletonList(new Port(PORT, PortType.PLAINTEXT));
    List<String> mountPaths = Collections.singletonList("mockMountPath");
    // set up one node per data center for testing
    datanodes = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(new MockDataNodeId(portList, mountPaths, "dc-0"), new MockDataNodeId(portList, mountPaths, "dc-1")));
    mockPartition = new MockPartitionId();
    localDcName = datanodes.get(0).getDatacenterName();
    mockClusterMap = new MockClusterMap(false, datanodes, 1, Collections.singletonList(mockPartition), localDcName);
    // put two STANDBY replicas in each data center (note that "populateReplicaList" method alternatively distributes
    // the replica, so here we set 4 for two dc in total)
    populateReplicaList(4, ReplicaState.STANDBY);
    // put one INACTIVE in each data center
    populateReplicaList(2, ReplicaState.INACTIVE);
    // test both delete and Ttl Update cases
    for (RouterOperation operation : EnumSet.of(RouterOperation.DeleteOperation, RouterOperation.TtlUpdateOperation)) {
        OperationTracker ot = getOperationTracker(true, 1, 2, operation, true);
        // issue delete/ttlUpdate requests to 2 local replica and 1 remote replica
        sendRequests(ot, 3, false);
        // make 2 requests fail and send requests again
        for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
            ot.onResponse(inflightReplicas.poll(), TrackedRequestFinalState.FAILURE);
        // for replicaState enabled operation tracker, only 1 eligible replica left, so numRequestsExpected = 1
        sendRequests(ot, replicasStateEnabled ? 1 : 2, false);
        // make 1 requests fail and 1 request succeed then replicaState enabled operation tracker should fail
        ot.onResponse(inflightReplicas.poll(), TrackedRequestFinalState.FAILURE);
        ot.onResponse(inflightReplicas.poll(), TrackedRequestFinalState.SUCCESS);
        if (replicasStateEnabled) {
            assertFalse("Operation should fail", ot.hasSucceeded());
        } else {
            // if replicasStateEnabled = false, operation tracker is able to succeed after 1 more request succeed
            ot.onResponse(inflightReplicas.poll(), TrackedRequestFinalState.SUCCESS);
            assertTrue("Operation should succeed", ot.hasSucceeded());
        assertTrue("Operation should be done", ot.isDone());
Also used : MockPartitionId(com.github.ambry.clustermap.MockPartitionId) Port( MockDataNodeId(com.github.ambry.clustermap.MockDataNodeId) MockClusterMap(com.github.ambry.clustermap.MockClusterMap) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 12 with MockDataNodeId

use of com.github.ambry.clustermap.MockDataNodeId in project ambry by linkedin.

the class OperationTrackerTest method localPutWithReplicaStateTest.

