use of in project ExoPlayer by google.
the class HlsMediaPeriod method selectTracks.
public long selectTracks(@NullableType ExoTrackSelection[] selections, boolean[] mayRetainStreamFlags, @NullableType SampleStream[] streams, boolean[] streamResetFlags, long positionUs) {
// Map each selection and stream onto a child period index.
int[] streamChildIndices = new int[selections.length];
int[] selectionChildIndices = new int[selections.length];
for (int i = 0; i < selections.length; i++) {
streamChildIndices[i] = streams[i] == null ? C.INDEX_UNSET : streamWrapperIndices.get(streams[i]);
selectionChildIndices[i] = C.INDEX_UNSET;
if (selections[i] != null) {
TrackGroup trackGroup = selections[i].getTrackGroup();
for (int j = 0; j < sampleStreamWrappers.length; j++) {
if (sampleStreamWrappers[j].getTrackGroups().indexOf(trackGroup) != C.INDEX_UNSET) {
selectionChildIndices[i] = j;
boolean forceReset = false;
// Select tracks for each child, copying the resulting streams back into a new streams array.
SampleStream[] newStreams = new SampleStream[selections.length];
@NullableType SampleStream[] childStreams = new SampleStream[selections.length];
@NullableType ExoTrackSelection[] childSelections = new ExoTrackSelection[selections.length];
int newEnabledSampleStreamWrapperCount = 0;
HlsSampleStreamWrapper[] newEnabledSampleStreamWrappers = new HlsSampleStreamWrapper[sampleStreamWrappers.length];
for (int i = 0; i < sampleStreamWrappers.length; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < selections.length; j++) {
childStreams[j] = streamChildIndices[j] == i ? streams[j] : null;
childSelections[j] = selectionChildIndices[j] == i ? selections[j] : null;
HlsSampleStreamWrapper sampleStreamWrapper = sampleStreamWrappers[i];
boolean wasReset = sampleStreamWrapper.selectTracks(childSelections, mayRetainStreamFlags, childStreams, streamResetFlags, positionUs, forceReset);
boolean wrapperEnabled = false;
for (int j = 0; j < selections.length; j++) {
SampleStream childStream = childStreams[j];
if (selectionChildIndices[j] == i) {
// Assert that the child provided a stream for the selection.
newStreams[j] = childStream;
wrapperEnabled = true;
streamWrapperIndices.put(childStream, i);
} else if (streamChildIndices[j] == i) {
// Assert that the child cleared any previous stream.
Assertions.checkState(childStream == null);
if (wrapperEnabled) {
newEnabledSampleStreamWrappers[newEnabledSampleStreamWrapperCount] = sampleStreamWrapper;
if (newEnabledSampleStreamWrapperCount++ == 0) {
// The first enabled wrapper is always allowed to initialize timestamp adjusters. Note
// that the first wrapper will correspond to a variant, or else an audio rendition, or
// else a text rendition, in that order.
if (wasReset || enabledSampleStreamWrappers.length == 0 || sampleStreamWrapper != enabledSampleStreamWrappers[0]) {
// The wrapper responsible for initializing the timestamp adjusters was reset or
// changed. We need to reset the timestamp adjuster provider and all other wrappers.
forceReset = true;
} else {
// Additional wrappers are also allowed to initialize timestamp adjusters if they contain
// audio or video, since they are expected to contain dense samples. Text wrappers are not
// permitted except in the case above in which no variant or audio rendition wrappers are
// enabled.
sampleStreamWrapper.setIsTimestampMaster(i < audioVideoSampleStreamWrapperCount);
// Copy the new streams back into the streams array.
System.arraycopy(newStreams, 0, streams, 0, newStreams.length);
// Update the local state.
enabledSampleStreamWrappers = Util.nullSafeArrayCopy(newEnabledSampleStreamWrappers, newEnabledSampleStreamWrapperCount);
compositeSequenceableLoader = compositeSequenceableLoaderFactory.createCompositeSequenceableLoader(enabledSampleStreamWrappers);
return positionUs;
use of in project ExoPlayer by google.
the class DashMediaPeriod method selectTracks.
