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Example 16 with Transformer

use of in project ambry by linkedin.

the class ReplicationTest method replicaThreadTest.

 * Tests {@link ReplicaThread#exchangeMetadata(ConnectedChannel, List)} and
 * {@link ReplicaThread#fixMissingStoreKeys(ConnectedChannel, List, List, boolean)} for valid puts, deletes, expired keys and
 * corrupt blobs.
 * @throws Exception
public void replicaThreadTest() throws Exception {
    MockClusterMap clusterMap = new MockClusterMap();
    Pair<MockHost, MockHost> localAndRemoteHosts = getLocalAndRemoteHosts(clusterMap);
    MockHost localHost = localAndRemoteHosts.getFirst();
    MockHost remoteHost = localAndRemoteHosts.getSecond();
    MockStoreKeyConverterFactory storeKeyConverterFactory = new MockStoreKeyConverterFactory(null, null);
    storeKeyConverterFactory.setConversionMap(new HashMap<>());
    MockStoreKeyConverterFactory.MockStoreKeyConverter storeKeyConverter = storeKeyConverterFactory.getStoreKeyConverter();
    short blobIdVersion = CommonTestUtils.getCurrentBlobIdVersion();
    List<PartitionId> partitionIds = clusterMap.getWritablePartitionIds(null);
    Map<PartitionId, List<StoreKey>> idsToBeIgnoredByPartition = new HashMap<>();
    for (int i = 0; i < partitionIds.size(); i++) {
        List<StoreKey> idsToBeIgnored = new ArrayList<>();
        PartitionId partitionId = partitionIds.get(i);
        // add 6 messages to both hosts.
        StoreKey toDeleteId = addPutMessagesToReplicasOfPartition(partitionId, Arrays.asList(localHost, remoteHost), 6).get(0);
        short accountId = Utils.getRandomShort(TestUtils.RANDOM);
        short containerId = Utils.getRandomShort(TestUtils.RANDOM);
        boolean toEncrypt = TestUtils.RANDOM.nextBoolean();
        // add an expired message to the remote host only
        StoreKey id = new BlobId(blobIdVersion, BlobId.BlobIdType.NATIVE, ClusterMap.UNKNOWN_DATACENTER_ID, accountId, containerId, partitionId, toEncrypt, BlobId.BlobDataType.DATACHUNK);
        PutMsgInfoAndBuffer msgInfoAndBuffer = createPutMessage(id, accountId, containerId, toEncrypt);
        remoteHost.addMessage(partitionId, new MessageInfo(id, msgInfoAndBuffer.byteBuffer.remaining(), 1, accountId, containerId, msgInfoAndBuffer.messageInfo.getOperationTimeMs()), msgInfoAndBuffer.byteBuffer);
        // add 3 messages to the remote host only
        addPutMessagesToReplicasOfPartition(partitionId, Collections.singletonList(remoteHost), 3);
        accountId = Utils.getRandomShort(TestUtils.RANDOM);
        containerId = Utils.getRandomShort(TestUtils.RANDOM);
        toEncrypt = TestUtils.RANDOM.nextBoolean();
        // add a corrupt message to the remote host only
        id = new BlobId(blobIdVersion, BlobId.BlobIdType.NATIVE, ClusterMap.UNKNOWN_DATACENTER_ID, accountId, containerId, partitionId, toEncrypt, BlobId.BlobDataType.DATACHUNK);
        msgInfoAndBuffer = createPutMessage(id, accountId, containerId, toEncrypt);
        byte[] data = msgInfoAndBuffer.byteBuffer.array();
        // flip every bit in the array
        for (int j = 0; j < data.length; j++) {
            data[j] ^= 0xFF;
        remoteHost.addMessage(partitionId, msgInfoAndBuffer.messageInfo, msgInfoAndBuffer.byteBuffer);
        // add 3 messages to the remote host only
        addPutMessagesToReplicasOfPartition(partitionId, Collections.singletonList(remoteHost), 3);
        // add delete record for the very first blob in the remote host only
