use of com.github.ambry.clustermap.ReplicaStatusDelegate in project ambry by linkedin.
the class BlobStore method checkCapacityAndUpdateReplicaStatusDelegate.
* Checks the used capacity of the store against the configured percentage thresholds to see if the store
* should be read-only or read-write
private void checkCapacityAndUpdateReplicaStatusDelegate() {
if (replicaStatusDelegates != null) {
logger.debug("The current used capacity is {} bytes on store {}", index.getLogUsedCapacity(), replicaId.getPartitionId());
// state, we bypass "isSealed()" check if there are more than one replicaStatusDelegates.
if (index.getLogUsedCapacity() > thresholdBytesHigh && (!replicaId.isSealed() || (replicaStatusDelegates.size() > 1 && !isSealed.getAndSet(true)))) {
for (ReplicaStatusDelegate replicaStatusDelegate : replicaStatusDelegates) {
if (!replicaStatusDelegate.seal(replicaId)) {;
logger.warn("Could not set the partition as read-only status on {}", replicaId);
} else {;"Store is successfully sealed for partition : {} because current used capacity : {} bytes exceeds ReadOnly threshold : {} bytes", replicaId.getPartitionId(), index.getLogUsedCapacity(), thresholdBytesHigh);
} else if (index.getLogUsedCapacity() <= thresholdBytesLow && (replicaId.isSealed() || (replicaStatusDelegates.size() > 1 && isSealed.getAndSet(false)))) {
for (ReplicaStatusDelegate replicaStatusDelegate : replicaStatusDelegates) {
if (!replicaStatusDelegate.unseal(replicaId)) {;
logger.warn("Could not set the partition as read-write status on {}", replicaId);
} else {;"Store is successfully unsealed for partition : {} because current used capacity : {} bytes is below ReadWrite threshold : {} bytes", replicaId.getPartitionId(), index.getLogUsedCapacity(), thresholdBytesLow);
// During startup, we also need to reconcile the replica state from both ZK clusters.
if (!started && replicaStatusDelegates.size() > 1 && thresholdBytesLow < index.getLogUsedCapacity() && index.getLogUsedCapacity() <= thresholdBytesHigh) {
// reconcile the state by reading sealing state from both clusters
boolean sealed = false;
String partitionName = replicaId.getPartitionId().toPathString();
for (ReplicaStatusDelegate replicaStatusDelegate : replicaStatusDelegates) {
Set<String> sealedReplicas = new HashSet<>(replicaStatusDelegate.getSealedReplicas());
sealed |= sealedReplicas.contains(partitionName);
for (ReplicaStatusDelegate replicaStatusDelegate : replicaStatusDelegates) {
boolean success = sealed ? replicaStatusDelegate.seal(replicaId) : replicaStatusDelegate.unseal(replicaId);
if (success) {"Succeeded in reconciling replica state to {} state", sealed ? "sealed" : "unsealed");
} else {
logger.error("Failed on reconciling replica state to {} state", sealed ? "sealed" : "unsealed");
// else: maintain current replicaId status if percentFilled between threshold - delta and threshold
} else {
logger.debug("The ReplicaStatusDelegate is not instantiated");
use of com.github.ambry.clustermap.ReplicaStatusDelegate in project ambry by linkedin.
the class BlobStoreTest method storeIoErrorCountTest.
* Tests that {@link BlobStore#onError()} and {@link BlobStore#onSuccess()} can correctly capture disk related I/O errors
* and properly shutdown the store.
* @throws StoreException
public void storeIoErrorCountTest() throws StoreException, IOException {
// setup testing environment
properties.put("", "2");
MockId id1 = getUniqueId();
MockId id2 = getUniqueId();
MockId id3 = getUniqueId();
MessageInfo corruptedInfo = new MessageInfo(getUniqueId(), PUT_RECORD_SIZE, Utils.getRandomShort(TestUtils.RANDOM), Utils.getRandomShort(TestUtils.RANDOM), Utils.Infinite_Time);
MessageInfo info1 = new MessageInfo(id1, PUT_RECORD_SIZE, 3 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000, id1.getAccountId(), id1.getContainerId(), Utils.Infinite_Time);
MessageInfo info2 = new MessageInfo(id2, PUT_RECORD_SIZE, id2.getAccountId(), id2.getContainerId(), Utils.Infinite_Time);
MessageInfo info3 = new MessageInfo(id3, PUT_RECORD_SIZE, id3.getAccountId(), id3.getContainerId(), Utils.Infinite_Time);
MessageWriteSet corruptedWriteSet = new MockMessageWriteSet(Collections.singletonList(corruptedInfo), Collections.singletonList(ByteBuffer.allocate(PUT_RECORD_SIZE)), new StoreException(StoreException.IO_ERROR_STR, StoreErrorCodes.IOError));
MessageWriteSet validWriteSet1 = new MockMessageWriteSet(Collections.singletonList(info1), Collections.singletonList(ByteBuffer.allocate(PUT_RECORD_SIZE)), null);
MessageWriteSet validWriteSet2 = new MockMessageWriteSet(Collections.singletonList(info2), Collections.singletonList(ByteBuffer.allocate(PUT_RECORD_SIZE)), null);
MessageWriteSet validWriteSet3 = new MockMessageWriteSet(Collections.singletonList(info3), Collections.singletonList(ByteBuffer.allocate(PUT_RECORD_SIZE)), null);
ReplicaStatusDelegate mockDelegate = mock(ReplicaStatusDelegate.class);
// Test1: simulate StoreErrorCodes.IOError triggered by corrupted write set.
