use of in project ExoPlayer by google.
the class MediaPeriodAsserts method assertGetStreamKeysAndManifestFilterIntegration.
* Asserts that the values returns by {@link MediaPeriod#getStreamKeys(List)} are compatible with
* a {@link FilterableManifest} using these stream keys.
* @param mediaPeriodFactory A factory to create a {@link MediaPeriod} based on a manifest.
* @param manifest The manifest which is to be tested.
* @param periodIndex The index of period in the manifest.
* @param ignoredMimeType Optional mime type whose existence in the filtered track groups is not
* asserted.
public static <T extends FilterableManifest<T>> void assertGetStreamKeysAndManifestFilterIntegration(FilterableManifestMediaPeriodFactory<T> mediaPeriodFactory, T manifest, int periodIndex, @Nullable String ignoredMimeType) {
MediaPeriod mediaPeriod = mediaPeriodFactory.createMediaPeriod(manifest, periodIndex);
TrackGroupArray trackGroupArray = prepareAndGetTrackGroups(mediaPeriod);
// Create test vector of query test selections:
// - One selection with one track per group, two tracks or all tracks.
// - Two selections with tracks from multiple groups, or tracks from a single group.
// - Multiple selections with tracks from all groups.
List<List<ExoTrackSelection>> testSelections = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < trackGroupArray.length; i++) {
TrackGroup trackGroup = trackGroupArray.get(i);
for (int j = 0; j < trackGroup.length; j++) {
testSelections.add(Collections.singletonList(new TestTrackSelection(trackGroup, j)));
if (trackGroup.length > 1) {
testSelections.add(Collections.singletonList(new TestTrackSelection(trackGroup, 0, 1)));
testSelections.add(Arrays.asList(new ExoTrackSelection[] { new TestTrackSelection(trackGroup, 0), new TestTrackSelection(trackGroup, 1) }));
if (trackGroup.length > 2) {
int[] allTracks = new int[trackGroup.length];
for (int j = 0; j < trackGroup.length; j++) {
allTracks[j] = j;
testSelections.add(Collections.singletonList(new TestTrackSelection(trackGroup, allTracks)));
if (trackGroupArray.length > 1) {
for (int i = 0; i < trackGroupArray.length - 1; i++) {
for (int j = i + 1; j < trackGroupArray.length; j++) {
testSelections.add(Arrays.asList(new ExoTrackSelection[] { new TestTrackSelection(trackGroupArray.get(i), 0), new TestTrackSelection(trackGroupArray.get(j), 0) }));
if (trackGroupArray.length > 2) {
List<ExoTrackSelection> selectionsFromAllGroups = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < trackGroupArray.length; i++) {
selectionsFromAllGroups.add(new TestTrackSelection(trackGroupArray.get(i), 0));
// contain at least all requested formats.
for (List<ExoTrackSelection> testSelection : testSelections) {
List<StreamKey> streamKeys = mediaPeriod.getStreamKeys(testSelection);
if (streamKeys.isEmpty()) {
// Manifests won't be filtered if stream key is empty.
T filteredManifest = manifest.copy(streamKeys);
// The filtered manifest should only have one period left.
MediaPeriod filteredMediaPeriod = mediaPeriodFactory.createMediaPeriod(filteredManifest, /* periodIndex= */
TrackGroupArray filteredTrackGroupArray = prepareAndGetTrackGroups(filteredMediaPeriod);
for (ExoTrackSelection trackSelection : testSelection) {
if (ignoredMimeType != null && ignoredMimeType.equals(trackSelection.getFormat(0).sampleMimeType)) {
Format[] expectedFormats = new Format[trackSelection.length()];
for (int k = 0; k < trackSelection.length(); k++) {
expectedFormats[k] = trackSelection.getFormat(k);
assertOneTrackGroupContainsFormats(filteredTrackGroupArray, expectedFormats);
use of in project ExoPlayer by google.
the class MediaSourceTestRunner method preparePeriod.
