use of in project ExoPlayer by google.
the class HlsSampleStreamWrapper method track.
// ExtractorOutput implementation. Called by the loading thread.
public DefaultTrackOutput track(int id, int type) {
if (sampleQueues.indexOfKey(id) >= 0) {
return sampleQueues.get(id);
DefaultTrackOutput trackOutput = new DefaultTrackOutput(allocator);
sampleQueues.put(id, trackOutput);
return trackOutput;
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the class WebvttExtractor method processSample.
private void processSample() throws ParserException {
ParsableByteArray webvttData = new ParsableByteArray(sampleData);
// Validate the first line of the header.
try {
} catch (SubtitleDecoderException e) {
throw new ParserException(e);
// Defaults to use if the header doesn't contain an X-TIMESTAMP-MAP header.
long vttTimestampUs = 0;
long tsTimestampUs = 0;
// Parse the remainder of the header looking for X-TIMESTAMP-MAP.
String line;
while (!TextUtils.isEmpty(line = webvttData.readLine())) {
if (line.startsWith("X-TIMESTAMP-MAP")) {
Matcher localTimestampMatcher = LOCAL_TIMESTAMP.matcher(line);
if (!localTimestampMatcher.find()) {
throw new ParserException("X-TIMESTAMP-MAP doesn't contain local timestamp: " + line);
Matcher mediaTimestampMatcher = MEDIA_TIMESTAMP.matcher(line);
if (!mediaTimestampMatcher.find()) {
throw new ParserException("X-TIMESTAMP-MAP doesn't contain media timestamp: " + line);
vttTimestampUs = WebvttParserUtil.parseTimestampUs(;
tsTimestampUs = TimestampAdjuster.ptsToUs(Long.parseLong(;
// Find the first cue header and parse the start time.
Matcher cueHeaderMatcher = WebvttParserUtil.findNextCueHeader(webvttData);
if (cueHeaderMatcher == null) {
// No cues found. Don't output a sample, but still output a corresponding track.
long firstCueTimeUs = WebvttParserUtil.parseTimestampUs(;
long sampleTimeUs = timestampAdjuster.adjustSampleTimestamp(firstCueTimeUs + tsTimestampUs - vttTimestampUs);
long subsampleOffsetUs = sampleTimeUs - firstCueTimeUs;
// Output the track.
TrackOutput trackOutput = buildTrackOutput(subsampleOffsetUs);
// Output the sample.
sampleDataWrapper.reset(sampleData, sampleSize);
trackOutput.sampleData(sampleDataWrapper, sampleSize);
trackOutput.sampleMetadata(sampleTimeUs, C.BUFFER_FLAG_KEY_FRAME, sampleSize, 0, null);
use of in project ExoPlayer by google.
the class ExtractorMediaPeriod method track.
// ExtractorOutput implementation. Called by the loading thread.
public TrackOutput track(int id, int type) {
DefaultTrackOutput trackOutput = sampleQueues.get(id);
if (trackOutput == null) {
trackOutput = new DefaultTrackOutput(allocator);
sampleQueues.put(id, trackOutput);
return trackOutput;
use of in project ExoPlayer by google.
the class FragmentedMp4Extractor method maybeInitExtraTracks.
private void maybeInitExtraTracks() {
if ((flags & FLAG_ENABLE_EMSG_TRACK) != 0 && eventMessageTrackOutput == null) {
eventMessageTrackOutput = extractorOutput.track(trackBundles.size(), C.TRACK_TYPE_METADATA);
eventMessageTrackOutput.format(Format.createSampleFormat(null, MimeTypes.APPLICATION_EMSG, Format.OFFSET_SAMPLE_RELATIVE));
if ((flags & FLAG_ENABLE_CEA608_TRACK) != 0 && cea608TrackOutputs == null) {
TrackOutput cea608TrackOutput = extractorOutput.track(trackBundles.size() + 1, C.TRACK_TYPE_TEXT);
cea608TrackOutput.format(Format.createTextSampleFormat(null, MimeTypes.APPLICATION_CEA608, null, Format.NO_VALUE, 0, null, null));
cea608TrackOutputs = new TrackOutput[] { cea608TrackOutput };
use of in project ExoPlayer by google.
the class FragmentedMp4Extractor method appendSampleEncryptionData.
* Appends the corresponding encryption data to the {@link TrackOutput} contained in the given
* {@link TrackBundle}.
* @param trackBundle The {@link TrackBundle} that contains the {@link Track} for which the
* Sample encryption data must be output.
* @return The number of written bytes.
private int appendSampleEncryptionData(TrackBundle trackBundle) {
TrackFragment trackFragment = trackBundle.fragment;
ParsableByteArray sampleEncryptionData = trackFragment.sampleEncryptionData;
int sampleDescriptionIndex = trackFragment.header.sampleDescriptionIndex;
TrackEncryptionBox encryptionBox = trackFragment.trackEncryptionBox != null ? trackFragment.trackEncryptionBox : trackBundle.track.sampleDescriptionEncryptionBoxes[sampleDescriptionIndex];
int vectorSize = encryptionBox.initializationVectorSize;
boolean subsampleEncryption = trackFragment.sampleHasSubsampleEncryptionTable[trackBundle.currentSampleIndex];
// Write the signal byte, containing the vector size and the subsample encryption flag.[0] = (byte) (vectorSize | (subsampleEncryption ? 0x80 : 0));
TrackOutput output = trackBundle.output;
output.sampleData(encryptionSignalByte, 1);
// Write the vector.
output.sampleData(sampleEncryptionData, vectorSize);
// If we don't have subsample encryption data, we're done.
if (!subsampleEncryption) {
return 1 + vectorSize;
// Write the subsample encryption data.
int subsampleCount = sampleEncryptionData.readUnsignedShort();
int subsampleDataLength = 2 + 6 * subsampleCount;
output.sampleData(sampleEncryptionData, subsampleDataLength);
return 1 + vectorSize + subsampleDataLength;