use of in project ExoPlayer by google.
the class EventLogger method onTracksChanged.
public void onTracksChanged(EventTime eventTime, TrackGroupArray trackGroups, TrackSelectionArray trackSelections) {
MappedTrackInfo mappedTrackInfo = trackSelector != null ? trackSelector.getCurrentMappedTrackInfo() : null;
if (mappedTrackInfo == null) {
logd(eventTime, "tracks", "[]");
logd("tracks [" + getEventTimeString(eventTime));
// Log tracks associated to renderers.
int rendererCount = mappedTrackInfo.getRendererCount();
for (int rendererIndex = 0; rendererIndex < rendererCount; rendererIndex++) {
TrackGroupArray rendererTrackGroups = mappedTrackInfo.getTrackGroups(rendererIndex);
TrackSelection trackSelection = trackSelections.get(rendererIndex);
if (rendererTrackGroups.length == 0) {
logd(" " + mappedTrackInfo.getRendererName(rendererIndex) + " []");
} else {
logd(" " + mappedTrackInfo.getRendererName(rendererIndex) + " [");
for (int groupIndex = 0; groupIndex < rendererTrackGroups.length; groupIndex++) {
TrackGroup trackGroup = rendererTrackGroups.get(groupIndex);
String adaptiveSupport = getAdaptiveSupportString(trackGroup.length, mappedTrackInfo.getAdaptiveSupport(rendererIndex, groupIndex, /* includeCapabilitiesExceededTracks= */
logd(" Group:" + + ", adaptive_supported=" + adaptiveSupport + " [");
for (int trackIndex = 0; trackIndex < trackGroup.length; trackIndex++) {
String status = getTrackStatusString(trackSelection, trackGroup, trackIndex);
@Capabilities int capabilities = mappedTrackInfo.getCapabilities(rendererIndex, groupIndex, trackIndex);
String formatSupport = getFormatSupportString(getFormatSupport(capabilities));
String hardwareAccelerationSupport = getHardwareAccelerationSupport(capabilities) == HARDWARE_ACCELERATION_SUPPORTED ? ", accelerated=YES" : "";
String decoderSupport = getDecoderSupport(capabilities) == DECODER_SUPPORT_FALLBACK ? ", fallback=YES" : "";
logd(" " + status + " Track:" + trackIndex + ", " + Format.toLogString(trackGroup.getFormat(trackIndex)) + ", supported=" + formatSupport + hardwareAccelerationSupport + decoderSupport);
logd(" ]");
// Log metadata for at most one of the tracks selected for the renderer.
if (trackSelection != null) {
for (int selectionIndex = 0; selectionIndex < trackSelection.length(); selectionIndex++) {
Metadata metadata = trackSelection.getFormat(selectionIndex).metadata;
if (metadata != null) {
logd(" Metadata [");
printMetadata(metadata, " ");
logd(" ]");
logd(" ]");
// Log tracks not associated with a renderer.
TrackGroupArray unassociatedTrackGroups = mappedTrackInfo.getUnmappedTrackGroups();
if (unassociatedTrackGroups.length > 0) {
logd(" Unmapped [");
for (int groupIndex = 0; groupIndex < unassociatedTrackGroups.length; groupIndex++) {
logd(" Group:" + groupIndex + " [");
TrackGroup trackGroup = unassociatedTrackGroups.get(groupIndex);
for (int trackIndex = 0; trackIndex < trackGroup.length; trackIndex++) {
String status = getTrackStatusString(false);
String formatSupport = getFormatSupportString(C.FORMAT_UNSUPPORTED_TYPE);
logd(" " + status + " Track:" + trackIndex + ", " + Format.toLogString(trackGroup.getFormat(trackIndex)) + ", supported=" + formatSupport);
logd(" ]");
logd(" ]");
use of in project ExoPlayer by google.
the class TrackSelectionView method updateViews.