 * Test put operation in local dc when replicasStateEnabled is enabled/disabled.
 * Test steps:
 * Case1: Only 2 STANDBY replicas in local dc;
 *        Make 1 succeed and the other fail (both current and replicaState enabled tracker should fail)
 * Case2: 2 STANDBY, 1 INACTIVE replicas in local dc
 *        Make 1 fail and 2 succeed (replicaState enabled operation tracker should fail)
 * Case3: 1 LEADER, 4 STANDBY and 1 INACTIVE in local dc
 *        Make 3 succeed and 2 fail (replicaState enabled operation tracker should fail)
public void localPutWithReplicaStateTest() {
    List<Port> portList = Collections.singletonList(new Port(PORT, PortType.PLAINTEXT));
    List<String> mountPaths = Collections.singletonList("mockMountPath");
    datanodes = Collections.singletonList(new MockDataNodeId(portList, mountPaths, "dc-0"));
    mockPartition = new MockPartitionId();
    // test that if there are only 2 eligible replicas, the success target should use routerConfig.routerPutSuccessTarget
    populateReplicaList(2, ReplicaState.STANDBY);
    localDcName = datanodes.get(0).getDatacenterName();
    mockClusterMap = new MockClusterMap(false, datanodes, 1, Collections.singletonList(mockPartition), localDcName);
    OperationTracker ot = getOperationTracker(true, 1, 2, RouterOperation.PutOperation, true);
    assertFalse("Operation should not have been done.", ot.isDone());
    sendRequests(ot, 2, false);
    // make one requests succeed, the other fail
    ot.onResponse(inflightReplicas.poll(), TrackedRequestFinalState.SUCCESS);
    ot.onResponse(inflightReplicas.poll(), TrackedRequestFinalState.FAILURE);
    assertFalse("Operation should fail", ot.hasSucceeded());
    assertTrue("Operation should be done", ot.isDone());
    // add one more replica in INACTIVE state, now we have 2 STANDBY and 1 INACTIVE replicas
    populateReplicaList(1, ReplicaState.INACTIVE);
    ot = getOperationTracker(true, 1, 3, RouterOperation.PutOperation, true);
    // issue PUT request
    sendRequests(ot, replicasStateEnabled ? 2 : 3, false);
    // make first request fail and rest requests succeed
    ot.onResponse(inflightReplicas.poll(), TrackedRequestFinalState.FAILURE);
    while (!inflightReplicas.isEmpty()) {
        ot.onResponse(inflightReplicas.poll(), TrackedRequestFinalState.SUCCESS);
    if (replicasStateEnabled) {
        assertFalse("Operation should fail because only 2 replicas eligible and 1 has failed", ot.hasSucceeded());
    } else {
        assertTrue("Operation should succeed when there are 2 success", ot.hasSucceeded());
    // add three more replicas: one in LEADER state, the other two in STANDBY state
    populateReplicaList(1, ReplicaState.LEADER);
    populateReplicaList(2, ReplicaState.STANDBY);
    // now we have 6 replicas: 1 LEADER, 4 STANDBY and 1 INACTIVE. Number of eligible replicas = 1 + 4 = 5
    ot = getOperationTracker(true, 1, 5, RouterOperation.PutOperation, true);
    // issue PUT request, parallelism should be 5 when replicaState is enabled.
    sendRequests(ot, 5, false);
    // remaining test is for replicaState enabled operation tracker
    if (replicasStateEnabled) {
        // make first 3 requests succeed
        for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
            ot.onResponse(inflightReplicas.poll(), TrackedRequestFinalState.SUCCESS);
            // success target should be 4 when replicaState is enabled for operation tracker, so operation is not done yet
            // even though it has succeeded on 3 replicas.
            assertFalse("Operation should not be done", ot.isDone());
        // make last 2 requests fail, then operation should be done and result should be failure
        for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
            ot.onResponse(inflightReplicas.poll(), TrackedRequestFinalState.FAILURE);
        assertFalse("Operation should fail", ot.hasSucceeded());
        assertTrue("Operation should be done", ot.isDone());
Also used : MockPartitionId(com.github.ambry.clustermap.MockPartitionId) Port( MockDataNodeId(com.github.ambry.clustermap.MockDataNodeId) MockClusterMap(com.github.ambry.clustermap.MockClusterMap) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 13 with MockDataNodeId

use of com.github.ambry.clustermap.MockDataNodeId in project ambry by linkedin.

the class OperationTrackerTest method initializeWithCloudDcs.

 * Initialize 4 DCs, 2 disk datacenters, 2 cloud datacenters. Each disk datacenter has 3 replicas, and each cloud
 * datacenter has 1 replica.
 * @param makeCloudDcLocal {@code true} to make the local datacenter one of the cloud datacenters.
private void initializeWithCloudDcs(boolean makeCloudDcLocal) {
    List<Port> portList = Collections.singletonList(new Port(PORT, PortType.PLAINTEXT));
    List<String> mountPaths = Collections.singletonList("mockMountPath");
    mockPartition = new MockPartitionId();
    List<MockDataNodeId> diskNodes = Arrays.asList(new MockDataNodeId(portList, mountPaths, "dc-0"), new MockDataNodeId(portList, mountPaths, "dc-1"));
    populateReplicaList(3 * diskNodes.size(), ReplicaState.STANDBY, diskNodes);
    List<MockDataNodeId> cloudNodes = Arrays.asList(new MockDataNodeId(portList, Collections.emptyList(), "cloud-dc-0"), new MockDataNodeId(portList, Collections.emptyList(), "cloud-dc-1"));
    // only one cloud replica per cloud dc.
    populateReplicaList(cloudNodes.size(), ReplicaState.STANDBY, cloudNodes);
    datanodes = new ArrayList<>();
    localDcName = (makeCloudDcLocal ? cloudNodes : diskNodes).get(0).getDatacenterName();
    mockClusterMap = new MockClusterMap(false, datanodes, 1, Collections.singletonList(mockPartition), localDcName);
Also used : MockPartitionId(com.github.ambry.clustermap.MockPartitionId) Port( MockDataNodeId(com.github.ambry.clustermap.MockDataNodeId) MockClusterMap(com.github.ambry.clustermap.MockClusterMap)

