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Example 31 with ParserException

use of in project ExoPlayer by google.

the class AtomParsers method parseVideoSampleEntry.

private static void parseVideoSampleEntry(ParsableByteArray parent, int atomType, int position, int size, int trackId, int rotationDegrees, DrmInitData drmInitData, StsdData out, int entryIndex) throws ParserException {
    parent.setPosition(position + Atom.HEADER_SIZE);
    int width = parent.readUnsignedShort();
    int height = parent.readUnsignedShort();
    boolean pixelWidthHeightRatioFromPasp = false;
    float pixelWidthHeightRatio = 1;
    int childPosition = parent.getPosition();
    if (atomType == Atom.TYPE_encv) {
        atomType = parseSampleEntryEncryptionData(parent, position, size, out, entryIndex);
    List<byte[]> initializationData = null;
    String mimeType = null;
    byte[] projectionData = null;
    @C.StereoMode int stereoMode = Format.NO_VALUE;
    while (childPosition - position < size) {
        int childStartPosition = parent.getPosition();
        int childAtomSize = parent.readInt();
        if (childAtomSize == 0 && parent.getPosition() - position == size) {
            // Handle optional terminating four zero bytes in MOV files.
        Assertions.checkArgument(childAtomSize > 0, "childAtomSize should be positive");
        int childAtomType = parent.readInt();
        if (childAtomType == Atom.TYPE_avcC) {
            Assertions.checkState(mimeType == null);
            mimeType = MimeTypes.VIDEO_H264;
            parent.setPosition(childStartPosition + Atom.HEADER_SIZE);
            AvcConfig avcConfig = AvcConfig.parse(parent);
            initializationData = avcConfig.initializationData;
            out.nalUnitLengthFieldLength = avcConfig.nalUnitLengthFieldLength;
            if (!pixelWidthHeightRatioFromPasp) {
                pixelWidthHeightRatio = avcConfig.pixelWidthAspectRatio;
        } else if (childAtomType == Atom.TYPE_hvcC) {
            Assertions.checkState(mimeType == null);
            mimeType = MimeTypes.VIDEO_H265;
            parent.setPosition(childStartPosition + Atom.HEADER_SIZE);
            HevcConfig hevcConfig = HevcConfig.parse(parent);
            initializationData = hevcConfig.initializationData;
            out.nalUnitLengthFieldLength = hevcConfig.nalUnitLengthFieldLength;
        } else if (childAtomType == Atom.TYPE_vpcC) {
            Assertions.checkState(mimeType == null);
            mimeType = (atomType == Atom.TYPE_vp08) ? MimeTypes.VIDEO_VP8 : MimeTypes.VIDEO_VP9;
        } else if (childAtomType == Atom.TYPE_d263) {
            Assertions.checkState(mimeType == null);
            mimeType = MimeTypes.VIDEO_H263;
        } else if (childAtomType == Atom.TYPE_esds) {
            Assertions.checkState(mimeType == null);
            Pair<String, byte[]> mimeTypeAndInitializationData = parseEsdsFromParent(parent, childStartPosition);
            mimeType = mimeTypeAndInitializationData.first;
            initializationData = Collections.singletonList(mimeTypeAndInitializationData.second);
        } else if (childAtomType == Atom.TYPE_pasp) {
            pixelWidthHeightRatio = parsePaspFromParent(parent, childStartPosition);
            pixelWidthHeightRatioFromPasp = true;
        } else if (childAtomType == Atom.TYPE_sv3d) {
            projectionData = parseProjFromParent(parent, childStartPosition, childAtomSize);
        } else if (childAtomType == Atom.TYPE_st3d) {
            int version = parent.readUnsignedByte();
            // Flags.
            if (version == 0) {
                int layout = parent.readUnsignedByte();
                switch(layout) {
                    case 0:
                        stereoMode = C.STEREO_MODE_MONO;
                    case 1:
                        stereoMode = C.STEREO_MODE_TOP_BOTTOM;
                    case 2:
                        stereoMode = C.STEREO_MODE_LEFT_RIGHT;
                    case 3:
                        stereoMode = C.STEREO_MODE_STEREO_MESH;
        childPosition += childAtomSize;
    // If the media type was not recognized, ignore the track.
    if (mimeType == null) {
    out.format = Format.createVideoSampleFormat(Integer.toString(trackId), mimeType, null, Format.NO_VALUE, Format.NO_VALUE, width, height, Format.NO_VALUE, initializationData, rotationDegrees, pixelWidthHeightRatio, projectionData, stereoMode, drmInitData);
Also used : HevcConfig( AvcConfig(

