use of in project ExoPlayer by google.
the class HlsSampleStreamWrapper method buildTracks.
* Builds tracks that are exposed by this {@link HlsSampleStreamWrapper} instance, as well as
* internal data-structures required for operation.
* <p>
* Tracks in HLS are complicated. A HLS master playlist contains a number of "variants". Each
* variant stream typically contains muxed video, audio and (possibly) additional audio, metadata
* and caption tracks. We wish to allow the user to select between an adaptive track that spans
* all variants, as well as each individual variant. If multiple audio tracks are present within
* each variant then we wish to allow the user to select between those also.
* <p>
* To do this, tracks are constructed as follows. The {@link HlsChunkSource} exposes (N+1) tracks,
* where N is the number of variants defined in the HLS master playlist. These consist of one
* adaptive track defined to span all variants and a track for each individual variant. The
* adaptive track is initially selected. The extractor is then prepared to discover the tracks
* inside of each variant stream. The two sets of tracks are then combined by this method to
* create a third set, which is the set exposed by this {@link HlsSampleStreamWrapper}:
* <ul>
* <li>The extractor tracks are inspected to infer a "primary" track type. If a video track is
* present then it is always the primary type. If not, audio is the primary type if present.
* Else text is the primary type if present. Else there is no primary type.</li>
* <li>If there is exactly one extractor track of the primary type, it's expanded into (N+1)
* exposed tracks, all of which correspond to the primary extractor track and each of which
* corresponds to a different chunk source track. Selecting one of these tracks has the effect
* of switching the selected track on the chunk source.</li>
* <li>All other extractor tracks are exposed directly. Selecting one of these tracks has the
* effect of selecting an extractor track, leaving the selected track on the chunk source
* unchanged.</li>
* </ul>
private void buildTracks() {
// Iterate through the extractor tracks to discover the "primary" track type, and the index
// of the single track of this type.
int primaryExtractorTrackType = PRIMARY_TYPE_NONE;
int primaryExtractorTrackIndex = C.INDEX_UNSET;
int extractorTrackCount = sampleQueues.size();
for (int i = 0; i < extractorTrackCount; i++) {
String sampleMimeType = sampleQueues.valueAt(i).getUpstreamFormat().sampleMimeType;
int trackType;
if (MimeTypes.isVideo(sampleMimeType)) {
} else if (MimeTypes.isAudio(sampleMimeType)) {
} else if (MimeTypes.isText(sampleMimeType)) {
} else {
if (trackType > primaryExtractorTrackType) {
primaryExtractorTrackType = trackType;
primaryExtractorTrackIndex = i;
} else if (trackType == primaryExtractorTrackType && primaryExtractorTrackIndex != C.INDEX_UNSET) {
// We have multiple tracks of the primary type. We only want an index if there only exists a
// single track of the primary type, so unset the index again.
primaryExtractorTrackIndex = C.INDEX_UNSET;
TrackGroup chunkSourceTrackGroup = chunkSource.getTrackGroup();
int chunkSourceTrackCount = chunkSourceTrackGroup.length;
// Instantiate the necessary internal data-structures.
primaryTrackGroupIndex = C.INDEX_UNSET;
groupEnabledStates = new boolean[extractorTrackCount];
// Construct the set of exposed track groups.
TrackGroup[] trackGroups = new TrackGroup[extractorTrackCount];
for (int i = 0; i < extractorTrackCount; i++) {
Format sampleFormat = sampleQueues.valueAt(i).getUpstreamFormat();
if (i == primaryExtractorTrackIndex) {
Format[] formats = new Format[chunkSourceTrackCount];
for (int j = 0; j < chunkSourceTrackCount; j++) {
formats[j] = deriveFormat(chunkSourceTrackGroup.getFormat(j), sampleFormat);
trackGroups[i] = new TrackGroup(formats);
primaryTrackGroupIndex = i;
} else {
Format trackFormat = primaryExtractorTrackType == PRIMARY_TYPE_VIDEO && MimeTypes.isAudio(sampleFormat.sampleMimeType) ? muxedAudioFormat : null;
trackGroups[i] = new TrackGroup(deriveFormat(trackFormat, sampleFormat));
this.trackGroups = new TrackGroupArray(trackGroups);
use of in project ExoPlayer by google.
the class HlsSampleStreamWrapper method continueLoading.
// SequenceableLoader implementation
public boolean continueLoading(long positionUs) {
if (loadingFinished || loader.isLoading()) {
return false;
chunkSource.getNextChunk(mediaChunks.isEmpty() ? null : mediaChunks.getLast(), pendingResetPositionUs != C.TIME_UNSET ? pendingResetPositionUs : positionUs, nextChunkHolder);
boolean endOfStream = nextChunkHolder.endOfStream;
Chunk loadable = nextChunkHolder.chunk;
HlsMasterPlaylist.HlsUrl playlistToLoad = nextChunkHolder.playlist;
if (endOfStream) {
loadingFinished = true;
return true;
if (loadable == null) {
if (playlistToLoad != null) {
return false;
if (isMediaChunk(loadable)) {
pendingResetPositionUs = C.TIME_UNSET;
HlsMediaChunk mediaChunk = (HlsMediaChunk) loadable;
long elapsedRealtimeMs = loader.startLoading(loadable, this, minLoadableRetryCount);
eventDispatcher.loadStarted(loadable.dataSpec, loadable.type, trackType, loadable.trackFormat, loadable.trackSelectionReason, loadable.trackSelectionData, loadable.startTimeUs, loadable.endTimeUs, elapsedRealtimeMs);
return true;
use of in project ExoPlayer by google.
the class TimestampAdjusterProvider method getAdjuster.