Example 14 with MockDataNodeId

use of com.github.ambry.clustermap.MockDataNodeId in project ambry by linkedin.

the class OperationTrackerTest method initialize.

 * Initialize 4 DCs, each DC has 1 data node, which has 3 replicas.
private void initialize() {
    int replicaCount = 12;
    List<Port> portList = Collections.singletonList(new Port(PORT, PortType.PLAINTEXT));
    List<String> mountPaths = Collections.singletonList("mockMountPath");
    datanodes = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(new MockDataNodeId(portList, mountPaths, "dc-0"), new MockDataNodeId(portList, mountPaths, "dc-1"), new MockDataNodeId(portList, mountPaths, "dc-2"), new MockDataNodeId(portList, mountPaths, "dc-3")));
    mockPartition = new MockPartitionId();
    populateReplicaList(replicaCount, ReplicaState.STANDBY);
    localDcName = datanodes.get(0).getDatacenterName();
    mockClusterMap = new MockClusterMap(false, datanodes, 1, Collections.singletonList(mockPartition), localDcName);
Also used : MockPartitionId(com.github.ambry.clustermap.MockPartitionId) Port( MockDataNodeId(com.github.ambry.clustermap.MockDataNodeId) MockClusterMap(com.github.ambry.clustermap.MockClusterMap)

Example 15 with MockDataNodeId

use of com.github.ambry.clustermap.MockDataNodeId in project ambry by linkedin.

the class ServerTestUtil method checkReplicaTokens.