Example 32 with ParserException

use of in project ExoPlayer by google.

the class FragmentedMp4Extractor method onMoovContainerAtomRead.

private void onMoovContainerAtomRead(ContainerAtom moov) throws ParserException {
    Assertions.checkState(sideloadedTrack == null, "Unexpected moov box.");
    DrmInitData drmInitData = getDrmInitDataFromAtoms(moov.leafChildren);
    // Read declaration of track fragments in the Moov box.
    ContainerAtom mvex = moov.getContainerAtomOfType(Atom.TYPE_mvex);
    SparseArray<DefaultSampleValues> defaultSampleValuesArray = new SparseArray<>();
    long duration = C.TIME_UNSET;
    int mvexChildrenSize = mvex.leafChildren.size();
    for (int i = 0; i < mvexChildrenSize; i++) {
        Atom.LeafAtom atom = mvex.leafChildren.get(i);
        if (atom.type == Atom.TYPE_trex) {
            Pair<Integer, DefaultSampleValues> trexData = parseTrex(;
            defaultSampleValuesArray.put(trexData.first, trexData.second);
        } else if (atom.type == Atom.TYPE_mehd) {
            duration = parseMehd(;
    // Construction of tracks.
    SparseArray<Track> tracks = new SparseArray<>();
    int moovContainerChildrenSize = moov.containerChildren.size();
    for (int i = 0; i < moovContainerChildrenSize; i++) {
        Atom.ContainerAtom atom = moov.containerChildren.get(i);
        if (atom.type == Atom.TYPE_trak) {
            Track track = AtomParsers.parseTrak(atom, moov.getLeafAtomOfType(Atom.TYPE_mvhd), duration, drmInitData, false);
            if (track != null) {
                tracks.put(, track);
    int trackCount = tracks.size();
    if (trackBundles.size() == 0) {
        // We need to create the track bundles.
        for (int i = 0; i < trackCount; i++) {
            Track track = tracks.valueAt(i);
            TrackBundle trackBundle = new TrackBundle(extractorOutput.track(i, track.type));
            trackBundle.init(track, defaultSampleValuesArray.get(;
            trackBundles.put(, trackBundle);
            durationUs = Math.max(durationUs, track.durationUs);
    } else {
        Assertions.checkState(trackBundles.size() == trackCount);
        for (int i = 0; i < trackCount; i++) {
            Track track = tracks.valueAt(i);
            trackBundles.get(, defaultSampleValuesArray.get(;
Also used : ContainerAtom( LeafAtom( ContainerAtom( ContainerAtom( LeafAtom( SparseArray(android.util.SparseArray) DrmInitData(

Example 33 with ParserException

use of in project ExoPlayer by google.

the class FragmentedMp4Extractor method parseSidx.

   * Parses a sidx atom (defined in 14496-12).
   * @param atom The atom data.
   * @param inputPosition The input position of the first byte after the atom.
   * @return A pair consisting of the earliest presentation time in microseconds, and the parsed
   *     {@link ChunkIndex}.
private static Pair<Long, ChunkIndex> parseSidx(ParsableByteArray atom, long inputPosition) throws ParserException {
    int fullAtom = atom.readInt();
    int version = Atom.parseFullAtomVersion(fullAtom);
    long timescale = atom.readUnsignedInt();
    long earliestPresentationTime;
    long offset = inputPosition;
    if (version == 0) {
        earliestPresentationTime = atom.readUnsignedInt();
        offset += atom.readUnsignedInt();
    } else {
        earliestPresentationTime = atom.readUnsignedLongToLong();
        offset += atom.readUnsignedLongToLong();
    long earliestPresentationTimeUs = Util.scaleLargeTimestamp(earliestPresentationTime, C.MICROS_PER_SECOND, timescale);
    int referenceCount = atom.readUnsignedShort();
    int[] sizes = new int[referenceCount];
    long[] offsets = new long[referenceCount];
    long[] durationsUs = new long[referenceCount];
    long[] timesUs = new long[referenceCount];
    long time = earliestPresentationTime;
    long timeUs = earliestPresentationTimeUs;
    for (int i = 0; i < referenceCount; i++) {
        int firstInt = atom.readInt();
        int type = 0x80000000 & firstInt;
        if (type != 0) {
            throw new ParserException("Unhandled indirect reference");
        long referenceDuration = atom.readUnsignedInt();
        sizes[i] = 0x7FFFFFFF & firstInt;
        offsets[i] = offset;
        // Calculate time and duration values such that any rounding errors are consistent. i.e. That
        // timesUs[i] + durationsUs[i] == timesUs[i + 1].
        timesUs[i] = timeUs;
        time += referenceDuration;
        timeUs = Util.scaleLargeTimestamp(time, C.MICROS_PER_SECOND, timescale);
        durationsUs[i] = timeUs - timesUs[i];
        offset += sizes[i];
    return Pair.create(earliestPresentationTimeUs, new ChunkIndex(sizes, offsets, durationsUs, timesUs));
Also used : ParserException( ChunkIndex(

