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Example 16 with RequestInfo

use of in project ambry by linkedin.

the class QuotaAwareOperationController method addToRequestQueue.

 * Add the specified {@link List} of {@link RequestInfo}s to the request queue.
 * @param requestInfos {@link List} of {@link RequestInfo} objects.
private void addToRequestQueue(List<RequestInfo> requestInfos) {
    for (RequestInfo requestInfo : requestInfos) {
        QuotaResource quotaResource = requestInfo.getChargeable().getQuotaResource();
        if (quotaResource == null) {
            quotaResource = UNKNOWN_QUOTA_RESOURCE;
        getRequestQueue(requestInfo.getChargeable().getQuotaMethod()).putIfAbsent(quotaResource, new LinkedList<>());
Also used : RequestInfo( QuotaResource(com.github.ambry.quota.QuotaResource)

Example 17 with RequestInfo

use of in project ambry by linkedin.

the class NonBlockingRouterTestBase method testFailureDetectorNotification.

 * Test that failure detector is correctly notified for all responses regardless of the order in which successful
 * and failed responses arrive.
 * @param opHelper the {@link OperationHelper}
 * @param networkClient the {@link SocketNetworkClient}
 * @param failedReplicaIds the list that will contain all the replicas for which failure was notified.
 * @param blobId the id of the blob to get/delete. For puts, this will be null.
 * @param successfulResponseCount the AtomicInteger that will contain the count of replicas for which success was
 *                                notified.
 * @param invalidResponse the AtomicBoolean that will contain whether an unexpected failure was notified.
 * @param indexToFail if greater than 0, the index representing which response for which failure is to be simulated.
 *                    For example, if index is 0, then the first response will be failed.
 *                    If the index is -1, no responses will be failed, and successful responses will be returned to
 *                    the operation managers.
protected void testFailureDetectorNotification(OperationHelper opHelper, SocketNetworkClient networkClient, List<ReplicaId> failedReplicaIds, BlobId blobId, AtomicInteger successfulResponseCount, AtomicBoolean invalidResponse, int indexToFail) throws Exception {
    FutureResult futureResult = opHelper.submitOperation(blobId);
    int requestParallelism = opHelper.requestParallelism;
    List<RequestInfo> allRequests = new ArrayList<>();
    Set<Integer> allDropped = new HashSet<>();
    long loopStartTimeMs = SystemTime.getInstance().milliseconds();
    while (allRequests.size() < requestParallelism) {
        if (loopStartTimeMs + AWAIT_TIMEOUT_MS < SystemTime.getInstance().milliseconds()) {
  "Waited too long for requests.");
        opHelper.pollOpManager(allRequests, allDropped);
    ReplicaId replicaIdToFail = indexToFail == -1 ? null : allRequests.get(indexToFail).getReplicaId();
    for (RequestInfo requestInfo : allRequests) {
        ResponseInfo responseInfo;
        if (replicaIdToFail != null && replicaIdToFail.equals(requestInfo.getReplicaId())) {
            responseInfo = new ResponseInfo(requestInfo, NetworkClientErrorCode.NetworkError, null);
        } else {
            List<RequestInfo> requestInfoListToSend = new ArrayList<>();
            List<ResponseInfo> responseInfoList;
            loopStartTimeMs = SystemTime.getInstance().milliseconds();
            do {
                if (loopStartTimeMs + AWAIT_TIMEOUT_MS < SystemTime.getInstance().milliseconds()) {
          "Waited too long for the response.");
                responseInfoList = networkClient.sendAndPoll(requestInfoListToSend, Collections.emptySet(), 10);
            } while (responseInfoList.size() == 0);
            responseInfo = responseInfoList.get(0);
    // Poll once again so that the operation gets a chance to complete.
    if (testEncryption) {
    } else {
        opHelper.pollOpManager(allRequests, allDropped);
    futureResult.get(AWAIT_TIMEOUT_MS, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
    Assert.assertEquals(0, allDropped.size());
    if (indexToFail == -1) {
        Assert.assertEquals("Successful notification should have arrived for replicas that were up", opHelper.requestParallelism, successfulResponseCount.get());
        Assert.assertEquals("Failure detector should not have been notified", 0, failedReplicaIds.size());
        Assert.assertFalse("There should be no notifications of any other kind", invalidResponse.get());
    } else {
        Assert.assertEquals("Failure detector should have been notified", 1, failedReplicaIds.size());
        Assert.assertEquals("Failed notification should have arrived for the failed replica", replicaIdToFail, failedReplicaIds.get(0));
        Assert.assertEquals("Successful notification should have arrived for replicas that were up", opHelper.requestParallelism - 1, successfulResponseCount.get());
        Assert.assertFalse("There should be no notifications of any other kind", invalidResponse.get());
Also used : AtomicInteger(java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger) ResponseInfo( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) RequestInfo( ReplicaId(com.github.ambry.clustermap.ReplicaId) HashSet(java.util.HashSet)