// verify that store can capture disk I/O errors in Put/Delete/TtlUpdate methods and take proper actions.
BlobStore testStore1 = createBlobStore(getMockReplicaId(tempDirStr), new StoreConfig(new VerifiableProperties(properties)), Collections.singletonList(mockDelegate));
assertTrue("Store should start successfully", testStore1.isStarted());
// verify store can keep track of real I/O errors for Put operation and shutdown properly.
try {
fail("should throw exception");
} catch (StoreException e) {
assertEquals("Mismatch in error code", StoreErrorCodes.IOError, e.getErrorCode());
assertTrue("Store should be up", testStore1.isStarted());
// verify error count would be reset after successful Put operation
assertEquals("Error count should be reset", 0, testStore1.getErrorCount().get());
// trigger a normal shutdown to persist data (otherwise following delete/ttl update operation will encounter ID_Not_Found error)
// restart for subsequent tests
// verify consecutive two failed Puts would make store shutdown (storeIoErrorCountToTriggerShutdown = 2)
for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
try {
} catch (StoreException e) {
assertEquals("Mismatch in error code", StoreErrorCodes.IOError, e.getErrorCode());
assertFalse("Store should shutdown because error count exceeded threshold", testStore1.isStarted());
// verify store can keep track of real I/O errors for Delete and TtlUpdate operations and shutdown properly.
assertEquals("Error count should be reset", 0, testStore1.getErrorCount().get());
// Test2: Simulate StoreErrorCodes.IOError occurred in getStoreKey step even though WriteSet is valid
// verify that store can capture disk I/O errors in GET method and take proper actions. Put/Delete/TtlUpdates are also tested.
properties.put("store.index.max.number.of.inmem.elements", "1");
properties.put("", "3");
MetricRegistry registry = new MetricRegistry();
StoreMetrics metrics = new StoreMetrics(registry);
StoreKeyFactory mockStoreKeyFactory = Mockito.spy(STORE_KEY_FACTORY);
BlobStore testStore2 = new BlobStore(getMockReplicaId(tempDirStr), new StoreConfig(new VerifiableProperties(properties)), scheduler, storeStatsScheduler, diskIOScheduler, diskSpaceAllocator, metrics, metrics, mockStoreKeyFactory, recovery, hardDelete, Collections.singletonList(mockDelegate), time, new InMemAccountService(false, false), null);
assertTrue("Store should start up", testStore2.isStarted());
// shutdown and restart to make the segments be memory mapped (this is used to simulate IOException generated by mockStoreKeyFactory)
doThrow(new IOException(StoreException.IO_ERROR_STR)).when(mockStoreKeyFactory).getStoreKey(any(DataInputStream.class));
// verify that store exceptions (caused by IOException and InternalError) could be captured by Get operation
try {
testStore2.get(Collections.singletonList(id2), EnumSet.noneOf(StoreGetOptions.class));
fail("should throw exception");
} catch (StoreException e) {
assertEquals("Mismatch in error code", StoreErrorCodes.IOError, e.getErrorCode());
doThrow(new InternalError(StoreException.INTERNAL_ERROR_STR)).when(mockStoreKeyFactory).getStoreKey(any(DataInputStream.class));
try {
testStore2.get(Collections.singletonList(id2), EnumSet.noneOf(StoreGetOptions.class));
fail("should throw exception");
} catch (StoreException e) {
assertEquals("Mismatch in error code", StoreErrorCodes.IOError, e.getErrorCode());
assertEquals("Mismatch in error count", 2, testStore2.getErrorCount().get());
// test that when InternalError's error message is null, the error code should be Unknown_Error and store error count
// stays unchanged.
doThrow(new InternalError()).when(mockStoreKeyFactory).getStoreKey(any(DataInputStream.class));
try {
testStore2.get(Collections.singletonList(id2), EnumSet.noneOf(StoreGetOptions.class));
fail("should throw exception");
} catch (StoreException e) {
assertEquals("Mismatch in error code", StoreErrorCodes.Unknown_Error, e.getErrorCode());
assertEquals("Mismatch in error count", 2, testStore2.getErrorCount().get());
// verify that StoreException.Unknown_Error could be captured by Get and error count stays unchanged.
