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Example 26 with SampleStream

use of in project ExoPlayer by google.

the class HlsMediaPeriod method buildAndPrepareMainSampleStreamWrapper.

 * This method creates and starts preparation of the main {@link HlsSampleStreamWrapper}.
 * <p>The main sample stream wrapper is the first element of {@link #sampleStreamWrappers}. It
 * provides {@link SampleStream}s for the variant urls in the multivariant playlist. It may be
 * adaptive and may contain multiple muxed tracks.
 * <p>If chunkless preparation is allowed, the media period will try preparation without segment
 * downloads. This is only possible if variants contain the CODECS attribute. If not, traditional
 * preparation with segment downloads will take place. The following points apply to chunkless
 * preparation:
 * <ul>
 *   <li>A muxed audio track will be exposed if the codecs list contain an audio entry and the
 *       multivariant playlist either contains an EXT-X-MEDIA tag without the URI attribute or
 *       does not contain any EXT-X-MEDIA tag.
 *   <li>Closed captions will only be exposed if they are declared by the multivariant playlist.
 *   <li>An ID3 track is exposed preemptively, in case the segments contain an ID3 track.
 * </ul>
 * @param multivariantPlaylist The HLS multivariant playlist.
 * @param positionUs If preparation requires any chunk downloads, the position in microseconds at
 *     which downloading should start. Ignored otherwise.
 * @param sampleStreamWrappers List to which the built main sample stream wrapper should be added.
 * @param manifestUrlIndicesPerWrapper List to which the selected variant indices should be added.
 * @param overridingDrmInitData Overriding {@link DrmInitData}, keyed by protection scheme type
 *     (i.e. {@link DrmInitData#schemeType}).
private void buildAndPrepareMainSampleStreamWrapper(HlsMultivariantPlaylist multivariantPlaylist, long positionUs, List<HlsSampleStreamWrapper> sampleStreamWrappers, List<int[]> manifestUrlIndicesPerWrapper, Map<String, DrmInitData> overridingDrmInitData) {
    int[] variantTypes = new int[multivariantPlaylist.variants.size()];
    int videoVariantCount = 0;
    int audioVariantCount = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < multivariantPlaylist.variants.size(); i++) {
        Variant variant = multivariantPlaylist.variants.get(i);
        Format format = variant.format;
        if (format.height > 0 || Util.getCodecsOfType(format.codecs, C.TRACK_TYPE_VIDEO) != null) {
            variantTypes[i] = C.TRACK_TYPE_VIDEO;
        } else if (Util.getCodecsOfType(format.codecs, C.TRACK_TYPE_AUDIO) != null) {
            variantTypes[i] = C.TRACK_TYPE_AUDIO;
        } else {
            variantTypes[i] = C.TRACK_TYPE_UNKNOWN;
    boolean useVideoVariantsOnly = false;
    boolean useNonAudioVariantsOnly = false;
    int selectedVariantsCount = variantTypes.length;
    if (videoVariantCount > 0) {
        // We've identified some variants as definitely containing video. Assume variants within the
        // multivariant playlist are marked consistently, and hence that we have the full set. Filter
        // out any other variants, which are likely to be audio only.
        useVideoVariantsOnly = true;
        selectedVariantsCount = videoVariantCount;
    } else if (audioVariantCount < variantTypes.length) {
        // We've identified some variants, but not all, as being audio only. Filter them out to leave
        // the remaining variants, which are likely to contain video.
        useNonAudioVariantsOnly = true;
        selectedVariantsCount = variantTypes.length - audioVariantCount;
