use of com.github.ambry.messageformat.BlobProperties in project ambry by linkedin.
the class VcrBackupTest method basicTest.
* Basic test to make sure VCR can backup with HelixVcrCluster.
public void basicTest() throws Exception {
List<BlobId> blobIds = sendBlobToDataNode(dataNode, 10);
// Start the VCR and CloudBackupManager
Properties props = VcrTestUtil.createVcrProperties(dataNode.getDatacenterName(), vcrClusterName, zkConnectString, clusterMapPort, 12410, 12510, serverSSLProps, vcrHelixStateModelFactoryClass, true);
LatchBasedInMemoryCloudDestination latchBasedInMemoryCloudDestination = new LatchBasedInMemoryCloudDestination(blobIds, mockCluster.getClusterMap());
CloudDestinationFactory cloudDestinationFactory = new LatchBasedInMemoryCloudDestinationFactory(latchBasedInMemoryCloudDestination);
VcrServer vcrServer = VcrTestUtil.createVcrServer(new VerifiableProperties(props), mockCluster.getClusterAgentsFactory(), notificationSystem, cloudDestinationFactory);
// Waiting for backup done
assertTrue("Did not backup all blobs in 2 minutes", latchBasedInMemoryCloudDestination.awaitUpload(2, TimeUnit.MINUTES));
// Verify a blob by making a http2 request.
MockClusterMap clusterMap = mockCluster.getClusterMap();
SSLConfig clientSSLConfig = new SSLConfig(new VerifiableProperties(clientSSLProps));
ConnectedChannel channel = ServerTestUtil.getBlockingChannelBasedOnPortType(new Port(clusterMap.getDataNodes().get(0).getHttp2Port(), PortType.HTTP2), "localhost", null, clientSSLConfig);
BlobId blobToVerify = blobIds.get(0);
ArrayList<BlobId> idList = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(blobToVerify));
ArrayList<PartitionRequestInfo> partitionRequestInfoList = new ArrayList<PartitionRequestInfo>();
PartitionRequestInfo partitionRequestInfo = new PartitionRequestInfo(blobToVerify.getPartition(), idList);
GetRequest getRequest1 = new GetRequest(1, "clientid1", MessageFormatFlags.BlobProperties, partitionRequestInfoList, GetOption.None);
DataInputStream stream = channel.sendAndReceive(getRequest1).getInputStream();
GetResponse resp1 = GetResponse.readFrom(stream, clusterMap);
try {
BlobProperties propertyOutput = MessageFormatRecord.deserializeBlobProperties(resp1.getInputStream());
// Do a simple check
assertEquals(blobSize, propertyOutput.getBlobSize());
} catch (MessageFormatException e) {
assertTrue("VCR server shutdown timeout.", vcrServer.awaitShutdown(5000));
use of com.github.ambry.messageformat.BlobProperties in project ambry by linkedin.
the class Verifier method run.
public void run() {
try {
List<PartitionRequestInfo> partitionRequestInfoList = new ArrayList<PartitionRequestInfo>();
while (requestsVerified.get() != totalRequests.get() && !cancelTest.get()) {
Payload payload = payloadQueue.poll(1000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
if (payload != null) {
for (MockDataNodeId dataNodeId : clusterMap.getDataNodes()) {
ConnectedChannel channel1 = null;
try {
BlobId blobId = new BlobId(payload.blobId, clusterMap);
Port port = new Port(portType == PortType.PLAINTEXT ? dataNodeId.getPort() : dataNodeId.getSSLPort(), portType);
channel1 = connectionPool.checkOutConnection("localhost", port, 10000);
ArrayList<BlobId> ids = new ArrayList<BlobId>();
PartitionRequestInfo partitionRequestInfo = new PartitionRequestInfo(ids.get(0).getPartition(), ids);
GetRequest getRequest = new GetRequest(1, "clientid2", MessageFormatFlags.BlobProperties, partitionRequestInfoList, GetOption.None);
DataInputStream stream = channel1.receive().getInputStream();
GetResponse resp = GetResponse.readFrom(stream, clusterMap);
