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the class MessageSievingInputStreamTest method testDeletedBlobs.
private void testDeletedBlobs(short blobVersion, BlobType blobType) throws IOException, MessageFormatException {
// MessageSievingInputStream contains put records for 2 valid blobs and 1 deleted blob
// id1(put record for valid blob), id2(delete record) and id3(put record for valid blob)
ArrayList<Short> versions = new ArrayList<>();
if (blobVersion != Blob_Version_V1) {
try {
for (short version : versions) {
headerVersionToUse = version;
// create message stream for blob 1
StoreKey key1 = new MockId("id1");
short accountId = Utils.getRandomShort(TestUtils.RANDOM);
short containerId = Utils.getRandomShort(TestUtils.RANDOM);
BlobProperties prop1 = new BlobProperties(10, "servid1", accountId, containerId, false);
byte[] encryptionKey1 = new byte[100];
byte[] usermetadata1 = new byte[1000];
int blobContentSize = 2000;
byte[] data1 = new byte[blobContentSize];
if (blobVersion == Blob_Version_V2 && blobType == BlobType.MetadataBlob) {
ByteBuffer byteBufferBlob = MessageFormatTestUtils.getBlobContentForMetadataBlob(blobContentSize);
data1 = byteBufferBlob.array();
blobContentSize = data1.length;
ByteBufferInputStream stream1 = new ByteBufferInputStream(ByteBuffer.wrap(data1));
MessageFormatInputStream messageFormatStream1 = (blobVersion == Blob_Version_V2) ? new PutMessageFormatInputStream(key1, ByteBuffer.wrap(encryptionKey1), prop1, ByteBuffer.wrap(usermetadata1), stream1, blobContentSize, blobType) : new PutMessageFormatBlobV1InputStream(key1, prop1, ByteBuffer.wrap(usermetadata1), stream1, blobContentSize, blobType);
MessageInfo msgInfo1 = new MessageInfo(key1, messageFormatStream1.getSize(), accountId, containerId, prop1.getCreationTimeInMs());
// create message stream for blob 2 and mark it as deleted
StoreKey key2 = new MockId("id2");
accountId = Utils.getRandomShort(TestUtils.RANDOM);
containerId = Utils.getRandomShort(TestUtils.RANDOM);
long deletionTimeMs = SystemTime.getInstance().milliseconds() + TestUtils.RANDOM.nextInt();
MessageFormatInputStream messageFormatStream2 = new DeleteMessageFormatInputStream(key2, accountId, containerId, deletionTimeMs);
MessageInfo msgInfo2 = new MessageInfo(key2, messageFormatStream2.getSize(), accountId, containerId, deletionTimeMs);
// create message stream for blob 3
StoreKey key3 = new MockId("id3");
accountId = Utils.getRandomShort(TestUtils.RANDOM);
containerId = Utils.getRandomShort(TestUtils.RANDOM);
BlobProperties prop3 = new BlobProperties(10, "servid3", accountId, containerId, false);
byte[] encryptionKey3 = new byte[100];
byte[] usermetadata3 = new byte[1000];
blobContentSize = 2000;
byte[] data3 = new byte[blobContentSize];
if (blobVersion == Blob_Version_V2 && blobType == BlobType.MetadataBlob) {
ByteBuffer byteBufferBlob = MessageFormatTestUtils.getBlobContentForMetadataBlob(blobContentSize);
data3 = byteBufferBlob.array();
blobContentSize = data3.length;
ByteBufferInputStream stream3 = new ByteBufferInputStream(ByteBuffer.wrap(data3));
MessageFormatInputStream messageFormatStream3 = (blobVersion == Blob_Version_V2) ? new PutMessageFormatInputStream(key3, ByteBuffer.wrap(encryptionKey3), prop3, ByteBuffer.wrap(usermetadata3), stream3, blobContentSize, blobType) : new PutMessageFormatBlobV1InputStream(key3, prop3, ByteBuffer.wrap(usermetadata3), stream3, blobContentSize, blobType);
MessageInfo msgInfo3 = new MessageInfo(key3, messageFormatStream3.getSize(), accountId, containerId, prop3.getCreationTimeInMs());
// create input stream for all blob messages together
byte[] totalMessageContent = new byte[(int) messageFormatStream1.getSize() + (int) messageFormatStream2.getSize() + (int) messageFormatStream3.getSize()];, 0, (int) messageFormatStream1.getSize());, (int) messageFormatStream1.getSize(), (int) messageFormatStream2.getSize());, (int) messageFormatStream1.getSize() + (int) messageFormatStream2.getSize(), (int) messageFormatStream3.getSize());
InputStream inputStream = new ByteBufferInputStream(ByteBuffer.wrap(totalMessageContent));
List<MessageInfo> msgInfoList = new ArrayList<MessageInfo>();
MessageSievingInputStream validMessageDetectionInputStream = new MessageSievingInputStream(inputStream, msgInfoList, new MockIdFactory(), new MetricRegistry());"IllegalStateException should have been thrown due to delete record ");
} catch (IllegalStateException e) {
Assert.assertTrue("IllegalStateException thrown as expected ", true);
headerVersionToUse = Message_Header_Version_V1;
use of in project ambry by linkedin.