// Private methods.
private void updateViews() {
// Remove previous per-track views.
for (int i = getChildCount() - 1; i >= 3; i--) {
if (mappedTrackInfo == null) {
// The view is not initialized.
trackGroups = mappedTrackInfo.getTrackGroups(rendererIndex);
// Add per-track views.
trackViews = new CheckedTextView[trackGroups.length][];
boolean enableMultipleChoiceForMultipleOverrides = shouldEnableMultiGroupSelection();
for (int groupIndex = 0; groupIndex < trackGroups.length; groupIndex++) {
TrackGroup group = trackGroups.get(groupIndex);
boolean enableMultipleChoiceForAdaptiveSelections = shouldEnableAdaptiveSelection(groupIndex);
trackViews[groupIndex] = new CheckedTextView[group.length];
TrackInfo[] trackInfos = new TrackInfo[group.length];
for (int trackIndex = 0; trackIndex < group.length; trackIndex++) {
trackInfos[trackIndex] = new TrackInfo(groupIndex, trackIndex, group.getFormat(trackIndex));
if (trackInfoComparator != null) {
Arrays.sort(trackInfos, trackInfoComparator);
for (int trackIndex = 0; trackIndex < trackInfos.length; trackIndex++) {
if (trackIndex == 0) {
addView(inflater.inflate(R.layout.exo_list_divider, this, false));
int trackViewLayoutId = enableMultipleChoiceForAdaptiveSelections || enableMultipleChoiceForMultipleOverrides ? android.R.layout.simple_list_item_multiple_choice : android.R.layout.simple_list_item_single_choice;
CheckedTextView trackView = (CheckedTextView) inflater.inflate(trackViewLayoutId, this, false);
if (mappedTrackInfo.getTrackSupport(rendererIndex, groupIndex, trackIndex) == C.FORMAT_HANDLED) {
} else {
trackViews[groupIndex][trackIndex] = trackView;
use of in project Telegram-FOSS by Telegram-FOSS-Team.
the class EventLogger method onTracksChanged.
public void onTracksChanged(EventTime eventTime, TrackGroupArray ignored, TrackSelectionArray trackSelections) {
MappedTrackInfo mappedTrackInfo = trackSelector != null ? trackSelector.getCurrentMappedTrackInfo() : null;
if (mappedTrackInfo == null) {
logd(eventTime, "tracks", "[]");
logd("tracks [" + getEventTimeString(eventTime));
// Log tracks associated to renderers.
int rendererCount = mappedTrackInfo.getRendererCount();
for (int rendererIndex = 0; rendererIndex < rendererCount; rendererIndex++) {
TrackGroupArray rendererTrackGroups = mappedTrackInfo.getTrackGroups(rendererIndex);
TrackSelection trackSelection = trackSelections.get(rendererIndex);
if (rendererTrackGroups.length > 0) {
logd(" Renderer:" + rendererIndex + " [");
for (int groupIndex = 0; groupIndex < rendererTrackGroups.length; groupIndex++) {
TrackGroup trackGroup = rendererTrackGroups.get(groupIndex);
String adaptiveSupport = getAdaptiveSupportString(trackGroup.length, mappedTrackInfo.getAdaptiveSupport(rendererIndex, groupIndex, /* includeCapabilitiesExceededTracks= */
logd(" Group:" + groupIndex + ", adaptive_supported=" + adaptiveSupport + " [");
for (int trackIndex = 0; trackIndex < trackGroup.length; trackIndex++) {
String status = getTrackStatusString(trackSelection, trackGroup, trackIndex);
String formatSupport = RendererCapabilities.getFormatSupportString(mappedTrackInfo.getTrackSupport(rendererIndex, groupIndex, trackIndex));
logd(" " + status + " Track:" + trackIndex + ", " + Format.toLogString(trackGroup.getFormat(trackIndex)) + ", supported=" + formatSupport);
logd(" ]");
// Log metadata for at most one of the tracks selected for the renderer.
if (trackSelection != null) {
for (int selectionIndex = 0; selectionIndex < trackSelection.length(); selectionIndex++) {
Metadata metadata = trackSelection.getFormat(selectionIndex).metadata;
if (metadata != null) {
logd(" Metadata [");
printMetadata(metadata, " ");
logd(" ]");
logd(" ]");
// Log tracks not associated with a renderer.
