use of in project ambry by linkedin.
the class RequestResponseTest method doReplicaMetadataRequestTest.
private void doReplicaMetadataRequestTest(short responseVersionToUse, short requestVersionToUse, short messageInfoToUse, ReplicaType replicaType) throws IOException {
MessageInfoAndMetadataListSerde.AUTO_VERSION = messageInfoToUse;
MockClusterMap clusterMap = new MockClusterMap();
List<ReplicaMetadataRequestInfo> replicaMetadataRequestInfoList = new ArrayList<ReplicaMetadataRequestInfo>();
ReplicaMetadataRequestInfo replicaMetadataRequestInfo = new ReplicaMetadataRequestInfo(new MockPartitionId(), new MockFindToken(0, 1000), "localhost", "path", replicaType, requestVersionToUse);
ReplicaMetadataRequest request = new ReplicaMetadataRequest(1, "id", replicaMetadataRequestInfoList, 1000, requestVersionToUse);
DataInputStream requestStream = serAndPrepForRead(request, -1, true);
ReplicaMetadataRequest replicaMetadataRequestFromBytes = ReplicaMetadataRequest.readFrom(requestStream, new MockClusterMap(), new MockFindTokenHelper());
Assert.assertEquals(replicaMetadataRequestFromBytes.getMaxTotalSizeOfEntriesInBytes(), 1000);
Assert.assertEquals(replicaMetadataRequestFromBytes.getReplicaMetadataRequestInfoList().size(), 1);
try {
new ReplicaMetadataRequest(1, "id", null, 12, requestVersionToUse);"Serializing should have failed");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
// expected. Nothing to do
try {
new ReplicaMetadataRequestInfo(new MockPartitionId(), null, "localhost", "path", replicaType, requestVersionToUse);"Construction should have failed");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
// expected. Nothing to do
long operationTimeMs = SystemTime.getInstance().milliseconds() + TestUtils.RANDOM.nextInt();
int numResponseInfos = 5;
int numMessagesInEachResponseInfo = 200;
List<ReplicaMetadataResponseInfo> replicaMetadataResponseInfoList = new ArrayList<>();
for (int j = 0; j < numResponseInfos; j++) {
List<MessageInfo> messageInfoList = new ArrayList<MessageInfo>();
int totalSizeOfAllMessages = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < numMessagesInEachResponseInfo; i++) {
int msgSize = TestUtils.RANDOM.nextInt(1000) + 1;
short accountId = Utils.getRandomShort(TestUtils.RANDOM);
short containerId = Utils.getRandomShort(TestUtils.RANDOM);
BlobId id = new BlobId(CommonTestUtils.getCurrentBlobIdVersion(), BlobId.BlobIdType.NATIVE, ClusterMap.UNKNOWN_DATACENTER_ID, accountId, containerId, clusterMap.getWritablePartitionIds(MockClusterMap.DEFAULT_PARTITION_CLASS).get(0), false, BlobId.BlobDataType.DATACHUNK);
MessageInfo messageInfo = new MessageInfo(id, msgSize, false, false, true, Utils.Infinite_Time, null, accountId, containerId, operationTimeMs, (short) 1);
totalSizeOfAllMessages += msgSize;
ReplicaMetadataResponseInfo responseInfo = new ReplicaMetadataResponseInfo(clusterMap.getWritablePartitionIds(MockClusterMap.DEFAULT_PARTITION_CLASS).get(0), replicaType, new MockFindToken(0, 1000), messageInfoList, 1000, responseVersionToUse);
Assert.assertEquals("Total size of messages not as expected", totalSizeOfAllMessages, responseInfo.getTotalSizeOfAllMessages());
ReplicaMetadataResponse response = new ReplicaMetadataResponse(1234, "clientId", ServerErrorCode.No_Error, replicaMetadataResponseInfoList, responseVersionToUse);
requestStream = serAndPrepForRead(response, -1, false);
ReplicaMetadataResponse deserializedReplicaMetadataResponse = ReplicaMetadataResponse.readFrom(requestStream, new MockFindTokenHelper(), clusterMap);
Assert.assertEquals(deserializedReplicaMetadataResponse.getCorrelationId(), 1234);
Assert.assertEquals(deserializedReplicaMetadataResponse.getError(), ServerErrorCode.No_Error);
Assert.assertEquals("ReplicaMetadataResponse list size mismatch ", numResponseInfos, deserializedReplicaMetadataResponse.getReplicaMetadataResponseInfoList().size());