* Calls {@link MediaPeriod#prepare(MediaPeriod.Callback, long)} on the playback thread and blocks
* until the method has been called.
* @param mediaPeriod The {@link MediaPeriod} to prepare.
* @param positionUs The position at which to prepare.
* @return A {@link CountDownLatch} that will be counted down when preparation completes.
public CountDownLatch preparePeriod(final MediaPeriod mediaPeriod, final long positionUs) {
final ConditionVariable prepareCalled = new ConditionVariable();
final CountDownLatch preparedLatch = new CountDownLatch(1);
runOnPlaybackThread(() -> {
mediaPeriod.prepare(new MediaPeriod.Callback() {
public void onPrepared(MediaPeriod mediaPeriod1) {
public void onContinueLoadingRequested(MediaPeriod source) {
// Do nothing.
}, positionUs);;
return preparedLatch;
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the class DashMediaSource method createPeriod.
public MediaPeriod createPeriod(int periodIndex, Allocator allocator, long positionUs) {
EventDispatcher periodEventDispatcher = eventDispatcher.copyWithMediaTimeOffsetMs(manifest.getPeriod(periodIndex).startMs);
DashMediaPeriod mediaPeriod = new DashMediaPeriod(firstPeriodId + periodIndex, manifest, periodIndex, chunkSourceFactory, minLoadableRetryCount, periodEventDispatcher, elapsedRealtimeOffsetMs, loaderErrorThrower, allocator);
periodsById.put(, mediaPeriod);
return mediaPeriod;
use of in project ExoPlayer by google.
the class MediaCodecRenderer method onInputFormatChanged.
* Called when a new format is read from the upstream {@link MediaPeriod}.
* @param newFormat The new format.
* @throws ExoPlaybackException If an error occurs reinitializing the {@link MediaCodec}.
protected void onInputFormatChanged(Format newFormat) throws ExoPlaybackException {
Format oldFormat = format;
format = newFormat;
boolean drmInitDataChanged = !Util.areEqual(format.drmInitData, oldFormat == null ? null : oldFormat.drmInitData);
if (drmInitDataChanged) {
if (format.drmInitData != null) {
if (drmSessionManager == null) {
throw ExoPlaybackException.createForRenderer(new IllegalStateException("Media requires a DrmSessionManager"), getIndex());
pendingDrmSession = drmSessionManager.acquireSession(Looper.myLooper(), format.drmInitData);
if (pendingDrmSession == drmSession) {
} else {
pendingDrmSession = null;
if (pendingDrmSession == drmSession && codec != null && canReconfigureCodec(codec, codecIsAdaptive, oldFormat, format)) {
codecReconfigured = true;
codecNeedsAdaptationWorkaroundBuffer = codecNeedsAdaptationWorkaround && format.width == oldFormat.width && format.height == oldFormat.height;
} else {
if (codecReceivedBuffers) {
// Signal end of stream and wait for any final output buffers before re-initialization.
} else {
// There aren't any final output buffers, so perform re-initialization immediately.
use of in project ExoPlayer by google.
the class FakeMediaSource method createPeriod.
public MediaPeriod createPeriod(MediaPeriodId id, Allocator allocator, long startPositionUs) {
int periodIndex = castNonNull(timeline).getIndexOfPeriod(id.periodUid);
Assertions.checkArgument(periodIndex != C.INDEX_UNSET);
Period period = timeline.getPeriod(periodIndex, new Period());
MediaSourceEventListener.EventDispatcher mediaSourceEventDispatcher = createEventDispatcher(period.windowIndex, id, period.getPositionInWindowMs());
DrmSessionEventListener.EventDispatcher drmEventDispatcher = createDrmEventDispatcher(period.windowIndex, id);
MediaPeriod mediaPeriod = createMediaPeriod(id, trackGroupArray, allocator, mediaSourceEventDispatcher, drmSessionManager, drmEventDispatcher, transferListener);
return mediaPeriod;