        addDeleteMessagesToReplicasOfPartition(partitionId, toDeleteId, Collections.singletonList(remoteHost));
        // PUT and DELETE a blob in the remote host only
        id = addPutMessagesToReplicasOfPartition(partitionId, Collections.singletonList(remoteHost), 1).get(0);
        addDeleteMessagesToReplicasOfPartition(partitionId, id, Collections.singletonList(remoteHost));
        // add 2 or 3 messages (depending on whether partition is even-numbered or odd-numbered) to the remote host only
        addPutMessagesToReplicasOfPartition(partitionId, Collections.singletonList(remoteHost), i % 2 == 0 ? 2 : 3);
        idsToBeIgnoredByPartition.put(partitionId, idsToBeIgnored);
        // ensure that the first key is not deleted in the local host
        assertNull(toDeleteId + " should not be deleted in the local host", getMessageInfo(toDeleteId, localHost.infosByPartition.get(partitionId), true, false, false));
    StoreKeyFactory storeKeyFactory = new BlobIdFactory(clusterMap);
    Transformer transformer = new BlobIdTransformer(storeKeyFactory, storeKeyConverter);
    int batchSize = 4;
    Pair<Map<DataNodeId, List<RemoteReplicaInfo>>, ReplicaThread> replicasAndThread = getRemoteReplicasAndReplicaThread(batchSize, clusterMap, localHost, remoteHost, storeKeyConverter, transformer, null, null);
    Map<DataNodeId, List<RemoteReplicaInfo>> replicasToReplicate = replicasAndThread.getFirst();
    ReplicaThread replicaThread = replicasAndThread.getSecond();
    Map<PartitionId, List<ByteBuffer>> missingBuffers = remoteHost.getMissingBuffers(localHost.buffersByPartition);
    for (Map.Entry<PartitionId, List<ByteBuffer>> entry : missingBuffers.entrySet()) {
        if (partitionIds.indexOf(entry.getKey()) % 2 == 0) {
            assertEquals("Missing buffers count mismatch", 13, entry.getValue().size());
        } else {
            assertEquals("Missing buffers count mismatch", 14, entry.getValue().size());
    // 1st and 2nd iterations - no keys missing because all data is in both hosts
    // 3rd iteration - 3 missing keys (one expired)
    // 4th iteration - 3 missing keys (one expired) - the corrupt key also shows up as missing but is ignored later
    // 5th iteration - 1 missing key (1 key from prev cycle, 1 deleted key, 1 never present key but deleted in remote)
    // 6th iteration - 2 missing keys (2 entries i.e put,delete of never present key)
    int[] missingKeysCounts = { 0, 0, 3, 3, 1, 2 };
    int[] missingBuffersCount = { 12, 12, 9, 7, 6, 4 };
    int expectedIndex = 0;
    int missingBuffersIndex = 0;
    for (int missingKeysCount : missingKeysCounts) {
        expectedIndex = assertMissingKeysAndFixMissingStoreKeys(expectedIndex, batchSize - 1, batchSize, missingKeysCount, replicaThread, remoteHost, replicasToReplicate);
        missingBuffers = remoteHost.getMissingBuffers(localHost.buffersByPartition);
        for (Map.Entry<PartitionId, List<ByteBuffer>> entry : missingBuffers.entrySet()) {
            if (partitionIds.indexOf(entry.getKey()) % 2 == 0) {
                assertEquals("Missing buffers count mismatch for iteration count " + missingBuffersIndex, missingBuffersCount[missingBuffersIndex], entry.getValue().size());
            } else {
                assertEquals("Missing buffers count mismatch for iteration count " + missingBuffersIndex, missingBuffersCount[missingBuffersIndex] + 1, entry.getValue().size());
    // Test the case where some partitions have missing keys, but not all.
