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Example 6 with TtlUpdateRequest

use of com.github.ambry.protocol.TtlUpdateRequest in project ambry by linkedin.

the class TtlUpdateOperation method handleResponse.

 * Handles a response for a TTL update operation. It determines whether the request was successful and updates
 * operation tracker. For the same operation, it is possible that different {@link ServerErrorCode} are received from
 * different replicas. These error codes are eventually resolved to a single {@link RouterErrorCode}.
 * @param responseInfo The {@link ResponseInfo} to be handled.
 * @param ttlUpdateResponse The {@link TtlUpdateResponse} associated with this response.
void handleResponse(ResponseInfo responseInfo, TtlUpdateResponse ttlUpdateResponse) {
    TtlUpdateRequest ttlUpdateRequest = (TtlUpdateRequest) responseInfo.getRequestInfo().getRequest();
    TtlUpdateRequestInfo ttlUpdateRequestInfo = ttlUpdateRequestInfos.remove(ttlUpdateRequest.getCorrelationId());
    // metric is updated here, as corresponding metrics have been updated when the request was timed out.
    if (ttlUpdateRequestInfo == null) {
    ReplicaId replica = ttlUpdateRequestInfo.replica;
    long requestLatencyMs = time.milliseconds() - ttlUpdateRequestInfo.startTimeMs;
    // Check the error code from NetworkClient.
    if (responseInfo.getError() != null) {
        LOGGER.debug("TtlUpdateRequest with response correlationId {} timed out for replica {} ", ttlUpdateRequest.getCorrelationId(), replica.getDataNodeId());
        onErrorResponse(replica, new RouterException("Operation timed out because of " + responseInfo.getError() + " at DataNode " + responseInfo.getDataNode(), RouterErrorCode.OperationTimedOut));
    } else {
        if (ttlUpdateResponse == null) {
            LOGGER.debug("TtlUpdateRequest with response correlationId {} received UnexpectedInternalError on response deserialization for replica {} ", ttlUpdateRequest.getCorrelationId(), replica.getDataNodeId());
            onErrorResponse(replica, new RouterException("Response deserialization received an unexpected error", RouterErrorCode.UnexpectedInternalError));
        } else {
            // not for its original request. We will immediately fail this operation.
            if (ttlUpdateResponse.getCorrelationId() != ttlUpdateRequest.getCorrelationId()) {
                LOGGER.error("The correlation id in the TtlUpdateResponse {} is not the same as the correlation id in the associated TtlUpdateRequest: {}", ttlUpdateResponse.getCorrelationId(), ttlUpdateRequest.getCorrelationId());
                onErrorResponse(replica, new RouterException("Received wrong response that is not for the corresponding request.", RouterErrorCode.UnexpectedInternalError));
            } else {
                ServerErrorCode serverError = ttlUpdateResponse.getError();
                if (serverError == ServerErrorCode.No_Error || serverError == ServerErrorCode.Blob_Already_Updated) {
                    operationTracker.onResponse(replica, TrackedRequestFinalState.SUCCESS);
                    if (RouterUtils.isRemoteReplica(routerConfig, replica)) {
                        LOGGER.trace("Cross colo request successful for remote replica {} in {} ", replica.getDataNodeId(), replica.getDataNodeId().getDatacenterName());
                } else if (serverError == ServerErrorCode.Disk_Unavailable) {
                    LOGGER.debug("Replica {} returned Disk_Unavailable for a Ttl update request with response correlationId : {} ", replica.getDataNodeId(), ttlUpdateResponse.getCorrelationId());
                    operationTracker.onResponse(replica, TrackedRequestFinalState.DISK_DOWN);
                    setOperationException(new RouterException("Server returned: " + serverError, RouterErrorCode.AmbryUnavailable));
                } else {
                    LOGGER.debug("Replica {} returned an error {} for a Ttl update request with response correlationId : {} ", replica.getDataNodeId(), serverError, ttlUpdateResponse.getCorrelationId());
                    RouterErrorCode routerErrorCode = processServerError(serverError);
                    if (ttlUpdateResponse.getError() == ServerErrorCode.Blob_Authorization_Failure) {
                        // this is a successful response and one that completes the operation regardless of whether the
                        // success target has been reached or not.
                        operationCompleted = true;
                    // any server error code that is not equal to ServerErrorCode.No_Error, the onErrorResponse should be invoked
                    // because the operation itself doesn't succeed although the response in some cases is successful (i.e. Blob_Deleted)
                    onErrorResponse(replica, new RouterException("Server returned: " + serverError, routerErrorCode));
Also used : TtlUpdateRequest(com.github.ambry.protocol.TtlUpdateRequest) ReplicaId(com.github.ambry.clustermap.ReplicaId) ServerErrorCode(com.github.ambry.server.ServerErrorCode)

Example 7 with TtlUpdateRequest

use of com.github.ambry.protocol.TtlUpdateRequest in project ambry by linkedin.

the class ServerTestUtil method updateBlobTtl.

