Search in sources :

Example 16 with Segment

use of in project ExoPlayer by google.

the class DashDownloaderTest method counters.

public void counters() throws Exception {
    FakeDataSet fakeDataSet = new FakeDataSet().setData(TEST_MPD_URI, TEST_MPD).setRandomData("audio_init_data", 10).setRandomData("audio_segment_1", 4).newData("audio_segment_2").appendReadData(TestUtil.buildTestData(2)).appendReadError(new IOException()).appendReadData(TestUtil.buildTestData(3)).endData().setRandomData("audio_segment_3", 6);
    DashDownloader dashDownloader = getDashDownloader(fakeDataSet, new StreamKey(0, 0, 0));
    try {;
    } catch (IOException e) {
    // Failure expected after downloading init data, segment 1 and 2 bytes in segment 2.
    progressListener.assertBytesDownloaded(10 + 4 + 2);;
    progressListener.assertBytesDownloaded(10 + 4 + 5 + 6);
Also used : FakeDataSet( IOException( StreamKey( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 17 with Segment

use of in project ExoPlayer by google.

the class DvbParser method decode.

 * Decodes a subtitling packet, returning a list of parsed {@link Cue}s.
 * @param data The subtitling packet data to decode.
 * @param limit The limit in {@code data} at which to stop decoding.
 * @return The parsed {@link Cue}s.
public List<Cue> decode(byte[] data, int limit) {
    // Parse the input data.
    ParsableBitArray dataBitArray = new ParsableBitArray(data, limit);
    while (// sync_byte (8) + segment header (40)
    dataBitArray.bitsLeft() >= 48 && dataBitArray.readBits(8) == 0x0F) {
        parseSubtitlingSegment(dataBitArray, subtitleService);
    @Nullable PageComposition pageComposition = subtitleService.pageComposition;
    if (pageComposition == null) {
        return Collections.emptyList();
    // Update the canvas bitmap if necessary.
    DisplayDefinition displayDefinition = subtitleService.displayDefinition != null ? subtitleService.displayDefinition : defaultDisplayDefinition;
    if (bitmap == null || displayDefinition.width + 1 != bitmap.getWidth() || displayDefinition.height + 1 != bitmap.getHeight()) {
        bitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(displayDefinition.width + 1, displayDefinition.height + 1, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);
    // Build the cues.
    List<Cue> cues = new ArrayList<>();
    SparseArray<PageRegion> pageRegions = pageComposition.regions;
    for (int i = 0; i < pageRegions.size(); i++) {
        // Save clean clipping state.;
        PageRegion pageRegion = pageRegions.valueAt(i);
        int regionId = pageRegions.keyAt(i);
        RegionComposition regionComposition = subtitleService.regions.get(regionId);
        // Clip drawing to the current region and display definition window.
        int baseHorizontalAddress = pageRegion.horizontalAddress + displayDefinition.horizontalPositionMinimum;
        int baseVerticalAddress = pageRegion.verticalAddress + displayDefinition.verticalPositionMinimum;