if (resp.getError() != ServerErrorCode.No_Error) {
System.out.println(dataNodeId.getHostname() + " " + dataNodeId.getPort() + " " + resp.getError());
throw new IllegalStateException();
} else {
try {
BlobProperties propertyOutput = MessageFormatRecord.deserializeBlobProperties(resp.getInputStream());
if (propertyOutput.getBlobSize() != payload.blobProperties.getBlobSize()) {
String exceptionMsg = "blob size not matching " + " expected " + payload.blobProperties.getBlobSize() + " actual " + propertyOutput.getBlobSize();
throw new IllegalStateException(exceptionMsg);
if (!propertyOutput.getServiceId().equals(payload.blobProperties.getServiceId())) {
String exceptionMsg = "service id not matching " + " expected " + payload.blobProperties.getServiceId() + " actual " + propertyOutput.getBlobSize();
throw new IllegalStateException(exceptionMsg);
if (propertyOutput.getAccountId() != payload.blobProperties.getAccountId()) {
String exceptionMsg = "accountid not matching " + " expected " + payload.blobProperties.getAccountId() + " actual " + propertyOutput.getAccountId();
throw new IllegalStateException(exceptionMsg);
if (propertyOutput.getContainerId() != payload.blobProperties.getContainerId()) {
String exceptionMsg = "containerId not matching " + " expected " + payload.blobProperties.getContainerId() + " actual " + propertyOutput.getContainerId();
throw new IllegalStateException(exceptionMsg);
if (propertyOutput.isEncrypted() != payload.blobProperties.isEncrypted()) {
String exceptionMsg = "IsEncrypted not matching " + " expected " + payload.blobProperties.isEncrypted() + " actual " + propertyOutput.isEncrypted();
throw new IllegalStateException(exceptionMsg);
long actualExpiryTimeMs = resp.getPartitionResponseInfoList().get(0).getMessageInfoList().get(0).getExpirationTimeInMs();
checkExpiryTimeMatch(payload, actualExpiryTimeMs, "messageinfo in blobproperty");
} catch (MessageFormatException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException(e);
// get user metadata
partitionRequestInfo = new PartitionRequestInfo(ids.get(0).getPartition(), ids);
getRequest = new GetRequest(1, "clientid2", MessageFormatFlags.BlobUserMetadata, partitionRequestInfoList, GetOption.None);
stream = channel1.receive().getInputStream();
resp = GetResponse.readFrom(stream, clusterMap);
if (resp.getError() != ServerErrorCode.No_Error) {
System.out.println("Error after get user metadata " + resp.getError());
throw new IllegalStateException();
} else {
try {
ByteBuffer userMetadataOutput = MessageFormatRecord.deserializeUserMetadata(resp.getInputStream());
if (userMetadataOutput.compareTo(ByteBuffer.wrap(payload.metadata)) != 0) {
throw new IllegalStateException();
long actualExpiryTimeMs = resp.getPartitionResponseInfoList().get(0).getMessageInfoList().get(0).getExpirationTimeInMs();
checkExpiryTimeMatch(payload, actualExpiryTimeMs, "messageinfo in usermetadatga");
} catch (MessageFormatException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException();
// get blob
partitionRequestInfo = new PartitionRequestInfo(ids.get(0).getPartition(), ids);
getRequest = new GetRequest(1, "clientid2", MessageFormatFlags.Blob, partitionRequestInfoList, GetOption.None);
stream = channel1.receive().getInputStream();
resp = GetResponse.readFrom(stream, clusterMap);
// System.out.println("response from get " + resp.getError());
if (resp.getError() != ServerErrorCode.No_Error) {
System.out.println("Error after get blob " + resp.getError());
throw new IllegalStateException();
} else {
try {
BlobData blobData = MessageFormatRecord.deserializeBlob(resp.getInputStream());