Example 34 with ParserException

use of in project ExoPlayer by google.

the class MatroskaExtractor method writeSampleData.

private void writeSampleData(ExtractorInput input, Track track, int size) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
    if (CODEC_ID_SUBRIP.equals(track.codecId)) {
        int sizeWithPrefix = SUBRIP_PREFIX.length + size;
        if (subripSample.capacity() < sizeWithPrefix) {
            // Initialize subripSample to contain the required prefix and have space to hold a subtitle
            // twice as long as this one.
   = Arrays.copyOf(SUBRIP_PREFIX, sizeWithPrefix + size);
        input.readFully(, SUBRIP_PREFIX.length, size);
        // the correct end timecode, which we might not have yet.
    TrackOutput output = track.output;
    if (!sampleEncodingHandled) {
        if (track.hasContentEncryption) {
            // If the sample is encrypted, read its encryption signal byte and set the IV size.
            // Clear the encrypted flag.
            blockFlags &= ~C.BUFFER_FLAG_ENCRYPTED;
            if (!sampleSignalByteRead) {
                input.readFully(, 0, 1);
                if (([0] & 0x80) == 0x80) {
                    throw new ParserException("Extension bit is set in signal byte");
                sampleSignalByte =[0];
                sampleSignalByteRead = true;
            boolean isEncrypted = (sampleSignalByte & 0x01) == 0x01;
            if (isEncrypted) {
                boolean hasSubsampleEncryption = (sampleSignalByte & 0x02) == 0x02;
                blockFlags |= C.BUFFER_FLAG_ENCRYPTED;
                if (!sampleInitializationVectorRead) {
                    input.readFully(, 0, ENCRYPTION_IV_SIZE);
                    sampleBytesRead += ENCRYPTION_IV_SIZE;
                    sampleInitializationVectorRead = true;
                    // Write the signal byte, containing the IV size and the subsample encryption flag.
          [0] = (byte) (ENCRYPTION_IV_SIZE | (hasSubsampleEncryption ? 0x80 : 0x00));
                    output.sampleData(scratch, 1);
                    // Write the IV.
                    output.sampleData(encryptionInitializationVector, ENCRYPTION_IV_SIZE);
                    sampleBytesWritten += ENCRYPTION_IV_SIZE;
                if (hasSubsampleEncryption) {
                    if (!samplePartitionCountRead) {
                        input.readFully(, 0, 1);
                        samplePartitionCount = scratch.readUnsignedByte();
                        samplePartitionCountRead = true;
                    int samplePartitionDataSize = samplePartitionCount * 4;
                    input.readFully(, 0, samplePartitionDataSize);
                    sampleBytesRead += samplePartitionDataSize;
                    short subsampleCount = (short) (1 + (samplePartitionCount / 2));
                    int subsampleDataSize = 2 + 6 * subsampleCount;
                    if (encryptionSubsampleDataBuffer == null || encryptionSubsampleDataBuffer.capacity() < subsampleDataSize) {
                        encryptionSubsampleDataBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(subsampleDataSize);
                    // Loop through the partition offsets and write out the data in the way ExoPlayer
                    // wants it (ISO 23001-7 Part 7):
                    //   2 bytes - sub sample count.
                    //   for each sub sample:
                    //     2 bytes - clear data size.
                    //     4 bytes - encrypted data size.
                    int partitionOffset = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < samplePartitionCount; i++) {
                        int previousPartitionOffset = partitionOffset;
                        partitionOffset = scratch.readUnsignedIntToInt();
                        if ((i % 2) == 0) {
                            encryptionSubsampleDataBuffer.putShort((short) (partitionOffset - previousPartitionOffset));
                        } else {
                            encryptionSubsampleDataBuffer.putInt(partitionOffset - previousPartitionOffset);
                    int finalPartitionSize = size - sampleBytesRead - partitionOffset;
                    if ((samplePartitionCount % 2) == 1) {
                    } else {
                        encryptionSubsampleDataBuffer.putShort((short) finalPartitionSize);
                    encryptionSubsampleData.reset(encryptionSubsampleDataBuffer.array(), subsampleDataSize);
                    output.sampleData(encryptionSubsampleData, subsampleDataSize);
                    sampleBytesWritten += subsampleDataSize;
        } else if (track.sampleStrippedBytes != null) {
            // If the sample has header stripping, prepare to read/output the stripped bytes first.
            sampleStrippedBytes.reset(track.sampleStrippedBytes, track.sampleStrippedBytes.length);
        sampleEncodingHandled = true;
    size += sampleStrippedBytes.limit();
    if (CODEC_ID_H264.equals(track.codecId) || CODEC_ID_H265.equals(track.codecId)) {
        // TODO: Deduplicate with Mp4Extractor.
        // Zero the top three bytes of the array that we'll use to decode nal unit lengths, in case
        // they're only 1 or 2 bytes long.
        byte[] nalLengthData =;
        nalLengthData[0] = 0;
        nalLengthData[1] = 0;
        nalLengthData[2] = 0;
        int nalUnitLengthFieldLength = track.nalUnitLengthFieldLength;
        int nalUnitLengthFieldLengthDiff = 4 - track.nalUnitLengthFieldLength;
        // start codes as we encounter them.
        while (sampleBytesRead < size) {
            if (sampleCurrentNalBytesRemaining == 0) {
                // Read the NAL length so that we know where we find the next one.
                readToTarget(input, nalLengthData, nalUnitLengthFieldLengthDiff, nalUnitLengthFieldLength);
                sampleCurrentNalBytesRemaining = nalLength.readUnsignedIntToInt();
                // Write a start code for the current NAL unit.
                output.sampleData(nalStartCode, 4);
                sampleBytesWritten += 4;
            } else {
                // Write the payload of the NAL unit.
                sampleCurrentNalBytesRemaining -= readToOutput(input, output, sampleCurrentNalBytesRemaining);
    } else {
        while (sampleBytesRead < size) {
            readToOutput(input, output, size - sampleBytesRead);
    if (CODEC_ID_VORBIS.equals(track.codecId)) {
        // Vorbis decoder in android MediaCodec [1] expects the last 4 bytes of the sample to be the
        // number of samples in the current page. This definition holds good only for Ogg and
        // irrelevant for Matroska. So we always set this to -1 (the decoder will ignore this value if
        // we set it to -1). The android platform media extractor [2] does the same.
        // [1]
        // [2]
        output.sampleData(vorbisNumPageSamples, 4);
        sampleBytesWritten += 4;
Also used : ParserException( TrackOutput(