the class CloudBlobStoreTest method testStoreDeletes.
* Test the CloudBlobStore delete method.
public void testStoreDeletes() throws Exception {
setupCloudStore(false, true, defaultCacheLimit, true);
int count = 10;
long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
Map<BlobId, MessageInfo> messageInfoMap = new HashMap<>();
for (int j = 0; j < count; j++) {
BlobId blobId = getUniqueId(refAccountId, refContainerId, true, partitionId);
messageInfoMap.put(blobId, new MessageInfo(blobId, SMALL_BLOB_SIZE, refAccountId, refContainerId, now, initLifeVersion()));
store.delete(new ArrayList<>(messageInfoMap.values()));
verify(dest, times(count)).deleteBlob(any(BlobId.class), eq(now), anyShort(), any(CloudUpdateValidator.class));
if (isVcr) {
verifyCacheHits(count, 0);
} else {
verifyCacheHits(0, 0);
// If not isVcr, deletion should fail
for (MessageInfo messageInfo : messageInfoMap.values()) {
try {
} catch (StoreException ex) {
if (isVcr) {
assertEquals(ex.getErrorCode(), StoreErrorCodes.ID_Deleted);
int expectedCount = isVcr ? count : count * 2;
verify(dest, times(expectedCount)).deleteBlob(any(BlobId.class), eq(now), anyShort(), any(CloudUpdateValidator.class));
if (isVcr) {
verifyCacheHits(count * 2, count);
} else {
verifyCacheHits(0, 0);
// Call again with a smaller life version. If isVcr, should hit the cache again.
Map<BlobId, MessageInfo> newMessageInfoMap = new HashMap<>();
for (BlobId blobId : messageInfoMap.keySet()) {
newMessageInfoMap.put(blobId, new MessageInfo(blobId, SMALL_BLOB_SIZE, refAccountId, refContainerId, now, initLifeVersion()));
for (MessageInfo messageInfo : messageInfoMap.values()) {
try {
} catch (StoreException ex) {
if (isVcr) {
assertEquals(ex.getErrorCode(), StoreErrorCodes.ID_Deleted);
expectedCount = isVcr ? count : count * 3;
verify(dest, times(expectedCount)).deleteBlob(any(BlobId.class), eq(now), anyShort(), any(CloudUpdateValidator.class));
if (isVcr) {
verifyCacheHits(count * 3, count * 2);
} else {
verifyCacheHits(0, 0);
// Call again with a larger life version. Should not hit cache again.
for (BlobId blobId : messageInfoMap.keySet()) {
newMessageInfoMap.put(blobId, new MessageInfo(blobId, SMALL_BLOB_SIZE, refAccountId, refContainerId, now, (short) 2));
for (MessageInfo messageInfo : messageInfoMap.values()) {
try {
} catch (StoreException ex) {
if (isVcr) {
assertEquals(ex.getErrorCode(), StoreErrorCodes.ID_Deleted);
expectedCount = isVcr ? count : count * 4;
verify(dest, times(expectedCount)).deleteBlob(any(BlobId.class), eq(now), anyShort(), any(CloudUpdateValidator.class));
if (isVcr) {
verifyCacheHits(count * 4, count * 3);
} else {
verifyCacheHits(0, 0);
// Try to upload a set of blobs containing duplicates
List<MessageInfo> messageInfoList = new ArrayList<>(messageInfoMap.values());
messageInfoList.add(messageInfoList.get(messageInfoMap.values().size() - 1));
try {
} catch (IllegalArgumentException iaex) {
if (isVcr) {
verifyCacheHits(count * 4, count * 3);
} else {
verifyCacheHits(0, 0);
use of in project ambry by linkedin.
the class CloudBlobStoreTest method testStoreTtlUpdates.