byte[] blobout = new byte[(int) blobData.getSize()];
ByteBuf buffer = blobData.content();
try {
} finally {
if (ByteBuffer.wrap(blobout).compareTo(ByteBuffer.wrap(payload.blob)) != 0) {
throw new IllegalStateException();
long actualExpiryTimeMs = resp.getPartitionResponseInfoList().get(0).getMessageInfoList().get(0).getExpirationTimeInMs();
checkExpiryTimeMatch(payload, actualExpiryTimeMs, "messageinfo in blobdata");
} catch (MessageFormatException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException();
// get blob all
getRequest = new GetRequest(1, "clientid2", MessageFormatFlags.All, partitionRequestInfoList, GetOption.None);
stream = channel1.receive().getInputStream();
resp = GetResponse.readFrom(stream, clusterMap);
if (resp.getError() != ServerErrorCode.No_Error) {
System.out.println("Error after get blob " + resp.getError());
throw new IllegalStateException();
} else {
try {
BlobAll blobAll = MessageFormatRecord.deserializeBlobAll(resp.getInputStream(), new BlobIdFactory(clusterMap));
byte[] blobout = new byte[(int) blobAll.getBlobData().getSize()];
ByteBuf buffer = blobAll.getBlobData().content();
try {
} finally {
if (ByteBuffer.wrap(blobout).compareTo(ByteBuffer.wrap(payload.blob)) != 0) {
throw new IllegalStateException();
long actualExpiryTimeMs = resp.getPartitionResponseInfoList().get(0).getMessageInfoList().get(0).getExpirationTimeInMs();
checkExpiryTimeMatch(payload, actualExpiryTimeMs, "messageinfo in bloball");
} catch (MessageFormatException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException();
if (payload.blobProperties.getTimeToLiveInSeconds() != Utils.Infinite_Time) {
// ttl update, check and wait for replication
ServerTestUtil.updateBlobTtl(channel1, new BlobId(payload.blobId, clusterMap), time.milliseconds());
ServerTestUtil.checkTtlUpdateStatus(channel1, clusterMap, new BlobIdFactory(clusterMap), blobId, payload.blob, true, Utils.Infinite_Time);
notificationSystem.awaitBlobUpdates(payload.blobId, UpdateType.TTL_UPDATE);
BlobProperties old = payload.blobProperties;
payload.blobProperties = new BlobProperties(old.getBlobSize(), old.getServiceId(), old.getOwnerId(), old.getContentType(), old.isEncrypted(), Utils.Infinite_Time, old.getCreationTimeInMs(), old.getAccountId(), old.getContainerId(), old.isEncrypted(), old.getExternalAssetTag(), old.getContentEncoding(), old.getFilename());
} catch (Exception e) {
if (channel1 != null) {
channel1 = null;
} finally {
if (channel1 != null) {
channel1 = null;
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
use of com.github.ambry.messageformat.BlobProperties in project ambry by linkedin.
the class AmbryServerRequestsTest method sendAndVerifyOperationRequest.
* Sends and verifies that an operation specific request works correctly.
* @param requestType the type of the request to send.
* @param ids the partitionIds to send requests for.
* @param expectedErrorCode the {@link ServerErrorCode} expected in the response. For some requests this is the
* response in the constituents rather than the actual response ({@link GetResponse} and
* {@link ReplicaMetadataResponse}).
* @param forceCheckOpReceived if {@code true}, checks the operation received at the {@link Store} even if
* there is an error expected. Always checks op received if {@code expectedErrorCode} is
* {@link ServerErrorCode#No_Error}. Skips the check otherwise.
* @param clientIdStr the clientId string to construct request. if null, generate a random string as clientId.
* @throws InterruptedException
* @throws IOException
* @return a list of {@link Response}(s) associated with given partition ids.