* Returns a {@link TimestampAdjuster} suitable for adjusting the pts timestamps contained in
* a chunk with a given discontinuity sequence.
* @param discontinuitySequence The chunk's discontinuity sequence.
* @return A {@link TimestampAdjuster}.
public TimestampAdjuster getAdjuster(int discontinuitySequence) {
TimestampAdjuster adjuster = timestampAdjusters.get(discontinuitySequence);
if (adjuster == null) {
adjuster = new TimestampAdjuster(TimestampAdjuster.DO_NOT_OFFSET);
timestampAdjusters.put(discontinuitySequence, adjuster);
return adjuster;
use of in project ExoPlayer by google.
the class DefaultDashChunkSource method newInitializationChunk.
private static Chunk newInitializationChunk(RepresentationHolder representationHolder, DataSource dataSource, Format trackFormat, int trackSelectionReason, Object trackSelectionData, RangedUri initializationUri, RangedUri indexUri) {
RangedUri requestUri;
String baseUrl = representationHolder.representation.baseUrl;
if (initializationUri != null) {
// It's common for initialization and index data to be stored adjacently. Attempt to merge
// the two requests together to request both at once.
requestUri = initializationUri.attemptMerge(indexUri, baseUrl);
if (requestUri == null) {
requestUri = initializationUri;
} else {
requestUri = indexUri;
DataSpec dataSpec = new DataSpec(requestUri.resolveUri(baseUrl), requestUri.start, requestUri.length, representationHolder.representation.getCacheKey());
return new InitializationChunk(dataSource, dataSpec, trackFormat, trackSelectionReason, trackSelectionData, representationHolder.extractorWrapper);
use of in project ExoPlayer by google.
the class DefaultDashChunkSource method getNextChunk.
public final void getNextChunk(MediaChunk previous, long playbackPositionUs, ChunkHolder out) {
if (fatalError != null) {
long bufferedDurationUs = previous != null ? (previous.endTimeUs - playbackPositionUs) : 0;
RepresentationHolder representationHolder = representationHolders[trackSelection.getSelectedIndex()];
Representation selectedRepresentation = representationHolder.representation;
DashSegmentIndex segmentIndex = representationHolder.segmentIndex;
RangedUri pendingInitializationUri = null;
RangedUri pendingIndexUri = null;
if (representationHolder.extractorWrapper.getSampleFormats() == null) {
pendingInitializationUri = selectedRepresentation.getInitializationUri();
if (segmentIndex == null) {
pendingIndexUri = selectedRepresentation.getIndexUri();
if (pendingInitializationUri != null || pendingIndexUri != null) {
// We have initialization and/or index requests to make.
out.chunk = newInitializationChunk(representationHolder, dataSource, trackSelection.getSelectedFormat(), trackSelection.getSelectionReason(), trackSelection.getSelectionData(), pendingInitializationUri, pendingIndexUri);
long nowUs = getNowUnixTimeUs();
int availableSegmentCount = representationHolder.getSegmentCount();
if (availableSegmentCount == 0) {
// The index doesn't define any segments.
out.endOfStream = !manifest.dynamic || (periodIndex < manifest.getPeriodCount() - 1);
int firstAvailableSegmentNum = representationHolder.getFirstSegmentNum();
int lastAvailableSegmentNum;
if (availableSegmentCount == DashSegmentIndex.INDEX_UNBOUNDED) {
// The index is itself unbounded. We need to use the current time to calculate the range of
// available segments.
long liveEdgeTimeUs = nowUs - manifest.availabilityStartTime * 1000;
long periodStartUs = manifest.getPeriod(periodIndex).startMs * 1000;
long liveEdgeTimeInPeriodUs = liveEdgeTimeUs - periodStartUs;
if (manifest.timeShiftBufferDepth != C.TIME_UNSET) {
long bufferDepthUs = manifest.timeShiftBufferDepth * 1000;
firstAvailableSegmentNum = Math.max(firstAvailableSegmentNum, representationHolder.getSegmentNum(liveEdgeTimeInPeriodUs - bufferDepthUs));
// getSegmentNum(liveEdgeTimestampUs) will not be completed yet, so subtract one to get the
// index of the last completed segment.
lastAvailableSegmentNum = representationHolder.getSegmentNum(liveEdgeTimeInPeriodUs) - 1;
} else {
lastAvailableSegmentNum = firstAvailableSegmentNum + availableSegmentCount - 1;
int segmentNum;
if (previous == null) {
segmentNum = Util.constrainValue(representationHolder.getSegmentNum(playbackPositionUs), firstAvailableSegmentNum, lastAvailableSegmentNum);
} else {
segmentNum = previous.getNextChunkIndex();
if (segmentNum < firstAvailableSegmentNum) {
// This is before the first chunk in the current manifest.
fatalError = new BehindLiveWindowException();
if (segmentNum > lastAvailableSegmentNum || (missingLastSegment && segmentNum >= lastAvailableSegmentNum)) {
// This is beyond the last chunk in the current manifest.
out.endOfStream = !manifest.dynamic || (periodIndex < manifest.getPeriodCount() - 1);
int maxSegmentCount = Math.min(maxSegmentsPerLoad, lastAvailableSegmentNum - segmentNum + 1);
out.chunk = newMediaChunk(representationHolder, dataSource, trackSelection.getSelectedFormat(), trackSelection.getSelectionReason(), trackSelection.getSelectionData(), segmentNum, maxSegmentCount);