* Test the CloudBlobStore updateTtl method.
public void testStoreTtlUpdates() throws Exception {
setupCloudStore(false, true, defaultCacheLimit, true);
MockMessageWriteSet messageWriteSet = new MockMessageWriteSet();
int count = 10;
for (int j = 0; j < count; j++) {
CloudTestUtil.addBlobToMessageSet(messageWriteSet, SMALL_BLOB_SIZE, -1, refAccountId, refContainerId, true, false, partitionId, operationTime, isVcr);
verify(dest, times(count)).updateBlobExpiration(any(BlobId.class), anyLong(), any(CloudUpdateValidator.class));
verifyCacheHits(count, 0);
// Call second time, If isVcr, should be cached causing updates to be skipped.
int expectedCount = isVcr ? count : count * 2;
verify(dest, times(expectedCount)).updateBlobExpiration(any(BlobId.class), anyLong(), any(CloudUpdateValidator.class));
verifyCacheHits(count * 2, count);
// test that if a blob is deleted and then undeleted, the ttlupdate status is preserved in cache.
MessageInfo messageInfo = messageWriteSet.getMessageSetInfo().get(0);
verify(dest, times(1)).deleteBlob(any(BlobId.class), anyLong(), anyShort(), any(CloudUpdateValidator.class));
verify(dest, times(1)).undeleteBlob(any(BlobId.class), anyShort(), any(CloudUpdateValidator.class));
expectedCount = isVcr ? expectedCount : expectedCount + 1;
verify(dest, times(expectedCount)).updateBlobExpiration(any(BlobId.class), anyLong(), any(CloudUpdateValidator.class));
if (isVcr) {
verifyCacheHits((count * 2) + 3, count + 1);
} else {
// delete and undelete should not cause cache lookup for frontend.
verifyCacheHits((count * 2) + 1, count + 1);
// test that ttl update with non infinite expiration time fails
messageWriteSet = new MockMessageWriteSet();
CloudTestUtil.addBlobToMessageSet(messageWriteSet, SMALL_BLOB_SIZE, System.currentTimeMillis() + 20000, refAccountId, refContainerId, true, false, partitionId, operationTime, isVcr);
try {
} catch (StoreException ex) {
assertEquals(ex.getErrorCode(), StoreErrorCodes.Update_Not_Allowed);
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the class CloudBlobStoreTest method testStorePuts.
* Test the CloudBlobStore put method with specified encryption.
* @param requireEncryption true for encrypted puts. false otherwise.
private void testStorePuts(boolean requireEncryption) throws Exception {
setupCloudStore(true, requireEncryption, defaultCacheLimit, true);
// Put blobs with and without expiration and encryption
MockMessageWriteSet messageWriteSet = new MockMessageWriteSet();
int count = 5;
int expectedUploads = 0;
long expectedBytesUploaded = 0;
int expectedEncryptions = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < count; j++) {
long size = Math.abs(random.nextLong()) % 10000;
// Permanent and encrypted, should be uploaded and not reencrypted
CloudTestUtil.addBlobToMessageSet(messageWriteSet, size, Utils.Infinite_Time, refAccountId, refContainerId, true, false, partitionId, operationTime, isVcr);
expectedBytesUploaded += size;
// Permanent and unencrypted
CloudTestUtil.addBlobToMessageSet(messageWriteSet, size, Utils.Infinite_Time, refAccountId, refContainerId, false, false, partitionId, operationTime, isVcr);
expectedBytesUploaded += size;
if (requireEncryption) {
LatchBasedInMemoryCloudDestination inMemoryDest = (LatchBasedInMemoryCloudDestination) dest;
assertEquals("Unexpected blobs count", expectedUploads, inMemoryDest.getBlobsUploaded());
assertEquals("Unexpected byte count", expectedBytesUploaded, inMemoryDest.getBytesUploaded());
assertEquals("Unexpected encryption count", expectedEncryptions, vcrMetrics.blobEncryptionCount.getCount());
verifyCacheHits(expectedUploads, 0);
// Try to put the same blobs again (e.g. from another replica).
