Search in sources :

Example 6 with Target

use of com.github.zhenwei.core.asn1.x509.Target in project firebase-android-sdk by firebase.

the class RemoteSerializerTest method unaryFilterTest.

private void unaryFilterTest(String op, Object equalityValue, UnaryFilter.Operator unaryOperator) {
    Query q = Query.atPath(ResourcePath.fromString("docs")).filter(filter("prop", op, equalityValue));
    Target actual = serializer.encodeTarget(wrapTargetData(q));
    StructuredQuery.Builder structuredQueryBuilder = StructuredQuery.newBuilder().addFrom(CollectionSelector.newBuilder().setCollectionId("docs")).setWhere(Filter.newBuilder().setUnaryFilter(UnaryFilter.newBuilder().setField(FieldReference.newBuilder().setFieldPath("prop")).setOp(unaryOperator)));
    // Add extra ORDER_BY field for '!=' since it is an inequality.
    if (op.equals("!=")) {
    QueryTarget.Builder queryBuilder = QueryTarget.newBuilder().setParent("projects/p/databases/d/documents").setStructuredQuery(structuredQueryBuilder);
    Target expected = Target.newBuilder().setQuery(queryBuilder).setTargetId(1).setResumeToken(ByteString.EMPTY).build();
    assertEquals(expected, actual);
    assertEquals(serializer.decodeQueryTarget(serializer.encodeQueryTarget(q.toTarget())), q.toTarget());
Also used : StructuredQuery( QueryTarget( DocumentsTarget( Target( QueryTarget( StructuredQuery( Query(

Example 7 with Target

use of com.github.zhenwei.core.asn1.x509.Target in project LinLong-Java by zhenwei1108.

the class TargetEtcChain method toASN1Primitive.

public ASN1Primitive toASN1Primitive() {
    ASN1EncodableVector v = new ASN1EncodableVector(3);
    if (chain != null) {
    if (pathProcInput != null) {
        v.add(new DERTaggedObject(false, 0, pathProcInput));
    return new DERSequence(v);
Also used : DERSequence(com.github.zhenwei.core.asn1.DERSequence) DERTaggedObject(com.github.zhenwei.core.asn1.DERTaggedObject) ASN1EncodableVector(com.github.zhenwei.core.asn1.ASN1EncodableVector)

Example 8 with Target

use of com.github.zhenwei.core.asn1.x509.Target in project LinLong-Java by zhenwei1108.

the class X509AttributeCertificateHolderSelector method match.

 * Decides if the given attribute certificate should be selected.
 * @param obj The X509AttributeCertificateHolder which should be checked.
 * @return <code>true</code> if the attribute certificate is a match
 * <code>false</code> otherwise.
public boolean match(Object obj) {
    if (!(obj instanceof X509AttributeCertificateHolder)) {
        return false;
    X509AttributeCertificateHolder attrCert = (X509AttributeCertificateHolder) obj;
    if (this.attributeCert != null) {
        if (!this.attributeCert.equals(attrCert)) {
            return false;
    if (serialNumber != null) {
        if (!attrCert.getSerialNumber().equals(serialNumber)) {
            return false;
    if (holder != null) {
        if (!attrCert.getHolder().equals(holder)) {
            return false;
    if (issuer != null) {
        if (!attrCert.getIssuer().equals(issuer)) {
            return false;
    if (attributeCertificateValid != null) {
        if (!attrCert.isValidOn(attributeCertificateValid)) {
            return false;
    if (!targetNames.isEmpty() || !targetGroups.isEmpty()) {
        Extension targetInfoExt = attrCert.getExtension(Extension.targetInformation);
        if (targetInfoExt != null) {
            TargetInformation targetinfo;
            try {
                targetinfo = TargetInformation.getInstance(targetInfoExt.getParsedValue());
            } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
                return false;
            Targets[] targetss = targetinfo.getTargetsObjects();
            if (!targetNames.isEmpty()) {
                boolean found = false;
                for (int i = 0; i < targetss.length; i++) {
                    Targets t = targetss[i];
                    Target[] targets = t.getTargets();
                    for (int j = 0; j < targets.length; j++) {
                        if (targetNames.contains(GeneralName.getInstance(targets[j].getTargetName()))) {
                            found = true;
                if (!found) {
                    return false;
            if (!targetGroups.isEmpty()) {
                boolean found = false;
                for (int i = 0; i < targetss.length; i++) {
                    Targets t = targetss[i];
                    Target[] targets = t.getTargets();
                    for (int j = 0; j < targets.length; j++) {
                        if (targetGroups.contains(GeneralName.getInstance(targets[j].getTargetGroup()))) {
                            found = true;
                if (!found) {
                    return false;
    return true;
Also used : Extension(com.github.zhenwei.core.asn1.x509.Extension) Target(com.github.zhenwei.core.asn1.x509.Target) TargetInformation(com.github.zhenwei.core.asn1.x509.TargetInformation) X509AttributeCertificateHolder(com.github.zhenwei.pkix.cert.X509AttributeCertificateHolder) Targets(com.github.zhenwei.core.asn1.x509.Targets)