 * Updates the TTL of the given {@code blobId}
 * @param channel the {@link ConnectedChannel} to make the {@link GetRequest} on.
 * @param blobId the ID of the blob to TTL update
 * @param ts the operation time
 * @throws IOException
static void updateBlobTtl(ConnectedChannel channel, BlobId blobId, long ts) throws IOException {
    TtlUpdateRequest ttlUpdateRequest = new TtlUpdateRequest(1, "updateBlobTtl", blobId, Utils.Infinite_Time, ts);
    DataInputStream stream = channel.sendAndReceive(ttlUpdateRequest).getInputStream();
    TtlUpdateResponse ttlUpdateResponse = TtlUpdateResponse.readFrom(stream);
    assertEquals("Unexpected ServerErrorCode for TtlUpdateRequest", ServerErrorCode.No_Error, ttlUpdateResponse.getError());
Also used : TtlUpdateRequest(com.github.ambry.protocol.TtlUpdateRequest) TtlUpdateResponse(com.github.ambry.protocol.TtlUpdateResponse) NettyByteBufDataInputStream(com.github.ambry.utils.NettyByteBufDataInputStream) DataInputStream(

Example 8 with TtlUpdateRequest

use of com.github.ambry.protocol.TtlUpdateRequest in project ambry by linkedin.

the class AmbryServerRequestsTest method doTtlUpdate.

// ttlUpdateTest() helpers
 * Does a TTL update and checks for success if {@code expectedErrorCode} is {@link ServerErrorCode#No_Error}. Else,
 * checks for failure with the code {@code expectedErrorCode}.
 * @param correlationId the correlation ID to use in the request
 * @param clientId the client ID to use in the request
 * @param blobId the blob ID to use in the request
 * @param expiresAtMs the expiry time (ms) to use in the request
 * @param opTimeMs the operation time (ms) to use in the request
 * @param expectedErrorCode the expected {@link ServerErrorCode}
 * @throws InterruptedException
 * @throws IOException
 * @throws MessageFormatException
private void doTtlUpdate(int correlationId, String clientId, BlobId blobId, long expiresAtMs, long opTimeMs, ServerErrorCode expectedErrorCode) throws InterruptedException, IOException, MessageFormatException, StoreException {
    TtlUpdateRequest request = new TtlUpdateRequest(correlationId, clientId, blobId, expiresAtMs, opTimeMs);
    sendAndVerifyOperationRequest(request, expectedErrorCode, true).release();
    if (expectedErrorCode == ServerErrorCode.No_Error) {
        verifyTtlUpdate(request.getBlobId(), expiresAtMs, opTimeMs, MockStorageManager.messageWriteSetReceived);
Also used : TtlUpdateRequest(com.github.ambry.protocol.TtlUpdateRequest)


TtlUpdateRequest (com.github.ambry.protocol.TtlUpdateRequest)8 TtlUpdateResponse (com.github.ambry.protocol.TtlUpdateResponse)4 RequestInfo ( PartitionRequestInfo (com.github.ambry.protocol.PartitionRequestInfo)3 ReplicaId (com.github.ambry.clustermap.ReplicaId)2 BlobId (com.github.ambry.commons.BlobId)2 BlobProperties (com.github.ambry.messageformat.BlobProperties)2 DeleteRequest (com.github.ambry.protocol.DeleteRequest)2 GetRequest (com.github.ambry.protocol.GetRequest)2 GetResponse (com.github.ambry.protocol.GetResponse)2 PartitionResponseInfo (com.github.ambry.protocol.PartitionResponseInfo)2 PutRequest (com.github.ambry.protocol.PutRequest)2 RequestOrResponse (com.github.ambry.protocol.RequestOrResponse)2 UndeleteRequest (com.github.ambry.protocol.UndeleteRequest)2 ServerErrorCode (com.github.ambry.server.ServerErrorCode)2 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)2 Account (com.github.ambry.account.Account)1 Container (com.github.ambry.account.Container)1 ClusterMap (com.github.ambry.clustermap.ClusterMap)1 MockPartitionId (com.github.ambry.clustermap.MockPartitionId)1