for (int j = 0; j < replicaMetadataResponseInfoList.size(); j++) {
ReplicaMetadataResponseInfo originalMetadataResponse = replicaMetadataResponseInfoList.get(j);
ReplicaMetadataResponseInfo replicaMetadataResponseInfo = deserializedReplicaMetadataResponse.getReplicaMetadataResponseInfoList().get(j);
Assert.assertEquals("MsgInfo list size in ReplicaMetadataResponse mismatch ", numMessagesInEachResponseInfo, replicaMetadataResponseInfo.getMessageInfoList().size());
Assert.assertEquals("Total size of messages not as expected", originalMetadataResponse.getTotalSizeOfAllMessages(), replicaMetadataResponseInfo.getTotalSizeOfAllMessages());
List<MessageInfo> deserializedMsgInfoList = replicaMetadataResponseInfo.getMessageInfoList();
for (int i = 0; i < originalMetadataResponse.getMessageInfoList().size(); i++) {
MessageInfo originalMsgInfo = originalMetadataResponse.getMessageInfoList().get(i);
MessageInfo msgInfo = deserializedMsgInfoList.get(i);
Assert.assertEquals("MsgInfo size mismatch ", originalMsgInfo.getSize(), msgInfo.getSize());
Assert.assertEquals("MsgInfo key mismatch ", originalMsgInfo.getStoreKey(), msgInfo.getStoreKey());
Assert.assertEquals("MsgInfo expiration value mismatch ", Utils.Infinite_Time, msgInfo.getExpirationTimeInMs());
if (response.getVersionId() >= ReplicaMetadataResponse.REPLICA_METADATA_RESPONSE_VERSION_V_3) {
Assert.assertEquals("AccountId mismatch ", originalMsgInfo.getAccountId(), msgInfo.getAccountId());
Assert.assertEquals("ContainerId mismatch ", originalMsgInfo.getContainerId(), msgInfo.getContainerId());
Assert.assertEquals("OperationTime mismatch ", operationTimeMs, msgInfo.getOperationTimeMs());
} else {
Assert.assertEquals("AccountId mismatch ", UNKNOWN_ACCOUNT_ID, msgInfo.getAccountId());
Assert.assertEquals("ContainerId mismatch ", UNKNOWN_CONTAINER_ID, msgInfo.getContainerId());
Assert.assertEquals("OperationTime mismatch ", Utils.Infinite_Time, msgInfo.getOperationTimeMs());
if (messageInfoToUse >= MessageInfoAndMetadataListSerde.VERSION_6) {
Assert.assertEquals("LifeVersion mismatch", (short) 1, msgInfo.getLifeVersion());
} else {
Assert.assertEquals("LifeVersion mismatch", (short) 0, msgInfo.getLifeVersion());
// to ensure that the toString() representation does not go overboard, a random bound check is executed here.
// a rough estimate is that each response info should contribute about 500 chars to the toString() representation
int maxLength = 100 + numResponseInfos * 500;
Assert.assertTrue("toString() representation longer than " + maxLength + " characters", response.toString().length() < maxLength);
// test toString() of a ReplicaMetadataResponseInfo without any messages
ReplicaMetadataResponseInfo responseInfo = new ReplicaMetadataResponseInfo(clusterMap.getWritablePartitionIds(MockClusterMap.DEFAULT_PARTITION_CLASS).get(0), replicaType, new MockFindToken(0, 1000), Collections.emptyList(), 1000, responseVersionToUse);
Assert.assertTrue("Length of toString() should be > 0", responseInfo.toString().length() > 0);
// test toString() of a ReplicaMetadataResponse without any ReplicaMetadataResponseInfo
response = new ReplicaMetadataResponse(1234, "clientId", ServerErrorCode.No_Error, Collections.emptyList(), responseVersionToUse);
Assert.assertTrue("Length of toString() should be > 0", response.toString().length() > 0);
use of in project ambry by linkedin.
the class AmbryRequests method handleTtlUpdateRequest.
public void handleTtlUpdateRequest(NetworkRequest request) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
TtlUpdateRequest updateRequest;
if (request instanceof LocalChannelRequest) {
// This is a case where handleTtlUpdateRequest is called when frontends are talking to Azure. In this case, this method
// is called by request handler threads running within the frontend router itself. So, the request can be directly
// referenced as java objects without any need for deserialization.