Example 9 with Target

use of com.github.zhenwei.core.asn1.x509.Target in project LinLong-Java by zhenwei1108.

the class X509AttributeCertStoreSelector method match.

 * Decides if the given attribute certificate should be selected.
 * @param obj The attribute certificate which should be checked.
 * @return <code>true</code> if the attribute certificate can be selected,
 * <code>false</code> otherwise.
public boolean match(Object obj) {
    if (!(obj instanceof X509AttributeCertificate)) {
        return false;
    X509AttributeCertificate attrCert = (X509AttributeCertificate) obj;
    if (this.attributeCert != null) {
        if (!this.attributeCert.equals(attrCert)) {
            return false;
    if (serialNumber != null) {
        if (!attrCert.getSerialNumber().equals(serialNumber)) {
            return false;
    if (holder != null) {
        if (!attrCert.getHolder().equals(holder)) {
            return false;
    if (issuer != null) {
        if (!attrCert.getIssuer().equals(issuer)) {
            return false;
    if (attributeCertificateValid != null) {
        try {
        } catch (CertificateExpiredException e) {
            return false;
        } catch (CertificateNotYetValidException e) {
            return false;
    if (!targetNames.isEmpty() || !targetGroups.isEmpty()) {
        byte[] targetInfoExt = attrCert.getExtensionValue(Extension.targetInformation.getId());
        if (targetInfoExt != null) {
            TargetInformation targetinfo;
            try {
                targetinfo = TargetInformation.getInstance(new ASN1InputStream(((DEROctetString) DEROctetString.fromByteArray(targetInfoExt)).getOctets()).readObject());
            } catch (IOException e) {
                return false;
            } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
                return false;
            Targets[] targetss = targetinfo.getTargetsObjects();
            if (!targetNames.isEmpty()) {
                boolean found = false;
                for (int i = 0; i < targetss.length; i++) {
                    Targets t = targetss[i];
                    Target[] targets = t.getTargets();
                    for (int j = 0; j < targets.length; j++) {
                        if (targetNames.contains(GeneralName.getInstance(targets[j].getTargetName()))) {
                            found = true;
                if (!found) {
                    return false;
            if (!targetGroups.isEmpty()) {
                boolean found = false;
                for (int i = 0; i < targetss.length; i++) {
                    Targets t = targetss[i];
                    Target[] targets = t.getTargets();
                    for (int j = 0; j < targets.length; j++) {
                        if (targetGroups.contains(GeneralName.getInstance(targets[j].getTargetGroup()))) {
                            found = true;
                if (!found) {
                    return false;
    return true;
Also used : CertificateNotYetValidException( ASN1InputStream(com.github.zhenwei.core.asn1.ASN1InputStream) CertificateExpiredException( Targets(com.github.zhenwei.core.asn1.x509.Targets) IOException( DEROctetString(com.github.zhenwei.core.asn1.DEROctetString) Target(com.github.zhenwei.core.asn1.x509.Target) TargetInformation(com.github.zhenwei.core.asn1.x509.TargetInformation)

Example 10 with Target

use of com.github.zhenwei.core.asn1.x509.Target in project LinLong-Java by zhenwei1108.

the class PKIXCertPathValidatorSpi_8 method engineValidate.