        int clipRight = min(baseHorizontalAddress + regionComposition.width, displayDefinition.horizontalPositionMaximum);
        int clipBottom = min(baseVerticalAddress + regionComposition.height, displayDefinition.verticalPositionMaximum);
        canvas.clipRect(baseHorizontalAddress, baseVerticalAddress, clipRight, clipBottom);
        ClutDefinition clutDefinition = subtitleService.cluts.get(regionComposition.clutId);
        if (clutDefinition == null) {
            clutDefinition = subtitleService.ancillaryCluts.get(regionComposition.clutId);
            if (clutDefinition == null) {
                clutDefinition = defaultClutDefinition;
        SparseArray<RegionObject> regionObjects = regionComposition.regionObjects;
        for (int j = 0; j < regionObjects.size(); j++) {
            int objectId = regionObjects.keyAt(j);
            RegionObject regionObject = regionObjects.valueAt(j);
            ObjectData objectData = subtitleService.objects.get(objectId);
            if (objectData == null) {
                objectData = subtitleService.ancillaryObjects.get(objectId);
            if (objectData != null) {
                @Nullable Paint paint = objectData.nonModifyingColorFlag ? null : defaultPaint;
                paintPixelDataSubBlocks(objectData, clutDefinition, regionComposition.depth, baseHorizontalAddress + regionObject.horizontalPosition, baseVerticalAddress + regionObject.verticalPosition, paint, canvas);
        if (regionComposition.fillFlag) {
            int color;
            if (regionComposition.depth == REGION_DEPTH_8_BIT) {
                color = clutDefinition.clutEntries8Bit[regionComposition.pixelCode8Bit];
            } else if (regionComposition.depth == REGION_DEPTH_4_BIT) {
                color = clutDefinition.clutEntries4Bit[regionComposition.pixelCode4Bit];
            } else {
                color = clutDefinition.clutEntries2Bit[regionComposition.pixelCode2Bit];
            canvas.drawRect(baseHorizontalAddress, baseVerticalAddress, baseHorizontalAddress + regionComposition.width, baseVerticalAddress + regionComposition.height, fillRegionPaint);
        cues.add(new Cue.Builder().setBitmap(Bitmap.createBitmap(bitmap, baseHorizontalAddress, baseVerticalAddress, regionComposition.width, regionComposition.height)).setPosition((float) baseHorizontalAddress / displayDefinition.width).setPositionAnchor(Cue.ANCHOR_TYPE_START).setLine((float) baseVerticalAddress / displayDefinition.height, Cue.LINE_TYPE_FRACTION).setLineAnchor(Cue.ANCHOR_TYPE_START).setSize((float) regionComposition.width / displayDefinition.width).setBitmapHeight((float) regionComposition.height / displayDefinition.height).build());
        canvas.drawColor(Color.TRANSPARENT, PorterDuff.Mode.CLEAR);
        // Restore clean clipping state.
    return Collections.unmodifiableList(cues);
Also used : ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Paint( Paint( Cue( Nullable(androidx.annotation.Nullable) ParsableBitArray(

