use of com.github.ambry.protocol.PutResponse in project ambry by linkedin.
the class DirectoryUploader method writeToAmbryReplica.
* Adding a blob to a particular server.
* @param stream stream containing the actual blob
* @param blobId blob id generated by ambry
* @param replicaId replica to which the blob has to be added
* @param correlationId coorelation id to uniquely identify the call
* @return true if write succeeds, else false
* @throws Exception
private boolean writeToAmbryReplica(BlobProperties blobProperties, ByteBuffer userMetaData, InputStream stream, BlobId blobId, ReplicaId replicaId, AtomicInteger correlationId, boolean enableVerboseLogging) throws Exception {
ArrayList<BlobId> blobIds = new ArrayList<BlobId>();
ConnectedChannel blockingChannel = null;
try {
blockingChannel = connectionPool.checkOutConnection(replicaId.getDataNodeId().getHostname(), new Port(replicaId.getDataNodeId().getPort(), PortType.PLAINTEXT), 100000);
int size = (int) blobProperties.getBlobSize();
ByteBufferInputStream blobStream = new ByteBufferInputStream(stream, size);
PutRequest putRequest = new PutRequest(correlationId.incrementAndGet(), "consumerThread", blobId, blobProperties, userMetaData, blobStream.getByteBuffer(), size, BlobType.DataBlob, null);
if (enableVerboseLogging) {
System.out.println("Put Request to a replica : " + putRequest + " for blobId " + blobId);
PutResponse putResponse = getPutResponseFromStream(blockingChannel, putRequest, connectionPool);
if (putResponse == null) {
System.out.println("PutResponse to a replica " + replicaId + " failed with null Response for blobId " + blobId);
blockingChannel = null;
return false;
} else {
if (putResponse.getError() != ServerErrorCode.No_Error && putResponse.getError() != ServerErrorCode.Blob_Already_Exists) {
System.out.println("PutResponse to a replica " + replicaId + " failed with Error code " + putResponse.getError() + " for blobId " + blobId);
return false;
return true;
} finally {
if (stream != null) {
if (blockingChannel != null) {