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the class EventSampleStreamTest method updateEventStreamContinueToReadAfterLastReadSamplePresentationTime.
* Tests that {@link EventSampleStream#updateEventStream(EventStream, boolean)} will update the
* underlying event stream, but keep the read timestamp, so the next {@link
* EventSampleStream#readData(FormatHolder, DecoderInputBuffer, int)} call will return sample data
* from after the last read sample timestamp.
public void updateEventStreamContinueToReadAfterLastReadSamplePresentationTime() {
long presentationTimeUs1 = 1000000;
long presentationTimeUs2 = 2000000;
long presentationTimeUs3 = 3000000;
EventMessage eventMessage1 = newEventMessageWithId(1);
EventMessage eventMessage2 = newEventMessageWithId(2);
EventMessage eventMessage3 = newEventMessageWithId(3);
EventStream eventStream1 = new EventStream(SCHEME_ID, VALUE, TIME_SCALE, new long[] { presentationTimeUs1, presentationTimeUs2 }, new EventMessage[] { eventMessage1, eventMessage2 });
EventStream eventStream2 = new EventStream(SCHEME_ID, VALUE, TIME_SCALE, new long[] { presentationTimeUs1, presentationTimeUs2, presentationTimeUs3 }, new EventMessage[] { eventMessage1, eventMessage2, eventMessage3 });
EventSampleStream sampleStream = new EventSampleStream(eventStream1, FORMAT, true);
// first read - read format
// read first and second sample.
sampleStream.updateEventStream(eventStream2, true);
int result = readData(sampleStream);
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the class EventSampleStreamTest method readDataReturnFormatForFirstRead.
* Tests that {@link EventSampleStream#readData(FormatHolder, DecoderInputBuffer, int)} will
* return format for the first call.
public void readDataReturnFormatForFirstRead() {
EventStream eventStream = new EventStream(SCHEME_ID, VALUE, TIME_SCALE, new long[0], new EventMessage[0]);
// Make the event stream appendable so that the format is read. Otherwise, the format will be
// skipped and the end of input will be read.
EventSampleStream sampleStream = new EventSampleStream(eventStream, FORMAT, /* eventStreamAppendable= */
int result = readData(sampleStream);
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the class EventSampleStreamTest method seekToThenUpdateStreamContinueToReadFromSeekPositionEvenSeekMoreThanAvailable.
* Tests that {@link EventSampleStream#updateEventStream(EventStream, boolean)} will update the
* underlying event stream, but keep the timestamp the stream has seek to, so the next {@link
* EventSampleStream#readData(FormatHolder, DecoderInputBuffer, int)} call will return sample data
* from the seek position.
public void seekToThenUpdateStreamContinueToReadFromSeekPositionEvenSeekMoreThanAvailable() {
long presentationTimeUs1 = 1000000;
long presentationTimeUs2 = 2000000;
long presentationTimeUs3 = 3000000;
EventMessage eventMessage1 = newEventMessageWithId(1);
EventMessage eventMessage2 = newEventMessageWithId(2);
EventMessage eventMessage3 = newEventMessageWithId(3);
EventStream eventStream1 = new EventStream(SCHEME_ID, VALUE, TIME_SCALE, new long[] { presentationTimeUs1 }, new EventMessage[] { eventMessage1 });
EventStream eventStream2 = new EventStream(SCHEME_ID, VALUE, TIME_SCALE, new long[] { presentationTimeUs1, presentationTimeUs2, presentationTimeUs3 }, new EventMessage[] { eventMessage1, eventMessage2, eventMessage3 });
EventSampleStream sampleStream = new EventSampleStream(eventStream1, FORMAT, true);
// first read - read format
sampleStream.seekToUs(presentationTimeUs2 + 1);
sampleStream.updateEventStream(eventStream2, true);
int result = readData(sampleStream);
use of in project ExoPlayer by google.
the class EventSampleStreamTest method seekToUsThenUpdateStreamContinueToReadFromSeekPosition.
* Tests that {@link EventSampleStream#updateEventStream(EventStream, boolean)} will update the
* underlying event stream, but keep the timestamp the stream has seek to, so the next {@link
* EventSampleStream#readData(FormatHolder, DecoderInputBuffer, int)} call will return sample data
* from the seek position.
public void seekToUsThenUpdateStreamContinueToReadFromSeekPosition() {
long presentationTimeUs1 = 1000000;
long presentationTimeUs2 = 2000000;
long presentationTimeUs3 = 3000000;
EventMessage eventMessage1 = newEventMessageWithId(1);
EventMessage eventMessage2 = newEventMessageWithId(2);
EventMessage eventMessage3 = newEventMessageWithId(3);
EventStream eventStream1 = new EventStream(SCHEME_ID, VALUE, TIME_SCALE, new long[] { presentationTimeUs1, presentationTimeUs2 }, new EventMessage[] { eventMessage1, eventMessage2 });
EventStream eventStream2 = new EventStream(SCHEME_ID, VALUE, TIME_SCALE, new long[] { presentationTimeUs1, presentationTimeUs2, presentationTimeUs3 }, new EventMessage[] { eventMessage1, eventMessage2, eventMessage3 });
EventSampleStream sampleStream = new EventSampleStream(eventStream1, FORMAT, true);
// first read - read format
sampleStream.updateEventStream(eventStream2, true);
int result = readData(sampleStream);
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the class EventSampleStreamTest method skipDataThenUpdateStreamContinueToReadDoNotSkippedMoreThanAvailable.
* Tests that {@link EventSampleStream#skipData(long)} will only skip to the point right after it
* last event. A following {@link EventSampleStream#updateEventStream(EventStream, boolean)} will
* update the underlying event stream and keep the timestamp the stream has skipped to, so the
* next {@link EventSampleStream#readData(FormatHolder, DecoderInputBuffer, int)} call will return
* sample data from the skipped position.
public void skipDataThenUpdateStreamContinueToReadDoNotSkippedMoreThanAvailable() {
long presentationTimeUs1 = 1000000;
long presentationTimeUs2 = 2000000;
long presentationTimeUs3 = 3000000;
EventMessage eventMessage1 = newEventMessageWithId(1);
EventMessage eventMessage2 = newEventMessageWithId(2);
EventMessage eventMessage3 = newEventMessageWithId(3);
EventStream eventStream1 = new EventStream(SCHEME_ID, VALUE, TIME_SCALE, new long[] { presentationTimeUs1 }, new EventMessage[] { eventMessage1 });
EventStream eventStream2 = new EventStream(SCHEME_ID, VALUE, TIME_SCALE, new long[] { presentationTimeUs1, presentationTimeUs2, presentationTimeUs3 }, new EventMessage[] { eventMessage1, eventMessage2, eventMessage3 });
EventSampleStream sampleStream = new EventSampleStream(eventStream1, FORMAT, true);
// first read - read format
// even though the skip call is to 2000001, since eventStream1 only contains sample until
// 1000000, it will only skip to 1000001.
sampleStream.skipData(presentationTimeUs2 + 1);
sampleStream.updateEventStream(eventStream2, true);
int result = readData(sampleStream);