Example 18 with Segment

use of in project ExoPlayer by google.

the class HlsPlaylistParser method parseMediaPlaylist.

private static HlsMediaPlaylist parseMediaPlaylist(HlsMultivariantPlaylist multivariantPlaylist, @Nullable HlsMediaPlaylist previousMediaPlaylist, LineIterator iterator, String baseUri) throws IOException {
    @HlsMediaPlaylist.PlaylistType int playlistType = HlsMediaPlaylist.PLAYLIST_TYPE_UNKNOWN;
    long startOffsetUs = C.TIME_UNSET;
    long mediaSequence = 0;
    // Default version == 1.
    int version = 1;
    long targetDurationUs = C.TIME_UNSET;
    long partTargetDurationUs = C.TIME_UNSET;
    boolean hasIndependentSegmentsTag = multivariantPlaylist.hasIndependentSegments;
    boolean hasEndTag = false;
    @Nullable Segment initializationSegment = null;
    HashMap<String, String> variableDefinitions = new HashMap<>();
    HashMap<String, Segment> urlToInferredInitSegment = new HashMap<>();
    List<Segment> segments = new ArrayList<>();
    List<Part> trailingParts = new ArrayList<>();
    @Nullable Part preloadPart = null;
    List<RenditionReport> renditionReports = new ArrayList<>();
    List<String> tags = new ArrayList<>();
    long segmentDurationUs = 0;
    String segmentTitle = "";
    boolean hasDiscontinuitySequence = false;
    int playlistDiscontinuitySequence = 0;
    int relativeDiscontinuitySequence = 0;
    long playlistStartTimeUs = 0;
    long segmentStartTimeUs = 0;
    boolean preciseStart = false;
    long segmentByteRangeOffset = 0;
    long segmentByteRangeLength = C.LENGTH_UNSET;
    long partStartTimeUs = 0;
    long partByteRangeOffset = 0;
    boolean isIFrameOnly = false;
    long segmentMediaSequence = 0;
    boolean hasGapTag = false;
    HlsMediaPlaylist.ServerControl serverControl = new HlsMediaPlaylist.ServerControl(/* skipUntilUs= */
    C.TIME_UNSET, /* canSkipDateRanges= */
    false, /* holdBackUs= */
    C.TIME_UNSET, /* partHoldBackUs= */
    C.TIME_UNSET, /* canBlockReload= */
    @Nullable DrmInitData playlistProtectionSchemes = null;
    @Nullable String fullSegmentEncryptionKeyUri = null;
    @Nullable String fullSegmentEncryptionIV = null;
    TreeMap<String, SchemeData> currentSchemeDatas = new TreeMap<>();
    @Nullable String encryptionScheme = null;
    @Nullable DrmInitData cachedDrmInitData = null;
    String line;
    while (iterator.hasNext()) {
        line =;
        if (line.startsWith(TAG_PREFIX)) {
            // We expose all tags through the playlist.
        if (line.startsWith(TAG_PLAYLIST_TYPE)) {
            String playlistTypeString = parseStringAttr(line, REGEX_PLAYLIST_TYPE, variableDefinitions);
            if ("VOD".equals(playlistTypeString)) {
                playlistType = HlsMediaPlaylist.PLAYLIST_TYPE_VOD;
            } else if ("EVENT".equals(playlistTypeString)) {
                playlistType = HlsMediaPlaylist.PLAYLIST_TYPE_EVENT;
        } else if (line.equals(TAG_IFRAME)) {
            isIFrameOnly = true;
        } else if (line.startsWith(TAG_START)) {
            startOffsetUs = (long) (parseDoubleAttr(line, REGEX_TIME_OFFSET) * C.MICROS_PER_SECOND);
            preciseStart = parseOptionalBooleanAttribute(line, REGEX_PRECISE, /* defaultValue= */
        } else if (line.startsWith(TAG_SERVER_CONTROL)) {
            serverControl = parseServerControl(line);
        } else if (line.startsWith(TAG_PART_INF)) {
            double partTargetDurationSeconds = parseDoubleAttr(line, REGEX_PART_TARGET_DURATION);
            partTargetDurationUs = (long) (partTargetDurationSeconds * C.MICROS_PER_SECOND);
        } else if (line.startsWith(TAG_INIT_SEGMENT)) {
            String uri = parseStringAttr(line, REGEX_URI, variableDefinitions);
            String byteRange = parseOptionalStringAttr(line, REGEX_ATTR_BYTERANGE, variableDefinitions);
            if (byteRange != null) {
                String[] splitByteRange = Util.split(byteRange, "@");