Example 18 with RequestInfo

use of in project ambry by linkedin.

the class MockRouterCallback method testNetworkClientTimeoutAllFailure.

 * Test the case where all requests time out within the SocketNetworkClient.
 * @throws Exception
public void testNetworkClientTimeoutAllFailure() throws Exception {
    GetBlobInfoOperation op = new GetBlobInfoOperation(routerConfig, routerMetrics, mockClusterMap, responseHandler, blobId, options, null, routerCallback, kms, cryptoService, cryptoJobHandler, time, false, quotaChargeCallback);
    ArrayList<RequestInfo> requestListToFill = new ArrayList<>();
    while (!op.isOperationComplete()) {
        for (RequestInfo requestInfo : requestListToFill) {
            ResponseInfo fakeResponse = new ResponseInfo(requestInfo, NetworkClientErrorCode.NetworkError, null);
            op.handleResponse(fakeResponse, null);
            if (op.isOperationComplete()) {
    // At this time requests would have been created for all replicas, as none of them were delivered,
    // and cross-colo proxying is enabled by default.
    Assert.assertEquals("Must have attempted sending requests to all replicas", replicasCount, correlationIdToGetOperation.size());
    Assert.assertTrue("Operation should be complete at this time", op.isOperationComplete());
    RouterException routerException = (RouterException) op.getOperationException();
    Assert.assertEquals(RouterErrorCode.OperationTimedOut, routerException.getErrorCode());
Also used : ResponseInfo( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) RequestInfo( PutManagerTest(com.github.ambry.router.PutManagerTest) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 19 with RequestInfo

use of in project ambry by linkedin.

the class MockRouterCallback method testPollAndResponseHandling.

 * Test basic successful operation completion, by polling and handing over responses to the BlobInfo operation.
 * @throws Exception
public void testPollAndResponseHandling() throws Exception {
    for (short expectedLifeVersion : new short[] { 0, 1 }) {
        // Now set the lifeVersion
        for (MockServer mockServer : mockServerLayout.getMockServers()) {
            if (mockServer.getBlobs().containsKey(blobId.getID())) {
                mockServer.getBlobs().get(blobId.getID()).lifeVersion = expectedLifeVersion;
        GetBlobInfoOperation op = new GetBlobInfoOperation(routerConfig, routerMetrics, mockClusterMap, responseHandler, blobId, options, null, routerCallback, kms, cryptoService, cryptoJobHandler, time, false, quotaChargeCallback);
        ArrayList<RequestInfo> requestListToFill = new ArrayList<>();
        Assert.assertEquals("There should only be as many requests at this point as requestParallelism", requestParallelism, correlationIdToGetOperation.size());
        CountDownLatch onPollLatch = new CountDownLatch(1);
        if (testEncryption) {
        List<ResponseInfo> responses = sendAndWaitForResponses(requestListToFill);
        for (ResponseInfo responseInfo : responses) {
            GetResponse getResponse = responseInfo.getError() == null ? GetResponse.readFrom(new NettyByteBufDataInputStream(responseInfo.content()), mockClusterMap) : null;
            op.handleResponse(responseInfo, getResponse);
            if (op.isOperationComplete()) {
        if (testEncryption) {
            Assert.assertTrue("Latch should have been zeroed ", onPollLatch.await(500, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS));
        Assert.assertTrue("Operation should be complete at this time", op.isOperationComplete());
        assertSuccess(op, expectedLifeVersion);
        // poll again to make sure that counters aren't triggered again (check in @After)
Also used : ResponseInfo( NettyByteBufDataInputStream(com.github.ambry.utils.NettyByteBufDataInputStream) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) RequestInfo( CountDownLatch(java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch) GetResponse(com.github.ambry.protocol.GetResponse) PutManagerTest(com.github.ambry.router.PutManagerTest) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 20 with RequestInfo

