use of com.github.ambry.commons.BlobIdFactory in project ambry by linkedin.
the class ReplicationTest method ttlUpdateReplicationTest.
* Tests replication of TTL updates
* @throws Exception
public void ttlUpdateReplicationTest() throws Exception {
MockClusterMap clusterMap = new MockClusterMap();
Pair<MockHost, MockHost> localAndRemoteHosts = getLocalAndRemoteHosts(clusterMap);
MockHost localHost = localAndRemoteHosts.getFirst();
MockHost remoteHost = localAndRemoteHosts.getSecond();
MockHost expectedLocalHost = new MockHost(localHost.dataNodeId, clusterMap);
MockStoreKeyConverterFactory storeKeyConverterFactory = new MockStoreKeyConverterFactory(null, null);
storeKeyConverterFactory.setConversionMap(new HashMap<>());
MockStoreKeyConverterFactory.MockStoreKeyConverter storeKeyConverter = storeKeyConverterFactory.getStoreKeyConverter();
Map<StoreKey, StoreKey> conversionMap = new HashMap<>();
StoreKeyFactory storeKeyFactory = new BlobIdFactory(clusterMap);
Transformer transformer = new BlobIdTransformer(storeKeyFactory, storeKeyConverter);
List<PartitionId> partitionIds = clusterMap.getWritablePartitionIds(null);
int numMessagesInEachPart = 0;
Map<PartitionId, StoreKey> idsDeletedLocallyByPartition = new HashMap<>();
List<MockHost> remoteHostOnly = Collections.singletonList(remoteHost);
List<MockHost> expectedLocalHostOnly = Collections.singletonList(expectedLocalHost);
List<MockHost> localHostAndExpectedLocalHost = Arrays.asList(localHost, expectedLocalHost);
List<MockHost> remoteHostAndExpectedLocalHost = Arrays.asList(remoteHost, expectedLocalHost);
List<MockHost> allHosts = Arrays.asList(localHost, expectedLocalHost, remoteHost);
for (PartitionId pid : partitionIds) {
// add 3 put messages to both hosts (also add to expectedLocal)
List<StoreKey> ids = addPutMessagesToReplicasOfPartition(pid, allHosts, 3);
// delete 1 of the messages in the local host only
addDeleteMessagesToReplicasOfPartition(pid, ids.get(0), localHostAndExpectedLocalHost);
idsDeletedLocallyByPartition.put(pid, ids.get(0));
// ttl update 1 of the messages in the local host only
addTtlUpdateMessagesToReplicasOfPartition(pid, ids.get(1), localHostAndExpectedLocalHost, UPDATED_EXPIRY_TIME_MS);
// remote host only
// add 2 put messages
ids.addAll(addPutMessagesToReplicasOfPartition(pid, remoteHostOnly, 1));
ids.addAll(addPutMessagesToReplicasOfPartition(pid, remoteHostAndExpectedLocalHost, 1));
// ttl update all 5 put messages
for (int i = ids.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
List<MockHost> hostList = remoteHostOnly;
if (i == 2 || i == 4) {
hostList = remoteHostAndExpectedLocalHost;
// doing it in reverse order so that a put and ttl update arrive in the same batch
addTtlUpdateMessagesToReplicasOfPartition(pid, ids.get(i), hostList, UPDATED_EXPIRY_TIME_MS);
// delete one of the keys that has put and ttl update on local host
addDeleteMessagesToReplicasOfPartition(pid, ids.get(1), remoteHostAndExpectedLocalHost);
// delete one of the keys that has put and ttl update on remote only
addDeleteMessagesToReplicasOfPartition(pid, ids.get(3), remoteHostOnly);
// add a TTL update and delete message without a put msg (compaction can create such a situation)
BlobId id = generateRandomBlobId(pid);
addTtlUpdateMessagesToReplicasOfPartition(pid, id, remoteHostOnly, UPDATED_EXPIRY_TIME_MS);
addDeleteMessagesToReplicasOfPartition(pid, id, remoteHostOnly);
// message transformation test cases
// a blob ID with PUT and TTL update in both remote and local
BlobId b0 = generateRandomBlobId(pid);
BlobId b0p = generateRandomBlobId(pid);
// a blob ID with a PUT in the local and PUT and TTL update in remote (with mapping)
BlobId b1 = generateRandomBlobId(pid);
BlobId b1p = generateRandomBlobId(pid);
// a blob ID with PUT and TTL update in remote only (with mapping)
BlobId b2 = generateRandomBlobId(pid);
BlobId b2p = generateRandomBlobId(pid);
// a blob ID with PUT and TTL update in remote (no mapping)
BlobId b3 = generateRandomBlobId(pid);
conversionMap.put(b0, b0p);
conversionMap.put(b1, b1p);