    Uri[] selectedPlaylistUrls = new Uri[selectedVariantsCount];
    Format[] selectedPlaylistFormats = new Format[selectedVariantsCount];
    int[] selectedVariantIndices = new int[selectedVariantsCount];
    int outIndex = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < multivariantPlaylist.variants.size(); i++) {
        if ((!useVideoVariantsOnly || variantTypes[i] == C.TRACK_TYPE_VIDEO) && (!useNonAudioVariantsOnly || variantTypes[i] != C.TRACK_TYPE_AUDIO)) {
            Variant variant = multivariantPlaylist.variants.get(i);
            selectedPlaylistUrls[outIndex] = variant.url;
            selectedPlaylistFormats[outIndex] = variant.format;
            selectedVariantIndices[outIndex++] = i;
    String codecs = selectedPlaylistFormats[0].codecs;
    int numberOfVideoCodecs = Util.getCodecCountOfType(codecs, C.TRACK_TYPE_VIDEO);
    int numberOfAudioCodecs = Util.getCodecCountOfType(codecs, C.TRACK_TYPE_AUDIO);
    boolean codecsStringAllowsChunklessPreparation = numberOfAudioCodecs <= 1 && numberOfVideoCodecs <= 1 && numberOfAudioCodecs + numberOfVideoCodecs > 0;
    @C.TrackType int trackType = !useVideoVariantsOnly && numberOfAudioCodecs > 0 ? C.TRACK_TYPE_AUDIO : C.TRACK_TYPE_DEFAULT;
    String sampleStreamWrapperUid = "main";
    HlsSampleStreamWrapper sampleStreamWrapper = buildSampleStreamWrapper(sampleStreamWrapperUid, trackType, selectedPlaylistUrls, selectedPlaylistFormats, multivariantPlaylist.muxedAudioFormat, multivariantPlaylist.muxedCaptionFormats, overridingDrmInitData, positionUs);
    if (allowChunklessPreparation && codecsStringAllowsChunklessPreparation) {
        List<TrackGroup> muxedTrackGroups = new ArrayList<>();
        if (numberOfVideoCodecs > 0) {
            Format[] videoFormats = new Format[selectedVariantsCount];
            for (int i = 0; i < videoFormats.length; i++) {
                videoFormats[i] = deriveVideoFormat(selectedPlaylistFormats[i]);
            muxedTrackGroups.add(new TrackGroup(sampleStreamWrapperUid, videoFormats));
            if (numberOfAudioCodecs > 0 && (multivariantPlaylist.muxedAudioFormat != null || multivariantPlaylist.audios.isEmpty())) {
                muxedTrackGroups.add(new TrackGroup(/* id= */
                sampleStreamWrapperUid + ":audio", deriveAudioFormat(selectedPlaylistFormats[0], multivariantPlaylist.muxedAudioFormat, /* isPrimaryTrackInVariant= */
            List<Format> ccFormats = multivariantPlaylist.muxedCaptionFormats;
            if (ccFormats != null) {
                for (int i = 0; i < ccFormats.size(); i++) {
                    String ccId = sampleStreamWrapperUid + ":cc:" + i;
                    muxedTrackGroups.add(new TrackGroup(ccId, ccFormats.get(i)));
        } else /* numberOfAudioCodecs > 0 */
            // Variants only contain audio.
            Format[] audioFormats = new Format[selectedVariantsCount];
            for (int i = 0; i < audioFormats.length; i++) {
                audioFormats[i] = deriveAudioFormat(/* variantFormat= */
                selectedPlaylistFormats[i], multivariantPlaylist.muxedAudioFormat, /* isPrimaryTrackInVariant= */
            muxedTrackGroups.add(new TrackGroup(sampleStreamWrapperUid, audioFormats));
        TrackGroup id3TrackGroup = new TrackGroup(/* id= */
        sampleStreamWrapperUid + ":id3", new Format.Builder().setId("ID3").setSampleMimeType(MimeTypes.APPLICATION_ID3).build());
        sampleStreamWrapper.prepareWithMultivariantPlaylistInfo(muxedTrackGroups.toArray(new TrackGroup[0]), /* primaryTrackGroupIndex= */
        0, /* optionalTrackGroupsIndices...= */
Also used : ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Uri( Variant( Format( TrackGroup(