private List<Response> sendAndVerifyOperationRequest(RequestOrResponseType requestType, List<? extends PartitionId> ids, ServerErrorCode expectedErrorCode, Boolean forceCheckOpReceived, String clientIdStr) throws InterruptedException, IOException {
List<Response> responses = new ArrayList<>();
for (PartitionId id : ids) {
int correlationId = TestUtils.RANDOM.nextInt();
String clientId = clientIdStr == null ? TestUtils.getRandomString(10) : clientIdStr;
BlobId originalBlobId = new BlobId(CommonTestUtils.getCurrentBlobIdVersion(), BlobId.BlobIdType.NATIVE, ClusterMap.UNKNOWN_DATACENTER_ID, Utils.getRandomShort(TestUtils.RANDOM), Utils.getRandomShort(TestUtils.RANDOM), id, false, BlobId.BlobDataType.DATACHUNK);
BlobId convertedBlobId = new BlobId(CommonTestUtils.getCurrentBlobIdVersion(), BlobId.BlobIdType.CRAFTED, ClusterMap.UNKNOWN_DATACENTER_ID, originalBlobId.getAccountId(), originalBlobId.getContainerId(), id, false, BlobId.BlobDataType.DATACHUNK);
conversionMap.put(originalBlobId, convertedBlobId);
RequestOrResponse request;
switch(requestType) {
case PutRequest:
BlobProperties properties = new BlobProperties(0, "serviceId", originalBlobId.getAccountId(), originalBlobId.getAccountId(), false);
request = new PutRequest(correlationId, clientId, originalBlobId, properties, ByteBuffer.allocate(0), Unpooled.wrappedBuffer(ByteBuffer.allocate(0)), 0, BlobType.DataBlob, null);
case DeleteRequest:
request = new DeleteRequest(correlationId, clientId, originalBlobId, SystemTime.getInstance().milliseconds());
case UndeleteRequest:
request = new UndeleteRequest(correlationId, clientId, originalBlobId, SystemTime.getInstance().milliseconds());
case GetRequest:
PartitionRequestInfo pRequestInfo = new PartitionRequestInfo(id, Collections.singletonList(originalBlobId));
request = new GetRequest(correlationId, clientId, MessageFormatFlags.All, Collections.singletonList(pRequestInfo), GetOption.Include_All);
case ReplicaMetadataRequest:
ReplicaMetadataRequestInfo rRequestInfo = new ReplicaMetadataRequestInfo(id, findTokenHelper.getFindTokenFactoryFromReplicaType(ReplicaType.DISK_BACKED).getNewFindToken(), "localhost", "/tmp", ReplicaType.DISK_BACKED, replicationConfig.replicaMetadataRequestVersion);
request = new ReplicaMetadataRequest(correlationId, clientId, Collections.singletonList(rRequestInfo), Long.MAX_VALUE, replicationConfig.replicaMetadataRequestVersion);
case TtlUpdateRequest:
request = new TtlUpdateRequest(correlationId, clientId, originalBlobId, Utils.Infinite_Time, SystemTime.getInstance().milliseconds());
throw new IllegalArgumentException(requestType + " not supported by this function");
responses.add(sendAndVerifyOperationRequest(request, expectedErrorCode, forceCheckOpReceived));
return responses;
use of com.github.ambry.messageformat.BlobProperties in project ambry by linkedin.
the class ServerHardDeleteTest method getAndVerify.
* Fetches the Blob(for all MessageFormatFlags) and verifies the content
* @param channel the {@link BlockingChannel} to use to send and receive data
* @param blobsCount the total number of blobs that needs to be verified against
* @throws Exception
void getAndVerify(ConnectedChannel channel, int blobsCount) throws Exception {
ArrayList<PartitionRequestInfo> partitionRequestInfoList = new ArrayList<>();
ArrayList<BlobId> ids = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < blobsCount; i++) {
PartitionRequestInfo partitionRequestInfo = new PartitionRequestInfo(blobIdList.get(0).getPartition(), ids);
ArrayList<MessageFormatFlags> flags = new ArrayList<>();
for (MessageFormatFlags flag : flags) {
GetRequest getRequest = new GetRequest(1, "clientid2", flag, partitionRequestInfoList, GetOption.Include_All);
GetResponse resp = GetResponse.readFrom(channel.sendAndReceive(getRequest).getInputStream(), mockClusterMap);
if (flag == MessageFormatFlags.BlobProperties) {
for (int i = 0; i < blobsCount; i++) {
BlobProperties propertyOutput = MessageFormatRecord.deserializeBlobProperties(resp.getInputStream());
Assert.assertEquals(properties.get(i).getBlobSize(), propertyOutput.getBlobSize());
Assert.assertEquals("serviceid1", propertyOutput.getServiceId());
Assert.assertEquals("AccountId mismatch", properties.get(i).getAccountId(), propertyOutput.getAccountId());
Assert.assertEquals("ContainerId mismatch", properties.get(i).getContainerId(), propertyOutput.getContainerId());
} else if (flag == MessageFormatFlags.BlobUserMetadata) {
for (int i = 0; i < blobsCount; i++) {
ByteBuffer userMetadataOutput = MessageFormatRecord.deserializeUserMetadata(resp.getInputStream());
Assert.assertArrayEquals(userMetadataOutput.array(), usermetadata.get(i));
} else if (flag == MessageFormatFlags.Blob) {
for (int i = 0; i < blobsCount; i++) {
BlobData blobData = MessageFormatRecord.deserializeBlob(resp.getInputStream());
Assert.assertEquals(properties.get(i).getBlobSize(), blobData.getSize());
byte[] dataOutput = new byte[(int) blobData.getSize()];
ByteBuf buffer = blobData.content();
try {
} finally {
Assert.assertArrayEquals(dataOutput, data.get(i));
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unrecognized message format flags " + flags);
use of com.github.ambry.messageformat.BlobProperties in project ambry by linkedin.
