use of com.github.scribejava.core.oauth.OAuth20Service in project scribejava by scribejava.
the class VkontakteClientCredentialsGrantExample method main.
public static void main(String... args) throws IOException, InterruptedException, ExecutionException {
// Replace these with your client id and secret
final String clientId = "your client id";
final String clientSecret = "your client secret";
final OAuth20Service service = new ServiceBuilder(clientId).apiSecret(clientSecret).scope(// replace with desired scope
System.out.println("=== " + NETWORK_NAME + "'s OAuth Workflow ===");
final OAuth2AccessToken accessToken = service.getAccessTokenClientCredentialsGrant();
System.out.println("Got the Access Token!");
System.out.println("Thats it man! Go and build something awesome with ScribeJava! :)");
use of com.github.scribejava.core.oauth.OAuth20Service in project scribejava by scribejava.
the class NaverExample method main.
public static void main(String... args) throws IOException, InterruptedException, ExecutionException {
// Replace these with your client id and secret
final String clientId = "your client id";
final String clientSecret = "your client secret";
final String secretState = "secret" + new Random().nextInt(999_999);
final OAuth20Service service = new ServiceBuilder(clientId).apiSecret(clientSecret).state(secretState).callback("").build(NaverApi.instance());
final Scanner in = new Scanner(, "UTF-8");
System.out.println("=== " + NETWORK_NAME + "'s OAuth Workflow ===");
// Obtain the Authorization URL
System.out.println("Fetching the Authorization URL...");
final String authorizationUrl = service.getAuthorizationUrl();
System.out.println("Got the Authorization URL!");
System.out.println("Now go and authorize ScribeJava here:");
System.out.println("And paste the authorization code here");
final String code = in.nextLine();
System.out.println("And paste the state from server here. We have set 'secretState'='" + secretState + "'.");
final String value = in.nextLine();
if (secretState.equals(value)) {
System.out.println("State value does match!");
} else {
System.out.println("Ooops, state value does not match!");
System.out.println("Expected = " + secretState);
System.out.println("Got = " + value);
// Trade the Request Token and Verfier for the Access Token
System.out.println("Trading the Request Token for an Access Token...");
final OAuth2AccessToken accessToken = service.getAccessToken(code);
System.out.println("Got the Access Token!");
System.out.println("(The raw response looks like this: " + accessToken.getRawResponse() + "')");
// Now let's go and ask for a protected resource!
System.out.println("Now we're going to access a protected resource...");
final OAuthRequest request = new OAuthRequest(Verb.GET, PROTECTED_RESOURCE_URL);
service.signRequest(accessToken, request);
final Response response = service.execute(request);
System.out.println("Got it! Lets see what we found...");
System.out.println("Thats it man! Go and build something awesome with ScribeJava! :)");
use of com.github.scribejava.core.oauth.OAuth20Service in project scribejava by scribejava.
the class OdnoklassnikiExample method main.
public static void main(String... args) throws IOException, InterruptedException, ExecutionException {
// Replace these with your client id and secret
final String clientId = "your api client id";
final String publicKey = "your api public key";
final String secretKey = "your api secret key";
final OAuth20Service service = new ServiceBuilder(clientId).apiSecret(secretKey).callback("").build(OdnoklassnikiApi.instance());
final Scanner in = new Scanner(;
System.out.println("=== " + NETWORK_NAME + "'s OAuth Workflow ===");
// Obtain the Authorization URL
System.out.println("Fetching the Authorization URL...");
final String authorizationUrl = service.getAuthorizationUrl();
System.out.println("Got the Authorization URL!");
System.out.println("Now go and authorize ScribeJava here:");
System.out.println("And paste the authorization code here");
final String code = in.nextLine();
// Trade the Request Token and Verfier for the Access Token
System.out.println("Trading the Request Token for an Access Token...");
OAuth2AccessToken accessToken = service.getAccessToken(code);
System.out.println("Got the Access Token!");
System.out.println("(The raw response looks like this: " + accessToken.getRawResponse() + "')");
System.out.println("Refreshing the Access Token...");
accessToken = service.refreshAccessToken(accessToken.getRefreshToken());
System.out.println("Refreshed the Access Token!");
System.out.println("(The raw response looks like this: " + accessToken.getRawResponse() + "')");
// Now let's go and ask for a protected resource!
