use of com.giua.objects.Alert in project Giua-App by Giua-app.
the class AlertsFragment method alertViewOfflineOnClick.
private void alertViewOfflineOnClick(View view) {
Alert alert = ((AlertView) view).alert;
if (!alert.isDetailed) {
setErrorMessage("Dettagli di questo avviso non scaricati!", root);
TextView alertDetailsTextView = root.findViewById(;
alertDetailsTextView.setText(Html.fromHtml(alert.details, 0));
((TextView) root.findViewById(;
((TextView) root.findViewById(;
// Parsing per url nel html
Linkify.addLinks(alertDetailsTextView, Linkify.WEB_URLS);
int urlsListLength = alert.attachmentUrls.size();
LinearLayout.LayoutParams params = new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT);
params.setMargins(0, 20, 0, 0);
for (int i = 0; i < urlsListLength; i++) {
TextView tvUrl = new TextView(requireActivity());
tvUrl.setText("Allegato " + (i + 1));
tvUrl.setTypeface(tvNoElements.getTypeface(), Typeface.NORMAL);
tvUrl.setBackground(ResourcesCompat.getDrawable(activity.getResources(), R.drawable.corner_radius_10dp, activity.getTheme()));
tvUrl.setBackgroundTintList(activity.getResources().getColorStateList(R.color.main_color, activity.getTheme()));
tvUrl.setPadding(20, 20, 20, 20);
tvUrl.setTextColor(activity.getResources().getColorStateList(R.color.light_white_night_black, activity.getTheme()));
int finalI = i;
tvUrl.setOnClickListener((view2) -> downloadAndOpenFile(alert.attachmentUrls.get(finalI)));
detailsLayout.startAnimation(AnimationUtils.loadAnimation(requireActivity(), R.anim.visualizer_show_effect));
use of com.giua.objects.Alert in project Giua-App by Giua-app.
the class NotificationsDBController method readAlerts.
public List<Alert> readAlerts() {
Cursor cursor = db.rawQuery("SELECT * FROM " + ALERTS_TABLE, null);
List<Alert> alerts = new Vector<>();
if (cursor.moveToFirst()) {
do {
// 0 = false, 1 = true
boolean isDetailed = cursor.getInt(DBAlert.IS_DETAILED_COL.ordinal()) != 0;
if (isDetailed) {
List<String> attachmentUrls = null;
try {
attachmentUrls = Arrays.asList(cursor.getString(DBAlert.ATTACHMENT_URLS_COL.ordinal()).split(";"));
} catch (NullPointerException ignored) {
alerts.add(new Alert(cursor.getString(DBAlert.STATUS_COL.ordinal()), cursor.getString(DBAlert.DATE_COL.ordinal()), cursor.getString(DBAlert.RECEIVERS_COL.ordinal()), cursor.getString(DBAlert.OBJECT_COL.ordinal()), cursor.getString(DBAlert.DETAILS_URL_COL.ordinal()), cursor.getInt(DBAlert.PAGE_COL.ordinal()), attachmentUrls, cursor.getString(DBAlert.DETAILS_COL.ordinal()), cursor.getString(DBAlert.CREATOR_COL.ordinal()), cursor.getString(DBAlert.TYPE_COL.ordinal())));
} else {
alerts.add(new Alert(cursor.getString(DBAlert.DATE_COL.ordinal()), cursor.getString(DBAlert.DATE_COL.ordinal()), cursor.getString(DBAlert.RECEIVERS_COL.ordinal()), cursor.getString(DBAlert.OBJECT_COL.ordinal()), cursor.getString(DBAlert.DETAILS_URL_COL.ordinal()), cursor.getInt(DBAlert.PAGE_COL.ordinal())));
} while (cursor.moveToNext());
// muovi il cursore nella prossima riga
return alerts;
use of com.giua.objects.Alert in project Giua-App by Giua-app.
the class AppNotifications method createTestsNotification.
