use of com.github.ambry.clustermap.StateTransitionException in project ambry by linkedin.
the class StatsManagerTest method testReplicaFromOfflineToDropped.
* Test Offline-To-Dropped transition (both failure and success cases)
* @throws Exception
public void testReplicaFromOfflineToDropped() throws Exception {
ClusterMapConfig clusterMapConfig = new ClusterMapConfig(verifiableProperties);
ReplicationConfig replicationConfig = new ReplicationConfig(verifiableProperties);
StoreConfig storeConfig = new StoreConfig(verifiableProperties);
MockClusterMap clusterMap = new MockClusterMap();
DataNodeId currentNode = clusterMap.getDataNodeIds().get(0);
List<ReplicaId> localReplicas = clusterMap.getReplicaIds(currentNode);
StorageManager storageManager = new StorageManager(storeConfig, new DiskManagerConfig(verifiableProperties), Utils.newScheduler(1, true), new MetricRegistry(), null, clusterMap, currentNode, null, Collections.singletonList(clusterParticipant), new MockTime(), null, new InMemAccountService(false, false));
MockStoreKeyConverterFactory storeKeyConverterFactory = new MockStoreKeyConverterFactory(null, null);
storeKeyConverterFactory.setConversionMap(new HashMap<>());
MockReplicationManager mockReplicationManager = new MockReplicationManager(replicationConfig, clusterMapConfig, storeConfig, storageManager, clusterMap, currentNode, storeKeyConverterFactory, clusterParticipant);
MockStatsManager mockStatsManager = new MockStatsManager(storageManager, localReplicas, new MetricRegistry(), statsManagerConfig, clusterParticipant);
// 1. attempt to remove replica while store is still running (remove store failure case)
ReplicaId replicaToDrop = localReplicas.get(0);
try {
fail("should fail because store is still running");
} catch (StateTransitionException e) {
assertEquals("Error code doesn't match", ReplicaOperationFailure, e.getErrorCode());
// 2. shutdown the store but introduce file deletion failure (put a invalid dir in store dir)
File invalidDir = new File(replicaToDrop.getReplicaPath(), "invalidDir");
assertTrue("Couldn't create dir within store dir", invalidDir.mkdir());
assertTrue("Could not make unreadable", invalidDir.setReadable(false));
try {
fail("should fail because store deletion fails");
} catch (StateTransitionException e) {
assertEquals("Error code doesn't match", ReplicaOperationFailure, e.getErrorCode());
// reset permission to allow deletion to succeed.
assertTrue("Could not make readable", invalidDir.setReadable(true));
assertTrue("Could not delete invalid dir", invalidDir.delete());
// 3. success case (remove another replica because previous replica has been removed from in-mem data structures)
ReplicaId replica = localReplicas.get(1);
MockHelixParticipant mockHelixParticipant = Mockito.spy(clusterParticipant);
doNothing().when(mockHelixParticipant).setPartitionDisabledState(anyString(), anyBoolean());
// verify that the replica is no longer present in StorageManager
assertNull("Store of removed replica should not exist", storageManager.getStore(replica.getPartitionId(), true));
// purposely remove the same replica in ReplicationManager again to verify it no longer exists
assertFalse("Should return false because replica no longer exists", mockReplicationManager.removeReplica(replica));
// purposely remove the same replica in StatsManager again to verify it no longer exists
assertFalse("Should return false because replica no longer exists", mockStatsManager.removeReplica(replica));
verify(mockHelixParticipant).setPartitionDisabledState(replica.getPartitionId().toPathString(), false);
use of com.github.ambry.clustermap.StateTransitionException in project ambry by linkedin.
the class StatsManagerTest method testReplicaFromOfflineToBootstrap.
* Test state transition in stats manager from OFFLINE to BOOTSTRAP
public void testReplicaFromOfflineToBootstrap() {
MockStatsManager mockStatsManager = new MockStatsManager(storageManager, replicas, new MetricRegistry(), statsManagerConfig, clusterParticipant);
// 1. verify stats manager's listener is registered
assertTrue("Stats manager listener is found in cluster participant", clusterParticipant.getPartitionStateChangeListeners().containsKey(StateModelListenerType.StatsManagerListener));
// 2. test partition not found
try {
fail("should fail because partition is not found");
} catch (StateTransitionException e) {
assertEquals("Transition error doesn't match", ReplicaNotFound, e.getErrorCode());
// 3. create a new partition and test replica addition failure
PartitionId newPartition = new MockPartitionId(3, MockClusterMap.DEFAULT_PARTITION_CLASS, Collections.singletonList((MockDataNodeId) dataNodeId), 0);
((MockStorageManager) storageManager).getReplicaReturnVal = newPartition.getReplicaIds().get(0);
mockStatsManager.returnValOfAddReplica = false;
try {
fail("should fail because adding replica to stats manager failed");
} catch (StateTransitionException e) {
assertEquals("Transition error code doesn't match", ReplicaOperationFailure, e.getErrorCode());
// 4. test replica addition success during Offline-To-Bootstrap transition
assertFalse("Before adding new replica, in-mem data structure should not contain new partition", mockStatsManager.partitionToReplicaMap.containsKey(newPartition));
mockStatsManager.returnValOfAddReplica = null;
assertTrue("After adding new replica, in-mem data structure should contain new partition", mockStatsManager.partitionToReplicaMap.containsKey(newPartition));
// 5. state transition on existing replica should be no-op
use of com.github.ambry.clustermap.StateTransitionException in project ambry by linkedin.
the class StorageManagerTest method replicaFromOfflineToBootstrapTest.