    List<ReplicaThread.ExchangeMetadataResponse> response = replicaThread.exchangeMetadata(new MockConnectionPool.MockConnection(remoteHost, batchSize), replicasToReplicate.get(remoteHost.dataNodeId));
    List<RemoteReplicaInfo> remoteReplicaInfos = replicasToReplicate.get(remoteHost.dataNodeId);
    assertEquals("Response should contain a response for each replica", remoteReplicaInfos.size(), response.size());
    for (int i = 0; i < response.size(); i++) {
        if (i % 2 == 0) {
            assertEquals(0, response.get(i).missingStoreMessages.size());
            assertEquals(expectedIndex, ((MockFindToken) response.get(i).remoteToken).getIndex());
        } else {
            assertEquals(1, response.get(i).missingStoreMessages.size());
            assertEquals(expectedIndex + 1, ((MockFindToken) response.get(i).remoteToken).getIndex());
    replicaThread.fixMissingStoreKeys(new MockConnectionPool.MockConnection(remoteHost, batchSize), replicasToReplicate.get(remoteHost.dataNodeId), response, false);
    for (int i = 0; i < response.size(); i++) {
        assertEquals("Token should have been set correctly in fixMissingStoreKeys()", response.get(i).remoteToken, replicasToReplicate.get(remoteHost.dataNodeId).get(i).getToken());
    // 1 expired + 1 corrupt + 1 put (never present) + 1 deleted (never present) expected missing buffers
    verifyNoMoreMissingKeysAndExpectedMissingBufferCount(remoteHost, localHost, replicaThread, replicasToReplicate, idsToBeIgnoredByPartition, storeKeyConverter, expectedIndex, expectedIndex + 1, 4);
Also used : ValidatingTransformer(com.github.ambry.messageformat.ValidatingTransformer) Transformer( HashMap(java.util.HashMap) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) StoreKeyFactory( List(java.util.List) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) MockStoreKeyConverterFactory( MockPartitionId(com.github.ambry.clustermap.MockPartitionId) PartitionId(com.github.ambry.clustermap.PartitionId) StoreKey( MessageInfo( BlobIdFactory(com.github.ambry.commons.BlobIdFactory) BlobId(com.github.ambry.commons.BlobId) Map(java.util.Map) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) ClusterMap(com.github.ambry.clustermap.ClusterMap) MockClusterMap(com.github.ambry.clustermap.MockClusterMap) DataNodeId(com.github.ambry.clustermap.DataNodeId) MockDataNodeId(com.github.ambry.clustermap.MockDataNodeId) MockClusterMap(com.github.ambry.clustermap.MockClusterMap) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 17 with Transformer

use of in project ambry by linkedin.

the class ReplicationTest method ttlUpdateReplicationTest.

 * Tests replication of TTL updates
 * @throws Exception
public void ttlUpdateReplicationTest() throws Exception {
    MockClusterMap clusterMap = new MockClusterMap();
    Pair<MockHost, MockHost> localAndRemoteHosts = getLocalAndRemoteHosts(clusterMap);
    MockHost localHost = localAndRemoteHosts.getFirst();
    MockHost remoteHost = localAndRemoteHosts.getSecond();
    MockHost expectedLocalHost = new MockHost(localHost.dataNodeId, clusterMap);
    MockStoreKeyConverterFactory storeKeyConverterFactory = new MockStoreKeyConverterFactory(null, null);
    storeKeyConverterFactory.setConversionMap(new HashMap<>());
    MockStoreKeyConverterFactory.MockStoreKeyConverter storeKeyConverter = storeKeyConverterFactory.getStoreKeyConverter();
    Map<StoreKey, StoreKey> conversionMap = new HashMap<>();
    StoreKeyFactory storeKeyFactory = new BlobIdFactory(clusterMap);
    Transformer transformer = new BlobIdTransformer(storeKeyFactory, storeKeyConverter);
    List<PartitionId> partitionIds = clusterMap.getWritablePartitionIds(null);
    int numMessagesInEachPart = 0;
    Map<PartitionId, StoreKey> idsDeletedLocallyByPartition = new HashMap<>();