                segmentByteRangeLength = Long.parseLong(splitByteRange[0]);
                if (splitByteRange.length > 1) {
                    segmentByteRangeOffset = Long.parseLong(splitByteRange[1]);
            if (segmentByteRangeLength == C.LENGTH_UNSET) {
                // The segment has no byte range defined.
                segmentByteRangeOffset = 0;
            if (fullSegmentEncryptionKeyUri != null && fullSegmentEncryptionIV == null) {
                // See RFC 8216, Section
                throw ParserException.createForMalformedManifest("The encryption IV attribute must be present when an initialization segment is" + " encrypted with METHOD=AES-128.", /* cause= */
            initializationSegment = new Segment(uri, segmentByteRangeOffset, segmentByteRangeLength, fullSegmentEncryptionKeyUri, fullSegmentEncryptionIV);
            if (segmentByteRangeLength != C.LENGTH_UNSET) {
                segmentByteRangeOffset += segmentByteRangeLength;
            segmentByteRangeLength = C.LENGTH_UNSET;
        } else if (line.startsWith(TAG_TARGET_DURATION)) {
            targetDurationUs = parseIntAttr(line, REGEX_TARGET_DURATION) * C.MICROS_PER_SECOND;
        } else if (line.startsWith(TAG_MEDIA_SEQUENCE)) {
            mediaSequence = parseLongAttr(line, REGEX_MEDIA_SEQUENCE);
            segmentMediaSequence = mediaSequence;
        } else if (line.startsWith(TAG_VERSION)) {
            version = parseIntAttr(line, REGEX_VERSION);
        } else if (line.startsWith(TAG_DEFINE)) {
            String importName = parseOptionalStringAttr(line, REGEX_IMPORT, variableDefinitions);
            if (importName != null) {
                String value = multivariantPlaylist.variableDefinitions.get(importName);
                if (value != null) {
                    variableDefinitions.put(importName, value);
                } else {
                // The multivariant playlist does not declare the imported variable. Ignore.
            } else {
                variableDefinitions.put(parseStringAttr(line, REGEX_NAME, variableDefinitions), parseStringAttr(line, REGEX_VALUE, variableDefinitions));
        } else if (line.startsWith(TAG_MEDIA_DURATION)) {
            segmentDurationUs = parseTimeSecondsToUs(line, REGEX_MEDIA_DURATION);
            segmentTitle = parseOptionalStringAttr(line, REGEX_MEDIA_TITLE, "", variableDefinitions);
        } else if (line.startsWith(TAG_SKIP)) {
            int skippedSegmentCount = parseIntAttr(line, REGEX_SKIPPED_SEGMENTS);
            checkState(previousMediaPlaylist != null && segments.isEmpty());
            int startIndex = (int) (mediaSequence - castNonNull(previousMediaPlaylist).mediaSequence);
            int endIndex = startIndex + skippedSegmentCount;
            if (startIndex < 0 || endIndex > previousMediaPlaylist.segments.size()) {
                // Throw to force a reload if not all segments are available in the previous playlist.
                throw new DeltaUpdateException();
            for (int i = startIndex; i < endIndex; i++) {
                Segment segment = previousMediaPlaylist.segments.get(i);
                if (mediaSequence != previousMediaPlaylist.mediaSequence) {
                    // If the media sequences of the playlists are not the same, we need to recreate the
                    // object with the updated relative start time and the relative discontinuity
                    // sequence. With identical playlist media sequences these values do not change.
                    int newRelativeDiscontinuitySequence = previousMediaPlaylist.discontinuitySequence - playlistDiscontinuitySequence + segment.relativeDiscontinuitySequence;
                    segment = segment.copyWith(segmentStartTimeUs, newRelativeDiscontinuitySequence);
                segmentStartTimeUs += segment.durationUs;
                partStartTimeUs = segmentStartTimeUs;
                if (segment.byteRangeLength != C.LENGTH_UNSET) {