* test that both success and failure in storage manager when replica becomes BOOTSTRAP from OFFLINE (update
* InstanceConfig in Helix is turned off in this test)
* @throws Exception
public void replicaFromOfflineToBootstrapTest() throws Exception {
generateConfigs(true, false);
MockDataNodeId localNode = clusterMap.getDataNodes().get(0);
List<PartitionId> partitionIds = clusterMap.getAllPartitionIds(null);
List<ReplicaId> localReplicas = clusterMap.getReplicaIds(localNode);
MockClusterParticipant mockHelixParticipant = new MockClusterParticipant();
StorageManager storageManager = createStorageManager(localNode, metricRegistry, Collections.singletonList(mockHelixParticipant));
// 1. get listeners from Helix participant and verify there is a storageManager listener.
Map<StateModelListenerType, PartitionStateChangeListener> listeners = mockHelixParticipant.getPartitionStateChangeListeners();
assertTrue("Should contain storage manager listener", listeners.containsKey(StateModelListenerType.StorageManagerListener));
// 2. if new bootstrap replica is not found, there should be an exception
try {
mockHelixParticipant.onPartitionBecomeBootstrapFromOffline(String.valueOf(partitionIds.size() + 1));
fail("should fail due to bootstrap replica not found");
} catch (StateTransitionException e) {
assertEquals("Error code doesn't match", ReplicaNotFound, e.getErrorCode());
// 3. test regular store didn't start up (which triggers StoreNotStarted exception)
ReplicaId replicaId = localReplicas.get(0);
Store localStore = storageManager.getStore(replicaId.getPartitionId(), true);
try {
fail("should fail due to store not started");
} catch (StateTransitionException e) {
assertEquals("Error code doesn't match", StoreNotStarted, e.getErrorCode());
// 4. test both failure and success cases regarding new replica addition
PartitionId newPartition = clusterMap.createNewPartition(Collections.singletonList(localNode));
assertNull("There should not be any store associated with new partition", storageManager.getStore(newPartition, true));
// find an existing replica that shares disk with new replica
ReplicaId newReplica = newPartition.getReplicaIds().get(0);
ReplicaId replicaOnSameDisk = -> r.getDiskId().equals(newReplica.getDiskId())).findFirst().get();
// test add new store failure by shutting down target diskManager
try {
} catch (StateTransitionException e) {
assertEquals("Error code doesn't match", ReplicaOperationFailure, e.getErrorCode());
// restart disk manager to test case where new replica(store) is successfully added into StorageManager
BlobStore newAddedStore = (BlobStore) storageManager.getStore(newPartition);
assertNotNull("There should be a started store associated with new partition", newAddedStore);
// 5. verify that new added store has bootstrap file
assertTrue("There should be a bootstrap file indicating store is in BOOTSTRAP state", newAddedStore.isBootstrapInProgress());
assertEquals("The store's current state should be BOOTSTRAP", ReplicaState.BOOTSTRAP, newAddedStore.getCurrentState());
// 6. test that state transition should succeed for existing non-empty replicas (we write some data into store beforehand)
MockId id = new MockId(TestUtils.getRandomString(MOCK_ID_STRING_LENGTH), Utils.getRandomShort(TestUtils.RANDOM), Utils.getRandomShort(TestUtils.RANDOM));
MessageInfo info = new MessageInfo(id, PUT_RECORD_SIZE, id.getAccountId(), id.getContainerId(), Utils.Infinite_Time);
MessageWriteSet writeSet = new MockMessageWriteSet(Collections.singletonList(info), Collections.singletonList(ByteBuffer.allocate(PUT_RECORD_SIZE)));
Store storeToWrite = storageManager.getStore(localReplicas.get(1).getPartitionId());
assertFalse("There should not be any bootstrap file for existing non-empty store", storeToWrite.isBootstrapInProgress());
assertEquals("The store's current state should be BOOTSTRAP", ReplicaState.BOOTSTRAP, storeToWrite.getCurrentState());
// 7. test that for new created (empty) store, state transition puts it into BOOTSTRAP state
assertTrue("There should be a bootstrap file because store is empty and probably recreated", localStore.isBootstrapInProgress());
assertEquals("The store's current state should be BOOTSTRAP", ReplicaState.BOOTSTRAP, localStore.getCurrentState());
shutdownAndAssertStoresInaccessible(storageManager, localReplicas);