conversionMap.put(b2, b2p);
conversionMap.put(b3, null);
// add as required on local, remote and expected local
// only PUT of b0p and b1p on local
addPutMessagesToReplicasOfPartition(Arrays.asList(b0p, b1p), localHostAndExpectedLocalHost);
// PUT of b0,b1,b2,b3 on remote
addPutMessagesToReplicasOfPartition(Arrays.asList(b0, b1, b2, b3), remoteHostOnly);
// PUT of b0, b1, b2 expected in local at the end
addPutMessagesToReplicasOfPartition(Collections.singletonList(b2), Collections.singletonList(transformer), expectedLocalHostOnly);
// TTL update of b0 on all hosts
addTtlUpdateMessagesToReplicasOfPartition(pid, b0p, localHostAndExpectedLocalHost, UPDATED_EXPIRY_TIME_MS);
addTtlUpdateMessagesToReplicasOfPartition(pid, b0, remoteHostOnly, UPDATED_EXPIRY_TIME_MS);
// TTL update on b1, b2 and b3 on remote
addTtlUpdateMessagesToReplicasOfPartition(pid, b1, remoteHostOnly, UPDATED_EXPIRY_TIME_MS);
addTtlUpdateMessagesToReplicasOfPartition(pid, b1p, expectedLocalHostOnly, UPDATED_EXPIRY_TIME_MS);
addTtlUpdateMessagesToReplicasOfPartition(pid, b2, remoteHostOnly, UPDATED_EXPIRY_TIME_MS);
addTtlUpdateMessagesToReplicasOfPartition(pid, b2p, expectedLocalHostOnly, UPDATED_EXPIRY_TIME_MS);
addTtlUpdateMessagesToReplicasOfPartition(pid, b3, remoteHostOnly, UPDATED_EXPIRY_TIME_MS);
numMessagesInEachPart = remoteHost.infosByPartition.get(pid).size();
// After the for loop above, we have records in hosts just like below
// L|id0|id1|id2|id0D|id1T| | | | | | | | | | | |b0p|b1p| | |b0pT| | | |
// R|id0|id1|id2| | |id3|id4|id4T|id3T|id2T|id1T|id0T|id1D|id3D|idT|idD|b0 |b1 |b2 |b3|b0T |b1T |b2T | b3T|
// E|id0|id1|id2|id0D|id1T| |id4|id4T| |id2T| | |id1D| | | |b0p|b1p|b2p| |b0pT|b1pT|b2pT| |
// converter map: b0->b0p, b1->b1p, b2->b2p, b3->null
int batchSize = 4;
Pair<Map<DataNodeId, List<RemoteReplicaInfo>>, ReplicaThread> replicasAndThread = getRemoteReplicasAndReplicaThread(batchSize, clusterMap, localHost, remoteHost, storeKeyConverter, transformer, null, null);
List<RemoteReplicaInfo> remoteReplicaInfos = replicasAndThread.getFirst().get(remoteHost.dataNodeId);
ReplicaThread replicaThread = replicasAndThread.getSecond();
Map<PartitionId, List<ByteBuffer>> missingBuffers = expectedLocalHost.getMissingBuffers(localHost.buffersByPartition);
// We can see from the table in the comments above, Local has 7 records less than expected local.
for (Map.Entry<PartitionId, List<ByteBuffer>> entry : missingBuffers.entrySet()) {
assertEquals("Missing buffers count mismatch", 7, entry.getValue().size());
// 1st iteration - 0 missing keys (3 puts already present, one put missing but del in remote, 1 ttl update will be
// applied, 1 delete will be applied): Remote returns: id0T, id1TD, id2T, id3TD. id3 put missing, but it's deleted.
// id1 apply delete, id2 apply ttl update. Token index is pointing to id3.
// 2nd iteration - 1 missing key, 1 of which will also be ttl updated (one key with put + ttl update missing but
// del in remote, one put and ttl update replicated): Remote returns: id3TD, id4T. id4 put missing, id3 deleted.
// Token index is pointing to id3T.
// 3rd iteration - 0 missing keys (1 ttl update missing but del in remote, 1 already ttl updated in iter 1, 1 key
// already ttl updated in local, 1 key del local): Remote returns: id3TD, id2T, id1TD, id0T. Token index is pointing
// to id0T.
// 4th iteration - 0 missing keys (1 key del local, 1 key already deleted, 1 key missing but del in remote, 1 key
// with ttl update missing but del remote): Remote returns: id0T, id1D, id3TD, idTD. Token index is pointing to idT.
// 5th iteration - 0 missing keys (1 key - two records - missing but del remote, 2 puts already present but TTL
// update of one of them is applied): Remote returns: idTD, b0T, b1T. b1 apply ttl update. Token index is pointing to
// b1.
// 6th iteration - 1 missing key (put + ttl update for a key, 1 deprecated id ignored, 1 TTL update already applied):
// Remote returns: b1T, b2T, b3T, b0T. b2 missing, and ttl updated. b3 has no local key.