updateRequest = (TtlUpdateRequest) ((LocalChannelRequest) request).getRequestInfo().getRequest();
} else {
updateRequest = TtlUpdateRequest.readFrom(new DataInputStream(request.getInputStream()), clusterMap);
long requestQueueTime = SystemTime.getInstance().milliseconds() - request.getStartTimeInMs();
long totalTimeSpent = requestQueueTime;
long startTime = SystemTime.getInstance().milliseconds();
TtlUpdateResponse response = null;
try {
ServerErrorCode error = validateRequest(updateRequest.getBlobId().getPartition(), RequestOrResponseType.TtlUpdateRequest, false);
if (error != ServerErrorCode.No_Error) {
logger.error("Validating TtlUpdateRequest failed with error {} for request {}", error, updateRequest);
response = new TtlUpdateResponse(updateRequest.getCorrelationId(), updateRequest.getClientId(), error);
} else {
BlobId convertedStoreKey = (BlobId) getConvertedStoreKeys(Collections.singletonList(updateRequest.getBlobId())).get(0);
MessageInfo info = new MessageInfo.Builder(convertedStoreKey, -1, convertedStoreKey.getAccountId(), convertedStoreKey.getContainerId(), updateRequest.getOperationTimeInMs()).isTtlUpdated(true).expirationTimeInMs(updateRequest.getExpiresAtMs()).lifeVersion(MessageInfo.LIFE_VERSION_FROM_FRONTEND).build();
Store store = storeManager.getStore(updateRequest.getBlobId().getPartition());
response = new TtlUpdateResponse(updateRequest.getCorrelationId(), updateRequest.getClientId(), ServerErrorCode.No_Error);
if (notification != null) {
notification.onBlobReplicaUpdated(currentNode.getHostname(), currentNode.getPort(), convertedStoreKey.getID(), BlobReplicaSourceType.PRIMARY, UpdateType.TTL_UPDATE, info);
} catch (StoreException e) {
boolean logInErrorLevel = false;
if (e.getErrorCode() == StoreErrorCodes.ID_Not_Found) {;
} else if (e.getErrorCode() == StoreErrorCodes.TTL_Expired) {;
} else if (e.getErrorCode() == StoreErrorCodes.ID_Deleted) {;
} else if (e.getErrorCode() == StoreErrorCodes.Authorization_Failure) {;
} else if (e.getErrorCode() == StoreErrorCodes.Already_Updated) {;
} else if (e.getErrorCode() == StoreErrorCodes.Update_Not_Allowed) {;
} else {
logInErrorLevel = true;;
if (logInErrorLevel) {
logger.error("Store exception on a TTL update with error code {} for request {}", e.getErrorCode(), updateRequest, e);
} else {
logger.trace("Store exception on a TTL update with error code {} for request {}", e.getErrorCode(), updateRequest, e);
response = new TtlUpdateResponse(updateRequest.getCorrelationId(), updateRequest.getClientId(), ErrorMapping.getStoreErrorMapping(e.getErrorCode()));
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("Unknown exception for TTL update request {}", updateRequest, e);
response = new TtlUpdateResponse(updateRequest.getCorrelationId(), updateRequest.getClientId(), ServerErrorCode.Unknown_Error);;
} finally {
long processingTime = SystemTime.getInstance().milliseconds() - startTime;
totalTimeSpent += processingTime;"{} {} processingTime {}", updateRequest, response, processingTime);
requestResponseChannel.sendResponse(response, request, new ServerNetworkResponseMetrics(metrics.updateBlobTtlResponseQueueTimeInMs, metrics.updateBlobTtlSendTimeInMs, metrics.updateBlobTtlTotalTimeInMs, null, null, totalTimeSpent));
use of in project ambry by linkedin.
the class AmbryRequests method handleDeleteRequest.
public void handleDeleteRequest(NetworkRequest request) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
DeleteRequest deleteRequest;
if (request instanceof LocalChannelRequest) {
// This is a case where handleDeleteRequest is called when frontends are talking to Azure. In this case, this method
// is called by request handler threads running within the frontend router itself. So, the request can be directly
// referenced as java objects without any need for deserialization.