public CertPathValidatorResult engineValidate(CertPath certPath, CertPathParameters params) throws CertPathValidatorException, InvalidAlgorithmParameterException {
    PKIXExtendedParameters paramsPKIX;
    if (params instanceof PKIXParameters) {
        PKIXExtendedParameters.Builder paramsPKIXBldr = new PKIXExtendedParameters.Builder((PKIXParameters) params);
        if (params instanceof ExtendedPKIXParameters) {
            ExtendedPKIXParameters extPKIX = (ExtendedPKIXParameters) params;
        paramsPKIX =;
    } else if (params instanceof PKIXExtendedBuilderParameters) {
        paramsPKIX = ((PKIXExtendedBuilderParameters) params).getBaseParameters();
    } else if (params instanceof PKIXExtendedParameters) {
        paramsPKIX = (PKIXExtendedParameters) params;
    } else {
        throw new InvalidAlgorithmParameterException("Parameters must be a " + PKIXParameters.class.getName() + " instance.");
    if (paramsPKIX.getTrustAnchors() == null) {
        throw new InvalidAlgorithmParameterException("trustAnchors is null, this is not allowed for certification path validation.");
    // 6.1.1 - inputs
    // (a)
    List certs = certPath.getCertificates();
    int n = certs.size();
    if (certs.isEmpty()) {
        throw new CertPathValidatorException("Certification path is empty.", null, certPath, -1);
    // (b)
    final Date currentDate = new Date();
    final Date validityDate = CertPathValidatorUtilities.getValidityDate(paramsPKIX, currentDate);
    // (c)
    Set userInitialPolicySet = paramsPKIX.getInitialPolicies();
    // (d)
    TrustAnchor trust;
    try {
        trust = CertPathValidatorUtilities.findTrustAnchor((X509Certificate) certs.get(certs.size() - 1), paramsPKIX.getTrustAnchors(), paramsPKIX.getSigProvider());
        if (trust == null) {
            throw new CertPathValidatorException("Trust anchor for certification path not found.", null, certPath, -1);
    } catch (AnnotatedException e) {
        throw new CertPathValidatorException(e.getMessage(), e.getUnderlyingException(), certPath, certs.size() - 1);
    // RFC 5280 - CRLs must originate from the same trust anchor as the target certificate.
    paramsPKIX = new PKIXExtendedParameters.Builder(paramsPKIX).setTrustAnchor(trust).build();
    PKIXCertRevocationChecker revocationChecker = null;
    List pathCheckers = new ArrayList();
    Iterator certIter = paramsPKIX.getCertPathCheckers().iterator();
    while (certIter.hasNext()) {
        PKIXCertPathChecker checker = (PKIXCertPathChecker);
        if (checker instanceof PKIXRevocationChecker) {
            if (revocationChecker != null) {
                throw new CertPathValidatorException("only one PKIXRevocationChecker allowed");
            revocationChecker = (checker instanceof PKIXCertRevocationChecker) ? (PKIXCertRevocationChecker) checker : new WrappedRevocationChecker(checker);
        } else {
    if (paramsPKIX.isRevocationEnabled() && revocationChecker == null) {
        revocationChecker = new ProvRevocationChecker(helper);
    // (e), (f), (g) are part of the paramsPKIX object.
    int index = 0;
    int i;
    // Certificate for each interation of the validation loop
    // Signature information for each iteration of the validation loop
    // 6.1.2 - setup
    // (a)
    List[] policyNodes = new ArrayList[n + 1];
    for (int j = 0; j < policyNodes.length; j++) {
        policyNodes[j] = new ArrayList();
    Set policySet = new HashSet();
    PKIXPolicyNode validPolicyTree = new PKIXPolicyNode(new ArrayList(), 0, policySet, null, new HashSet(), RFC3280CertPathUtilities.ANY_POLICY, false);
    // (b) and (c)
    PKIXNameConstraintValidator nameConstraintValidator = new PKIXNameConstraintValidator();
    // (d)
    int explicitPolicy;
    Set acceptablePolicies = new HashSet();
    if (paramsPKIX.isExplicitPolicyRequired()) {
        explicitPolicy = 0;
    } else {
        explicitPolicy = n + 1;
    // (e)
    int inhibitAnyPolicy;
    if (paramsPKIX.isAnyPolicyInhibited()) {
        inhibitAnyPolicy = 0;
    } else {
        inhibitAnyPolicy = n + 1;
    // (f)
    int policyMapping;
    if (paramsPKIX.isPolicyMappingInhibited()) {
        policyMapping = 0;
    } else {
        policyMapping = n + 1;
    // (g), (h), (i), (j)
    PublicKey workingPublicKey;
    X500Name workingIssuerName;
    X509Certificate sign = trust.getTrustedCert();