private Notification createTestsNotification(List<Alert> allNewTests) {
String title;
String text = "Clicca per andare all'agenda";
String bigText = "";
int nNewTests = allNewTests.size();
for (Alert alert : allNewTests) {
String[] rawSubject = alert.object.split(" per la materia ");
if (rawSubject.length > 1) {
String subject = rawSubject[1];
bigText += subject + " - " + + "\n";
} else
loggerManager.w("Non ho trovato la materia nell'avviso delle verifiche: " + alert);
if (nNewTests == 1)
title = "Nuova verifica";
title = nNewTests + " nuove verifiche";
return createNotificationWithBigText(title, text, bigText, AppNotificationsParams.AGENDA_NOTIFICATION_GOTO, AppNotificationsParams.TESTS_NOTIFICATION_REQUEST_CODE);
use of com.giua.objects.Alert in project Giua-App by Giua-app.
the class AppNotifications method createHomeworksNotification.
private Notification createHomeworksNotification(List<Alert> allNewHomeworks) {
String title;
String text = "Clicca per andare all'agenda";
String bigText = "";
int nNewHomeworks = allNewHomeworks.size();
for (Alert alert : allNewHomeworks) {
String[] rawSubject = alert.object.split(" per la materia ");
if (rawSubject.length > 1) {
String subject = rawSubject[1];
bigText += subject + " - " + + "\n";
} else
loggerManager.w("Non ho trovato la materia nell'avviso dei compiti: " + alert);
if (nNewHomeworks == 1)
title = "Nuovo compito";
title = nNewHomeworks + " nuovi compiti";
return createNotificationWithBigText(title, text, bigText, AppNotificationsParams.AGENDA_NOTIFICATION_GOTO, AppNotificationsParams.HOMEWORKS_NOTIFICATION_REQUEST_CODE);
use of com.giua.objects.Alert in project Giua-App by Giua-app.
the class AppNotifications method checkNewsForAgenda.
// region Agenda
private void checkNewsForAgenda() {
// Ci sono sia gli avvisi dei compiti sia delle verifiche
List<Alert> allNewTestsHomeworks;
try {
allNewTestsHomeworks = gS.getAlertsPage(false).getAllAlertsWithFilters(false, "per la materia");
} catch (Exception e) {
loggerManager.w("Controllo delle VERIFICHE e dei COMPITI in background non riuscito: " + e + " " + e.getMessage());
NotificationsDBController notificationsDBController = new NotificationsDBController(context);
List<Alert> allNewTests = new Vector<>(allNewTestsHomeworks.size());
List<Alert> allNewHomeworks = new Vector<>(allNewTestsHomeworks.size());
List<Alert> allOldTests = notificationsDBController.readAlertsTests();
List<Alert> allOldHomeworks = notificationsDBController.readAlertsHomeworks();
SimpleDateFormat simpleDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy", Locale.ITALY);
Date today = new Date();
for (Alert alert : allNewTestsHomeworks) {
try {
// Se il compito o la verifica era per un giorno prima di oggi non notificarla
if (today.after(simpleDateFormat.parse(
} catch (ParseException e) {
loggerManager.w("Controllando gli avvisi per i compiti e le verifiche ho trovato una data che non capisco: " + alert);
if (alert.object.startsWith("C"))
else if (alert.object.startsWith("V"))
loggerManager.w("Durante il controllo dei nuovi avvisi per i compiti e le verifiche ho trovato un avviso che non รจ nessuno dei due: " + alert);
if (canSendNotificationsHomeworks && allOldHomeworks.size() > 0 && allOldHomeworks.get(0).page != -2) {
for (Alert alert : allOldHomeworks) allNewHomeworks.remove(alert);
if (allNewHomeworks.size() > 0) {
notificationManager.notify(AppNotificationsParams.HOMEWORKS_NOTIFICATION_ID, createHomeworksNotification(allNewHomeworks));
if (canSendNotificationsTests && allOldTests.size() > 0 && allOldTests.get(0).page != -2) {
for (Alert alert : allOldTests) allNewTests.remove(alert);
if (allNewTests.size() > 0) {
notificationManager.notify(AppNotificationsParams.TESTS_NOTIFICATION_ID, createTestsNotification(allNewTests));
// endregion