// 7th iteration - 0 missing keys (2 TTL updates already applied, 1 TTL update of a deprecated ID ignored)
// |1st iter |2nd iter|3rd iter|4th iter|5th iter|6th iter|7th iter|
// L|id0|id1|id2|id0D|id1T| | | | | | | | | | | |b0p|b1p| | |b0pT| | | |id1D|id2T|id4|id4T| | |b1pT |b2p|b2pT|
// R|id0|id1|id2| | |id3|id4|id4T|id3T|id2T|id1T|id0T|id1D|id3D|idT|idD|b0 |b1 |b2 |b3|b0T |b1T |b2T | b3T|
// E|id0|id1|id2|id0D|id1T| |id4|id4T| |id2T| | |id1D| | | |b0p|b1p|b2p| |b0pT|b1pT|b2pT| |
int[] missingKeysCounts = { 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0 };
int[] missingBuffersCount = { 5, 3, 3, 3, 2, 0, 0 };
int expectedIndex = 0;
int missingBuffersIndex = 0;
for (int missingKeysCount : missingKeysCounts) {
expectedIndex = Math.min(expectedIndex + batchSize, numMessagesInEachPart) - 1;
List<ReplicaThread.ExchangeMetadataResponse> response = replicaThread.exchangeMetadata(new MockConnectionPool.MockConnection(remoteHost, batchSize), remoteReplicaInfos);
assertEquals("Response should contain a response for each replica", remoteReplicaInfos.size(), response.size());
for (int i = 0; i < response.size(); i++) {
assertEquals(missingKeysCount, response.get(i).missingStoreMessages.size());
assertEquals(expectedIndex, ((MockFindToken) response.get(i).remoteToken).getIndex());
replicaThread.fixMissingStoreKeys(new MockConnectionPool.MockConnection(remoteHost, batchSize), remoteReplicaInfos, response, false);
for (int i = 0; i < response.size(); i++) {
assertEquals("Token should have been set correctly in fixMissingStoreKeys()", response.get(i).remoteToken, remoteReplicaInfos.get(i).getToken());
missingBuffers = expectedLocalHost.getMissingBuffers(localHost.buffersByPartition);
for (Map.Entry<PartitionId, List<ByteBuffer>> entry : missingBuffers.entrySet()) {
assertEquals("Missing buffers count mismatch for iteration count " + missingBuffersIndex, missingBuffersCount[missingBuffersIndex], entry.getValue().size());
// no more missing keys
List<ReplicaThread.ExchangeMetadataResponse> response = replicaThread.exchangeMetadata(new MockConnectionPool.MockConnection(remoteHost, batchSize), remoteReplicaInfos);
assertEquals("Response should contain a response for each replica", remoteReplicaInfos.size(), response.size());
for (ReplicaThread.ExchangeMetadataResponse metadata : response) {
assertEquals(0, metadata.missingStoreMessages.size());
assertEquals(expectedIndex, ((MockFindToken) metadata.remoteToken).getIndex());
missingBuffers = expectedLocalHost.getMissingBuffers(localHost.buffersByPartition);
assertEquals("There should be no missing buffers", 0, missingBuffers.size());
// validate everything
for (Map.Entry<PartitionId, List<MessageInfo>> remoteInfoEntry : remoteHost.infosByPartition.entrySet()) {
List<MessageInfo> remoteInfos = remoteInfoEntry.getValue();
List<MessageInfo> localInfos = localHost.infosByPartition.get(remoteInfoEntry.getKey());
Set<StoreKey> seen = new HashSet<>();
for (MessageInfo remoteInfo : remoteInfos) {
StoreKey remoteId = remoteInfo.getStoreKey();
if (seen.add(remoteId)) {
StoreKey localId = storeKeyConverter.convert(Collections.singleton(remoteId)).get(remoteId);
MessageInfo localInfo = getMessageInfo(localId, localInfos, false, false, false);
if (localId == null) {
// this is a deprecated ID. There should be no messages locally
assertNull(remoteId + " is deprecated and should have no entries", localInfo);
} else {
MessageInfo mergedRemoteInfo = getMergedMessageInfo(remoteId, remoteInfos);
if (localInfo == null) {
// local has no put, must be deleted on remote
assertTrue(localId + ":" + remoteId + " not replicated", mergedRemoteInfo.isDeleted());
} else {
// local has a put and must be either at or beyond the state of the remote (based on ops above)
MessageInfo mergedLocalInfo = getMergedMessageInfo(localId, localInfos);
if (mergedRemoteInfo.isDeleted()) {
// delete on remote, should be deleted locally too
assertTrue(localId + ":" + remoteId + " is deleted on remote but not locally", mergedLocalInfo.isDeleted());
} else if (mergedRemoteInfo.isTtlUpdated() && !idsDeletedLocallyByPartition.get(remoteInfoEntry.getKey()).equals(localId)) {
// ttl updated on remote, should be ttl updated locally too
assertTrue(localId + ":" + remoteId + " is updated on remote but not locally", mergedLocalInfo.isTtlUpdated());
} else if (!idsDeletedLocallyByPartition.get(remoteInfoEntry.getKey()).equals(localId)) {
// should not be updated or deleted locally
assertFalse(localId + ":" + remoteId + " has been updated", mergedLocalInfo.isTtlUpdated());
assertFalse(localId + ":" + remoteId + " has been deleted", mergedLocalInfo.isDeleted());
use of com.github.ambry.commons.BlobIdFactory in project ambry by linkedin.
the class ReplicationTest method replicaThreadTestConverter.