    List<MockHost> remoteHostOnly = Collections.singletonList(remoteHost);
    List<MockHost> expectedLocalHostOnly = Collections.singletonList(expectedLocalHost);
    List<MockHost> localHostAndExpectedLocalHost = Arrays.asList(localHost, expectedLocalHost);
    List<MockHost> remoteHostAndExpectedLocalHost = Arrays.asList(remoteHost, expectedLocalHost);
    List<MockHost> allHosts = Arrays.asList(localHost, expectedLocalHost, remoteHost);
    for (PartitionId pid : partitionIds) {
        // add 3 put messages to both hosts (also add to expectedLocal)
        List<StoreKey> ids = addPutMessagesToReplicasOfPartition(pid, allHosts, 3);
        // delete 1 of the messages in the local host only
        addDeleteMessagesToReplicasOfPartition(pid, ids.get(0), localHostAndExpectedLocalHost);
        idsDeletedLocallyByPartition.put(pid, ids.get(0));
        // ttl update 1 of the messages in the local host only
        addTtlUpdateMessagesToReplicasOfPartition(pid, ids.get(1), localHostAndExpectedLocalHost, UPDATED_EXPIRY_TIME_MS);
        // remote host only
        // add 2 put messages
        ids.addAll(addPutMessagesToReplicasOfPartition(pid, remoteHostOnly, 1));
        ids.addAll(addPutMessagesToReplicasOfPartition(pid, remoteHostAndExpectedLocalHost, 1));
        // ttl update all 5 put messages
        for (int i = ids.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            List<MockHost> hostList = remoteHostOnly;
            if (i == 2 || i == 4) {
                hostList = remoteHostAndExpectedLocalHost;
            // doing it in reverse order so that a put and ttl update arrive in the same batch
            addTtlUpdateMessagesToReplicasOfPartition(pid, ids.get(i), hostList, UPDATED_EXPIRY_TIME_MS);
        // delete one of the keys that has put and ttl update on local host
        addDeleteMessagesToReplicasOfPartition(pid, ids.get(1), remoteHostAndExpectedLocalHost);
        // delete one of the keys that has put and ttl update on remote only
        addDeleteMessagesToReplicasOfPartition(pid, ids.get(3), remoteHostOnly);
        // add a TTL update and delete message without a put msg (compaction can create such a situation)
        BlobId id = generateRandomBlobId(pid);
        addTtlUpdateMessagesToReplicasOfPartition(pid, id, remoteHostOnly, UPDATED_EXPIRY_TIME_MS);
        addDeleteMessagesToReplicasOfPartition(pid, id, remoteHostOnly);
        // message transformation test cases
        // a blob ID with PUT and TTL update in both remote and local
        BlobId b0 = generateRandomBlobId(pid);
        BlobId b0p = generateRandomBlobId(pid);
        // a blob ID with a PUT in the local and PUT and TTL update in remote (with mapping)
        BlobId b1 = generateRandomBlobId(pid);
        BlobId b1p = generateRandomBlobId(pid);
        // a blob ID with PUT and TTL update in remote only (with mapping)
        BlobId b2 = generateRandomBlobId(pid);
        BlobId b2p = generateRandomBlobId(pid);
        // a blob ID with PUT and TTL update in remote (no mapping)
        BlobId b3 = generateRandomBlobId(pid);
        conversionMap.put(b0, b0p);
        conversionMap.put(b1, b1p);
        conversionMap.put(b2, b2p);
        conversionMap.put(b3, null);
        // add as required on local, remote and expected local
        // only PUT of b0p and b1p on local
        addPutMessagesToReplicasOfPartition(Arrays.asList(b0p, b1p), localHostAndExpectedLocalHost);
        // PUT of b0,b1,b2,b3 on remote
        addPutMessagesToReplicasOfPartition(Arrays.asList(b0, b1, b2, b3), remoteHostOnly);
        // PUT of b0, b1, b2 expected in local at the end
        addPutMessagesToReplicasOfPartition(Collections.singletonList(b2), Collections.singletonList(transformer), expectedLocalHostOnly);