public long selectTracks(@NullableType ExoTrackSelection[] selections, boolean[] mayRetainStreamFlags, @NullableType SampleStream[] streams, boolean[] streamResetFlags, long positionUs) {
int[] streamIndexToTrackGroupIndex = getStreamIndexToTrackGroupIndex(selections);
releaseDisabledStreams(selections, mayRetainStreamFlags, streams);
releaseOrphanEmbeddedStreams(selections, streams, streamIndexToTrackGroupIndex);
selectNewStreams(selections, streams, streamResetFlags, positionUs, streamIndexToTrackGroupIndex);
ArrayList<ChunkSampleStream<DashChunkSource>> sampleStreamList = new ArrayList<>();
ArrayList<EventSampleStream> eventSampleStreamList = new ArrayList<>();
for (SampleStream sampleStream : streams) {
if (sampleStream instanceof ChunkSampleStream) {
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") ChunkSampleStream<DashChunkSource> stream = (ChunkSampleStream<DashChunkSource>) sampleStream;
} else if (sampleStream instanceof EventSampleStream) {
eventSampleStreamList.add((EventSampleStream) sampleStream);
sampleStreams = newSampleStreamArray(sampleStreamList.size());
eventSampleStreams = new EventSampleStream[eventSampleStreamList.size()];
compositeSequenceableLoader = compositeSequenceableLoaderFactory.createCompositeSequenceableLoader(sampleStreams);
return positionUs;
use of in project ExoPlayer by google.
the class MergingMediaPeriod method selectTracks.
public long selectTracks(@NullableType ExoTrackSelection[] selections, boolean[] mayRetainStreamFlags, @NullableType SampleStream[] streams, boolean[] streamResetFlags, long positionUs) {
// Map each selection and stream onto a child period index.
int[] streamChildIndices = new int[selections.length];
int[] selectionChildIndices = new int[selections.length];
for (int i = 0; i < selections.length; i++) {
Integer streamChildIndex = streams[i] == null ? null : streamPeriodIndices.get(streams[i]);
streamChildIndices[i] = streamChildIndex == null ? C.INDEX_UNSET : streamChildIndex;
selectionChildIndices[i] = C.INDEX_UNSET;
if (selections[i] != null) {
TrackGroup mergedTrackGroup = selections[i].getTrackGroup();
TrackGroup childTrackGroup = checkNotNull(childTrackGroupByMergedTrackGroup.get(mergedTrackGroup));
for (int j = 0; j < periods.length; j++) {
if (periods[j].getTrackGroups().indexOf(childTrackGroup) != C.INDEX_UNSET) {
selectionChildIndices[i] = j;
// Select tracks for each child, copying the resulting streams back into a new streams array.
@NullableType SampleStream[] newStreams = new SampleStream[selections.length];
@NullableType SampleStream[] childStreams = new SampleStream[selections.length];
@NullableType ExoTrackSelection[] childSelections = new ExoTrackSelection[selections.length];
ArrayList<MediaPeriod> enabledPeriodsList = new ArrayList<>(periods.length);
for (int i = 0; i < periods.length; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < selections.length; j++) {
childStreams[j] = streamChildIndices[j] == i ? streams[j] : null;
if (selectionChildIndices[j] == i) {
ExoTrackSelection mergedTrackSelection = checkNotNull(selections[j]);
TrackGroup mergedTrackGroup = mergedTrackSelection.getTrackGroup();
TrackGroup childTrackGroup = checkNotNull(childTrackGroupByMergedTrackGroup.get(mergedTrackGroup));
childSelections[j] = new ForwardingTrackSelection(mergedTrackSelection, childTrackGroup);
} else {
childSelections[j] = null;
long selectPositionUs = periods[i].selectTracks(childSelections, mayRetainStreamFlags, childStreams, streamResetFlags, positionUs);
if (i == 0) {
positionUs = selectPositionUs;
} else if (selectPositionUs != positionUs) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Children enabled at different positions.");
boolean periodEnabled = false;
for (int j = 0; j < selections.length; j++) {
if (selectionChildIndices[j] == i) {
// Assert that the child provided a stream for the selection.
SampleStream childStream = Assertions.checkNotNull(childStreams[j]);
newStreams[j] = childStreams[j];
periodEnabled = true;
streamPeriodIndices.put(childStream, i);
} else if (streamChildIndices[j] == i) {
// Assert that the child cleared any previous stream.
Assertions.checkState(childStreams[j] == null);
if (periodEnabled) {
// Copy the new streams back into the streams array.
System.arraycopy(newStreams, 0, streams, 0, newStreams.length);
// Update the local state.
enabledPeriods = enabledPeriodsList.toArray(new MediaPeriod[0]);
compositeSequenceableLoader = compositeSequenceableLoaderFactory.createCompositeSequenceableLoader(enabledPeriods);
return positionUs;