use of in project ExoPlayer by google.
the class ExoPlayerTest method infiniteLoading_withSmallAllocations_oomIsPreventedByLoadControl_andThrowsStuckBufferingIllegalStateException.
public void infiniteLoading_withSmallAllocations_oomIsPreventedByLoadControl_andThrowsStuckBufferingIllegalStateException() {
DefaultLoadControl loadControl = new DefaultLoadControl.Builder().setTargetBufferBytes(10 * C.DEFAULT_BUFFER_SEGMENT_SIZE).build();
// Return no end of stream signal to prevent playback from ending.
FakeMediaPeriod.TrackDataFactory trackDataWithoutEos = (format, periodId) -> ImmutableList.of();
MediaSource continuouslyAllocatingMediaSource = new FakeMediaSource(new FakeTimeline(), ExoPlayerTestRunner.VIDEO_FORMAT) {
protected MediaPeriod createMediaPeriod(MediaPeriodId id, TrackGroupArray trackGroupArray, Allocator allocator, MediaSourceEventListener.EventDispatcher mediaSourceEventDispatcher, DrmSessionManager drmSessionManager, DrmSessionEventListener.EventDispatcher drmEventDispatcher, @Nullable TransferListener transferListener) {
return new FakeMediaPeriod(trackGroupArray, allocator, trackDataWithoutEos, mediaSourceEventDispatcher, drmSessionManager, drmEventDispatcher, /* deferOnPrepared= */
false) {
private final List<Allocation> allocations = new ArrayList<>();
private Callback callback;
public synchronized void prepare(Callback callback, long positionUs) {
this.callback = callback;
super.prepare(callback, positionUs);
public long getBufferedPositionUs() {
// Pretend not to make loading progress, so that continueLoading keeps being called.
return 0;
public long getNextLoadPositionUs() {
// Pretend not to make loading progress, so that continueLoading keeps being called.
return 0;
public boolean continueLoading(long positionUs) {
return true;
ExoPlayerTestRunner testRunner = new ExoPlayerTestRunner.Builder(context).setMediaSources(continuouslyAllocatingMediaSource).setLoadControl(loadControl).build();
ExoPlaybackException exception = assertThrows(ExoPlaybackException.class, () -> testRunner.start().blockUntilEnded(TIMEOUT_MS));
use of in project ExoPlayer by google.
the class SampleDataQueue method readData.
* Reads data from {@code allocationNode} and its following nodes.
* @param allocationNode The first {@link AllocationNode} containing data yet to be read.
* @param absolutePosition The absolute position from which data should be read.
* @param target The array into which data should be written.
* @param length The number of bytes to read.
* @return The first {@link AllocationNode} that contains unread bytes after this method returns.
private static AllocationNode readData(AllocationNode allocationNode, long absolutePosition, byte[] target, int length) {
allocationNode = getNodeContainingPosition(allocationNode, absolutePosition);
int remaining = length;
while (remaining > 0) {
int toCopy = min(remaining, (int) (allocationNode.endPosition - absolutePosition));
Allocation allocation = allocationNode.allocation;
System.arraycopy(, allocationNode.translateOffset(absolutePosition), target, length - remaining, toCopy);
remaining -= toCopy;
absolutePosition += toCopy;
if (absolutePosition == allocationNode.endPosition) {
allocationNode =;
return allocationNode;