* Tests that replication between a local and remote server who have different
* blob IDs for the same blobs (via StoreKeyConverter)
* @throws Exception
public void replicaThreadTestConverter() throws Exception {
MockClusterMap clusterMap = new MockClusterMap();
Pair<MockHost, MockHost> localAndRemoteHosts = getLocalAndRemoteHosts(clusterMap);
MockHost localHost = localAndRemoteHosts.getFirst();
MockHost remoteHost = localAndRemoteHosts.getSecond();
MockHost expectedLocalHost = new MockHost(localHost.dataNodeId, clusterMap);
MockStoreKeyConverterFactory storeKeyConverterFactory = new MockStoreKeyConverterFactory(null, null);
storeKeyConverterFactory.setConversionMap(new HashMap<>());
MockStoreKeyConverterFactory.MockStoreKeyConverter storeKeyConverter = storeKeyConverterFactory.getStoreKeyConverter();
List<PartitionId> partitionIds = clusterMap.getWritablePartitionIds(null);
Map<PartitionId, List<StoreKey>> idsToBeIgnoredByPartition = new HashMap<>();
StoreKeyFactory storeKeyFactory = new BlobIdFactory(clusterMap);
Transformer transformer = new BlobIdTransformer(storeKeyFactory, storeKeyConverter);
int batchSize = 4;
Pair<Map<DataNodeId, List<RemoteReplicaInfo>>, ReplicaThread> replicasAndThread = getRemoteReplicasAndReplicaThread(batchSize, clusterMap, localHost, remoteHost, storeKeyConverter, transformer, null, null);
Map<DataNodeId, List<RemoteReplicaInfo>> replicasToReplicate = replicasAndThread.getFirst();
ReplicaThread replicaThread = replicasAndThread.getSecond();
Key Value
B0 B0'
B1 B1'
B2 null
Local Remote
B0' B0
Local Remote
B0' B0
B1' B1
B0 is B0' for local,
B1 is B1' for local,
B2 is null for local,
so it already has B0/B0'
B1 is transferred to B1'
and B2 is invalid for L
so it does not count as missing
Missing Keys: 1
Map<PartitionId, List<BlobId>> partitionIdToDeleteBlobId = new HashMap<>();
Map<StoreKey, StoreKey> conversionMap = new HashMap<>();
Map<PartitionId, BlobId> expectedPartitionIdToDeleteBlobId = new HashMap<>();
for (int i = 0; i < partitionIds.size(); i++) {
PartitionId partitionId = partitionIds.get(i);
List<BlobId> deleteBlobIds = new ArrayList<>();
partitionIdToDeleteBlobId.put(partitionId, deleteBlobIds);
BlobId b0 = generateRandomBlobId(partitionId);
BlobId b0p = generateRandomBlobId(partitionId);
expectedPartitionIdToDeleteBlobId.put(partitionId, b0p);
BlobId b1 = generateRandomBlobId(partitionId);
BlobId b1p = generateRandomBlobId(partitionId);
BlobId b2 = generateRandomBlobId(partitionId);
conversionMap.put(b0, b0p);
conversionMap.put(b1, b1p);
conversionMap.put(b2, null);
// Convert current conversion map so that BlobIdTransformer can
// create b1p in expectedLocalHost
addPutMessagesToReplicasOfPartition(Arrays.asList(b0p), Arrays.asList(localHost));
addPutMessagesToReplicasOfPartition(Arrays.asList(b0, b1, b2), Arrays.asList(remoteHost));
addPutMessagesToReplicasOfPartition(Arrays.asList(b0p, b1), Arrays.asList(null, transformer), Arrays.asList(expectedLocalHost));
// Check that expected local host contains the correct blob ids
Set<BlobId> expectedLocalHostBlobIds = new HashSet<>();
for (MessageInfo messageInfo : expectedLocalHost.infosByPartition.get(partitionId)) {
assertTrue("Remove should never fail", expectedLocalHostBlobIds.remove(messageInfo.getStoreKey()));
assertTrue("expectedLocalHostBlobIds should now be empty", expectedLocalHostBlobIds.isEmpty());
int expectedIndex = assertMissingKeysAndFixMissingStoreKeys(0, 2, batchSize, 1, replicaThread, remoteHost, replicasToReplicate);