use of in project ambry by linkedin.

the class PutOperationTest method testSendIncomplete.

 * Ensure that if any of the requests associated with the buffer of a PutChunk is not completely read out even
 * after the associated chunk is complete, the buffer is not reused even though the PutChunk is reused.
public void testSendIncomplete() throws Exception {
    int numChunks = routerConfig.routerMaxInMemPutChunks + 1;
    BlobProperties blobProperties = new BlobProperties(-1, "serviceId", "memberId", "contentType", false, Utils.Infinite_Time, Utils.getRandomShort(TestUtils.RANDOM), Utils.getRandomShort(TestUtils.RANDOM), false, null, null, null);
    byte[] userMetadata = new byte[10];
    byte[] content = new byte[chunkSize * numChunks];
    ReadableStreamChannel channel = new ByteBufferReadableStreamChannel(ByteBuffer.wrap(content));
    FutureResult<String> future = new FutureResult<>();
    MockNetworkClient mockNetworkClient = new MockNetworkClient();
    PutOperation op = PutOperation.forUpload(routerConfig, routerMetrics, mockClusterMap, new LoggingNotificationSystem(), new InMemAccountService(true, false), userMetadata, channel, PutBlobOptions.DEFAULT, future, null, new RouterCallback(mockNetworkClient, new ArrayList<>()), null, null, null, null, time, blobProperties, MockClusterMap.DEFAULT_PARTITION_CLASS, quotaChargeCallback);
    List<RequestInfo> requestInfos = new ArrayList<>();
    // Since this channel is in memory, one call to fill chunks would end up filling the maximum number of PutChunks.
    Assert.assertTrue("ReadyForPollCallback should have been invoked as chunks were fully filled", mockNetworkClient.getAndClearWokenUpStatus());
    // A poll should therefore return requestParallelism number of requests from each chunk
    Assert.assertEquals(routerConfig.routerMaxInMemPutChunks * requestParallelism, requestInfos.size());
    // There are routerMaxInMemPutChunks + 1 data chunks for this blob (and a metadata chunk).
    // Once the first chunk is completely sent out, the first PutChunk will be reused. What the test verifies is that
    // the buffer of the first PutChunk does not get reused. It does this as follows:
    // For the first chunk,
    // 1. use first request to succeed the chunk (the successTarget is set to 1).
    // 2. read and store from the second for comparing later.
    // 3. read from the third after the first PutChunk gets reused and ensure that the data from the third is the
    // same as from what was saved off from the second. This means that the buffer was not reused by the first
    // PutChunk.
    // 1.
    ResponseInfo responseInfo = getResponseInfo(requestInfos.get(0));
    PutResponse putResponse = responseInfo.getError() == null ? PutResponse.readFrom(new NettyByteBufDataInputStream(responseInfo.content())) : null;
    op.handleResponse(responseInfo, putResponse);
    // 2.
    PutRequest putRequest = (PutRequest) requestInfos.get(1).getRequest();
    ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.allocate((int) putRequest.sizeInBytes());
    ByteBufferChannel bufChannel = new ByteBufferChannel(buf);
    // read it out (which also marks this request as complete).
    byte[] expectedRequestContent = buf.array();
    // 3.
    // first save the third request
    PutRequest savedRequest = (PutRequest) requestInfos.get(2).getRequest();
    // succeed all the other requests.
    for (int i = 3; i < requestInfos.size(); i++) {
        responseInfo = getResponseInfo(requestInfos.get(i));
        putResponse = responseInfo.getError() == null ? PutResponse.readFrom(new NettyByteBufDataInputStream(responseInfo.content())) : null;