                    segmentByteRangeOffset = segment.byteRangeOffset + segment.byteRangeLength;
                relativeDiscontinuitySequence = segment.relativeDiscontinuitySequence;
                initializationSegment = segment.initializationSegment;
                cachedDrmInitData = segment.drmInitData;
                fullSegmentEncryptionKeyUri = segment.fullSegmentEncryptionKeyUri;
                if (segment.encryptionIV == null || !segment.encryptionIV.equals(Long.toHexString(segmentMediaSequence))) {
                    fullSegmentEncryptionIV = segment.encryptionIV;
        } else if (line.startsWith(TAG_KEY)) {
            String method = parseStringAttr(line, REGEX_METHOD, variableDefinitions);
            String keyFormat = parseOptionalStringAttr(line, REGEX_KEYFORMAT, KEYFORMAT_IDENTITY, variableDefinitions);
            fullSegmentEncryptionKeyUri = null;
            fullSegmentEncryptionIV = null;
            if (METHOD_NONE.equals(method)) {
                cachedDrmInitData = null;
            } else /* !METHOD_NONE.equals(method) */
                fullSegmentEncryptionIV = parseOptionalStringAttr(line, REGEX_IV, variableDefinitions);
                if (KEYFORMAT_IDENTITY.equals(keyFormat)) {
                    if (METHOD_AES_128.equals(method)) {
                        // The segment is fully encrypted using an identity key.
                        fullSegmentEncryptionKeyUri = parseStringAttr(line, REGEX_URI, variableDefinitions);
                    } else {
                    // Do nothing. Samples are encrypted using an identity key, but this is not supported.
                    // Hopefully, a traditional DRM alternative is also provided.
                } else {
                    if (encryptionScheme == null) {
                        encryptionScheme = parseEncryptionScheme(method);
                    SchemeData schemeData = parseDrmSchemeData(line, keyFormat, variableDefinitions);
                    if (schemeData != null) {
                        cachedDrmInitData = null;
                        currentSchemeDatas.put(keyFormat, schemeData);
        } else if (line.startsWith(TAG_BYTERANGE)) {
            String byteRange = parseStringAttr(line, REGEX_BYTERANGE, variableDefinitions);
            String[] splitByteRange = Util.split(byteRange, "@");
            segmentByteRangeLength = Long.parseLong(splitByteRange[0]);
            if (splitByteRange.length > 1) {
                segmentByteRangeOffset = Long.parseLong(splitByteRange[1]);
        } else if (line.startsWith(TAG_DISCONTINUITY_SEQUENCE)) {
            hasDiscontinuitySequence = true;
            playlistDiscontinuitySequence = Integer.parseInt(line.substring(line.indexOf(':') + 1));
        } else if (line.equals(TAG_DISCONTINUITY)) {
        } else if (line.startsWith(TAG_PROGRAM_DATE_TIME)) {
            if (playlistStartTimeUs == 0) {
                long programDatetimeUs = Util.msToUs(Util.parseXsDateTime(line.substring(line.indexOf(':') + 1)));
                playlistStartTimeUs = programDatetimeUs - segmentStartTimeUs;
        } else if (line.equals(TAG_GAP)) {
            hasGapTag = true;
        } else if (line.equals(TAG_INDEPENDENT_SEGMENTS)) {
            hasIndependentSegmentsTag = true;
        } else if (line.equals(TAG_ENDLIST)) {
            hasEndTag = true;
        } else if (line.startsWith(TAG_RENDITION_REPORT)) {
            long lastMediaSequence = parseOptionalLongAttr(line, REGEX_LAST_MSN, C.INDEX_UNSET);
            int lastPartIndex = parseOptionalIntAttr(line, REGEX_LAST_PART, C.INDEX_UNSET);
            String uri = parseStringAttr(line, REGEX_URI, variableDefinitions);
            Uri playlistUri = Uri.parse(UriUtil.resolve(baseUri, uri));
            renditionReports.add(new RenditionReport(playlistUri, lastMediaSequence, lastPartIndex));
        } else if (line.startsWith(TAG_PRELOAD_HINT)) {
            if (preloadPart != null) {