// Check that there are no missing buffers between expectedLocalHost and LocalHost
Map<PartitionId, List<ByteBuffer>> missingBuffers = expectedLocalHost.getMissingBuffers(localHost.buffersByPartition);
missingBuffers = localHost.getMissingBuffers(expectedLocalHost.buffersByPartition);
// delete blob
for (int i = 0; i < partitionIds.size(); i++) {
PartitionId partitionId = partitionIds.get(i);
List<BlobId> deleteBlobIds = partitionIdToDeleteBlobId.get(partitionId);
for (BlobId deleteBlobId : deleteBlobIds) {
addDeleteMessagesToReplicasOfPartition(partitionId, deleteBlobId, Arrays.asList(remoteHost));
addDeleteMessagesToReplicasOfPartition(partitionId, expectedPartitionIdToDeleteBlobId.get(partitionId), Arrays.asList(expectedLocalHost));
expectedIndex = assertMissingKeysAndFixMissingStoreKeys(expectedIndex, 2, batchSize, 0, replicaThread, remoteHost, replicasToReplicate);
// Check that there are no missing buffers between expectedLocalHost and LocalHost
missingBuffers = expectedLocalHost.getMissingBuffers(localHost.buffersByPartition);
missingBuffers = localHost.getMissingBuffers(expectedLocalHost.buffersByPartition);
// 3 unconverted + 2 unconverted deleted expected missing buffers
verifyNoMoreMissingKeysAndExpectedMissingBufferCount(remoteHost, localHost, replicaThread, replicasToReplicate, idsToBeIgnoredByPartition, storeKeyConverter, expectedIndex, expectedIndex, 5);
use of com.github.ambry.commons.BlobIdFactory in project ambry by linkedin.
the class ReplicationTestHelper method createStorageManagerAndReplicationManager.
* Helper method to create storage manager and replication manager
* @param clusterMap {@link ClusterMap} to use
* @param clusterMapConfig {@link ClusterMapConfig} to use
* @param clusterParticipant {@link com.github.ambry.clustermap.ClusterParticipant} for listener registration.
* @return a pair of storage manager and replication manager
* @throws Exception
protected Pair<StorageManager, ReplicationManager> createStorageManagerAndReplicationManager(ClusterMap clusterMap, ClusterMapConfig clusterMapConfig, MockHelixParticipant clusterParticipant, ConnectionPool mockConnectionPool) throws Exception {
StoreConfig storeConfig = new StoreConfig(verifiableProperties);
DataNodeId dataNodeId = clusterMap.getDataNodeIds().get(0);
MockStoreKeyConverterFactory storeKeyConverterFactory = new MockStoreKeyConverterFactory(null, null);
storeKeyConverterFactory.setConversionMap(new HashMap<>());
StoreKeyFactory storeKeyFactory = new BlobIdFactory(clusterMap);
StorageManager storageManager = new StorageManager(storeConfig, new DiskManagerConfig(verifiableProperties), Utils.newScheduler(1, true), new MetricRegistry(), null, clusterMap, dataNodeId, null, clusterParticipant == null ? null : Collections.singletonList(clusterParticipant), new MockTime(), null, new InMemAccountService(false, false));
MockReplicationManager replicationManager = new MockReplicationManager(replicationConfig, clusterMapConfig, storeConfig, storageManager, clusterMap, dataNodeId, storeKeyConverterFactory, clusterParticipant, mockConnectionPool, new MockFindTokenHelper(storeKeyFactory, replicationConfig), BlobIdTransformer.class.getName(), storeKeyFactory, time);
return new Pair<>(storageManager, replicationManager);
use of com.github.ambry.commons.BlobIdFactory in project ambry by linkedin.
the class ReplicationTest method replicaThreadLifeVersionLocalLessThanRemote_MissingPuts.
