use of in project ExoPlayer by google.
the class DefaultDashChunkSourceTest method createFakeLoadErrorInfo.
private LoadErrorHandlingPolicy.LoadErrorInfo createFakeLoadErrorInfo(DataSpec dataSpec, int httpResponseCode, int errorCount) {
LoadEventInfo loadEventInfo = new LoadEventInfo(/* loadTaskId= */
0, dataSpec, SystemClock.elapsedRealtime());
MediaLoadData mediaLoadData = new MediaLoadData(C.DATA_TYPE_MEDIA);
HttpDataSource.InvalidResponseCodeException invalidResponseCodeException = new HttpDataSource.InvalidResponseCodeException(httpResponseCode, /* responseMessage= */
null, /* cause= */
null, ImmutableMap.of(), dataSpec, new byte[0]);
return new LoadErrorHandlingPolicy.LoadErrorInfo(loadEventInfo, mediaLoadData, invalidResponseCodeException, errorCount);
use of in project ExoPlayer by google.
the class SsMediaSource method onLoadError.
public LoadErrorAction onLoadError(ParsingLoadable<SsManifest> loadable, long elapsedRealtimeMs, long loadDurationMs, IOException error, int errorCount) {
LoadEventInfo loadEventInfo = new LoadEventInfo(loadable.loadTaskId, loadable.dataSpec, loadable.getUri(), loadable.getResponseHeaders(), elapsedRealtimeMs, loadDurationMs, loadable.bytesLoaded());
MediaLoadData mediaLoadData = new MediaLoadData(loadable.type);
long retryDelayMs = loadErrorHandlingPolicy.getRetryDelayMsFor(new LoadErrorInfo(loadEventInfo, mediaLoadData, error, errorCount));
LoadErrorAction loadErrorAction = retryDelayMs == C.TIME_UNSET ? Loader.DONT_RETRY_FATAL : Loader.createRetryAction(/* resetErrorCount= */
false, retryDelayMs);
boolean wasCanceled = !loadErrorAction.isRetry();
manifestEventDispatcher.loadError(loadEventInfo, loadable.type, error, wasCanceled);
if (wasCanceled) {
return loadErrorAction;
use of in project ExoPlayer by google.
the class SsMediaSource method onLoadCanceled.
public void onLoadCanceled(ParsingLoadable<SsManifest> loadable, long elapsedRealtimeMs, long loadDurationMs, boolean released) {
LoadEventInfo loadEventInfo = new LoadEventInfo(loadable.loadTaskId, loadable.dataSpec, loadable.getUri(), loadable.getResponseHeaders(), elapsedRealtimeMs, loadDurationMs, loadable.bytesLoaded());
manifestEventDispatcher.loadCanceled(loadEventInfo, loadable.type);
use of in project ExoPlayer by google.
the class DashMediaSource method onManifestLoadCompleted.
// Loadable callbacks.
/* package */
void onManifestLoadCompleted(ParsingLoadable<DashManifest> loadable, long elapsedRealtimeMs, long loadDurationMs) {
LoadEventInfo loadEventInfo = new LoadEventInfo(loadable.loadTaskId, loadable.dataSpec, loadable.getUri(), loadable.getResponseHeaders(), elapsedRealtimeMs, loadDurationMs, loadable.bytesLoaded());
manifestEventDispatcher.loadCompleted(loadEventInfo, loadable.type);
DashManifest newManifest = loadable.getResult();
int oldPeriodCount = manifest == null ? 0 : manifest.getPeriodCount();
int removedPeriodCount = 0;
long newFirstPeriodStartTimeMs = newManifest.getPeriod(0).startMs;
while (removedPeriodCount < oldPeriodCount && manifest.getPeriod(removedPeriodCount).startMs < newFirstPeriodStartTimeMs) {
if (newManifest.dynamic) {
boolean isManifestStale = false;
if (oldPeriodCount - removedPeriodCount > newManifest.getPeriodCount()) {
// After discarding old periods, we should never have more periods than listed in the new
// manifest. That would mean that a previously announced period is no longer advertised. If
// this condition occurs, assume that we are hitting a manifest server that is out of sync
// and
// behind.
Log.w(TAG, "Loaded out of sync manifest");
isManifestStale = true;
} else if (expiredManifestPublishTimeUs != C.TIME_UNSET && newManifest.publishTimeMs * 1000 <= expiredManifestPublishTimeUs) {
// If we receive a dynamic manifest that's older than expected (i.e. its publish time has
// expired, or it's dynamic and we know the presentation has ended), then this manifest is
// stale.
Log.w(TAG, "Loaded stale dynamic manifest: " + newManifest.publishTimeMs + ", " + expiredManifestPublishTimeUs);
isManifestStale = true;
if (isManifestStale) {
if (staleManifestReloadAttempt++ < loadErrorHandlingPolicy.getMinimumLoadableRetryCount(loadable.type)) {
} else {
manifestFatalError = new DashManifestStaleException();
staleManifestReloadAttempt = 0;
manifest = newManifest;
manifestLoadPending &= manifest.dynamic;
manifestLoadStartTimestampMs = elapsedRealtimeMs - loadDurationMs;
manifestLoadEndTimestampMs = elapsedRealtimeMs;
synchronized (manifestUriLock) {
// Checks whether replaceManifestUri(Uri) was called to manually replace the URI between the
// start and end of this load. If it was then isSameUriInstance evaluates to false, and we
// prefer the manual replacement to one derived from the previous request.
@SuppressWarnings("ReferenceEquality") boolean isSameUriInstance = loadable.dataSpec.uri == manifestUri;
if (isSameUriInstance) {
// Replace the manifest URI with one specified by a manifest Location element (if present),
// or with the final (possibly redirected) URI. This follows the recommendation in
// DASH-IF-IOP 4.3, section See:
manifestUri = manifest.location != null ? manifest.location : loadable.getUri();
if (oldPeriodCount == 0) {
if (manifest.dynamic) {
if (manifest.utcTiming != null) {
} else {
} else {
} else {
firstPeriodId += removedPeriodCount;
use of in project ExoPlayer by google.
the class DashMediaSource method onUtcTimestampLoadError.
/* package */
LoadErrorAction onUtcTimestampLoadError(ParsingLoadable<Long> loadable, long elapsedRealtimeMs, long loadDurationMs, IOException error) {
manifestEventDispatcher.loadError(new LoadEventInfo(loadable.loadTaskId, loadable.dataSpec, loadable.getUri(), loadable.getResponseHeaders(), elapsedRealtimeMs, loadDurationMs, loadable.bytesLoaded()), loadable.type, error, /* wasCanceled= */
return Loader.DONT_RETRY;