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Example 86 with KeyParameter

use of com.github.zhenwei.core.crypto.params.KeyParameter in project LinLong-Java by zhenwei1108.

the class GOST3411Digest method E.

// Encrypt function, ECB mode
private void E(byte[] key, byte[] s, int sOff, byte[] in, int inOff) {
    cipher.init(true, new KeyParameter(key));
    cipher.processBlock(in, inOff, s, sOff);
Also used : KeyParameter(com.github.zhenwei.core.crypto.params.KeyParameter)

Example 87 with KeyParameter

use of com.github.zhenwei.core.crypto.params.KeyParameter in project LinLong-Java by zhenwei1108.

the class HMacDSAKCalculator method init.

public void init(BigInteger n, BigInteger d, byte[] message) {
    this.n = n;
    Arrays.fill(V, (byte) 0x01);
    Arrays.fill(K, (byte) 0);
    int size = BigIntegers.getUnsignedByteLength(n);
    byte[] x = new byte[size];
    byte[] dVal = BigIntegers.asUnsignedByteArray(d);
    System.arraycopy(dVal, 0, x, x.length - dVal.length, dVal.length);
    byte[] m = new byte[size];
    BigInteger mInt = bitsToInt(message);
    if (mInt.compareTo(n) >= 0) {
        mInt = mInt.subtract(n);
    byte[] mVal = BigIntegers.asUnsignedByteArray(mInt);
    System.arraycopy(mVal, 0, m, m.length - mVal.length, mVal.length);
    hMac.init(new KeyParameter(K));
    hMac.update(V, 0, V.length);
    hMac.update((byte) 0x00);
    hMac.update(x, 0, x.length);
    hMac.update(m, 0, m.length);
    hMac.doFinal(K, 0);
    hMac.init(new KeyParameter(K));
    hMac.update(V, 0, V.length);
    hMac.doFinal(V, 0);
    hMac.update(V, 0, V.length);
    hMac.update((byte) 0x01);
    hMac.update(x, 0, x.length);
    hMac.update(m, 0, m.length);
    hMac.doFinal(K, 0);
    hMac.init(new KeyParameter(K));
    hMac.update(V, 0, V.length);
    hMac.doFinal(V, 0);
Also used : KeyParameter(com.github.zhenwei.core.crypto.params.KeyParameter) BigInteger(java.math.BigInteger)

Example 88 with KeyParameter

use of com.github.zhenwei.core.crypto.params.KeyParameter in project LinLong-Java by zhenwei1108.

the class CTRSP800DRBG method Block_Cipher_df.

// 1. If (number_of_bits_to_return > max_number_of_bits), then return an
// 2. L = len (input_string)/8.
// 3. N = number_of_bits_to_return/8.
// Comment: L is the bitstring represention of
// the integer resulting from len (input_string)/8.
// L shall be represented as a 32-bit integer.
// Comment : N is the bitstring represention of
// the integer resulting from
// number_of_bits_to_return/8. N shall be
// represented as a 32-bit integer.
// 4. S = L || N || input_string || 0x80.
// 5. While (len (S) mod outlen)
// Comment : Pad S with zeros, if necessary.
// 0, S = S || 0x00.
// Comment : Compute the starting value.
// 6. temp = the Null string.
// 7. i = 0.
// 8. K = Leftmost keylen bits of 0x00010203...1D1E1F.
// 9. While len (temp) < keylen + outlen, do
// IV = i || 0outlen - len (i).
// 9.1
// temp = temp || BCC (K, (IV || S)).
// 9.2
// i = i + 1.
// 9.3
// Comment : i shall be represented as a 32-bit
// integer, i.e., len (i) = 32.
// Comment: The 32-bit integer represenation of
// i is padded with zeros to outlen bits.
// Comment: Compute the requested number of
// bits.
// 10. K = Leftmost keylen bits of temp.
// 11. X = Next outlen bits of temp.
// 12. temp = the Null string.
// 13. While len (temp) < number_of_bits_to_return, do
// 13.1 X = Block_Encrypt (K, X).
// 13.2 temp = temp || X.
// 14. requested_bits = Leftmost number_of_bits_to_return of temp.
// 15. Return SUCCESS and requested_bits.
private byte[] Block_Cipher_df(byte[] inputString, int bitLength) {
    int outLen = _engine.getBlockSize();
    // already in bytes
    int L = inputString.length;
    int N = bitLength / 8;
    // 4 S = L || N || inputstring || 0x80
    int sLen = 4 + 4 + L + 1;
    int blockLen = ((sLen + outLen - 1) / outLen) * outLen;
    byte[] S = new byte[blockLen];
    copyIntToByteArray(S, L, 0);
    copyIntToByteArray(S, N, 4);
    System.arraycopy(inputString, 0, S, 8, L);
    S[8 + L] = (byte) 0x80;
    // S already padded with zeros
    byte[] temp = new byte[_keySizeInBits / 8 + outLen];
    byte[] bccOut = new byte[outLen];
    byte[] IV = new byte[outLen];
    int i = 0;
    byte[] K = new byte[_keySizeInBits / 8];
    System.arraycopy(K_BITS, 0, K, 0, K.length);
    while (i * outLen * 8 < _keySizeInBits + outLen * 8) {
        copyIntToByteArray(IV, i, 0);
        BCC(bccOut, K, IV, S);
        int bytesToCopy = ((temp.length - i * outLen) > outLen) ? outLen : (temp.length - i * outLen);
        System.arraycopy(bccOut, 0, temp, i * outLen, bytesToCopy);
    byte[] X = new byte[outLen];
    System.arraycopy(temp, 0, K, 0, K.length);
    System.arraycopy(temp, K.length, X, 0, X.length);
    temp = new byte[bitLength / 8];
    i = 0;
    _engine.init(true, new KeyParameter(expandKey(K)));
    while (i * outLen < temp.length) {
        _engine.processBlock(X, 0, X, 0);
        int bytesToCopy = ((temp.length - i * outLen) > outLen) ? outLen : (temp.length - i * outLen);
        System.arraycopy(X, 0, temp, i * outLen, bytesToCopy);
    return temp;
Also used : KeyParameter(com.github.zhenwei.core.crypto.params.KeyParameter)