        // TTL update of b0 on all hosts
        addTtlUpdateMessagesToReplicasOfPartition(pid, b0p, localHostAndExpectedLocalHost, UPDATED_EXPIRY_TIME_MS);
        addTtlUpdateMessagesToReplicasOfPartition(pid, b0, remoteHostOnly, UPDATED_EXPIRY_TIME_MS);
        // TTL update on b1, b2 and b3 on remote
        addTtlUpdateMessagesToReplicasOfPartition(pid, b1, remoteHostOnly, UPDATED_EXPIRY_TIME_MS);
        addTtlUpdateMessagesToReplicasOfPartition(pid, b1p, expectedLocalHostOnly, UPDATED_EXPIRY_TIME_MS);
        addTtlUpdateMessagesToReplicasOfPartition(pid, b2, remoteHostOnly, UPDATED_EXPIRY_TIME_MS);
        addTtlUpdateMessagesToReplicasOfPartition(pid, b2p, expectedLocalHostOnly, UPDATED_EXPIRY_TIME_MS);
        addTtlUpdateMessagesToReplicasOfPartition(pid, b3, remoteHostOnly, UPDATED_EXPIRY_TIME_MS);
        numMessagesInEachPart = remoteHost.infosByPartition.get(pid).size();
    // After the for loop above, we have records in hosts just like below
    // L|id0|id1|id2|id0D|id1T|   |   |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |   |   |b0p|b1p|   |  |b0pT|    |    |    |
    // R|id0|id1|id2|    |    |id3|id4|id4T|id3T|id2T|id1T|id0T|id1D|id3D|idT|idD|b0 |b1 |b2 |b3|b0T |b1T |b2T | b3T|
    // E|id0|id1|id2|id0D|id1T|   |id4|id4T|    |id2T|    |    |id1D|    |   |   |b0p|b1p|b2p|  |b0pT|b1pT|b2pT|    |
    // converter map: b0->b0p, b1->b1p, b2->b2p, b3->null
    int batchSize = 4;
    Pair<Map<DataNodeId, List<RemoteReplicaInfo>>, ReplicaThread> replicasAndThread = getRemoteReplicasAndReplicaThread(batchSize, clusterMap, localHost, remoteHost, storeKeyConverter, transformer, null, null);
    List<RemoteReplicaInfo> remoteReplicaInfos = replicasAndThread.getFirst().get(remoteHost.dataNodeId);
    ReplicaThread replicaThread = replicasAndThread.getSecond();
    Map<PartitionId, List<ByteBuffer>> missingBuffers = expectedLocalHost.getMissingBuffers(localHost.buffersByPartition);
    // We can see from the table in the comments above, Local has 7 records less than expected local.
    for (Map.Entry<PartitionId, List<ByteBuffer>> entry : missingBuffers.entrySet()) {
        assertEquals("Missing buffers count mismatch", 7, entry.getValue().size());
    // 1st iteration - 0 missing keys (3 puts already present, one put missing but del in remote, 1 ttl update will be
    // applied, 1 delete will be applied): Remote returns: id0T, id1TD, id2T, id3TD. id3 put missing, but it's deleted.
    // id1 apply delete, id2 apply ttl update. Token index is pointing to id3.
    // 2nd iteration - 1 missing key, 1 of which will also be ttl updated (one key with put + ttl update missing but
    // del in remote, one put and ttl update replicated): Remote returns: id3TD, id4T. id4 put missing, id3 deleted.
    // Token index is pointing to id3T.
    // 3rd iteration - 0 missing keys (1 ttl update missing but del in remote, 1 already ttl updated in iter 1, 1 key
    // already ttl updated in local, 1 key del local): Remote returns: id3TD, id2T, id1TD, id0T. Token index is pointing
    // to id0T.
    // 4th iteration - 0 missing keys (1 key del local, 1 key already deleted, 1 key missing but del in remote, 1 key
    // with ttl update missing but del remote): Remote returns: id0T, id1D, id3TD, idTD. Token index is pointing to idT.
    // 5th iteration - 0 missing keys (1 key - two records - missing but del remote, 2 puts already present but TTL
    // update of one of them is applied): Remote returns: idTD, b0T, b1T. b1 apply ttl update. Token index is pointing to
    // b1.
    // 6th iteration - 1 missing key (put + ttl update for a key, 1 deprecated id ignored, 1 TTL update already applied):
    // Remote returns: b1T, b2T, b3T, b0T. b2 missing, and ttl updated. b3 has no local key.