* Tests when the local store missing put records with lifeVersion greater than 0
public void replicaThreadLifeVersionLocalLessThanRemote_MissingPuts() throws Exception {
MockClusterMap clusterMap = new MockClusterMap();
Pair<MockHost, MockHost> localAndRemoteHosts = getLocalAndRemoteHosts(clusterMap);
MockHost localHost = localAndRemoteHosts.getFirst();
MockHost remoteHost = localAndRemoteHosts.getSecond();
MockStoreKeyConverterFactory storeKeyConverterFactory = new MockStoreKeyConverterFactory(null, null);
storeKeyConverterFactory.setConversionMap(new HashMap<>());
MockStoreKeyConverterFactory.MockStoreKeyConverter storeKeyConverter = storeKeyConverterFactory.getStoreKeyConverter();
Map<StoreKey, StoreKey> conversionMap = new HashMap<>();
StoreKeyFactory storeKeyFactory = new BlobIdFactory(clusterMap);
Transformer transformer = new BlobIdTransformer(storeKeyFactory, storeKeyConverter);
List<PartitionId> partitionIds = clusterMap.getWritablePartitionIds(null);
Map<PartitionId, List<StoreKey>> idsToBeIgnoredByPartition = new HashMap<>();
Map<PartitionId, List<StoreKey>> idsToBeTtlUpdatedByPartition = new HashMap<>();
short lifeVersion = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < partitionIds.size(); i++) {
List<StoreKey> toBeIgnored = new ArrayList<>();
List<StoreKey> toBeTtlUpdated = new ArrayList<>();
PartitionId partitionId = partitionIds.get(i);
// Adding 1 put to remoteHost at lifeVersion 0
List<StoreKey> ids = addPutMessagesToReplicasOfPartition(partitionId, Collections.singletonList(remoteHost), 1);
// Adding 1 put to remoteHost at lifeVersion 1
ids.addAll(addPutMessagesToReplicasOfPartition(partitionId, Collections.singletonList(remoteHost), lifeVersion, 1));
// Adding one put to remoteHost at lifeVersion 1, which would be ttl updated later at lifeVersion 1
StoreKey toTtlUpdateId = addPutMessagesToReplicasOfPartition(partitionId, Collections.singletonList(remoteHost), lifeVersion, 1).get(0);
addTtlUpdateMessagesToReplicasOfPartition(partitionId, toTtlUpdateId, Collections.singletonList(remoteHost), UPDATED_EXPIRY_TIME_MS, lifeVersion);
// Adding one put to remoteHost at lifeVersion 0, which would be ttl updated later at lifeVersion 1
toTtlUpdateId = addPutMessagesToReplicasOfPartition(partitionId, Collections.singletonList(remoteHost), 1).get(0);
addTtlUpdateMessagesToReplicasOfPartition(partitionId, toTtlUpdateId, Collections.singletonList(remoteHost), UPDATED_EXPIRY_TIME_MS, lifeVersion);
// Adding one put to remoteHost, which would be deleted later
StoreKey toDeleteId = addPutMessagesToReplicasOfPartition(partitionId, Arrays.asList(remoteHost), lifeVersion, 1).get(0);
addDeleteMessagesToReplicasOfPartition(partitionId, toDeleteId, Collections.singletonList(remoteHost), lifeVersion, EXPIRY_TIME_MS);
// Adding one put to remoteHost, which would be ttl updated and deleted later
StoreKey toDeleteAndTtlUpdateId = addPutMessagesToReplicasOfPartition(partitionId, Arrays.asList(remoteHost), lifeVersion, 1).get(0);
addTtlUpdateMessagesToReplicasOfPartition(partitionId, toDeleteAndTtlUpdateId, Collections.singletonList(remoteHost), UPDATED_EXPIRY_TIME_MS, lifeVersion);
addDeleteMessagesToReplicasOfPartition(partitionId, toDeleteAndTtlUpdateId, Collections.singletonList(remoteHost), lifeVersion, UPDATED_EXPIRY_TIME_MS);
// Adding one put to remoteHost at lifeVersion 0, delete it and then add undelete at lifeVersion 1
StoreKey deleteAndUndeleteId = addPutMessagesToReplicasOfPartition(partitionId, Collections.singletonList(remoteHost), 1).get(0);
addDeleteMessagesToReplicasOfPartition(partitionId, deleteAndUndeleteId, Collections.singletonList(remoteHost), (short) 0, EXPIRY_TIME_MS);
addUndeleteMessagesToReplicasOfPartition(partitionId, deleteAndUndeleteId, Collections.singletonList(remoteHost), lifeVersion);
idsToBeIgnoredByPartition.put(partitionId, toBeIgnored);
idsToBeTtlUpdatedByPartition.put(partitionId, toBeTtlUpdated);
// Adding one put to both remote and local host.
ids.addAll(addPutMessagesToReplicasOfPartition(partitionId, Arrays.asList(localHost, remoteHost), lifeVersion, 1));
int batchSize = 100;
Pair<Map<DataNodeId, List<RemoteReplicaInfo>>, ReplicaThread> replicasAndThread = getRemoteReplicasAndReplicaThread(batchSize, clusterMap, localHost, remoteHost, storeKeyConverter, transformer, null, null);
List<RemoteReplicaInfo> remoteReplicaInfos = replicasAndThread.getFirst().get(remoteHost.dataNodeId);
ReplicaThread replicaThread = replicasAndThread.getSecond();
int missingKeyCount = 5;
List<ReplicaThread.ExchangeMetadataResponse> response = replicaThread.exchangeMetadata(new MockConnectionPool.MockConnection(remoteHost, batchSize), remoteReplicaInfos);
assertEquals("Response should contain a response for each replica", remoteReplicaInfos.size(), response.size());
for (int i = 0; i < response.size(); i++) {
assertEquals(missingKeyCount, response.get(i).missingStoreMessages.size());
replicaThread.fixMissingStoreKeys(new MockConnectionPool.MockConnection(remoteHost, batchSize), remoteReplicaInfos, response, false);
for (int i = 0; i < response.size(); i++) {
assertEquals("Token should have been set correctly in fixMissingStoreKeys()", response.get(i).remoteToken, remoteReplicaInfos.get(i).getToken());
// Don't compare buffers here, PutBuffer might be different since we might change the lifeVersion.
for (Map.Entry<PartitionId, List<MessageInfo>> localInfoEntry : localHost.infosByPartition.entrySet()) {
assertEquals("MessageInfo number mismatch", 8, localInfoEntry.getValue().size());
checkBlobMessagesAreEqualInLocalAndRemoteHosts(localHost, remoteHost, idsToBeIgnoredByPartition, idsToBeTtlUpdatedByPartition);
use of com.github.ambry.commons.BlobIdFactory in project ambry by linkedin.
the class ReplicationTest method replicaThreadTest.
