use of com.github.bordertech.wcomponents.examples.common.ExplanatoryText in project wcomponents by BorderTech.
the class WLabelExample method addNullLabelExample.
* Example of when and how to use a null WLabel.
private void addNullLabelExample() {
add(new WHeading(HeadingLevel.H2, "How to use accessible null WLabels"));
add(new ExplanatoryText("These examples shows how sometime a null WLabel is the right thing to do." + "\n This example uses a WFieldSet as the labelled component and it has its own \"label\"."));
// We want to add a WFieldSet to a WFieldLayout but without an extra label.
WFieldLayout fieldsFlat = new WFieldLayout();
fieldsFlat.setMargin(new Margin(null, null, Size.XL, null));
WFieldSet fs = new WFieldSet("Do you like Bananas?");
fieldsFlat.addField((WLabel) null, fs);
// now add the WRadioButtons to the WFieldSet using an inner WFieldLayout
WFieldLayout innerLayout = new WFieldLayout(WFieldLayout.LAYOUT_STACKED);
// The content will be a group of WRadioButtons
RadioButtonGroup group1 = new RadioButtonGroup();
WRadioButton rb1 = group1.addRadioButton(1);
WRadioButton rb2 = group1.addRadioButton(2);
// make the labels for the radio buttons
WLabel rb1Label = new WLabel("", rb1);
WImage labelImage = new WImage("/image/success.png", "I still like bananas");
WLabel rb2Label = new WLabel("", rb2);
labelImage = new WImage("/image/error.png", "I still dislike bananas");
innerLayout.addField(rb1Label, rb1);
innerLayout.addField(rb2Label, rb2);
// add the content to the WFieldLayout - the order really doesn't matter.
use of com.github.bordertech.wcomponents.examples.common.ExplanatoryText in project wcomponents by BorderTech.
the class WLabelExample method addAntiPatternExamples.
* Add examples you should never follow. DO NOT use the following as examples of what to do: these are examples of what NOT to do.
private void addAntiPatternExamples() {
add(new WHeading(HeadingLevel.H2, "WLabel anti-patterns"));
add(new ExplanatoryText("These are here for testing purposes and must not be used as examples to follow.\n" + "Turn on debugging (bordertech.wcomponents.debug.enabled=true) to get much more information."));
add(new WHeading(HeadingLevel.H3, "Poor but not erroneous uses of WLabel"));
WPanel errorLayoutPanel = new WPanel();
errorLayoutPanel.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.VERTICAL, Size.LARGE));
// label not for anything should not be a WLabel
errorLayoutPanel.add(new WLabel("I am not 'for' anything"));
// WLabel for something which is not labellable
errorLayoutPanel.add(new WLabel("I am for a component which should not be labelled", errorLayoutPanel));
// If the WLabel is 'for' something that is not in the tree it becomes 'for' the WApplication. This is not necessarily a good thing!!!
WCheckBox notHere = new WCheckBox();
errorLayoutPanel.add(new WLabel("My component wasn't added", notHere));
* The examples which follow MUST NEVER BE USED! They cause ERRORS.
* They are here purely for framework testing.
add(new WHeading(HeadingLevel.H3, "Very bad uses of WLabel"));
errorLayoutPanel = new WPanel();
errorLayoutPanel.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.VERTICAL, Size.LARGE));
* Nested WLabels: very bad
errorLayoutPanel.add(new ExplanatoryText("This example shows nested WLabels. This is a contravention of the HTML specification."));
WPanel nestingErrorPanel = new WPanel();
nestingErrorPanel.setLayout(new ColumnLayout(new int[] { 50, 50 }, Size.LARGE, Size.MEDIUM));
WTextField outerField = new WTextField();
WLabel outerLabel = new WLabel("I am an outer label", outerField);
WTextField innerField = new WTextField();
WLabel innerLabel = new WLabel("Inner label", innerField);
// add the inner label to the outer label: this is the ERROR
* It is permissible to place certain simple form control components into
* a WLabel under the following conditions:
* there must be no more than one such component in the WLabel;
* the component MUST be one which outputs a simple HTML form control
* (and I am not going to tell you which they are);
* The WLabel must be 'for' the nested component or not 'for' anything.
errorLayoutPanel.add(new ExplanatoryText("This example shows a WLabel with a nested simple form control WTextField but the WLabel is not " + "'for' the WTextField. This is a contravention of the HTML specification."));
WTextField notMyField = new WTextField();
notMyField.setToolTip("This field should not be in the label it is in");
WTextField myField = new WTextField();
WLabel myFieldLabel = new WLabel("I am not the label for my nested text field", myField);
nestingErrorPanel = new WPanel();
nestingErrorPanel.setLayout(new ColumnLayout(new int[] { 50, 50 }, 12, 6));
// adding the 'wrong' WTextField to a WLabel is what causes this error
add(new ExplanatoryText("The next field has a label explicitly set to only white space."));
WTextField emptyLabelTextField = new WTextField();
WLabel emptyLabel = new WLabel(" ", emptyLabelTextField);
add(new WHeading(HeadingLevel.H2, "Unlabelled controls"));
add(new ExplanatoryText("These controls must be labelled but are not."));
WFieldLayout fieldsFlat = new WFieldLayout();
fieldsFlat.addField((WLabel) null, new WTextField());
fieldsFlat.addField((WLabel) null, new WTextArea());
fieldsFlat.addField((WLabel) null, new WDateField());
fieldsFlat.addField((WLabel) null, new WCheckBox());
fieldsFlat.addField((WLabel) null, new WCheckBoxSelect(new String[] { "Apple", "Cherry", "Orange", "Pineapple" }));
use of com.github.bordertech.wcomponents.examples.common.ExplanatoryText in project wcomponents by BorderTech.
the class WButtonExample method addClientOnlyExamples.