            String type = parseStringAttr(line, REGEX_PRELOAD_HINT_TYPE, variableDefinitions);
            if (!TYPE_PART.equals(type)) {
            String url = parseStringAttr(line, REGEX_URI, variableDefinitions);
            long byteRangeStart = parseOptionalLongAttr(line, REGEX_BYTERANGE_START, /* defaultValue= */
            long byteRangeLength = parseOptionalLongAttr(line, REGEX_BYTERANGE_LENGTH, /* defaultValue= */
            @Nullable String segmentEncryptionIV = getSegmentEncryptionIV(segmentMediaSequence, fullSegmentEncryptionKeyUri, fullSegmentEncryptionIV);
            if (cachedDrmInitData == null && !currentSchemeDatas.isEmpty()) {
                SchemeData[] schemeDatas = currentSchemeDatas.values().toArray(new SchemeData[0]);
                cachedDrmInitData = new DrmInitData(encryptionScheme, schemeDatas);
                if (playlistProtectionSchemes == null) {
                    playlistProtectionSchemes = getPlaylistProtectionSchemes(encryptionScheme, schemeDatas);
            if (byteRangeStart == C.LENGTH_UNSET || byteRangeLength != C.LENGTH_UNSET) {
                // Skip preload part if it is an unbounded range request.
                preloadPart = new Part(url, initializationSegment, /* durationUs= */
                0, relativeDiscontinuitySequence, partStartTimeUs, cachedDrmInitData, fullSegmentEncryptionKeyUri, segmentEncryptionIV, byteRangeStart != C.LENGTH_UNSET ? byteRangeStart : 0, byteRangeLength, /* hasGapTag= */
                false, /* isIndependent= */
                false, /* isPreload= */
        } else if (line.startsWith(TAG_PART)) {
            @Nullable String segmentEncryptionIV = getSegmentEncryptionIV(segmentMediaSequence, fullSegmentEncryptionKeyUri, fullSegmentEncryptionIV);
            String url = parseStringAttr(line, REGEX_URI, variableDefinitions);
            long partDurationUs = (long) (parseDoubleAttr(line, REGEX_ATTR_DURATION) * C.MICROS_PER_SECOND);
            boolean isIndependent = parseOptionalBooleanAttribute(line, REGEX_INDEPENDENT, /* defaultValue= */
            // The first part of a segment is always independent if the segments are independent.
            isIndependent |= hasIndependentSegmentsTag && trailingParts.isEmpty();
            boolean isGap = parseOptionalBooleanAttribute(line, REGEX_GAP, /* defaultValue= */
            @Nullable String byteRange = parseOptionalStringAttr(line, REGEX_ATTR_BYTERANGE, variableDefinitions);
            long partByteRangeLength = C.LENGTH_UNSET;
            if (byteRange != null) {
                String[] splitByteRange = Util.split(byteRange, "@");
                partByteRangeLength = Long.parseLong(splitByteRange[0]);
                if (splitByteRange.length > 1) {
                    partByteRangeOffset = Long.parseLong(splitByteRange[1]);
            if (partByteRangeLength == C.LENGTH_UNSET) {
                partByteRangeOffset = 0;
            if (cachedDrmInitData == null && !currentSchemeDatas.isEmpty()) {
                SchemeData[] schemeDatas = currentSchemeDatas.values().toArray(new SchemeData[0]);
                cachedDrmInitData = new DrmInitData(encryptionScheme, schemeDatas);
                if (playlistProtectionSchemes == null) {
                    playlistProtectionSchemes = getPlaylistProtectionSchemes(encryptionScheme, schemeDatas);
            trailingParts.add(new Part(url, initializationSegment, partDurationUs, relativeDiscontinuitySequence, partStartTimeUs, cachedDrmInitData, fullSegmentEncryptionKeyUri, segmentEncryptionIV, partByteRangeOffset, partByteRangeLength, isGap, isIndependent, /* isPreload= */
            partStartTimeUs += partDurationUs;
            if (partByteRangeLength != C.LENGTH_UNSET) {
                partByteRangeOffset += partByteRangeLength;
        } else if (!line.startsWith("#")) {
            @Nullable String segmentEncryptionIV = getSegmentEncryptionIV(segmentMediaSequence, fullSegmentEncryptionKeyUri, fullSegmentEncryptionIV);
