use of in project ExoPlayer by google.
the class FlacFrameReader method getFirstSampleNumber.
* Returns the number of the first sample in the given frame.
* <p>The read position of {@code input} is left unchanged.
* <p>If no exception is thrown, the peek position is aligned with the read position. Otherwise,
* there is no guarantee on the peek position.
* @param input Input stream to get the sample number from (starting from the read position).
* @return The frame first sample number.
* @throws ParserException If an error occurs parsing the sample number.
* @throws IOException If peeking from the input fails.
public static long getFirstSampleNumber(ExtractorInput input, FlacStreamMetadata flacStreamMetadata) throws IOException {
byte[] blockingStrategyByte = new byte[1];
input.peekFully(blockingStrategyByte, 0, 1);
boolean isBlockSizeVariable = (blockingStrategyByte[0] & 1) == 1;
int maxUtf8SampleNumberSize = isBlockSizeVariable ? 7 : 6;
ParsableByteArray scratch = new ParsableByteArray(maxUtf8SampleNumberSize);
int totalBytesPeeked = ExtractorUtil.peekToLength(input, scratch.getData(), 0, maxUtf8SampleNumberSize);
SampleNumberHolder sampleNumberHolder = new SampleNumberHolder();
if (!checkAndReadFirstSampleNumber(scratch, flacStreamMetadata, isBlockSizeVariable, sampleNumberHolder)) {
throw ParserException.createForMalformedContainer(/* message= */
null, /* cause= */
return sampleNumberHolder.sampleNumber;
use of in project ExoPlayer by google.
the class Id3Peeker method peekId3Data.
* Peeks ID3 data from the input and parses the first ID3 tag.
* @param input The {@link ExtractorInput} from which data should be peeked.
* @param id3FramePredicate Determines which ID3 frames are decoded. May be null to decode all
* frames.
* @return The first ID3 tag decoded into a {@link Metadata} object. May be null if ID3 tag is not
* present in the input.
* @throws IOException If an error occurred peeking from the input.
public Metadata peekId3Data(ExtractorInput input, @Nullable Id3Decoder.FramePredicate id3FramePredicate) throws IOException {
int peekedId3Bytes = 0;
@Nullable Metadata metadata = null;
while (true) {
try {
input.peekFully(scratch.getData(), /* offset= */
0, Id3Decoder.ID3_HEADER_LENGTH);
} catch (EOFException e) {
// If input has less than ID3_HEADER_LENGTH, ignore the rest.
if (scratch.readUnsignedInt24() != Id3Decoder.ID3_TAG) {
// Not an ID3 tag.
// Skip major version, minor version and flags.
int framesLength = scratch.readSynchSafeInt();
int tagLength = Id3Decoder.ID3_HEADER_LENGTH + framesLength;
if (metadata == null) {
byte[] id3Data = new byte[tagLength];
System.arraycopy(scratch.getData(), 0, id3Data, 0, Id3Decoder.ID3_HEADER_LENGTH);
input.peekFully(id3Data, Id3Decoder.ID3_HEADER_LENGTH, framesLength);
metadata = new Id3Decoder(id3FramePredicate).decode(id3Data, tagLength);
} else {
peekedId3Bytes += tagLength;
return metadata;
use of in project ExoPlayer by google.
the class FlacMetadataReader method peekId3Metadata.
* Peeks ID3 Data.
* @param input Input stream to peek the ID3 data from.
* @param parseData Whether to parse the ID3 frames.
* @return The parsed ID3 data, or {@code null} if there is no such data or if {@code parseData}
* is {@code false}.
* @throws IOException If peeking from the input fails. In this case, there is no guarantee on the
* peek position.
public static Metadata peekId3Metadata(ExtractorInput input, boolean parseData) throws IOException {
@Nullable Id3Decoder.FramePredicate id3FramePredicate = parseData ? null : Id3Decoder.NO_FRAMES_PREDICATE;
@Nullable Metadata id3Metadata = new Id3Peeker().peekId3Data(input, id3FramePredicate);
return id3Metadata == null || id3Metadata.length() == 0 ? null : id3Metadata;
use of in project ExoPlayer by google.
the class FlacMetadataReader method checkAndPeekStreamMarker.
* Peeks the FLAC stream marker.
* @param input Input stream to peek the stream marker from.
* @return Whether the data peeked is the FLAC stream marker.
* @throws IOException If peeking from the input fails. In this case, the peek position is left
* unchanged.
public static boolean checkAndPeekStreamMarker(ExtractorInput input) throws IOException {
ParsableByteArray scratch = new ParsableByteArray(FlacConstants.STREAM_MARKER_SIZE);
input.peekFully(scratch.getData(), 0, FlacConstants.STREAM_MARKER_SIZE);
return scratch.readUnsignedInt() == STREAM_MARKER;
use of in project ExoPlayer by google.
the class FlacMetadataReader method readSeekTableMetadataBlock.
private static FlacStreamMetadata.SeekTable readSeekTableMetadataBlock(ExtractorInput input, int length) throws IOException {
ParsableByteArray scratch = new ParsableByteArray(length);
input.readFully(scratch.getData(), 0, length);
return readSeekTableMetadataBlock(scratch);