the class ServerHardDeleteTest method endToEndTestHardDeletes.
* Tests the hard delete functionality.
* <p>
* This test does the following:
* 1. Makes 6 puts, waits for notification.
* 2. Makes 2 deletes, waits for notification.
* 3. Waits for hard deletes to catch up to the expected token value.
* 4. Verifies that the two records that are deleted are zeroed out by hard deletes.
* 5. Makes 3 more puts, waits for notification.
* 6. Makes 3 deletes - 2 of records from the initial set of puts, and 1 from the new set.
* 7. Waits for hard deletes to catch up again to the expected token value.
* 8. Verifies that the three records that are deleted are zeroed out by hard deletes.
* @throws Exception
public void endToEndTestHardDeletes() throws Exception {
DataNodeId dataNodeId = mockClusterMap.getDataNodeIds().get(0);
encryptionKey = new ArrayList<>(9);
usermetadata = new ArrayList<>(9);
data = new ArrayList<>(9);
Random random = new Random();
for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
if (i % 2 == 0) {
encryptionKey.add(new byte[100]);
} else {
usermetadata.add(new byte[1000 + i]);
data.add(new byte[31870 + i]);
properties = new ArrayList<>(9);
properties.add(new BlobProperties(31870, "serviceid1", Utils.getRandomShort(TestUtils.RANDOM), Utils.getRandomShort(TestUtils.RANDOM), true));
properties.add(new BlobProperties(31871, "serviceid1", Utils.getRandomShort(TestUtils.RANDOM), Utils.getRandomShort(TestUtils.RANDOM), false));
properties.add(new BlobProperties(31872, "serviceid1", Utils.getRandomShort(TestUtils.RANDOM), Utils.getRandomShort(TestUtils.RANDOM), true));
properties.add(new BlobProperties(31873, "serviceid1", "ownerid", "jpeg", false, 0, Utils.getRandomShort(TestUtils.RANDOM), Utils.getRandomShort(TestUtils.RANDOM), false, null, null, null));
properties.add(new BlobProperties(31874, "serviceid1", Utils.getRandomShort(TestUtils.RANDOM), Utils.getRandomShort(TestUtils.RANDOM), true));
properties.add(new BlobProperties(31875, "serviceid1", "ownerid", "jpeg", false, 0, Utils.getRandomShort(TestUtils.RANDOM), Utils.getRandomShort(TestUtils.RANDOM), false, null, null, null));
properties.add(new BlobProperties(31876, "serviceid1", Utils.getRandomShort(TestUtils.RANDOM), Utils.getRandomShort(TestUtils.RANDOM), true));
properties.add(new BlobProperties(31877, "serviceid1", Utils.getRandomShort(TestUtils.RANDOM), Utils.getRandomShort(TestUtils.RANDOM), false));
properties.add(new BlobProperties(31878, "serviceid1", Utils.getRandomShort(TestUtils.RANDOM), Utils.getRandomShort(TestUtils.RANDOM), true));
List<PartitionId> partitionIds = mockClusterMap.getWritablePartitionIds(MockClusterMap.DEFAULT_PARTITION_CLASS);
PartitionId chosenPartition = partitionIds.get(0);
blobIdList = new ArrayList<>(9);
for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
blobIdList.add(new BlobId(CommonTestUtils.getCurrentBlobIdVersion(), BlobId.BlobIdType.NATIVE, mockClusterMap.getLocalDatacenterId(), properties.get(i).getAccountId(), properties.get(i).getContainerId(), chosenPartition, false, BlobId.BlobDataType.DATACHUNK));
ConnectedChannel channel = ServerTestUtil.getBlockingChannelBasedOnPortType(new Port(dataNodeId.getPort(), PortType.PLAINTEXT), "localhost", null, null);
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
// blob 3 and 5 are expired among these
putBlob(blobIdList.get(i), properties.get(i), encryptionKey.get(i), usermetadata.get(i), data.get(i), channel);
// delete blob 1
deleteBlob(blobIdList.get(1), channel);
// delete blob 4
deleteBlob(blobIdList.get(4), channel);
// For each future change to this offset, add to this variable and write an explanation of why the number changed.