        op.handleResponse(responseInfo, putResponse);
    // fill the first PutChunk with the last chunk.
    // Verify that the last chunk was filled.
    Assert.assertEquals(1 * requestParallelism, requestInfos.size());
    // Verify that the buffer of the third request is not affected.
    buf = ByteBuffer.allocate((int) savedRequest.sizeInBytes());
    bufChannel = new ByteBufferChannel(buf);
    byte[] savedRequestContent = buf.array();
    // reset the correlation id as they will be different between the two requests.
    Assert.assertArrayEquals("Underlying buffer should not have be reused", expectedRequestContent, savedRequestContent);
    // internal to the chunk (though this can be verified via coverage).
    for (int i = 0; i < requestInfos.size(); i++) {
        responseInfo = getResponseInfo(requestInfos.get(i));
        putResponse = responseInfo.getError() == null ? PutResponse.readFrom(new NettyByteBufDataInputStream(responseInfo.content())) : null;
        op.handleResponse(responseInfo, putResponse);
    // this should return requests for the metadata chunk
    Assert.assertEquals(1 * requestParallelism, requestInfos.size());
    Assert.assertFalse("Operation should not be complete yet", op.isOperationComplete());
    // once the metadata request succeeds, it should complete the operation.
    responseInfo = getResponseInfo(requestInfos.get(0));
    putResponse = responseInfo.getError() == null ? PutResponse.readFrom(new NettyByteBufDataInputStream(responseInfo.content())) : null;
    op.handleResponse(responseInfo, putResponse);
    requestInfos.forEach(info -> info.getRequest().release());
    Assert.assertTrue("Operation should be complete at this time", op.isOperationComplete());
Also used : ResponseInfo( NettyByteBufDataInputStream(com.github.ambry.utils.NettyByteBufDataInputStream) ByteBufferReadableStreamChannel(com.github.ambry.commons.ByteBufferReadableStreamChannel) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) PutRequest(com.github.ambry.protocol.PutRequest) RequestInfo( PutResponse(com.github.ambry.protocol.PutResponse) ByteBuffer(java.nio.ByteBuffer) InMemAccountService(com.github.ambry.account.InMemAccountService) ByteBufferReadableStreamChannel(com.github.ambry.commons.ByteBufferReadableStreamChannel) LoggingNotificationSystem(com.github.ambry.commons.LoggingNotificationSystem) ByteBufferChannel(com.github.ambry.utils.ByteBufferChannel) BlobProperties(com.github.ambry.messageformat.BlobProperties) Test(org.junit.Test)


RequestInfo ( ResponseInfo ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)22 Test (org.junit.Test)14 GetResponse (com.github.ambry.protocol.GetResponse)12 PartitionRequestInfo (com.github.ambry.protocol.PartitionRequestInfo)11 PutResponse (com.github.ambry.protocol.PutResponse)10 ReplicaId (com.github.ambry.clustermap.ReplicaId)8 BlobId (com.github.ambry.commons.BlobId)8 Port ( PartitionResponseInfo (com.github.ambry.protocol.PartitionResponseInfo)7 BlobProperties (com.github.ambry.messageformat.BlobProperties)6 TtlUpdateResponse (com.github.ambry.protocol.TtlUpdateResponse)6 NettyByteBufDataInputStream (com.github.ambry.utils.NettyByteBufDataInputStream)6 DataInputStream ( DeleteResponse (com.github.ambry.protocol.DeleteResponse)5 GetRequest (com.github.ambry.protocol.GetRequest)5 UndeleteResponse (com.github.ambry.protocol.UndeleteResponse)5 InMemAccountService (com.github.ambry.account.InMemAccountService)4 LoggingNotificationSystem (com.github.ambry.commons.LoggingNotificationSystem)4