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Example 91 with ReplicaId

use of com.github.ambry.clustermap.ReplicaId in project ambry by linkedin.

the class MockSelector method testBasicSendAndPoll.

 * tests basic request sending, polling and receiving responses correctly associated with the requests.
public void testBasicSendAndPoll() {
    DataNodeId dataNodeId = localPlainTextDataNodes.get(0);
    ReplicaId replicaId = sslDisabledClusterMap.getReplicaIds(dataNodeId).get(0);
    List<RequestInfo> requestInfoList = new ArrayList<>();
    List<ResponseInfo> responseInfoList;
    requestInfoList.add(new RequestInfo(dataNodeId.getHostname(), dataNodeId.getPortToConnectTo(), new MockSend(1), replicaId, null));
    requestInfoList.add(new RequestInfo(dataNodeId.getHostname(), dataNodeId.getPortToConnectTo(), new MockSend(2), replicaId, null));
    int requestCount = requestInfoList.size();
    int responseCount = 0;
    do {
        responseInfoList = networkClient.sendAndPoll(requestInfoList, Collections.emptySet(), POLL_TIMEOUT_MS);
        for (ResponseInfo responseInfo : responseInfoList) {
            MockSend send = (MockSend) responseInfo.getRequestInfo().getRequest();
            NetworkClientErrorCode error = responseInfo.getError();
            ByteBuf response = responseInfo.content();
            Assert.assertNull("Should not have encountered an error", error);
            Assert.assertNotNull("Should receive a valid response", response);
            int correlationIdInRequest = send.getCorrelationId();
            int correlationIdInResponse = response.readInt();
            Assert.assertEquals("Received response for the wrong request", correlationIdInRequest, correlationIdInResponse);
    } while (requestCount > responseCount);
    Assert.assertEquals("Should receive only as many responses as there were requests", requestCount, responseCount);
    responseInfoList = networkClient.sendAndPoll(requestInfoList, Collections.emptySet(), POLL_TIMEOUT_MS);
    Assert.assertEquals("No responses are expected at this time", 0, responseInfoList.size());
Also used : ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) ByteBuf(io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf) DataNodeId(com.github.ambry.clustermap.DataNodeId) MockDataNodeId(com.github.ambry.clustermap.MockDataNodeId) ReplicaId(com.github.ambry.clustermap.ReplicaId) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 92 with ReplicaId

use of com.github.ambry.clustermap.ReplicaId in project ambry by linkedin.

the class ReplicationMetrics method updateLagMetricForRemoteReplica.

 * Update the lag between local and {@link RemoteReplicaInfo}. The lag indicates how far local replica is behind remote
 * peer replica.
 * @param remoteReplicaInfo the remote replica
 * @param lag the new lag
public void updateLagMetricForRemoteReplica(RemoteReplicaInfo remoteReplicaInfo, long lag) {
    ReplicaId replicaId = remoteReplicaInfo.getReplicaId();
    // update the partition's lag if and only if it was tracked.
    partitionLags.computeIfPresent(replicaId.getPartitionId(), (k, v) -> {
        v.put(replicaId.getDataNodeId(), lag);
        return v;
Also used : ReplicaId(com.github.ambry.clustermap.ReplicaId)

Example 93 with ReplicaId

use of com.github.ambry.clustermap.ReplicaId in project ambry by linkedin.

the class ReplicationMetrics method populateInvalidMessageMetricForReplicas.

private void populateInvalidMessageMetricForReplicas(List<? extends ReplicaId> replicaIds) {
    for (ReplicaId replicaId : replicaIds) {
        PartitionId partitionId = replicaId.getPartitionId();
        if (!partitionIdToInvalidMessageStreamErrorCounter.containsKey(partitionId)) {
            Counter partitionBasedCorruptionErrorCount = registry.counter(, partitionId + "-CorruptionErrorCount"));
            partitionIdToInvalidMessageStreamErrorCounter.put(partitionId, partitionBasedCorruptionErrorCount);
Also used : Counter(com.codahale.metrics.Counter) PartitionId(com.github.ambry.clustermap.PartitionId) ReplicaId(com.github.ambry.clustermap.ReplicaId)

Example 94 with ReplicaId

use of com.github.ambry.clustermap.ReplicaId in project ambry by linkedin.

the class ReplicaThread method getLeaderReplicaList.

