use of com.github.javaparser.ast.stmt.BlockStmt in project javaparser by javaparser.
the class NodeWithBody method createBlockStatementAsBody.
public default BlockStmt createBlockStatementAsBody() {
BlockStmt b = new BlockStmt();
b.setParentNode((Node) this);
return b;
use of com.github.javaparser.ast.stmt.BlockStmt in project javaparser by javaparser.
the class NodeWithMembers method addInitializer.
default BlockStmt addInitializer() {
BlockStmt block = new BlockStmt();
InitializerDeclaration initializerDeclaration = new InitializerDeclaration(false, block);
initializerDeclaration.setParentNode((Node) this);
return block;
use of com.github.javaparser.ast.stmt.BlockStmt in project javaparser by javaparser.
the class NodeWithMembers method addStaticInitializer.
default BlockStmt addStaticInitializer() {
BlockStmt block = new BlockStmt();
InitializerDeclaration initializerDeclaration = new InitializerDeclaration(true, block);
initializerDeclaration.setParentNode((Node) this);
return block;
use of com.github.javaparser.ast.stmt.BlockStmt in project javaparser by javaparser.
the class NodeWithBlockStmt method createBody.
default BlockStmt createBody() {
BlockStmt block = new BlockStmt();
block.setParentNode((Node) this);
return block;
use of com.github.javaparser.ast.stmt.BlockStmt in project javaparser by javaparser.
the class TypeExtractor method visit.
public ResolvedType visit(LambdaExpr node, Boolean solveLambdas) {
if (requireParentNode(node) instanceof MethodCallExpr) {
MethodCallExpr callExpr = (MethodCallExpr) requireParentNode(node);
int pos = JavaParserSymbolDeclaration.getParamPos(node);
SymbolReference<ResolvedMethodDeclaration> refMethod = facade.solve(callExpr);
if (!refMethod.isSolved()) {
throw new com.github.javaparser.resolution.UnsolvedSymbolException(requireParentNode(node).toString(), callExpr.getName().getId());
logger.finest("getType on lambda expr " + refMethod.getCorrespondingDeclaration().getName());
if (solveLambdas) {
// The type parameter referred here should be the
ResolvedType result = refMethod.getCorrespondingDeclaration().getParam(pos).getType();
if (callExpr.getScope().isPresent()) {
Expression scope = callExpr.getScope().get();
// If it is a static call we should not try to get the type of the scope
boolean staticCall = false;
if (scope instanceof NameExpr) {
NameExpr nameExpr = (NameExpr) scope;
try {
SymbolReference<ResolvedTypeDeclaration> type = JavaParserFactory.getContext(nameExpr, typeSolver).solveType(nameExpr.getName().getId(), typeSolver);
if (type.isSolved()) {
staticCall = true;
} catch (Exception e) {
if (!staticCall) {
ResolvedType scopeType = facade.getType(scope);
if (scopeType.isReferenceType()) {
result = scopeType.asReferenceType().useThisTypeParametersOnTheGivenType(result);
// We need to replace the type variables
Context ctx = JavaParserFactory.getContext(node, typeSolver);
result = solveGenericTypes(result, ctx, typeSolver);
// We should find out which is the functional method (e.g., apply) and replace the params of the
// solveLambdas with it, to derive so the values. We should also consider the value returned by the
// lambdas
Optional<MethodUsage> functionalMethod = FunctionalInterfaceLogic.getFunctionalMethod(result);
if (functionalMethod.isPresent()) {
LambdaExpr lambdaExpr = node;
InferenceContext lambdaCtx = new InferenceContext(MyObjectProvider.INSTANCE);
InferenceContext funcInterfaceCtx = new InferenceContext(MyObjectProvider.INSTANCE);
// At this point parameterType
// if Function<T=? super Stream.T, ? extends map.R>
// we should replace Stream.T
ResolvedType functionalInterfaceType = ReferenceTypeImpl.undeterminedParameters(functionalMethod.get().getDeclaration().declaringType(), typeSolver);
lambdaCtx.addPair(result, functionalInterfaceType);
ResolvedType actualType;
if (lambdaExpr.getBody() instanceof ExpressionStmt) {
actualType = facade.getType(((ExpressionStmt) lambdaExpr.getBody()).getExpression());
} else if (lambdaExpr.getBody() instanceof BlockStmt) {
BlockStmt blockStmt = (BlockStmt) lambdaExpr.getBody();
// Get all the return statements in the lambda block
List<ReturnStmt> returnStmts = blockStmt.findAll(ReturnStmt.class);
if (returnStmts.size() > 0) {
actualType = -> returnStmt.getExpression().map(e -> facade.getType(e)).orElse(ResolvedVoidType.INSTANCE)).filter(x -> x != null && !x.isVoid() && !x.isNull()).findFirst().orElse(ResolvedVoidType.INSTANCE);
} else {
return ResolvedVoidType.INSTANCE;
} else {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
ResolvedType formalType = functionalMethod.get().returnType();
// Infer the functional interfaces' return vs actual type
funcInterfaceCtx.addPair(formalType, actualType);
// Substitute to obtain a new type
ResolvedType functionalTypeWithReturn = funcInterfaceCtx.resolve(funcInterfaceCtx.addSingle(functionalInterfaceType));
// we don't need to bother inferring types
if (!(formalType instanceof ResolvedVoidType)) {
lambdaCtx.addPair(result, functionalTypeWithReturn);
result = lambdaCtx.resolve(lambdaCtx.addSingle(result));
return result;
} else {
return refMethod.getCorrespondingDeclaration().getParam(pos).getType();
} else {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("The type of a lambda expr depends on the position and its return value");