TrackGroupArray unassociatedTrackGroups = mappedTrackInfo.getUnmappedTrackGroups();
if (unassociatedTrackGroups.length > 0) {
logd(" Renderer:None [");
for (int groupIndex = 0; groupIndex < unassociatedTrackGroups.length; groupIndex++) {
logd(" Group:" + groupIndex + " [");
TrackGroup trackGroup = unassociatedTrackGroups.get(groupIndex);
for (int trackIndex = 0; trackIndex < trackGroup.length; trackIndex++) {
String status = getTrackStatusString(false);
String formatSupport = RendererCapabilities.getFormatSupportString(RendererCapabilities.FORMAT_UNSUPPORTED_TYPE);
logd(" " + status + " Track:" + trackIndex + ", " + Format.toLogString(trackGroup.getFormat(trackIndex)) + ", supported=" + formatSupport);
logd(" ]");
logd(" ]");
use of in project Telegram-FOSS by Telegram-FOSS-Team.
the class DownloadHelper method addAudioLanguagesToSelection.
* Convenience method to add selections of tracks for all specified audio languages. If an audio
* track in one of the specified languages is not available, the default fallback audio track is
* used instead. Must not be called until after preparation completes.
* @param languages A list of audio languages for which tracks should be added to the download
* selection, as IETF BCP 47 conformant tags.
public void addAudioLanguagesToSelection(String... languages) {
for (int periodIndex = 0; periodIndex < mappedTrackInfos.length; periodIndex++) {
DefaultTrackSelector.ParametersBuilder parametersBuilder = DEFAULT_TRACK_SELECTOR_PARAMETERS_WITHOUT_CONTEXT.buildUpon();
MappedTrackInfo mappedTrackInfo = mappedTrackInfos[periodIndex];
int rendererCount = mappedTrackInfo.getRendererCount();
for (int rendererIndex = 0; rendererIndex < rendererCount; rendererIndex++) {
if (mappedTrackInfo.getRendererType(rendererIndex) != C.TRACK_TYPE_AUDIO) {
parametersBuilder.setRendererDisabled(rendererIndex, /* disabled= */
for (String language : languages) {
use of in project Telegram-FOSS by Telegram-FOSS-Team.
the class DefaultTrackSelector method selectOtherTrack.
// General track selection methods.
* Called by {@link #selectAllTracks(MappedTrackInfo, int[][][], int[], Parameters)} to create a
* {@link TrackSelection} for a renderer whose type is neither video, audio or text.
* @param trackType The type of the renderer.
* @param groups The {@link TrackGroupArray} mapped to the renderer.
* @param formatSupport The {@link Capabilities} for each mapped track, indexed by renderer, track
* group and track (in that order).
* @param params The selector's current constraint parameters.
* @return The {@link TrackSelection} for the renderer, or null if no selection was made.
* @throws ExoPlaybackException If an error occurs while selecting the tracks.
protected TrackSelection.Definition selectOtherTrack(int trackType, TrackGroupArray groups, @Capabilities int[][] formatSupport, Parameters params) throws ExoPlaybackException {
TrackGroup selectedGroup = null;
int selectedTrackIndex = 0;
int selectedTrackScore = 0;
for (int groupIndex = 0; groupIndex < groups.length; groupIndex++) {
TrackGroup trackGroup = groups.get(groupIndex);
@Capabilities int[] trackFormatSupport = formatSupport[groupIndex];
for (int trackIndex = 0; trackIndex < trackGroup.length; trackIndex++) {
if (isSupported(trackFormatSupport[trackIndex], params.exceedRendererCapabilitiesIfNecessary)) {
Format format = trackGroup.getFormat(trackIndex);
boolean isDefault = (format.selectionFlags & C.SELECTION_FLAG_DEFAULT) != 0;
int trackScore = isDefault ? 2 : 1;
if (isSupported(trackFormatSupport[trackIndex], false)) {
if (trackScore > selectedTrackScore) {
selectedGroup = trackGroup;
selectedTrackIndex = trackIndex;
selectedTrackScore = trackScore;
return selectedGroup == null ? null : new TrackSelection.Definition(selectedGroup, selectedTrackIndex);