            String segmentUri = replaceVariableReferences(line, variableDefinitions);
            @Nullable Segment inferredInitSegment = urlToInferredInitSegment.get(segmentUri);
            if (segmentByteRangeLength == C.LENGTH_UNSET) {
                // The segment has no byte range defined.
                segmentByteRangeOffset = 0;
            } else if (isIFrameOnly && initializationSegment == null && inferredInitSegment == null) {
                // The segment is a resource byte range without an initialization segment.
                // As per RFC 8216, Section, we assume the initialization section exists in the
                // bytes preceding the first segment in this segment's URL.
                // We assume the implicit initialization segment is unencrypted, since there's no way for
                // the playlist to provide an initialization vector for it.
                inferredInitSegment = new Segment(segmentUri, /* byteRangeOffset= */
                0, segmentByteRangeOffset, /* fullSegmentEncryptionKeyUri= */
                null, /* encryptionIV= */
                urlToInferredInitSegment.put(segmentUri, inferredInitSegment);
            if (cachedDrmInitData == null && !currentSchemeDatas.isEmpty()) {
                SchemeData[] schemeDatas = currentSchemeDatas.values().toArray(new SchemeData[0]);
                cachedDrmInitData = new DrmInitData(encryptionScheme, schemeDatas);
                if (playlistProtectionSchemes == null) {
                    playlistProtectionSchemes = getPlaylistProtectionSchemes(encryptionScheme, schemeDatas);
            segments.add(new Segment(segmentUri, initializationSegment != null ? initializationSegment : inferredInitSegment, segmentTitle, segmentDurationUs, relativeDiscontinuitySequence, segmentStartTimeUs, cachedDrmInitData, fullSegmentEncryptionKeyUri, segmentEncryptionIV, segmentByteRangeOffset, segmentByteRangeLength, hasGapTag, trailingParts));
            segmentStartTimeUs += segmentDurationUs;
            partStartTimeUs = segmentStartTimeUs;
            segmentDurationUs = 0;
            segmentTitle = "";
            trailingParts = new ArrayList<>();
            if (segmentByteRangeLength != C.LENGTH_UNSET) {
                segmentByteRangeOffset += segmentByteRangeLength;
            segmentByteRangeLength = C.LENGTH_UNSET;
            hasGapTag = false;
    Map<Uri, RenditionReport> renditionReportMap = new HashMap<>();
    for (int i = 0; i < renditionReports.size(); i++) {
        RenditionReport renditionReport = renditionReports.get(i);
        long lastMediaSequence = renditionReport.lastMediaSequence;
        if (lastMediaSequence == C.INDEX_UNSET) {
            lastMediaSequence = mediaSequence + segments.size() - (trailingParts.isEmpty() ? 1 : 0);
        int lastPartIndex = renditionReport.lastPartIndex;
        if (lastPartIndex == C.INDEX_UNSET && partTargetDurationUs != C.TIME_UNSET) {
            List<Part> lastParts = trailingParts.isEmpty() ? Iterables.getLast(segments).parts : trailingParts;
            lastPartIndex = lastParts.size() - 1;
        renditionReportMap.put(renditionReport.playlistUri, new RenditionReport(renditionReport.playlistUri, lastMediaSequence, lastPartIndex));
    if (preloadPart != null) {
    return new HlsMediaPlaylist(playlistType, baseUri, tags, startOffsetUs, preciseStart, playlistStartTimeUs, hasDiscontinuitySequence, playlistDiscontinuitySequence, mediaSequence, version, targetDurationUs, partTargetDurationUs, hasIndependentSegmentsTag, hasEndTag, /* hasProgramDateTime= */
    playlistStartTimeUs != 0, playlistProtectionSchemes, segments, trailingParts, serverControl, renditionReportMap);
Also used : HashMap(java.util.HashMap) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) RenditionReport( SchemeData( Uri( Segment( DrmInitData( TreeMap(java.util.TreeMap) Part( Nullable(androidx.annotation.Nullable)