    // 7th iteration - 0 missing keys (2 TTL updates already applied, 1 TTL update of a deprecated ID ignored)
    // |1st iter |2nd iter|3rd iter|4th iter|5th iter|6th iter|7th iter|
    // L|id0|id1|id2|id0D|id1T|   |   |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |   |   |b0p|b1p|   |  |b0pT|    |    |    |id1D|id2T|id4|id4T|        |        |b1pT    |b2p|b2pT|
    // R|id0|id1|id2|    |    |id3|id4|id4T|id3T|id2T|id1T|id0T|id1D|id3D|idT|idD|b0 |b1 |b2 |b3|b0T |b1T |b2T | b3T|
    // E|id0|id1|id2|id0D|id1T|   |id4|id4T|    |id2T|    |    |id1D|    |   |   |b0p|b1p|b2p|  |b0pT|b1pT|b2pT|    |
    int[] missingKeysCounts = { 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0 };
    int[] missingBuffersCount = { 5, 3, 3, 3, 2, 0, 0 };
    int expectedIndex = 0;
    int missingBuffersIndex = 0;
    for (int missingKeysCount : missingKeysCounts) {
        expectedIndex = Math.min(expectedIndex + batchSize, numMessagesInEachPart) - 1;
        List<ReplicaThread.ExchangeMetadataResponse> response = replicaThread.exchangeMetadata(new MockConnectionPool.MockConnection(remoteHost, batchSize), remoteReplicaInfos);
        assertEquals("Response should contain a response for each replica", remoteReplicaInfos.size(), response.size());
        for (int i = 0; i < response.size(); i++) {
            assertEquals(missingKeysCount, response.get(i).missingStoreMessages.size());
            assertEquals(expectedIndex, ((MockFindToken) response.get(i).remoteToken).getIndex());
        replicaThread.fixMissingStoreKeys(new MockConnectionPool.MockConnection(remoteHost, batchSize), remoteReplicaInfos, response, false);
        for (int i = 0; i < response.size(); i++) {
            assertEquals("Token should have been set correctly in fixMissingStoreKeys()", response.get(i).remoteToken, remoteReplicaInfos.get(i).getToken());
        missingBuffers = expectedLocalHost.getMissingBuffers(localHost.buffersByPartition);
        for (Map.Entry<PartitionId, List<ByteBuffer>> entry : missingBuffers.entrySet()) {
            assertEquals("Missing buffers count mismatch for iteration count " + missingBuffersIndex, missingBuffersCount[missingBuffersIndex], entry.getValue().size());
    // no more missing keys
    List<ReplicaThread.ExchangeMetadataResponse> response = replicaThread.exchangeMetadata(new MockConnectionPool.MockConnection(remoteHost, batchSize), remoteReplicaInfos);
    assertEquals("Response should contain a response for each replica", remoteReplicaInfos.size(), response.size());
    for (ReplicaThread.ExchangeMetadataResponse metadata : response) {
        assertEquals(0, metadata.missingStoreMessages.size());
        assertEquals(expectedIndex, ((MockFindToken) metadata.remoteToken).getIndex());
    missingBuffers = expectedLocalHost.getMissingBuffers(localHost.buffersByPartition);
    assertEquals("There should be no missing buffers", 0, missingBuffers.size());
    // validate everything
    for (Map.Entry<PartitionId, List<MessageInfo>> remoteInfoEntry : remoteHost.infosByPartition.entrySet()) {
        List<MessageInfo> remoteInfos = remoteInfoEntry.getValue();
        List<MessageInfo> localInfos = localHost.infosByPartition.get(remoteInfoEntry.getKey());
        Set<StoreKey> seen = new HashSet<>();
        for (MessageInfo remoteInfo : remoteInfos) {
            StoreKey remoteId = remoteInfo.getStoreKey();
            if (seen.add(remoteId)) {
                StoreKey localId = storeKeyConverter.convert(Collections.singleton(remoteId)).get(remoteId);
                MessageInfo localInfo = getMessageInfo(localId, localInfos, false, false, false);
                if (localId == null) {
                    // this is a deprecated ID. There should be no messages locally
                    assertNull(remoteId + " is deprecated and should have no entries", localInfo);
                } else {
                    MessageInfo mergedRemoteInfo = getMergedMessageInfo(remoteId, remoteInfos);
                    if (localInfo == null) {
                        // local has no put, must be deleted on remote
                        assertTrue(localId + ":" + remoteId + " not replicated", mergedRemoteInfo.isDeleted());
                    } else {
                        // local has a put and must be either at or beyond the state of the remote (based on ops above)