* Tests {@link ReplicaThread#exchangeMetadata(ConnectedChannel, List)} and
* {@link ReplicaThread#fixMissingStoreKeys(ConnectedChannel, List, List, boolean)} for valid puts, deletes, expired keys and
* corrupt blobs.
* @throws Exception
public void replicaThreadTest() throws Exception {
MockClusterMap clusterMap = new MockClusterMap();
Pair<MockHost, MockHost> localAndRemoteHosts = getLocalAndRemoteHosts(clusterMap);
MockHost localHost = localAndRemoteHosts.getFirst();
MockHost remoteHost = localAndRemoteHosts.getSecond();
MockStoreKeyConverterFactory storeKeyConverterFactory = new MockStoreKeyConverterFactory(null, null);
storeKeyConverterFactory.setConversionMap(new HashMap<>());
MockStoreKeyConverterFactory.MockStoreKeyConverter storeKeyConverter = storeKeyConverterFactory.getStoreKeyConverter();
short blobIdVersion = CommonTestUtils.getCurrentBlobIdVersion();
List<PartitionId> partitionIds = clusterMap.getWritablePartitionIds(null);
Map<PartitionId, List<StoreKey>> idsToBeIgnoredByPartition = new HashMap<>();
for (int i = 0; i < partitionIds.size(); i++) {
List<StoreKey> idsToBeIgnored = new ArrayList<>();
PartitionId partitionId = partitionIds.get(i);
// add 6 messages to both hosts.
StoreKey toDeleteId = addPutMessagesToReplicasOfPartition(partitionId, Arrays.asList(localHost, remoteHost), 6).get(0);
short accountId = Utils.getRandomShort(TestUtils.RANDOM);
short containerId = Utils.getRandomShort(TestUtils.RANDOM);
boolean toEncrypt = TestUtils.RANDOM.nextBoolean();
// add an expired message to the remote host only
StoreKey id = new BlobId(blobIdVersion, BlobId.BlobIdType.NATIVE, ClusterMap.UNKNOWN_DATACENTER_ID, accountId, containerId, partitionId, toEncrypt, BlobId.BlobDataType.DATACHUNK);
PutMsgInfoAndBuffer msgInfoAndBuffer = createPutMessage(id, accountId, containerId, toEncrypt);
remoteHost.addMessage(partitionId, new MessageInfo(id, msgInfoAndBuffer.byteBuffer.remaining(), 1, accountId, containerId, msgInfoAndBuffer.messageInfo.getOperationTimeMs()), msgInfoAndBuffer.byteBuffer);
// add 3 messages to the remote host only
addPutMessagesToReplicasOfPartition(partitionId, Collections.singletonList(remoteHost), 3);
accountId = Utils.getRandomShort(TestUtils.RANDOM);
containerId = Utils.getRandomShort(TestUtils.RANDOM);
toEncrypt = TestUtils.RANDOM.nextBoolean();
// add a corrupt message to the remote host only
id = new BlobId(blobIdVersion, BlobId.BlobIdType.NATIVE, ClusterMap.UNKNOWN_DATACENTER_ID, accountId, containerId, partitionId, toEncrypt, BlobId.BlobDataType.DATACHUNK);
msgInfoAndBuffer = createPutMessage(id, accountId, containerId, toEncrypt);
byte[] data = msgInfoAndBuffer.byteBuffer.array();
// flip every bit in the array
for (int j = 0; j < data.length; j++) {
data[j] ^= 0xFF;
remoteHost.addMessage(partitionId, msgInfoAndBuffer.messageInfo, msgInfoAndBuffer.byteBuffer);
// add 3 messages to the remote host only
addPutMessagesToReplicasOfPartition(partitionId, Collections.singletonList(remoteHost), 3);
// add delete record for the very first blob in the remote host only
addDeleteMessagesToReplicasOfPartition(partitionId, toDeleteId, Collections.singletonList(remoteHost));
// PUT and DELETE a blob in the remote host only
id = addPutMessagesToReplicasOfPartition(partitionId, Collections.singletonList(remoteHost), 1).get(0);
addDeleteMessagesToReplicasOfPartition(partitionId, id, Collections.singletonList(remoteHost));
// add 2 or 3 messages (depending on whether partition is even-numbered or odd-numbered) to the remote host only
addPutMessagesToReplicasOfPartition(partitionId, Collections.singletonList(remoteHost), i % 2 == 0 ? 2 : 3);
idsToBeIgnoredByPartition.put(partitionId, idsToBeIgnored);
// ensure that the first key is not deleted in the local host
assertNull(toDeleteId + " should not be deleted in the local host", getMessageInfo(toDeleteId, localHost.infosByPartition.get(partitionId), true, false, false));