System.out.println("Now we're going to access a protected resource...");
final OAuthRequest request = new OAuthRequest(Verb.GET, String.format(PROTECTED_RESOURCE_URL, publicKey));
service.signRequest(accessToken, request);
final Response response = service.execute(request);
System.out.println("Got it! Lets see what we found...");
System.out.println("Thats it man! Go and build something awesome with ScribeJava! :)");
use of com.github.scribejava.core.oauth.OAuth20Service in project scribejava by scribejava.
the class SalesforceExample method main.
public static void main(String... args) throws IOException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, KeyManagementException, InterruptedException, ExecutionException {
// Replace these with your client id and secret
final String clientId = "your client id";
final String clientSecret = "your client secret";
// IT's important! Salesforce upper require TLS v1.1 or 1.2.
// They are enabled in Java 8 by default, but not in Java 7
// The below used ServiceBuilder connects to
// (production environment).
// When you plan to connect to a Sandbox environment you've to use SalesforceApi.sandbox() API instance
// new;
final OAuth20Service service = new ServiceBuilder(clientId).apiSecret(clientSecret).callback("").build(SalesforceApi.instance());
System.out.println("=== " + NETWORK_NAME + "'s OAuth20 Workflow ===");
// Obtain the Authorization URL
System.out.println("Fetching the Authorization URL...");
final String authorizationUrl = service.getAuthorizationUrl();
System.out.println("Got the Authorization URL!");
System.out.println("Now go and authorize ScribeJava here:");
System.out.println("And paste the authorization code here");
final String code;
try (Scanner in = new Scanner( {
code = in.nextLine();
// The code needs to be URL decoded
final String codeEncoded = URLDecoder.decode(code, "UTF-8");
// Trade the Request Token and Verifier for the Access Token
System.out.println("Trading the Request Token for an Access Token...");
final OAuth2AccessToken accessToken = service.getAccessToken(codeEncoded);
final SalesforceToken salesforceAccessToken;
if (accessToken instanceof SalesforceToken) {
salesforceAccessToken = (SalesforceToken) accessToken;
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException("Salesforce API didn't return SalesforceToken.");
System.out.println("Got the Access Token!");
System.out.println("(The raw response looks like this: " + accessToken.getRawResponse() + "')");
System.out.println("instance_url is: " + salesforceAccessToken.getInstanceUrl());
// Now let's go and ask for a protected resource!
System.out.println("Now we're reading accounts from the Salesforce org (maxing them to 10).");
// Sample SOQL statement
final String queryEncoded = URLEncoder.encode("Select Id, Name from Account LIMIT 10", "UTF-8");
// Building the query URI. We've parsed the instance URL from the accessToken request.
final String url = salesforceAccessToken.getInstanceUrl() + "/services/data/v36.0/query?q=" + queryEncoded;
System.out.println("Full URL: " + url);
final OAuthRequest request = new OAuthRequest(Verb.GET, url);
service.signRequest(salesforceAccessToken, request);
final Response response = service.execute(request);
use of com.github.scribejava.core.oauth.OAuth20Service in project scribejava by scribejava.
the class SinaWeibo2Example method main.
public static void main(String... args) throws IOException, InterruptedException, ExecutionException {
// Replace these with your own api key and secret
final String apiKey = "your_api_key";
final String apiSecret = "your_api_secret";
final OAuth20Service service = new ServiceBuilder(apiKey).apiSecret(apiSecret).callback("").build(SinaWeiboApi20.instance());
final Scanner in = new Scanner(;
System.out.println("=== " + NETWORK_NAME + "'s OAuth Workflow ===");
// Obtain the Authorization URL
System.out.println("Fetching the Authorization URL...");
final String authorizationUrl = service.getAuthorizationUrl();
System.out.println("Got the Authorization URL!");
System.out.println("Now go and authorize ScribeJava here:");
System.out.println("And paste the authorization code here");
final String code = in.nextLine();
// Trade the Request Token and Verifier for the Access Token
System.out.println("Trading the Request Token for an Access Token...");
final OAuth2AccessToken accessToken = service.getAccessToken(code);
System.out.println("Got the Access Token!");
System.out.println("(The raw response looks like this: " + accessToken.getRawResponse() + "')");
// Now let's go and ask for a protected resource!
System.out.println("Now we're going to access a protected resource...");
final OAuthRequest request = new OAuthRequest(Verb.GET, PROTECTED_RESOURCE_URL);
service.signRequest(accessToken, request);
final Response response = service.execute(request);
System.out.println("Got it! Lets see what we found...");
System.out.println("Thats it man! Go and build something awesome with ScribeJava! :)");