doThrow(new IOException("Unknown exception")).when(mockStoreKeyFactory).getStoreKey(any(DataInputStream.class));
try {
testStore2.get(Collections.singletonList(id2), EnumSet.noneOf(StoreGetOptions.class));
fail("should throw exception");
} catch (StoreException e) {
assertEquals("Mismatch in error code", StoreErrorCodes.Unknown_Error, e.getErrorCode());
doThrow(new InternalError("Unknown exception")).when(mockStoreKeyFactory).getStoreKey(any(DataInputStream.class));
try {
testStore2.get(Collections.singletonList(id2), EnumSet.noneOf(StoreGetOptions.class));
fail("should throw exception");
} catch (StoreException e) {
assertEquals("Mismatch in error code", StoreErrorCodes.Unknown_Error, e.getErrorCode());
assertEquals("Mismatch in error count", 2, testStore2.getErrorCount().get());
// verify error count would be reset after successful Get operation
StoreInfo storeInfo = testStore2.get(Collections.singletonList(id2), EnumSet.noneOf(StoreGetOptions.class));
assertEquals("Error count should be reset", 0, testStore2.getErrorCount().get());
doThrow(new IOException(StoreException.IO_ERROR_STR)).when(mockStoreKeyFactory).getStoreKey(any(DataInputStream.class));
// call put method to trigger StoreException
try {
fail("should throw exception");
} catch (StoreException e) {
assertEquals("Mismatch in error code", StoreErrorCodes.IOError, e.getErrorCode());
// call TtlUpdate method to trigger StoreException
MessageInfo ttlUpdateInfo = new MessageInfo(id2, TTL_UPDATE_RECORD_SIZE, false, true, Utils.Infinite_Time, id2.getAccountId(), id2.getContainerId(), time.milliseconds());
try {
fail("should throw exception");
} catch (StoreException e) {
assertEquals("Mismatch in error code", StoreErrorCodes.IOError, e.getErrorCode());
// call delete method to trigger StoreException
MessageInfo deleteInfo = new MessageInfo(id2, DELETE_RECORD_SIZE, id2.getAccountId(), id2.getContainerId(), time.milliseconds());
try {
fail("should throw exception");
} catch (StoreException e) {
assertEquals("Mismatch in error code", StoreErrorCodes.IOError, e.getErrorCode());
// verify error count keeps track of StoreException and shut down store properly
assertEquals("Mismatch in triggered shutdown counter", 1, metrics.storeIoErrorTriggeredShutdownCount.getCount());
assertFalse("Store should shutdown because error count exceeded threshold", testStore2.isStarted());
use of com.github.ambry.clustermap.ReplicaStatusDelegate in project ambry by linkedin.
the class BlobStoreTest method testClusterManagerReplicaStatusDelegateUse.
* Tests blob store use of {@link ReplicaStatusDelegate}
* @throws StoreException
public void testClusterManagerReplicaStatusDelegateUse() throws StoreException, IOException, InterruptedException {
// TODO: compaction for segmented logs) never encounters TTL updates
if (isLogSegmented) {
scheduler = Utils.newScheduler(1, false);
storeStatsScheduler = Utils.newScheduler(1, false);
setupTestState(false, false);
properties.setProperty("store.set.local.partition.state.enabled", Boolean.toString(true));
// Setup threshold test properties, replicaId, mock write status delegate
StoreConfig defaultConfig = changeThreshold(65, 5, true);
StoreTestUtils.MockReplicaId replicaId = getMockReplicaId(tempDirStr);
ReplicaStatusDelegate replicaStatusDelegate = mock(ReplicaStatusDelegate.class);
// Restart store
reloadStore(defaultConfig, replicaId, Collections.singletonList(replicaStatusDelegate));
// Check that after start, replicaStatusDelegate is called to enable replica if it was previously disabled
verify(replicaStatusDelegate, times(1)).enableReplica(replicaId);
// Verify that putting in data that doesn't go over the threshold doesn't trigger the delegate
put(1, 50, Utils.Infinite_Time);
verify(replicaStatusDelegate, times(0)).seal(replicaId);
// Verify that after putting in enough data, the store goes to read only
// setupTestState already have created 3 log segments, there we create another 4 segments, it should
// be enough to fill up to 65% of the log capacity.
