use of com.github.bordertech.wcomponents.WRadioButtonSelect in project wcomponents by BorderTech.
the class WRadioButtonSelectExample method makeFramelessExample.
* Make a simple editable example without a frame.
private void makeFramelessExample() {
add(new WHeading(HeadingLevel.H3, "WRadioButtonSelect without its frame"));
add(new ExplanatoryText("When a WRadioButtonSelect is frameless it loses some of its coherence, especially when its WLabel is hidden or " + "replaced by a toolTip. Using a frameless WRadioButtonSelect is useful within an existing WFieldLayout as it can provide a more " + "consistent user interface but only if it has a relatively small number of options."));
final WRadioButtonSelect select = new SelectWithSelection("australian_state");
add(new WLabel("Frameless with default selection", select));
use of com.github.bordertech.wcomponents.WRadioButtonSelect in project wcomponents by BorderTech.
the class WRadioButtonSelectExample method addInsideAFieldLayoutExample.
* When a WRadioButtonSelect is added to a WFieldLayout the legend is moved. The first CheckBoxSelect has a frame,
* the second doesn't
private void addInsideAFieldLayoutExample() {
add(new WHeading(HeadingLevel.H3, "WRadioButtonSelect inside a WFieldLayout"));
add(new ExplanatoryText("When a WRadioButtonSelect is inside a WField its label is exposed in a way which appears and behaves like a regular HTML label." + " This allows WRadioButtonSelects to be used in a layout with simple form controls (such as WTextField) and produce a consistent" + " and predicatable interface.\n" + "The third example in this set uses a null label and a toolTip to hide the labelling element. This can lead to user confusion and" + " is not recommended."));
// Note: the wrapper WPanel here is to work around a bug in validation. See
final WPanel wrapper = new WPanel();
final WMessages messages = new WMessages();
WFieldLayout layout = new WFieldLayout();
WButton resetThisBit = new WButton("Reset this bit");
resetThisBit.setAction(new Action() {
public void execute(final ActionEvent event) {
String[] options = new String[] { "Dog", "Cat", "Bird", "Turtle" };
WRadioButtonSelect select = new WRadioButtonSelect(options);
layout.addField("Select an animal", select);
String[] options2 = new String[] { "Parrot", "Galah", "Cockatoo", "Lyre" };
select = new WRadioButtonSelect(options2);
layout.addField("You must select a bird", select);
// a tooltip can be used as a label stand-in even in a WField
String[] options3 = new String[] { "Carrot", "Beet", "Brocolli", "Bacon - the perfect vegetable" };
select = new WRadioButtonSelect(options3);
// if you absolutely do not want a WLabel in a WField then it has to be added using null cast to a WLabel.
layout.addField((WLabel) null, select);
WButton btnValidate = new WButton("validate");
btnValidate.setAction(new ValidatingAction(messages.getValidationErrors(), layout) {
public void executeOnValid(final ActionEvent event) {
// do nothing
wrapper.add(new WAjaxControl(btnValidate, wrapper));
use of com.github.bordertech.wcomponents.WRadioButtonSelect in project wcomponents by BorderTech.
the class WRadioButtonSelectExample method addReadOnlyExamples.
* Examples of readonly states. When in a read only state only the selected option is output. Since a
* WRadioButtonSeelct can only have 0 or 1 selected option the LAYOUT and FRAME are ignored.
private void addReadOnlyExamples() {
add(new WHeading(HeadingLevel.H3, "Read-only WRadioButtonSelect examples"));
add(new ExplanatoryText("These examples all use the same list of options: the states and territories list from the editable examples above. " + "When the readOnly state is specified only that option which is selected is output.\n" + "Since no more than one option is able to be selected the layout and frame settings are ignored in the read only state."));
WFieldLayout layout = new WFieldLayout();
WRadioButtonSelect select = new WRadioButtonSelect("australian_state");
layout.addField("Read only with no selection", select);
select = new SelectWithSelection("australian_state");
layout.addField("Read only with selection", select);
use of com.github.bordertech.wcomponents.WRadioButtonSelect in project wcomponents by BorderTech.
the class WRadioButtonSelectExample method addFlatSelectExample.
* WRadioButtonSelect layout options
* These examples show the various ways to lay out the options in a WRadioButtonSelect
* NOTE: the default (if no buttonLayout is set) is LAYOUT_STACKED
* adds a WRadioButtonSelect with LAYOUT_FLAT.
private void addFlatSelectExample() {
add(new WHeading(HeadingLevel.H3, "WRadioButtonSelect with flat layout"));
add(new ExplanatoryText("Setting the layout to FLAT will make the radio buttons be rendered in a horizontal line. They will wrap when they" + " reach the edge of the parent container."));
final WRadioButtonSelect select = new WRadioButtonSelect("australian_state");
add(new WLabel("Flat selection", select));
use of com.github.bordertech.wcomponents.WRadioButtonSelect in project wcomponents by BorderTech.
the class WLabelRenderer_Test method testWhatForGroup5.
public void testWhatForGroup5() throws IOException, SAXException, XpathException {
WRadioButtonSelect comp = new WRadioButtonSelect();
WLabel label = new WLabel("label", comp);
assertXpathEvaluatesTo("group", "//ui:label/@what", label);