Example 35 with ParserException

use of in project ExoPlayer by google.

the class OggExtractor method sniff.

public boolean sniff(ExtractorInput input) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
    try {
        OggPageHeader header = new OggPageHeader();
        if (!header.populate(input, true) || (header.type & 0x02) != 0x02) {
            return false;
        int length = Math.min(header.bodySize, MAX_VERIFICATION_BYTES);
        ParsableByteArray scratch = new ParsableByteArray(length);
        input.peekFully(, 0, length);
        if (FlacReader.verifyBitstreamType(resetPosition(scratch))) {
            streamReader = new FlacReader();
        } else if (VorbisReader.verifyBitstreamType(resetPosition(scratch))) {
            streamReader = new VorbisReader();
        } else if (OpusReader.verifyBitstreamType(resetPosition(scratch))) {
            streamReader = new OpusReader();
        } else {
            return false;
        return true;
    } catch (ParserException e) {
        return false;
Also used : ParsableByteArray( ParserException(


ParserException ( ParsableByteArray ( ContainerAtom ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)4 Format ( DrmInitData ( TrackOutput ( XmlPullParserException (org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParserException)3 SeekMap ( LeafAtom ( AvcConfig ( Matcher (java.util.regex.Matcher)2 XmlPullParser (org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParser)2 Point ( Uri ( Pair (android.util.Pair)1 SparseArray (android.util.SparseArray)1 SchemeData ( ChunkIndex ( GaplessInfoHolder (