use of in project ExoPlayer by google.
the class DefaultTrackSelector method selectOtherTrack.
// General track selection methods.
protected TrackSelection selectOtherTrack(int trackType, TrackGroupArray groups, int[][] formatSupport, boolean exceedRendererCapabilitiesIfNecessary) {
TrackGroup selectedGroup = null;
int selectedTrackIndex = 0;
int selectedTrackScore = 0;
for (int groupIndex = 0; groupIndex < groups.length; groupIndex++) {
TrackGroup trackGroup = groups.get(groupIndex);
int[] trackFormatSupport = formatSupport[groupIndex];
for (int trackIndex = 0; trackIndex < trackGroup.length; trackIndex++) {
if (isSupported(trackFormatSupport[trackIndex], exceedRendererCapabilitiesIfNecessary)) {
Format format = trackGroup.getFormat(trackIndex);
boolean isDefault = (format.selectionFlags & C.SELECTION_FLAG_DEFAULT) != 0;
int trackScore = isDefault ? 2 : 1;
if (isSupported(trackFormatSupport[trackIndex], false)) {
if (trackScore > selectedTrackScore) {
selectedGroup = trackGroup;
selectedTrackIndex = trackIndex;
selectedTrackScore = trackScore;
return selectedGroup == null ? null : new FixedTrackSelection(selectedGroup, selectedTrackIndex);
use of in project ExoPlayer by google.
the class DefaultTrackSelector method selectTextTrack.
// Text track selection implementation.
protected TrackSelection selectTextTrack(TrackGroupArray groups, int[][] formatSupport, String preferredTextLanguage, String preferredAudioLanguage, boolean exceedRendererCapabilitiesIfNecessary) {
TrackGroup selectedGroup = null;
int selectedTrackIndex = 0;
int selectedTrackScore = 0;
for (int groupIndex = 0; groupIndex < groups.length; groupIndex++) {
TrackGroup trackGroup = groups.get(groupIndex);
int[] trackFormatSupport = formatSupport[groupIndex];
for (int trackIndex = 0; trackIndex < trackGroup.length; trackIndex++) {
if (isSupported(trackFormatSupport[trackIndex], exceedRendererCapabilitiesIfNecessary)) {
Format format = trackGroup.getFormat(trackIndex);
boolean isDefault = (format.selectionFlags & C.SELECTION_FLAG_DEFAULT) != 0;
boolean isForced = (format.selectionFlags & C.SELECTION_FLAG_FORCED) != 0;
int trackScore;
if (formatHasLanguage(format, preferredTextLanguage)) {
if (isDefault) {
trackScore = 6;
} else if (!isForced) {
// Prefer non-forced to forced if a preferred text language has been specified. Where
// both are provided the non-forced track will usually contain the forced subtitles as
// a subset.
trackScore = 5;
} else {
trackScore = 4;
} else if (isDefault) {
trackScore = 3;
} else if (isForced) {
if (formatHasLanguage(format, preferredAudioLanguage)) {
trackScore = 2;
} else {
trackScore = 1;
} else {
// Track should not be selected.
if (isSupported(trackFormatSupport[trackIndex], false)) {
if (trackScore > selectedTrackScore) {
selectedGroup = trackGroup;
selectedTrackIndex = trackIndex;
selectedTrackScore = trackScore;
return selectedGroup == null ? null : new FixedTrackSelection(selectedGroup, selectedTrackIndex);
use of in project ExoPlayer by google.
the class DefaultTrackSelector method selectFixedVideoTrack.
private static TrackSelection selectFixedVideoTrack(TrackGroupArray groups, int[][] formatSupport, int maxVideoWidth, int maxVideoHeight, int maxVideoBitrate, int viewportWidth, int viewportHeight, boolean orientationMayChange, boolean exceedConstraintsIfNecessary, boolean exceedRendererCapabilitiesIfNecessary) {
TrackGroup selectedGroup = null;
int selectedTrackIndex = 0;
int selectedTrackScore = 0;
int selectedBitrate = Format.NO_VALUE;
int selectedPixelCount = Format.NO_VALUE;
for (int groupIndex = 0; groupIndex < groups.length; groupIndex++) {
TrackGroup trackGroup = groups.get(groupIndex);
List<Integer> selectedTrackIndices = getViewportFilteredTrackIndices(trackGroup, viewportWidth, viewportHeight, orientationMayChange);
int[] trackFormatSupport = formatSupport[groupIndex];
for (int trackIndex = 0; trackIndex < trackGroup.length; trackIndex++) {
if (isSupported(trackFormatSupport[trackIndex], exceedRendererCapabilitiesIfNecessary)) {
Format format = trackGroup.getFormat(trackIndex);
boolean isWithinConstraints = selectedTrackIndices.contains(trackIndex) && (format.width == Format.NO_VALUE || format.width <= maxVideoWidth) && (format.height == Format.NO_VALUE || format.height <= maxVideoHeight) && (format.bitrate == Format.NO_VALUE || format.bitrate <= maxVideoBitrate);
if (!isWithinConstraints && !exceedConstraintsIfNecessary) {
// Track should not be selected.
int trackScore = isWithinConstraints ? 2 : 1;
if (isSupported(trackFormatSupport[trackIndex], false)) {
boolean selectTrack = trackScore > selectedTrackScore;
if (trackScore == selectedTrackScore) {
// Use the pixel count as a tie breaker (or bitrate if pixel counts are tied). If we're
// within constraints prefer a higher pixel count (or bitrate), else prefer a lower
// count (or bitrate). If still tied then prefer the first track (i.e. the one that's
// already selected).