Example 27 with SampleStream

use of in project ExoPlayer by google.

the class HlsMediaPeriod method selectTracks.

public long selectTracks(@NullableType ExoTrackSelection[] selections, boolean[] mayRetainStreamFlags, @NullableType SampleStream[] streams, boolean[] streamResetFlags, long positionUs) {
    // Map each selection and stream onto a child period index.
    int[] streamChildIndices = new int[selections.length];
    int[] selectionChildIndices = new int[selections.length];
    for (int i = 0; i < selections.length; i++) {
        streamChildIndices[i] = streams[i] == null ? C.INDEX_UNSET : streamWrapperIndices.get(streams[i]);
        selectionChildIndices[i] = C.INDEX_UNSET;
        if (selections[i] != null) {
            TrackGroup trackGroup = selections[i].getTrackGroup();
            for (int j = 0; j < sampleStreamWrappers.length; j++) {
                if (sampleStreamWrappers[j].getTrackGroups().indexOf(trackGroup) != C.INDEX_UNSET) {
                    selectionChildIndices[i] = j;
    boolean forceReset = false;
    // Select tracks for each child, copying the resulting streams back into a new streams array.
    SampleStream[] newStreams = new SampleStream[selections.length];
    @NullableType SampleStream[] childStreams = new SampleStream[selections.length];
    @NullableType ExoTrackSelection[] childSelections = new ExoTrackSelection[selections.length];
    int newEnabledSampleStreamWrapperCount = 0;
    HlsSampleStreamWrapper[] newEnabledSampleStreamWrappers = new HlsSampleStreamWrapper[sampleStreamWrappers.length];
    for (int i = 0; i < sampleStreamWrappers.length; i++) {
        for (int j = 0; j < selections.length; j++) {
            childStreams[j] = streamChildIndices[j] == i ? streams[j] : null;
            childSelections[j] = selectionChildIndices[j] == i ? selections[j] : null;
        HlsSampleStreamWrapper sampleStreamWrapper = sampleStreamWrappers[i];
        boolean wasReset = sampleStreamWrapper.selectTracks(childSelections, mayRetainStreamFlags, childStreams, streamResetFlags, positionUs, forceReset);
        boolean wrapperEnabled = false;
        for (int j = 0; j < selections.length; j++) {
            SampleStream childStream = childStreams[j];
            if (selectionChildIndices[j] == i) {
                // Assert that the child provided a stream for the selection.
                newStreams[j] = childStream;
                wrapperEnabled = true;
                streamWrapperIndices.put(childStream, i);
            } else if (streamChildIndices[j] == i) {
                // Assert that the child cleared any previous stream.
                Assertions.checkState(childStream == null);
        if (wrapperEnabled) {
            newEnabledSampleStreamWrappers[newEnabledSampleStreamWrapperCount] = sampleStreamWrapper;
            if (newEnabledSampleStreamWrapperCount++ == 0) {
                // The first enabled wrapper is always allowed to initialize timestamp adjusters. Note
                // that the first wrapper will correspond to a variant, or else an audio rendition, or
                // else a text rendition, in that order.
                if (wasReset || enabledSampleStreamWrappers.length == 0 || sampleStreamWrapper != enabledSampleStreamWrappers[0]) {
                    // The wrapper responsible for initializing the timestamp adjusters was reset or
                    // changed. We need to reset the timestamp adjuster provider and all other wrappers.
                    forceReset = true;
            } else {
                // Additional wrappers are also allowed to initialize timestamp adjusters if they contain
                // audio or video, since they are expected to contain dense samples. Text wrappers are not
                // permitted except in the case above in which no variant or audio rendition wrappers are
                // enabled.
                sampleStreamWrapper.setIsTimestampMaster(i < audioVideoSampleStreamWrapperCount);
    // Copy the new streams back into the streams array.
    System.arraycopy(newStreams, 0, streams, 0, newStreams.length);
    // Update the local state.
    enabledSampleStreamWrappers = Util.nullSafeArrayCopy(newEnabledSampleStreamWrappers, newEnabledSampleStreamWrapperCount);
    compositeSequenceableLoader = compositeSequenceableLoaderFactory.createCompositeSequenceableLoader(enabledSampleStreamWrappers);
    return positionUs;
Also used : ExoTrackSelection( TrackGroup( NullableType(org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.compatqual.NullableType) SampleStream(

Example 28 with SampleStream

use of in project ExoPlayer by google.

the class ExoPlayerImplInternal method maybeUpdateReadingPeriod.