                        MessageInfo mergedLocalInfo = getMergedMessageInfo(localId, localInfos);
                        if (mergedRemoteInfo.isDeleted()) {
                            // delete on remote, should be deleted locally too
                            assertTrue(localId + ":" + remoteId + " is deleted on remote but not locally", mergedLocalInfo.isDeleted());
                        } else if (mergedRemoteInfo.isTtlUpdated() && !idsDeletedLocallyByPartition.get(remoteInfoEntry.getKey()).equals(localId)) {
                            // ttl updated on remote, should be ttl updated locally too
                            assertTrue(localId + ":" + remoteId + " is updated on remote but not locally", mergedLocalInfo.isTtlUpdated());
                        } else if (!idsDeletedLocallyByPartition.get(remoteInfoEntry.getKey()).equals(localId)) {
                            // should not be updated or deleted locally
                            assertFalse(localId + ":" + remoteId + " has been updated", mergedLocalInfo.isTtlUpdated());
                            assertFalse(localId + ":" + remoteId + " has been deleted", mergedLocalInfo.isDeleted());
Also used : ValidatingTransformer(com.github.ambry.messageformat.ValidatingTransformer) Transformer( HashMap(java.util.HashMap) StoreKeyFactory( List(java.util.List) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) HashSet(java.util.HashSet) MockStoreKeyConverterFactory( MockPartitionId(com.github.ambry.clustermap.MockPartitionId) PartitionId(com.github.ambry.clustermap.PartitionId) StoreKey( BlobIdFactory(com.github.ambry.commons.BlobIdFactory) MessageInfo( BlobId(com.github.ambry.commons.BlobId) Map(java.util.Map) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) ClusterMap(com.github.ambry.clustermap.ClusterMap) MockClusterMap(com.github.ambry.clustermap.MockClusterMap) MockClusterMap(com.github.ambry.clustermap.MockClusterMap) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 18 with Transformer

use of in project ambry by linkedin.

the class ReplicationTestHelper method addPutMessagesToReplicasOfPartition.

public static void addPutMessagesToReplicasOfPartition(List<StoreKey> ids, List<Transformer> transformPerId, List<MockHost> hosts) throws MessageFormatException, IOException {
    Iterator<Transformer> transformerIterator = transformPerId.iterator();
    for (StoreKey storeKey : ids) {
        Transformer transformer =;
        BlobId id = (BlobId) storeKey;
        PutMsgInfoAndBuffer msgInfoAndBuffer = createPutMessage(id, id.getAccountId(), id.getContainerId(), BlobId.isEncrypted(id.toString()));
        MessageInfo msgInfo = msgInfoAndBuffer.messageInfo;
        ByteBuffer byteBuffer = msgInfoAndBuffer.byteBuffer;
        if (transformer != null) {
            Message message = new Message(msgInfo, new ByteBufferInputStream(byteBuffer));
            TransformationOutput output = transformer.transform(message);
            message = output.getMsg();
            byteBuffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(Utils.readBytesFromStream(message.getStream(), (int) message.getMessageInfo().getSize()));
            msgInfo = message.getMessageInfo();
        for (MockHost host : hosts) {
            host.addMessage(id.getPartition(), msgInfo, byteBuffer.duplicate());
Also used : Transformer( Message( TransformationOutput( ByteBufferInputStream(com.github.ambry.utils.ByteBufferInputStream) StoreKey( BlobId(com.github.ambry.commons.BlobId) ByteBuffer(java.nio.ByteBuffer) MessageInfo(


Transformer ( MockClusterMap (com.github.ambry.clustermap.MockClusterMap)15 MockStoreKeyConverterFactory ( StoreKeyFactory ( HashMap (java.util.HashMap)15 Test (org.junit.Test)15 MockPartitionId (com.github.ambry.clustermap.MockPartitionId)14 PartitionId (com.github.ambry.clustermap.PartitionId)14 ValidatingTransformer (com.github.ambry.messageformat.ValidatingTransformer)14 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)14 ClusterMap (com.github.ambry.clustermap.ClusterMap)12 BlobIdFactory (com.github.ambry.commons.BlobIdFactory)12 List (java.util.List)12 Map (java.util.Map)12 MessageInfo ( StoreKey ( DataNodeId (com.github.ambry.clustermap.DataNodeId)8 MockDataNodeId (com.github.ambry.clustermap.MockDataNodeId)7 BlobId (com.github.ambry.commons.BlobId)6 ResponseHandler (com.github.ambry.commons.ResponseHandler)4