Example 19 with Segment

use of in project ExoPlayer by google.

the class HlsChunkSource method getNextSegmentHolder.

private static SegmentBaseHolder getNextSegmentHolder(HlsMediaPlaylist mediaPlaylist, long nextMediaSequence, int nextPartIndex) {
    int segmentIndexInPlaylist = (int) (nextMediaSequence - mediaPlaylist.mediaSequence);
    if (segmentIndexInPlaylist == mediaPlaylist.segments.size()) {
        int index = nextPartIndex != C.INDEX_UNSET ? nextPartIndex : 0;
        return index < mediaPlaylist.trailingParts.size() ? new SegmentBaseHolder(mediaPlaylist.trailingParts.get(index), nextMediaSequence, index) : null;
    Segment mediaSegment = mediaPlaylist.segments.get(segmentIndexInPlaylist);
    if (nextPartIndex == C.INDEX_UNSET) {
        return new SegmentBaseHolder(mediaSegment, nextMediaSequence, /* partIndex= */
    if (nextPartIndex < {
        // The requested part is available in the requested segment.
        return new SegmentBaseHolder(, nextMediaSequence, nextPartIndex);
    } else if (segmentIndexInPlaylist + 1 < mediaPlaylist.segments.size()) {
        // The first part of the next segment is requested, but we can use the next full segment.
        return new SegmentBaseHolder(mediaPlaylist.segments.get(segmentIndexInPlaylist + 1), nextMediaSequence + 1, /* partIndex= */
    } else if (!mediaPlaylist.trailingParts.isEmpty()) {
        // The part index is rolling over to the first trailing part.
        return new SegmentBaseHolder(mediaPlaylist.trailingParts.get(0), nextMediaSequence + 1, /* partIndex= */
    // End of stream.
    return null;
Also used : Segment( Nullable(androidx.annotation.Nullable)

Example 20 with Segment

use of in project ExoPlayer by google.

the class HlsChunkSource method getChunkPublicationState.

 * Returns the publication state of the given chunk.
 * @param mediaChunk The media chunk for which to evaluate the publication state.
 * @return Whether the media chunk is {@link #CHUNK_PUBLICATION_STATE_PRELOAD a preload chunk},
 *     has been {@link #CHUNK_PUBLICATION_STATE_REMOVED removed} or is definitely {@link
public int getChunkPublicationState(HlsMediaChunk mediaChunk) {
    if (mediaChunk.partIndex == C.INDEX_UNSET) {
        // Chunks based on full segments can't be removed and are always published.
    Uri playlistUrl = playlistUrls[trackGroup.indexOf(mediaChunk.trackFormat)];
    HlsMediaPlaylist mediaPlaylist = checkNotNull(playlistTracker.getPlaylistSnapshot(playlistUrl, /* isForPlayback= */
    int segmentIndexInPlaylist = (int) (mediaChunk.chunkIndex - mediaPlaylist.mediaSequence);
    if (segmentIndexInPlaylist < 0) {
        // The parent segment of the previous chunk is not in the current playlist anymore.
    List<HlsMediaPlaylist.Part> partsInCurrentPlaylist = segmentIndexInPlaylist < mediaPlaylist.segments.size() ? mediaPlaylist.segments.get(segmentIndexInPlaylist).parts : mediaPlaylist.trailingParts;
    if (mediaChunk.partIndex >= partsInCurrentPlaylist.size()) {
        // sequence in the new playlist.
    HlsMediaPlaylist.Part newPart = partsInCurrentPlaylist.get(mediaChunk.partIndex);
    if (newPart.isPreload) {
        // The playlist did not change and the part in the new playlist is still a preload hint.
    Uri newUri = Uri.parse(UriUtil.resolve(mediaPlaylist.baseUri, newPart.url));
    return Util.areEqual(newUri, mediaChunk.dataSpec.uri) ? CHUNK_PUBLICATION_STATE_PUBLISHED : CHUNK_PUBLICATION_STATE_REMOVED;
Also used : HlsMediaPlaylist( Uri(


Test (org.junit.Test)20 Uri ( Segment ( Nullable (androidx.annotation.Nullable)16 DataSpec ( ByteArrayInputStream ( IOException ( InputStream ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)9 HlsMediaPlaylist ( Format ( SlowMotionData ( SingleSampleMediaChunk ( RangedUri ( Representation ( BehindLiveWindowException ( ContainerMediaChunk ( Segment ( Window ( Segment (