StoreKeyFactory storeKeyFactory = new BlobIdFactory(clusterMap);
Transformer transformer = new BlobIdTransformer(storeKeyFactory, storeKeyConverter);
int batchSize = 4;
Pair<Map<DataNodeId, List<RemoteReplicaInfo>>, ReplicaThread> replicasAndThread = getRemoteReplicasAndReplicaThread(batchSize, clusterMap, localHost, remoteHost, storeKeyConverter, transformer, null, null);
Map<DataNodeId, List<RemoteReplicaInfo>> replicasToReplicate = replicasAndThread.getFirst();
ReplicaThread replicaThread = replicasAndThread.getSecond();
Map<PartitionId, List<ByteBuffer>> missingBuffers = remoteHost.getMissingBuffers(localHost.buffersByPartition);
for (Map.Entry<PartitionId, List<ByteBuffer>> entry : missingBuffers.entrySet()) {
if (partitionIds.indexOf(entry.getKey()) % 2 == 0) {
assertEquals("Missing buffers count mismatch", 13, entry.getValue().size());
} else {
assertEquals("Missing buffers count mismatch", 14, entry.getValue().size());
// 1st and 2nd iterations - no keys missing because all data is in both hosts
// 3rd iteration - 3 missing keys (one expired)
// 4th iteration - 3 missing keys (one expired) - the corrupt key also shows up as missing but is ignored later
// 5th iteration - 1 missing key (1 key from prev cycle, 1 deleted key, 1 never present key but deleted in remote)
// 6th iteration - 2 missing keys (2 entries i.e put,delete of never present key)
int[] missingKeysCounts = { 0, 0, 3, 3, 1, 2 };
int[] missingBuffersCount = { 12, 12, 9, 7, 6, 4 };
int expectedIndex = 0;
int missingBuffersIndex = 0;
for (int missingKeysCount : missingKeysCounts) {
expectedIndex = assertMissingKeysAndFixMissingStoreKeys(expectedIndex, batchSize - 1, batchSize, missingKeysCount, replicaThread, remoteHost, replicasToReplicate);
missingBuffers = remoteHost.getMissingBuffers(localHost.buffersByPartition);
for (Map.Entry<PartitionId, List<ByteBuffer>> entry : missingBuffers.entrySet()) {
if (partitionIds.indexOf(entry.getKey()) % 2 == 0) {
assertEquals("Missing buffers count mismatch for iteration count " + missingBuffersIndex, missingBuffersCount[missingBuffersIndex], entry.getValue().size());
} else {
assertEquals("Missing buffers count mismatch for iteration count " + missingBuffersIndex, missingBuffersCount[missingBuffersIndex] + 1, entry.getValue().size());
// Test the case where some partitions have missing keys, but not all.
List<ReplicaThread.ExchangeMetadataResponse> response = replicaThread.exchangeMetadata(new MockConnectionPool.MockConnection(remoteHost, batchSize), replicasToReplicate.get(remoteHost.dataNodeId));
List<RemoteReplicaInfo> remoteReplicaInfos = replicasToReplicate.get(remoteHost.dataNodeId);
assertEquals("Response should contain a response for each replica", remoteReplicaInfos.size(), response.size());
for (int i = 0; i < response.size(); i++) {
if (i % 2 == 0) {
assertEquals(0, response.get(i).missingStoreMessages.size());
assertEquals(expectedIndex, ((MockFindToken) response.get(i).remoteToken).getIndex());
} else {
assertEquals(1, response.get(i).missingStoreMessages.size());
assertEquals(expectedIndex + 1, ((MockFindToken) response.get(i).remoteToken).getIndex());
replicaThread.fixMissingStoreKeys(new MockConnectionPool.MockConnection(remoteHost, batchSize), replicasToReplicate.get(remoteHost.dataNodeId), response, false);
for (int i = 0; i < response.size(); i++) {
assertEquals("Token should have been set correctly in fixMissingStoreKeys()", response.get(i).remoteToken, replicasToReplicate.get(remoteHost.dataNodeId).get(i).getToken());
// 1 expired + 1 corrupt + 1 put (never present) + 1 deleted (never present) expected missing buffers
verifyNoMoreMissingKeysAndExpectedMissingBufferCount(remoteHost, localHost, replicaThread, replicasToReplicate, idsToBeIgnoredByPartition, storeKeyConverter, expectedIndex, expectedIndex + 1, 4);