deleteRequest = (DeleteRequest) ((LocalChannelRequest) request).getRequestInfo().getRequest();
} else {
deleteRequest = DeleteRequest.readFrom(new DataInputStream(request.getInputStream()), clusterMap);
long requestQueueTime = SystemTime.getInstance().milliseconds() - request.getStartTimeInMs();
long totalTimeSpent = requestQueueTime;
long startTime = SystemTime.getInstance().milliseconds();
DeleteResponse response = null;
try {
StoreKey convertedStoreKey = getConvertedStoreKeys(Collections.singletonList(deleteRequest.getBlobId())).get(0);
ServerErrorCode error = validateRequest(deleteRequest.getBlobId().getPartition(), RequestOrResponseType.DeleteRequest, false);
if (error != ServerErrorCode.No_Error) {
logger.error("Validating delete request failed with error {} for request {}", error, deleteRequest);
response = new DeleteResponse(deleteRequest.getCorrelationId(), deleteRequest.getClientId(), error);
} else {
BlobId convertedBlobId = (BlobId) convertedStoreKey;
MessageInfo info = new MessageInfo.Builder(convertedBlobId, -1, convertedBlobId.getAccountId(), convertedBlobId.getContainerId(), deleteRequest.getDeletionTimeInMs()).isDeleted(true).lifeVersion(MessageInfo.LIFE_VERSION_FROM_FRONTEND).build();
Store storeToDelete = storeManager.getStore(deleteRequest.getBlobId().getPartition());
response = new DeleteResponse(deleteRequest.getCorrelationId(), deleteRequest.getClientId(), ServerErrorCode.No_Error);
if (notification != null) {
notification.onBlobReplicaDeleted(currentNode.getHostname(), currentNode.getPort(), convertedStoreKey.getID(), BlobReplicaSourceType.PRIMARY);
} catch (StoreException e) {
boolean logInErrorLevel = false;
if (e.getErrorCode() == StoreErrorCodes.ID_Not_Found) {;
} else if (e.getErrorCode() == StoreErrorCodes.TTL_Expired) {;
} else if (e.getErrorCode() == StoreErrorCodes.ID_Deleted) {;
} else if (e.getErrorCode() == StoreErrorCodes.Authorization_Failure) {;
} else {
logInErrorLevel = true;;
if (logInErrorLevel) {
logger.error("Store exception on a delete with error code {} for request {}", e.getErrorCode(), deleteRequest, e);
} else {
logger.trace("Store exception on a delete with error code {} for request {}", e.getErrorCode(), deleteRequest, e);
response = new DeleteResponse(deleteRequest.getCorrelationId(), deleteRequest.getClientId(), ErrorMapping.getStoreErrorMapping(e.getErrorCode()));
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("Unknown exception for delete request {}", deleteRequest, e);
response = new DeleteResponse(deleteRequest.getCorrelationId(), deleteRequest.getClientId(), ServerErrorCode.Unknown_Error);;
} finally {
long processingTime = SystemTime.getInstance().milliseconds() - startTime;
totalTimeSpent += processingTime;"{} {} processingTime {}", deleteRequest, response, processingTime);
requestResponseChannel.sendResponse(response, request, new ServerNetworkResponseMetrics(metrics.deleteBlobResponseQueueTimeInMs, metrics.deleteBlobSendTimeInMs, metrics.deleteBlobTotalTimeInMs, null, null, totalTimeSpent));
use of in project ambry by linkedin.
the class ReplicaThread method processReplicaMetadataResponse.
* Takes the missing store messages and the message list from the remote store and identifies ones that are deleted
* on the remote store and updates them locally. Also, if the message that is missing is deleted in the remote
* store, we remove the message from the list of missing messages
* @param missingRemoteStoreMessages The list of messages missing from the local store
* @param replicaMetadataResponseInfo The replica metadata response from the remote store
* @param remoteReplicaInfo The remote replica that is being replicated from
* @param remoteNode The remote node from which replication needs to happen
* @param remoteKeyToLocalKeyMap map mapping remote keys to local key equivalents
* @throws StoreException
void processReplicaMetadataResponse(Set<MessageInfo> missingRemoteStoreMessages, ReplicaMetadataResponseInfo replicaMetadataResponseInfo, RemoteReplicaInfo remoteReplicaInfo, DataNodeId remoteNode, Map<StoreKey, StoreKey> remoteKeyToLocalKeyMap) throws StoreException {
long startTime = time.milliseconds();
List<MessageInfo> messageInfoList = replicaMetadataResponseInfo.getMessageInfoList();
for (MessageInfo messageInfo : messageInfoList) {
BlobId blobId = (BlobId) messageInfo.getStoreKey();
if (remoteReplicaInfo.getLocalReplicaId().getPartitionId().compareTo(blobId.getPartition()) != 0) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Blob id is not in the expected partition Actual partition " + blobId.getPartition() + " Expected partition " + remoteReplicaInfo.getLocalReplicaId().getPartitionId());
BlobId localKey = (BlobId) remoteKeyToLocalKeyMap.get(messageInfo.getStoreKey());
if (localKey == null) {
logger.trace("Remote node: {} Thread name: {} Remote replica: {} Remote key deprecated locally: {}", remoteNode, threadName, remoteReplicaInfo.getReplicaId(), messageInfo.getStoreKey());
} else if (missingRemoteStoreMessages.contains(messageInfo)) {
// nothing if the key is deleted or expired remotely.