 * Repeatedly check the replication token file until a certain offset value on all nodes on a certain
 * partition is found.  Fail if {@code numTries} is exceeded or a token offset larger than the target
 * is found.
 * @param clusterMap the cluster map that contains the data node to inspect
 * @param dataNodeId the data node to inspect
 * @param targetOffset the token offset to look for in the {@code targetPartition}
 * @param targetPartition the name of the partition to look for the {@code targetOffset}
 * @throws Exception
private static void checkReplicaTokens(MockClusterMap clusterMap, DataNodeId dataNodeId, long targetOffset, String targetPartition) throws Exception {
    List<String> mountPaths = ((MockDataNodeId) dataNodeId).getMountPaths();
    // we should have an entry for each partition - remote replica pair
    Set<String> completeSetToCheck = new HashSet<>();
    List<ReplicaId> replicaIds = clusterMap.getReplicaIds(dataNodeId);
    int numRemoteNodes = 0;
    for (ReplicaId replicaId : replicaIds) {
        List<? extends ReplicaId> peerReplicas = replicaId.getPeerReplicaIds();
        if (replicaId.getPartitionId().isEqual(targetPartition)) {
            numRemoteNodes = peerReplicas.size();
        for (ReplicaId peerReplica : peerReplicas) {
            completeSetToCheck.add(replicaId.getPartitionId().toString() + peerReplica.getDataNodeId().getHostname() + peerReplica.getDataNodeId().getPort());
    StoreKeyFactory storeKeyFactory = Utils.getObj("com.github.ambry.commons.BlobIdFactory", clusterMap);
    FindTokenFactory factory = Utils.getObj("", storeKeyFactory);
    int numTries = 4;
    boolean foundTarget = false;
    while (!foundTarget && numTries > 0) {
        Set<String> setToCheck = new HashSet<String>(completeSetToCheck);
        int numFound = 0;
        for (String mountPath : mountPaths) {
            File replicaTokenFile = new File(mountPath, "replicaTokens");
            if (replicaTokenFile.exists()) {
                CrcInputStream crcStream = new CrcInputStream(new FileInputStream(replicaTokenFile));
                DataInputStream dataInputStream = new DataInputStream(crcStream);
                try {
                    short version = dataInputStream.readShort();
                    assertEquals(1, version);
                    while (dataInputStream.available() > 8) {
                        // read partition id
                        PartitionId partitionId = clusterMap.getPartitionIdFromStream(dataInputStream);
                        // read remote node host name
                        String hostname = Utils.readIntString(dataInputStream);
                        // read remote replica path
                        // read remote port
                        int port = dataInputStream.readInt();
                        assertTrue(setToCheck.contains(partitionId.toString() + hostname + port));
                        setToCheck.remove(partitionId.toString() + hostname + port);
                        // read total bytes read from local store
                        // read replica type
                        ReplicaType replicaType = ReplicaType.values()[dataInputStream.readShort()];
                        // read replica token
                        StoreFindToken token = (StoreFindToken) factory.getFindToken(dataInputStream);
                        System.out.println("partitionId " + partitionId + " hostname " + hostname + " port " + port + " token " + token);
                        Offset endTokenOffset = token.getOffset();
                        long parsedToken = endTokenOffset == null ? -1 : endTokenOffset.getOffset();
                        System.out.println("The parsed token is " + parsedToken);
                        if (partitionId.isEqual(targetPartition)) {
                            assertFalse("Parsed offset: " + parsedToken + " must not be larger than target value: " + targetOffset, parsedToken > targetOffset);
                            if (parsedToken == targetOffset) {
                        } else {
                            assertEquals("Tokens should remain at -1 offsets on unmodified partitions", -1, parsedToken);
                    long crc = crcStream.getValue();
                    assertEquals(crc, dataInputStream.readLong());
                } catch (IOException e) {
                } finally {
        if (numFound == numRemoteNodes) {
            foundTarget = true;
    if (!foundTarget) {
        fail("Could not find target token offset: " + targetOffset);
Also used : StoreFindToken( IOException( NettyByteBufDataInputStream(com.github.ambry.utils.NettyByteBufDataInputStream) DataInputStream( MockPartitionId(com.github.ambry.clustermap.MockPartitionId) PartitionId(com.github.ambry.clustermap.PartitionId) FindTokenFactory(com.github.ambry.replication.FindTokenFactory) ReplicaId(com.github.ambry.clustermap.ReplicaId) MockReplicaId(com.github.ambry.clustermap.MockReplicaId) FileInputStream( Offset( StoreKeyFactory( CrcInputStream(com.github.ambry.utils.CrcInputStream) ReplicaType(com.github.ambry.clustermap.ReplicaType) MockDataNodeId(com.github.ambry.clustermap.MockDataNodeId) File( HashSet(java.util.HashSet)


MockDataNodeId (com.github.ambry.clustermap.MockDataNodeId)63 Test (org.junit.Test)49 MockPartitionId (com.github.ambry.clustermap.MockPartitionId)44 ReplicaId (com.github.ambry.clustermap.ReplicaId)35 Port ( MockClusterMap (com.github.ambry.clustermap.MockClusterMap)28 PartitionId (com.github.ambry.clustermap.PartitionId)28 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)25 BlobStoreTest ( VerifiableProperties (com.github.ambry.config.VerifiableProperties)16 Properties (java.util.Properties)16 MetricRegistry (com.codahale.metrics.MetricRegistry)15 File ( HashSet (java.util.HashSet)13 DataNodeId (com.github.ambry.clustermap.DataNodeId)12 MockReplicaId (com.github.ambry.clustermap.MockReplicaId)11 StateTransitionException (com.github.ambry.clustermap.StateTransitionException)11 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)10 CountDownLatch (java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch)10 Counter (com.codahale.metrics.Counter)9