private void maybeUpdateReadingPeriod() {
    @Nullable MediaPeriodHolder readingPeriodHolder = queue.getReadingPeriod();
    if (readingPeriodHolder == null) {
    if (readingPeriodHolder.getNext() == null || pendingPauseAtEndOfPeriod) {
        // intentionally to pause at the end of the period.
        if ( || pendingPauseAtEndOfPeriod) {
            for (int i = 0; i < renderers.length; i++) {
                Renderer renderer = renderers[i];
                SampleStream sampleStream = readingPeriodHolder.sampleStreams[i];
                // stream in case of playlist changes that cause the stream to be no longer final.
                if (sampleStream != null && renderer.getStream() == sampleStream && renderer.hasReadStreamToEnd()) {
                    long streamEndPositionUs = != C.TIME_UNSET && != C.TIME_END_OF_SOURCE ? readingPeriodHolder.getRendererOffset() + : C.TIME_UNSET;
                    setCurrentStreamFinal(renderer, streamEndPositionUs);
    if (!hasReadingPeriodFinishedReading()) {
    if (!readingPeriodHolder.getNext().prepared && rendererPositionUs < readingPeriodHolder.getNext().getStartPositionRendererTime()) {
        // The successor is not prepared yet and playback hasn't reached the transition point.
    MediaPeriodHolder oldReadingPeriodHolder = readingPeriodHolder;
    TrackSelectorResult oldTrackSelectorResult = readingPeriodHolder.getTrackSelectorResult();
    readingPeriodHolder = queue.advanceReadingPeriod();
    TrackSelectorResult newTrackSelectorResult = readingPeriodHolder.getTrackSelectorResult();
    updatePlaybackSpeedSettingsForNewPeriod(/* newTimeline= */
    playbackInfo.timeline, /* newPeriodId= */, /* oldTimeline= */
    playbackInfo.timeline, /* oldPeriodId= */, /* positionForTargetOffsetOverrideUs= */
    if (readingPeriodHolder.prepared && readingPeriodHolder.mediaPeriod.readDiscontinuity() != C.TIME_UNSET) {
        // The new period starts with a discontinuity, so the renderers will play out all data, then
        // be disabled and re-enabled when they start playing the next period.
        setAllRendererStreamsFinal(/* streamEndPositionUs= */
    for (int i = 0; i < renderers.length; i++) {
        boolean oldRendererEnabled = oldTrackSelectorResult.isRendererEnabled(i);
        boolean newRendererEnabled = newTrackSelectorResult.isRendererEnabled(i);
        if (oldRendererEnabled && !renderers[i].isCurrentStreamFinal()) {
            boolean isNoSampleRenderer = rendererCapabilities[i].getTrackType() == C.TRACK_TYPE_NONE;
            RendererConfiguration oldConfig = oldTrackSelectorResult.rendererConfigurations[i];
            RendererConfiguration newConfig = newTrackSelectorResult.rendererConfigurations[i];
            if (!newRendererEnabled || !newConfig.equals(oldConfig) || isNoSampleRenderer) {
                // The renderer will be disabled when transitioning to playing the next period, because
                // there's no new selection, or because a configuration change is required, or because
                // it's a no-sample renderer for which rendererOffsetUs should be updated only when
                // starting to play the next period. Mark the SampleStream as final to play out any
                // remaining data.
                setCurrentStreamFinal(renderers[i], /* streamEndPositionUs= */
Also used : TrackSelectorResult( TextRenderer( Nullable(androidx.annotation.Nullable) SampleStream(

Example 29 with SampleStream

use of in project ExoPlayer by google.

the class ExoPlayerImplInternal method hasReadingPeriodFinishedReading.

private boolean hasReadingPeriodFinishedReading() {
    MediaPeriodHolder readingPeriodHolder = queue.getReadingPeriod();
    if (!readingPeriodHolder.prepared) {
        return false;
    for (int i = 0; i < renderers.length; i++) {
        Renderer renderer = renderers[i];
        SampleStream sampleStream = readingPeriodHolder.sampleStreams[i];
        if (renderer.getStream() != sampleStream || (sampleStream != null && !renderer.hasReadStreamToEnd() && !hasReachedServerSideInsertedAdsTransition(renderer, readingPeriodHolder))) {
            // The current reading period is still being read by at least one renderer.
            return false;
    return true;
Also used : TextRenderer( SampleStream(

Example 30 with SampleStream

use of in project ExoPlayer by google.

the class EventSampleStreamTest method readData_omitSampleData_doesOmitSampleData.

public void readData_omitSampleData_doesOmitSampleData() {
    long presentationTimeUs = 1000000;
    EventMessage eventMessage = newEventMessageWithId(1);
    EventStream eventStream = new EventStream(SCHEME_ID, VALUE, TIME_SCALE, new long[] { presentationTimeUs }, new EventMessage[] { eventMessage });
    EventSampleStream sampleStream = new EventSampleStream(eventStream, FORMAT, false);
    // first read - read format
    // read the event with FLAG_OMIT_SAMPLE_DATA
    int result = readData(sampleStream, SampleStream.FLAG_OMIT_SAMPLE_DATA);
Also used : EventMessage( EventStream( Test(org.junit.Test)


EventStream ( Test (org.junit.Test)15 EventMessage ( ExoTrackSelection ( SampleStream ( TrackGroup ( CompositeSequenceableLoader ( ChunkSampleStream ( TrackSelection ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)5 Format ( FormatHolder ( EmptySampleStream ( TextRenderer ( TrackSelectorResult ( DecoderInputBuffer ( SampleQueue ( EmbeddedSampleStream ( FixedTrackSelection ( NullableType (org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.compatqual.NullableType)2