    try {
        if (sign != null) {
            workingIssuerName = PrincipalUtils.getSubjectPrincipal(sign);
            workingPublicKey = sign.getPublicKey();
        } else {
            workingIssuerName = PrincipalUtils.getCA(trust);
            workingPublicKey = trust.getCAPublicKey();
    } catch (RuntimeException ex) {
        throw new ExtCertPathValidatorException("Subject of trust anchor could not be (re)encoded.", ex, certPath, -1);
    AlgorithmIdentifier workingAlgId = null;
    try {
        workingAlgId = CertPathValidatorUtilities.getAlgorithmIdentifier(workingPublicKey);
    } catch (CertPathValidatorException e) {
        throw new ExtCertPathValidatorException("Algorithm identifier of public key of trust anchor could not be read.", e, certPath, -1);
    ASN1ObjectIdentifier workingPublicKeyAlgorithm = workingAlgId.getAlgorithm();
    ASN1Encodable workingPublicKeyParameters = workingAlgId.getParameters();
    // (k)
    int maxPathLength = n;
    if (paramsPKIX.getTargetConstraints() != null && !paramsPKIX.getTargetConstraints().match((X509Certificate) certs.get(0))) {
        throw new ExtCertPathValidatorException("Target certificate in certification path does not match targetConstraints.", null, certPath, 0);
    // initialize CertPathChecker's
    X509Certificate cert = null;
    for (index = certs.size() - 1; index >= 0; index--) {
        // try
        // {
        // i as defined in the algorithm description
        i = n - index;
        // set certificate to be checked in this round
        // sign and workingPublicKey and workingIssuerName are set
        // at the end of the for loop and initialized the
        // first time from the TrustAnchor
        cert = (X509Certificate) certs.get(index);
        boolean verificationAlreadyPerformed = (index == certs.size() - 1);
        try {
        } catch (AnnotatedException e) {
            throw new CertPathValidatorException(e.getMessage(), e.getUnderlyingException(), certPath, index);
        // 6.1.3
        RFC3280CertPathUtilities.processCertA(certPath, paramsPKIX, validityDate, revocationChecker, index, workingPublicKey, verificationAlreadyPerformed, workingIssuerName, sign);
        RFC3280CertPathUtilities.processCertBC(certPath, index, nameConstraintValidator, isForCRLCheck);
        validPolicyTree = RFC3280CertPathUtilities.processCertD(certPath, index, acceptablePolicies, validPolicyTree, policyNodes, inhibitAnyPolicy, isForCRLCheck);
        validPolicyTree = RFC3280CertPathUtilities.processCertE(certPath, index, validPolicyTree);
        RFC3280CertPathUtilities.processCertF(certPath, index, validPolicyTree, explicitPolicy);
        if (i != n) {
            if (cert != null && cert.getVersion() == 1) {
                // we've found the trust anchor at the top of the path, ignore and keep going
                if ((i == 1) && cert.equals(trust.getTrustedCert())) {
                throw new CertPathValidatorException("Version 1 certificates can't be used as CA ones.", null, certPath, index);
            RFC3280CertPathUtilities.prepareNextCertA(certPath, index);
            validPolicyTree = RFC3280CertPathUtilities.prepareCertB(certPath, index, policyNodes, validPolicyTree, policyMapping);
            RFC3280CertPathUtilities.prepareNextCertG(certPath, index, nameConstraintValidator);
            // (h)
            explicitPolicy = RFC3280CertPathUtilities.prepareNextCertH1(certPath, index, explicitPolicy);
            policyMapping = RFC3280CertPathUtilities.prepareNextCertH2(certPath, index, policyMapping);
            inhibitAnyPolicy = RFC3280CertPathUtilities.prepareNextCertH3(certPath, index, inhibitAnyPolicy);
            // (i)
            explicitPolicy = RFC3280CertPathUtilities.prepareNextCertI1(certPath, index, explicitPolicy);
            policyMapping = RFC3280CertPathUtilities.prepareNextCertI2(certPath, index, policyMapping);
            // (j)
            inhibitAnyPolicy = RFC3280CertPathUtilities.prepareNextCertJ(certPath, index, inhibitAnyPolicy);
            // (k)
            RFC3280CertPathUtilities.prepareNextCertK(certPath, index);
            // (l)
            maxPathLength = RFC3280CertPathUtilities.prepareNextCertL(certPath, index, maxPathLength);
            // (m)
            maxPathLength = RFC3280CertPathUtilities.prepareNextCertM(certPath, index, maxPathLength);