// If isVcr is true, they should already be cached.
for (MessageInfo messageInfo : messageWriteSet.getMessageSetInfo()) {
try {
MockMessageWriteSet mockMessageWriteSet = new MockMessageWriteSet();
CloudTestUtil.addBlobToMessageSet(mockMessageWriteSet, (BlobId) messageInfo.getStoreKey(), messageInfo.getSize(), messageInfo.getExpirationTimeInMs(), operationTime, isVcr);
fail("Uploading already uploaded blob shoudl throw error");
} catch (StoreException ex) {
assertEquals(ex.getErrorCode(), StoreErrorCodes.Already_Exist);
int expectedSkips = isVcr ? expectedUploads : 0;
assertEquals("Unexpected blobs count", expectedUploads, inMemoryDest.getBlobsUploaded());
assertEquals("Unexpected byte count", expectedBytesUploaded, inMemoryDest.getBytesUploaded());
assertEquals("Unexpected skipped count", expectedSkips, vcrMetrics.blobUploadSkippedCount.getCount());
verifyCacheHits(2 * expectedUploads, expectedUploads);
// Try to upload a set of blobs containing duplicates
MessageInfo duplicateMessageInfo = messageWriteSet.getMessageSetInfo().get(messageWriteSet.getMessageSetInfo().size() - 1);
CloudTestUtil.addBlobToMessageSet(messageWriteSet, (BlobId) duplicateMessageInfo.getStoreKey(), duplicateMessageInfo.getSize(), duplicateMessageInfo.getExpirationTimeInMs(), operationTime, isVcr);
try {
} catch (IllegalArgumentException iaex) {
verifyCacheHits(2 * expectedUploads, expectedUploads);
// Verify that a blob marked as deleted is not uploaded.
MockMessageWriteSet deletedMessageWriteSet = new MockMessageWriteSet();
CloudTestUtil.addBlobToMessageSet(deletedMessageWriteSet, 100, Utils.Infinite_Time, refAccountId, refContainerId, true, true, partitionId, operationTime, isVcr);
verifyCacheHits(2 * expectedUploads, expectedUploads);
assertEquals(expectedSkips, vcrMetrics.blobUploadSkippedCount.getCount());
// Verify that a blob that is expiring soon is not uploaded for vcr but is uploaded for frontend.
messageWriteSet = new MockMessageWriteSet();
CloudTestUtil.addBlobToMessageSet(messageWriteSet, 100, operationTime + cloudConfig.vcrMinTtlDays - 1, refAccountId, refContainerId, true, false, partitionId, operationTime, isVcr);
int expectedLookups = (2 * expectedUploads) + 1;
if (isVcr) {
} else {
verifyCacheHits(expectedLookups, expectedUploads);
assertEquals(expectedSkips, vcrMetrics.blobUploadSkippedCount.getCount());
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the class CloudBlobStoreTest method testGetForDeletedBlobWithIncludeExpiredOption.
* Test cloud store get with a list of blobs such that atleast one of them is expired, and {@code StoreGetOptions.Store_Include_Expired} is set in getoptions
* @param blobIds list of blobids to get
* @param expiredBlobId expired blob id
* @throws Exception
private void testGetForDeletedBlobWithIncludeExpiredOption(List<BlobId> blobIds, BlobId expiredBlobId) throws Exception {
StoreInfo storeInfo = store.get(blobIds, EnumSet.of(StoreGetOptions.Store_Include_Expired));
for (MessageInfo msgInfo : storeInfo.getMessageReadSetInfo()) {
if (msgInfo.getStoreKey().equals(expiredBlobId)) {
fail("get should be successful for a expired blob with Store_Include_Expired set in get options");