int comparisonResult;
int formatPixelCount = format.getPixelCount();
if (formatPixelCount != selectedPixelCount) {
comparisonResult = compareFormatValues(format.getPixelCount(), selectedPixelCount);
} else {
comparisonResult = compareFormatValues(format.bitrate, selectedBitrate);
selectTrack = isWithinConstraints ? comparisonResult > 0 : comparisonResult < 0;
if (selectTrack) {
selectedGroup = trackGroup;
selectedTrackIndex = trackIndex;
selectedTrackScore = trackScore;
selectedBitrate = format.bitrate;
selectedPixelCount = format.getPixelCount();
return selectedGroup == null ? null : new FixedTrackSelection(selectedGroup, selectedTrackIndex);
use of in project HybridMediaPlayer by mkaflowski.
the class CastPlayer method updateTracksAndSelections.
* Updates the internal tracks and selection and returns whether they have changed.
private boolean updateTracksAndSelections() {
if (remoteMediaClient == null) {
// There is no session. We leave the state of the player as it is now.
return false;
MediaStatus mediaStatus = getMediaStatus();
MediaInfo mediaInfo = mediaStatus != null ? mediaStatus.getMediaInfo() : null;
List<MediaTrack> castMediaTracks = mediaInfo != null ? mediaInfo.getMediaTracks() : null;
if (castMediaTracks == null || castMediaTracks.isEmpty()) {
boolean hasChanged = !currentTrackGroups.isEmpty();
currentTrackGroups = TrackGroupArray.EMPTY;
currentTrackSelection = EMPTY_TRACK_SELECTION_ARRAY;
return hasChanged;
long[] activeTrackIds = mediaStatus.getActiveTrackIds();
if (activeTrackIds == null) {
activeTrackIds = EMPTY_TRACK_ID_ARRAY;
TrackGroup[] trackGroups = new TrackGroup[castMediaTracks.size()];
TrackSelection[] trackSelections = new TrackSelection[RENDERER_COUNT];
for (int i = 0; i < castMediaTracks.size(); i++) {
MediaTrack mediaTrack = castMediaTracks.get(i);
trackGroups[i] = new TrackGroup(CastUtils.mediaTrackToFormat(mediaTrack));
long id = mediaTrack.getId();
int trackType = MimeTypes.getTrackType(mediaTrack.getContentType());
int rendererIndex = getRendererIndexForTrackType(trackType);
if (isTrackActive(id, activeTrackIds) && rendererIndex != C.INDEX_UNSET && trackSelections[rendererIndex] == null) {
trackSelections[rendererIndex] = new FixedTrackSelection(trackGroups[i], 0);
TrackGroupArray newTrackGroups = new TrackGroupArray(trackGroups);
TrackSelectionArray newTrackSelections = new TrackSelectionArray(trackSelections);
if (!newTrackGroups.equals(currentTrackGroups) || !newTrackSelections.equals(currentTrackSelection)) {
currentTrackSelection = new TrackSelectionArray(trackSelections);
currentTrackGroups = new TrackGroupArray(trackGroups);
return true;
return false;
use of in project ExoPlayer by google.
the class MergingMediaPeriodTest method selectTracks_withPeriodOffsets_selectTracksWithOffset_andCreatesSampleStreamsCorrectingOffset.
public void selectTracks_withPeriodOffsets_selectTracksWithOffset_andCreatesSampleStreamsCorrectingOffset() throws Exception {
MergingMediaPeriod mergingMediaPeriod = prepareMergingPeriod(new MergingPeriodDefinition(/* timeOffsetUs= */
0, /* singleSampleTimeUs= */
123_000, childFormat11, childFormat12), new MergingPeriodDefinition(/* timeOffsetUs= */
-3000, /* singleSampleTimeUs= */
456_000, childFormat21, childFormat22));
ExoTrackSelection selectionForChild1 = new FixedTrackSelection(mergingMediaPeriod.getTrackGroups().get(0), /* track= */
ExoTrackSelection selectionForChild2 = new FixedTrackSelection(mergingMediaPeriod.getTrackGroups().get(2), /* track= */
SampleStream[] streams = new SampleStream[2];
mergingMediaPeriod.selectTracks(/* selections= */
new ExoTrackSelection[] { selectionForChild1, selectionForChild2 }, /* mayRetainStreamFlags= */
new boolean[] { false, false }, streams, /* streamResetFlags= */
new boolean[] { false, false }, /* positionUs= */
mergingMediaPeriod.continueLoading(/* positionUs= */
FormatHolder formatHolder = new FormatHolder();
DecoderInputBuffer inputBuffer = new DecoderInputBuffer(DecoderInputBuffer.BUFFER_REPLACEMENT_MODE_NORMAL);
streams[0].readData(formatHolder, inputBuffer, FLAG_REQUIRE_FORMAT);
streams[1].readData(formatHolder, inputBuffer, FLAG_REQUIRE_FORMAT);
FakeMediaPeriodWithSelectTracksPosition childMediaPeriod1 = (FakeMediaPeriodWithSelectTracksPosition) mergingMediaPeriod.getChildPeriod(0);
assertThat(streams[0].readData(formatHolder, inputBuffer, /* readFlags= */
FakeMediaPeriodWithSelectTracksPosition childMediaPeriod2 = (FakeMediaPeriodWithSelectTracksPosition) mergingMediaPeriod.getChildPeriod(1);
assertThat(streams[1].readData(formatHolder, inputBuffer, /* readFlags= */
assertThat(inputBuffer.timeUs).isEqualTo(456_000 - 3000);