* Examples showing use of client only buttons.
private void addClientOnlyExamples() {
// client command button
add(new WHeading(HeadingLevel.H2, "Client command buttons"));
add(new ExplanatoryText("These examples show buttons which do not submit the form"));
// client command buttons witho a command
WButton nothingButton = new WButton("Do nothing");
nothingButton = new WButton("Do nothing link");
// client command buttons with command.
HelloButton helloButton = new HelloButton("Hello");
helloButton = new HelloButton("Hello link");
use of com.github.bordertech.wcomponents.examples.common.ExplanatoryText in project wcomponents by BorderTech.
the class WButtonExample method addAntiPatternExamples.
* Examples of what not to do when using WButton.
private void addAntiPatternExamples() {
add(new WHeading(HeadingLevel.H2, "WButton anti-pattern examples"));
add(new WMessageBox(WMessageBox.WARN, "These examples are purposely bad and should not be used as samples of how to use WComponents but samples of how NOT to use them."));
add(new WHeading(HeadingLevel.H3, "WButton without a good label"));
add(new WButton("\u2002"));
add(new ExplanatoryText("A button without a text label is very bad"));
add(new WHeading(HeadingLevel.H3, "WButton with a WImage but without a good label"));
WButton button = new WButton("");
add(new ExplanatoryText("A button without a text label is very bad, even if you think the image is sufficient. The text label becomes the image alt text."));
use of com.github.bordertech.wcomponents.examples.common.ExplanatoryText in project wcomponents by BorderTech.
the class WRadioButtonSelectExample method addAntiPatternExamples.
* Examples of what not to do when using WRadioButtonSelect.
private void addAntiPatternExamples() {
add(new WHeading(HeadingLevel.H2, "WRadioButtonSelect anti-pattern examples"));
add(new WMessageBox(WMessageBox.WARN, "These examples are purposely bad and should not be used as samples of how to use WComponents but samples of how NOT to use them."));
// Even compound controls need a label
add(new WHeading(HeadingLevel.H3, "WRadioButtonSelect with no labelling component"));
add(new ExplanatoryText("All input controls, even those which are complex and do not output labellable HTML elements, must be associated with" + " a WLabel or have a toolTip."));
add(new WRadioButtonSelect("australian_state"));
// submitOnChange is a WRadioButtonSelect no no!!
add(new WHeading(HeadingLevel.H3, "WRadioButtonSelect with submitOnChange"));
add(new ExplanatoryText("SubmitOnChange is bad in most cases but terrible with radio buttons because there is no way to change the selection" + " between non-contiguous options using the keyboard without having multiple page submits.\nIn the following example try to change " + "the selection from 'Outside Australia' to 'Queensland' using only your keyboard. To make this easier the WRadioButtonSelect has" + " an access key of 'M'"));
final WRadioButtonSelect select = new SelectWithSelection("australian_state");
final WTextField selected = new WTextField();
select.setActionOnChange(new Action() {
public void execute(final ActionEvent event) {
// does not matter what this is
// now put them all into the UI
WFieldLayout layout = new WFieldLayout();
WField selectField = layout.addField("Make a selection to update the page", select);
layout.addField("Selected option", selected);
// Too many options anti-pattern
add(new WHeading(HeadingLevel.H3, "WRadioButtonSelect with too many options"));
add(new ExplanatoryText("Don't use a WRadioButtonSelect if you have more than a handful of options. A good rule of thumb is fewer than 10."));
// use the country code list at your peril!!
WRadioButtonSelect rbsTooBig = new WRadioButtonSelect(new String[] { "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "o", "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "u", "v", "w", "x", "y", "z" });
rbsTooBig.setToolTip("Select your country of birth");
// Don't use a radioButtonSelect if the user can make no selection unless you provide a null option
add(new WHeading(HeadingLevel.H3, "Optional WRadioButtonSelect with no null option"));
add(new ExplanatoryText("Once a radio button group has a selection it cannot be removed. If a WRadioButtonSelect is not mandatory it should" + " include a 'none of these' type null option.\nWhat happens if you make a selection in the following but then change your mind" + " (even ugly chairs are not your scene). To concentrate the mind I have made a selection for you."));
WRadioButtonSelect noneOfTheAboveSelect = new SelectWithSelection(new String[] { "spike", "broken glass", "ugly chair", "wet paint" });
layout = new WFieldLayout();
layout.addField("Where would you like to sit?", noneOfTheAboveSelect);
// don't use a yes/no group of radio buttons for something which should be a checkbox
add(new WHeading(HeadingLevel.H3, "Yes/No options"));
add(new ExplanatoryText("If the only answers to your question is one of yes or no then you do not have a group of radio buttons, you have a check box.\n" + "In the following example the WRadioButtonSelect should be a WCheckBox and the label be 'I agree to the terms and conditions'"));
layout = new WFieldLayout();
WRadioButtonSelect yesNoSelect = new WRadioButtonSelect(new String[] { "yes", "no" });
layout.addField("Do you agree to the terms and conditions?", yesNoSelect);
add(new WHeading(HeadingLevel.H3, "No options"));
add(new ExplanatoryText("An interactive WRadioButtonSelect with no options is rather pointless."));
layout = new WFieldLayout();
layout.addField("Select from no options", new WRadioButtonSelect());