List<MockId> addedIds = put(4, (long) (SEGMENT_CAPACITY * 0.8), Utils.Infinite_Time);
verify(replicaStatusDelegate, times(1)).seal(replicaId);
// Assumes ClusterParticipant sets replicaId status to true
// Change config threshold but with delegate disabled, verify that nothing happens (store doesn't get unsealed)
reloadStore(changeThreshold(99, 1, false), replicaId, Collections.singletonList(replicaStatusDelegate));
verify(replicaStatusDelegate, times(0)).unseal(replicaId);
// Change config threshold to higher, see that it gets changed to unsealed on reset
reloadStore(changeThreshold(99, 1, true), replicaId, Collections.singletonList(replicaStatusDelegate));
verify(replicaStatusDelegate, times(1)).unseal(replicaId);
// Reset thresholds, verify that it changed back
reloadStore(defaultConfig, replicaId, Collections.singletonList(replicaStatusDelegate));
verify(replicaStatusDelegate, times(2)).seal(replicaId);
// Remaining tests only relevant for segmented logs
if (isLogSegmented) {
// Delete added data
for (MockId addedId : addedIds) {
// Need to restart blob otherwise compaction will ignore segments in journal (which are all segments right now).
// By restarting, only last segment will be in journal
reloadStore(defaultConfig, replicaId, Collections.singletonList(replicaStatusDelegate));
verify(replicaStatusDelegate, times(4)).enableReplica(replicaId);
// Advance time by 8 days, call compaction to compact segments with deleted data, then verify
// that the store is now read-write
store.compact(store.getCompactionDetails(new CompactAllPolicy(defaultConfig, time)), new byte[PUT_RECORD_SIZE * 2 + 1]);
verify(replicaStatusDelegate, times(2)).unseal(replicaId);
// Test if replicaId is erroneously true that it updates the status upon startup
reloadStore(defaultConfig, replicaId, Collections.singletonList(replicaStatusDelegate));
verify(replicaStatusDelegate, times(3)).unseal(replicaId);
properties.setProperty("store.set.local.partition.state.enabled", Boolean.toString(false));
use of com.github.ambry.clustermap.ReplicaStatusDelegate in project ambry by linkedin.
the class BlobStoreTest method multiReplicaStatusDelegatesTest.
* Test store is able to correctly seal/unseal replica with multiple participants.
* @throws Exception
public void multiReplicaStatusDelegatesTest() throws Exception {
Set<ReplicaId> sealedReplicas1 = new HashSet<>();
ReplicaStatusDelegate mockDelegate1 = Mockito.mock(ReplicaStatusDelegate.class);
doAnswer(invocation -> {
return true;
Set<ReplicaId> sealedReplicas2 = new HashSet<>();
ReplicaStatusDelegate mockDelegate2 = Mockito.mock(ReplicaStatusDelegate.class);
doAnswer(invocation -> {
return true;
doAnswer(invocation -> {
sealedReplicas1.remove((ReplicaId) invocation.getArgument(0));
return true;
doAnswer(invocation -> {
sealedReplicas2.remove((ReplicaId) invocation.getArgument(0));
return true;
doAnswer(invocation -> -> r.getPartitionId().toPathString()).collect(Collectors.toList())).when(mockDelegate1).getSealedReplicas();
doAnswer(invocation -> -> r.getPartitionId().toPathString()).collect(Collectors.toList())).when(mockDelegate2).getSealedReplicas();
StoreConfig defaultConfig = changeThreshold(65, 5, true);
StoreTestUtils.MockReplicaId replicaId = getMockReplicaId(tempDirStr);
reloadStore(defaultConfig, replicaId, Arrays.asList(mockDelegate1, mockDelegate2));
// make the replica sealed
put(4, (long) (SEGMENT_CAPACITY * 0.8), Utils.Infinite_Time);
assertEquals("Sealed replica lists are different", sealedReplicas1, sealedReplicas2);
assertEquals("Sealed replica is not correct", replicaId, sealedReplicas1.iterator().next());
// try to bump the readonly threshold so as to unseal the replica
reloadStore(changeThreshold(99, 1, true), replicaId, Arrays.asList(mockDelegate1, mockDelegate2));
assertTrue("Replica should be unsealed", sealedReplicas1.isEmpty() && sealedReplicas2.isEmpty());
assertEquals("After startup, store should be in STANDBY state", STANDBY, store.getCurrentState());
// verify store still updates sealed lists even though replica state is already sealed. ("replicaId.setSealedState(true)")
// lower the threshold to make replica sealed again
reloadStore(changeThreshold(50, 5, true), replicaId, Arrays.asList(mockDelegate1, mockDelegate2));
assertEquals("Sealed replica lists are different", sealedReplicas1, sealedReplicas2);
assertEquals("Sealed replica is not correct", replicaId, sealedReplicas1.iterator().next());
// verify reconciliation case: we make read-write delta a wide range and clear sealedReplicas2 to make them reconcile
reloadStore(changeThreshold(99, 90, true), replicaId, Arrays.asList(mockDelegate1, mockDelegate2));
assertEquals("Sealed replica lists are different", sealedReplicas1, sealedReplicas2);
assertEquals("Sealed replica is not correct", replicaId, sealedReplicas2.iterator().next());