Example 89 with KeyParameter

use of com.github.zhenwei.core.crypto.params.KeyParameter in project LinLong-Java by zhenwei1108.

the class CTRSP800DRBG method generate.

 * Populate a passed in array with random data.
 * @param output              output array for generated bits.
 * @param additionalInput     additional input to be added to the DRBG in this step.
 * @param predictionResistant true if a reseed should be forced, false otherwise.
 * @return number of bits generated, -1 if a reseed required.
public int generate(byte[] output, byte[] additionalInput, boolean predictionResistant) {
    if (_isTDEA) {
        if (_reseedCounter > TDEA_RESEED_MAX) {
            return -1;
        if (Utils.isTooLarge(output, TDEA_MAX_BITS_REQUEST / 8)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Number of bits per request limited to " + TDEA_MAX_BITS_REQUEST);
    } else {
        if (_reseedCounter > AES_RESEED_MAX) {
            return -1;
        if (Utils.isTooLarge(output, AES_MAX_BITS_REQUEST / 8)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Number of bits per request limited to " + AES_MAX_BITS_REQUEST);
    if (predictionResistant) {
        additionalInput = null;
    if (additionalInput != null) {
        additionalInput = Block_Cipher_df(additionalInput, _seedLength);
        CTR_DRBG_Update(additionalInput, _Key, _V);
    } else {
        additionalInput = new byte[_seedLength / 8];
    byte[] out = new byte[_V.length];
    _engine.init(true, new KeyParameter(expandKey(_Key)));
    for (int i = 0; i <= output.length / out.length; i++) {
        int bytesToCopy = ((output.length - i * out.length) > out.length) ? out.length : (output.length - i * _V.length);
        if (bytesToCopy != 0) {
            _engine.processBlock(_V, 0, out, 0);
            System.arraycopy(out, 0, output, i * out.length, bytesToCopy);
    CTR_DRBG_Update(additionalInput, _Key, _V);
    return output.length * 8;
Also used : KeyParameter(com.github.zhenwei.core.crypto.params.KeyParameter)

Example 90 with KeyParameter

use of com.github.zhenwei.core.crypto.params.KeyParameter in project LinLong-Java by zhenwei1108.

the class HMacSP800DRBG method hmac_DRBG_Update_Func.

private void hmac_DRBG_Update_Func(byte[] seedMaterial, byte vValue) {
    _hMac.init(new KeyParameter(_K));
    _hMac.update(_V, 0, _V.length);
    if (seedMaterial != null) {
        _hMac.update(seedMaterial, 0, seedMaterial.length);
    _hMac.doFinal(_K, 0);
    _hMac.init(new KeyParameter(_K));
    _hMac.update(_V, 0, _V.length);
    _hMac.doFinal(_V, 0);
Also used : KeyParameter(com.github.zhenwei.core.crypto.params.KeyParameter)


KeyParameter (com.github.zhenwei.core.crypto.params.KeyParameter)91 ParametersWithIV (com.github.zhenwei.core.crypto.params.ParametersWithIV)41 CipherParameters (com.github.zhenwei.core.crypto.CipherParameters)15 AEADParameters (com.github.zhenwei.core.crypto.params.AEADParameters)10 InvalidCipherTextException (com.github.zhenwei.core.crypto.InvalidCipherTextException)6 ParametersWithSBox (com.github.zhenwei.core.crypto.params.ParametersWithSBox)6 RC2Parameters (com.github.zhenwei.core.crypto.params.RC2Parameters)6 BigInteger (java.math.BigInteger)6 BufferedBlockCipher (com.github.zhenwei.core.crypto.BufferedBlockCipher)4 StreamCipher (com.github.zhenwei.core.crypto.StreamCipher)4 PKCS5S2ParametersGenerator (com.github.zhenwei.core.crypto.generators.PKCS5S2ParametersGenerator)4 HMac (com.github.zhenwei.core.crypto.macs.HMac)4 AsymmetricKeyParameter (com.github.zhenwei.core.crypto.params.AsymmetricKeyParameter)4 IESWithCipherParameters (com.github.zhenwei.core.crypto.params.IESWithCipherParameters)4 ParametersWithRandom (com.github.zhenwei.core.crypto.params.ParametersWithRandom)4 InvalidAlgorithmParameterException ( IvParameterSpec (javax.crypto.spec.IvParameterSpec)4 AlgorithmIdentifier (com.github.zhenwei.core.asn1.x509.AlgorithmIdentifier)3 RC5Parameters (com.github.zhenwei.core.crypto.params.RC5Parameters)3 CMSException (com.github.zhenwei.pkix.cms.CMSException)3