            // (n)
            RFC3280CertPathUtilities.prepareNextCertN(certPath, index);
            Set criticalExtensions = cert.getCriticalExtensionOIDs();
            if (criticalExtensions != null) {
                criticalExtensions = new HashSet(criticalExtensions);
                // these extensions are handled by the algorithm
            } else {
                criticalExtensions = new HashSet();
            // (o)
            RFC3280CertPathUtilities.prepareNextCertO(certPath, index, criticalExtensions, pathCheckers);
            // set signing certificate for next round
            sign = cert;
            // (c)
            workingIssuerName = PrincipalUtils.getSubjectPrincipal(sign);
            // (d)
            try {
                workingPublicKey = CertPathValidatorUtilities.getNextWorkingKey(certPath.getCertificates(), index, helper);
            } catch (CertPathValidatorException e) {
                throw new CertPathValidatorException("Next working key could not be retrieved.", e, certPath, index);
            workingAlgId = CertPathValidatorUtilities.getAlgorithmIdentifier(workingPublicKey);
            // (f)
            workingPublicKeyAlgorithm = workingAlgId.getAlgorithm();
            // (e)
            workingPublicKeyParameters = workingAlgId.getParameters();
    // 6.1.5 Wrap-up procedure
    explicitPolicy = RFC3280CertPathUtilities.wrapupCertA(explicitPolicy, cert);
    explicitPolicy = RFC3280CertPathUtilities.wrapupCertB(certPath, index + 1, explicitPolicy);
    // (c) (d) and (e) are already done
    // (f)
    Set criticalExtensions = cert.getCriticalExtensionOIDs();
    if (criticalExtensions != null) {
        criticalExtensions = new HashSet(criticalExtensions);
        // these extensions are handled by the algorithm
    } else {
        criticalExtensions = new HashSet();
    RFC3280CertPathUtilities.wrapupCertF(certPath, index + 1, pathCheckers, criticalExtensions);
    PKIXPolicyNode intersection = RFC3280CertPathUtilities.wrapupCertG(certPath, paramsPKIX, userInitialPolicySet, index + 1, policyNodes, validPolicyTree, acceptablePolicies);
    if ((explicitPolicy > 0) || (intersection != null)) {
        return new PKIXCertPathValidatorResult(trust, intersection, cert.getPublicKey());
    throw new CertPathValidatorException("Path processing failed on policy.", null, certPath, index);
Also used : PKIXCertRevocationChecker(com.github.zhenwei.provider.jcajce.PKIXCertRevocationChecker) HashSet(java.util.HashSet) Set(java.util.Set) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) X500Name(com.github.zhenwei.core.asn1.x500.X500Name) AlgorithmIdentifier(com.github.zhenwei.core.asn1.x509.AlgorithmIdentifier) ExtendedPKIXParameters(com.github.zhenwei.provider.x509.ExtendedPKIXParameters) PKIXParameters( PKIXExtendedBuilderParameters(com.github.zhenwei.provider.jcajce.PKIXExtendedBuilderParameters) PKIXCertPathChecker( Iterator(java.util.Iterator) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) List(java.util.List) ASN1Encodable(com.github.zhenwei.core.asn1.ASN1Encodable) HashSet(java.util.HashSet) InvalidAlgorithmParameterException( PublicKey( TrustAnchor( Date(java.util.Date) X509Certificate( BCX509Certificate(com.github.zhenwei.provider.jcajce.interfaces.BCX509Certificate) CertPathValidatorException( ExtCertPathValidatorException(com.github.zhenwei.provider.jce.exception.ExtCertPathValidatorException) PKIXExtendedParameters(com.github.zhenwei.provider.jcajce.PKIXExtendedParameters) ExtCertPathValidatorException(com.github.zhenwei.provider.jce.exception.ExtCertPathValidatorException) ExtendedPKIXParameters(com.github.zhenwei.provider.x509.ExtendedPKIXParameters) PKIXCertPathValidatorResult( PKIXRevocationChecker( ASN1ObjectIdentifier(com.github.zhenwei.core.asn1.ASN1ObjectIdentifier)


Query ( StructuredQuery ( Target ( DocumentsTarget ( QueryTarget ( Test (org.junit.Test)12 CertPathValidatorException ( InvalidAlgorithmParameterException ( PublicKey ( PKIXCertPathChecker ( PKIXCertPathValidatorResult ( PKIXParameters ( TrustAnchor ( X509Certificate ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)4 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)4 Iterator (java.util.Iterator)4 List (java.util.List)4 Set (java.util.Set)4 ExtCertPathValidatorException (com.github.zhenwei.provider.jce.exception.ExtCertPathValidatorException)3