 * Get list of remote replica infos whose local replica is a leader of the partition of this data center and
 * remote replica is a leader of the partition of remote data center. This list is used for leader-based cross colo
 * replication to exchange missing blobs between only leader replicas. For non-leader replica pairs (leader <->
 * standby, standby <-> leader, standby <-> standby), we will wait the missing blobs to come from their leader interactions.
 * @param remoteReplicaInfos list of all remote replicas
 * @param exchangeMetadataResponseList list of metadata responses received from the remote replicas
 * @param leaderReplicaInfosOutput output list of leader replicas. It will populated in this method.
 * @param exchangeMetadataResponseListForLeaderReplicaInfosOutput output list of metadata responses received for the leader
 *                                                       replicas. It will be populated in this method.
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException
void getLeaderReplicaList(List<RemoteReplicaInfo> remoteReplicaInfos, List<ExchangeMetadataResponse> exchangeMetadataResponseList, List<RemoteReplicaInfo> leaderReplicaInfosOutput, List<ExchangeMetadataResponse> exchangeMetadataResponseListForLeaderReplicaInfosOutput) throws IllegalArgumentException {
    if (exchangeMetadataResponseList.size() != remoteReplicaInfos.size()) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("ExchangeMetadataResponseList size " + exchangeMetadataResponseList.size() + " and replicasToReplicatePerNode size " + remoteReplicaInfos.size() + " should be the same");
    for (int i = 0; i < remoteReplicaInfos.size(); i++) {
        RemoteReplicaInfo remoteReplicaInfo = remoteReplicaInfos.get(i);
        ReplicaId localReplica = remoteReplicaInfo.getLocalReplicaId();
        ReplicaId remoteReplica = remoteReplicaInfo.getReplicaId();
        // Check if local replica and remote replica are leaders for their partition.
        if (leaderBasedReplicationAdmin.isLeaderPair(localReplica, remoteReplica)) {
Also used : ReplicaId(com.github.ambry.clustermap.ReplicaId)

Example 95 with ReplicaId

use of com.github.ambry.clustermap.ReplicaId in project ambry by linkedin.

the class ReplicaThread method getRemoteStandbyReplicasTimedOutOnNoProgress.

 * Returns list of remote replica infos whose missing blobs in their metadata response haven't arrived within
 * time = replicationConfig.replicationStandbyWaitTimeoutToTriggerCrossColoFetchSeconds.
 * @param remoteReplicaInfos list of remote replica infos
 * @return list of remote replica infos which have timed out due to no progress
List<RemoteReplicaInfo> getRemoteStandbyReplicasTimedOutOnNoProgress(List<RemoteReplicaInfo> remoteReplicaInfos) {
    // Use case: In leader-based cross colo replication, non-leader replica pairs don't fetch blobs for missing keys
    // found in metadata exchange and expect them to come from leader<->leader replication and intra-dc replication.
    // However, if for any reason, some of their missing blobs never arrive via local leader, this is a safety feature
    // for standbys to fetch the blobs themselves in order to avoid being stuck.
    // Example scenario: For DELETE after PUT use case in remote data center, it is possible that standby replicas get
    // only PUT record in its replication cycle (DELETE record will come in next cycle) while leader gets both
    // PUT and DELETE together in its replication cycle. Due to that, deleted blob is not fetched by leader and is not
    // replicated from leader to standby. As a result, the corresponding PUT record in standby's missing blobs set is
    // never received.
    // Time out period is configurable via replicationStandbyWaitTimeoutToTriggerCrossColoFetchSeconds. If
    // replicationStandbyWaitTimeoutToTriggerCrossColoFetchSeconds == -1, this safety feature is disabled.
    List<RemoteReplicaInfo> remoteReplicasTimedOut = new ArrayList<>();
    if (replicationConfig.replicationStandbyWaitTimeoutToTriggerCrossColoFetchSeconds != -1) {
        for (RemoteReplicaInfo remoteReplicaInfo : remoteReplicaInfos) {
            ReplicaId localReplica = remoteReplicaInfo.getLocalReplicaId();
            ReplicaId remoteReplica = remoteReplicaInfo.getReplicaId();
            ExchangeMetadataResponse exchangeMetadataResponse = remoteReplicaInfo.getExchangeMetadataResponse();
            if (!leaderBasedReplicationAdmin.isLeaderPair(localReplica, remoteReplica) && exchangeMetadataResponse.hasMissingStoreMessages() && (time.seconds() - exchangeMetadataResponse.lastMissingMessageReceivedTimeSec) > replicationConfig.replicationStandbyWaitTimeoutToTriggerCrossColoFetchSeconds) {
    return remoteReplicasTimedOut;
Also used : ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) ReplicaId(com.github.ambry.clustermap.ReplicaId)


ReplicaId (com.github.ambry.clustermap.ReplicaId)147 Test (org.junit.Test)83 PartitionId (com.github.ambry.clustermap.PartitionId)68 MockPartitionId (com.github.ambry.clustermap.MockPartitionId)60 MockReplicaId (com.github.ambry.clustermap.MockReplicaId)57 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)55 MockDataNodeId (com.github.ambry.clustermap.MockDataNodeId)43 DataNodeId (com.github.ambry.clustermap.DataNodeId)32 MockClusterMap (com.github.ambry.clustermap.MockClusterMap)31 MetricRegistry (com.codahale.metrics.MetricRegistry)29 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)28 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)25 ClusterMapConfig (com.github.ambry.config.ClusterMapConfig)24 VerifiableProperties (com.github.ambry.config.VerifiableProperties)24 BlobStoreTest ( File ( List (java.util.List)21 Map (java.util.Map)21 Port ( Properties (java.util.Properties)20