if (messageInfo.isDeleted()) {
// if the key is not present locally and if the remote replica has the message in deleted state,
// it is not considered missing locally.
logger.trace("Remote node: {} Thread name: {} Remote replica: {} Key in deleted state remotely: {} Local key: {}", remoteNode, threadName, remoteReplicaInfo.getReplicaId(), messageInfo.getStoreKey(), localKey);
// as long as the Delete is guaranteed to have taken effect locally.
if (notification != null) {
notification.onBlobReplicaDeleted(dataNodeId.getHostname(), dataNodeId.getPort(), localKey.getID(), BlobReplicaSourceType.REPAIRED);
} else if (messageInfo.isExpired()) {
// if the key is not present locally and if the remote replica has the key as expired,
// it is not considered missing locally.
logger.trace("Remote node: {} Thread name: {} Remote replica: {} Key in expired state remotely {}", remoteNode, threadName, remoteReplicaInfo.getReplicaId(), localKey);
} else {
// if the blob is from deprecated container, then nothing needs to be done.
if (replicationConfig.replicationContainerDeletionEnabled && skipPredicate != null && skipPredicate.test(messageInfo)) {
applyUpdatesToBlobInLocalStore(messageInfo, remoteReplicaInfo, localKey);
if (replicatingFromRemoteColo) {
replicationMetrics.interColoProcessMetadataResponseTime.get(datacenterName).update(time.milliseconds() - startTime);
} else {
replicationMetrics.intraColoProcessMetadataResponseTime.update(time.milliseconds() - startTime);
use of in project ambry by linkedin.
the class ReplicaThread method applyTtlUpdate.
* Applies a TTL update to the blob described by {@code messageInfo}.
* @param messageInfo the {@link MessageInfo} that will be transformed into a TTL update
* @param remoteReplicaInfo The remote replica that is being replicated from
* @throws StoreException
private void applyTtlUpdate(MessageInfo messageInfo, RemoteReplicaInfo remoteReplicaInfo) throws StoreException {
DataNodeId remoteNode = remoteReplicaInfo.getReplicaId().getDataNodeId();
try {
// NOTE: It is possible that the key in question may have expired and this TTL update is being applied after it
// is deemed expired. The store will accept the op (BlobStore looks at whether the op was valid to do at the time
// of the op, not current time) but if compaction is running at the same time and has decided to clean up the
// record before this ttl update was applied (and this didn't find the key missing because compaction has not yet
// committed), then we have a bad situation where only a TTL update exists in the store. This problem has to be
// addressed. This can only happen if replication is far behind (for e.g due to a server being down for a long
// time). Won't happen if a server is being recreated.
messageInfo = new MessageInfo.Builder(messageInfo).isTtlUpdated(true).build();
logger.trace("Remote node: {} Thread name: {} Remote replica: {} Key ttl updated id: {}", remoteNode, threadName, remoteReplicaInfo.getReplicaId(), messageInfo.getStoreKey());
} catch (StoreException e) {
// The blob may be deleted or updated which is alright
if (e.getErrorCode() == StoreErrorCodes.ID_Deleted || e.getErrorCode() == StoreErrorCodes.Already_Updated) {
logger.trace("Remote node: {} Thread name: {} Remote replica: {} Key already updated: {}", remoteNode, threadName, remoteReplicaInfo.getReplicaId(), messageInfo.getStoreKey());
} else {
throw e;
// as long as the update is guaranteed to have taken effect locally.
if (notification != null) {
notification.onBlobReplicaUpdated(dataNodeId.getHostname(), dataNodeId.getPort(), messageInfo.getStoreKey().getID(), BlobReplicaSourceType.REPAIRED, UpdateType.TTL_UPDATE, messageInfo);