// old value: 198728. Increased by 4 to 198732 because the format for delete record went from 2 to 3 which adds
// 4 bytes (two shorts) extra. The last record is a delete record so its extra 4 bytes are not (yet) added
// Add 14 here when changing message header version to 3, since the message header version went from 2 to 3 and adds
// a short to every record, which include 6 puts and 1 delete. (last delete is not included).
// old value is 198732 + 14. Increased by 48 when adding two fields(4 BYTE CRC for each field) in blobProperty when putBlob.
// There are 6 * (4 + 4). 6 stands for the times for putBlob, 4 stands for 4 extra blobProperty Bytes for each field.
int expectedTokenValueT1 = 198732 + 14 + 48;
ensureCleanupTokenCatchesUp(chosenPartition.getReplicaIds().get(0).getReplicaPath(), mockClusterMap, expectedTokenValueT1);
getAndVerify(channel, 6);
// put blob 6
putBlob(blobIdList.get(6), properties.get(6), encryptionKey.get(6), usermetadata.get(6), data.get(6), channel);
// put blob 7
putBlob(blobIdList.get(7), properties.get(7), encryptionKey.get(7), usermetadata.get(7), data.get(7), channel);
// put blob 8
putBlob(blobIdList.get(8), properties.get(8), encryptionKey.get(8), usermetadata.get(8), data.get(8), channel);
// Do more deletes
// delete blob 3 that is expired.
deleteBlob(blobIdList.get(3), channel);
// delete blob 0, will undelete it later, so don't zero out the content
deleteBlob(blobIdList.get(0), channel);
// delete blob 6.
deleteBlob(blobIdList.get(6), channel);
undeleteBlob(blobIdList.get(0), channel);
// For each future change to this offset, add to this variable and write an explanation of why the number changed.
int expectedTokenValueT2 = 298416 + 98 + 28 + 72;
// old value: 298400. Increased by 16 (4 * 4) to 298416 because the format for delete record went from 2 to 3 which
// adds 4 bytes (two shorts) extra. The last record is a delete record so its extra 4 bytes are not added
// old value 298416. Increased by 98. The end offset is now a journal-based offset, so the offset is not inclusive.
// It points to the last record in the journal. Before adding an undelete record, the last record in journal is the
// delete record for blob 6, now it's undelete for blob 0. Since a delete record is 98 bytes, so increase 98 bytes.
// old value is 298416 + 98. Increased by 28 when changing the message header version from 2 to 3, which adds a short
// to all the records, which includes 9 puts and 5 deletes and 1 undelete. Undelete is not include since it's the last
// record.
// old value is 298416 + 98 + 28. Increased by 72 when adding two fields(4 BYTE CRC for each field) in blobProperty when putBlob.
// There are 9 * (4 + 4). 9 stands for the times for putBlob, 4 stands for 4 extra blobProperty Bytes.
ensureCleanupTokenCatchesUp(chosenPartition.getReplicaIds().get(0).getReplicaPath(), mockClusterMap, expectedTokenValueT2);
getAndVerify(channel, 9);