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Example 6 with DocumentLoader

use of com.github.jsonldjava.core.DocumentLoader in project timbuctoo by HuygensING.

the class JsonProvenanceToRdfPatchTest method testSingleAddition.

public void testSingleAddition() throws Exception {
    String testAdditionWithType = "{\n" + "   \"@type\":\"prov:Activity\",\n" + "   \"\":[\n" + "      {\n" + "         \"@type\":\"prov:Entity\",\n" + "         \"specializationOf\":{\n" + "            \"@id\":\"\"\n" + "         },\n" + "         \"additions\":[\n" + "            {\n" + "               \"@type\":\"\",\n" + "               \"predicate\":\"\",\n" + "               \"value\":\"extra value\"\n" + "            },\n" + "            {\n" + "               \"@type\":\"\",\n" + "               \"predicate\":\"\",\n" + "               \"value\":{\n" + "                  \"@id\":\"\"\n" + "               }\n" + "            }\n" + "         ]\n" + "      }\n" + "   ],\n" + context + "}";
    JsonProvenanceToRdfPatch creator = fromCurrentState(new DocumentLoader(), testAdditionWithType, new DummyQuadStore(), EDITOR_URI, "test", CLOCK);
    creator.sendQuads(basicRdfPatchSerializer, s -> {
    }, null);
    List<String> filteredResult = Lists.newArrayList(Collections2.filter(result, Predicates.containsPattern("")));
    assertThat(filteredResult, containsInAnyOrder("+<> <> \"extra value\"" + "^^<> <" + defaultGraph + "> .\n", "+<> " + "<> " + "\"\"^^<> <" + defaultGraph + "> .\n"));
Also used : DocumentLoader(com.github.jsonldjava.core.DocumentLoader) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 7 with DocumentLoader

use of com.github.jsonldjava.core.DocumentLoader in project timbuctoo by HuygensING.

the class JsonProvenanceToRdfPatchTest method testReplacement.

public void testReplacement() throws Exception {
    String testReplacement = "{\n" + "   \"@type\":\"prov:Activity\",\n" + "   \"\":[\n" + "      {\n" + "         \"@type\":\"prov:Entity\",\n" + "         \"specializationOf\":{\n" + "            \"@id\":\"\"\n" + "         },\n" + "         \"replacements\":[\n" + "            {\n" + "               \"@type\":\"\",\n" + "               \"predicate\":\"\",\n" + "               \"value\":\"value1\"\n" + "            }\n" + "         ]\n" + "      }\n" + "   ],\n" + context + "}";
    QuadStore testQuadStore = new DummyQuadStore().with("", "", "old value", "");
    JsonProvenanceToRdfPatch creator = fromCurrentState(new DocumentLoader(), testReplacement, testQuadStore, EDITOR_URI, "test", CLOCK);
    creator.sendQuads(basicRdfPatchSerializer, s -> {
    }, null);
    List<String> filteredResult = Lists.newArrayList(Collections2.filter(result, Predicates.containsPattern("")));
    filteredResult = Lists.newArrayList(Collections2.filter(filteredResult, Predicates.not(Predicates.containsPattern("skolemized"))));
    assertThat(filteredResult, containsInAnyOrder("-<> <> \"old value\"" + "^^<> <" + defaultGraph + "> .\n", "+<> <> \"value1\"" + "^^<> <" + defaultGraph + "> .\n"));
Also used : QuadStore(nl.knaw.huygens.timbuctoo.v5.datastores.quadstore.QuadStore) DocumentLoader(com.github.jsonldjava.core.DocumentLoader) Test(org.junit.Test)


DocumentLoader (com.github.jsonldjava.core.DocumentLoader)7 Test (org.junit.Test)7 QuadStore (nl.knaw.huygens.timbuctoo.v5.datastores.quadstore.QuadStore)3