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Example 6 with PduPart

use of in project qksms by moezbhatti.

the class MessageUtils method haveSomethingToCopyToSDCard.

 * Looks to see if there are any valid parts of the attachment that can be copied to a SD card.
 * @param context
 * @param msgId
public static boolean haveSomethingToCopyToSDCard(Context context, long msgId) {
    PduBody body = null;
    try {
        body = SlideshowModel.getPduBody(context, ContentUris.withAppendedId(Mms.CONTENT_URI, msgId));
    } catch (MmsException e) {
        Log.e(TAG, "haveSomethingToCopyToSDCard can't load pdu body: " + msgId);
    if (body == null) {
        return false;
    boolean result = false;
    int partNum = body.getPartsNum();
    for (int i = 0; i < partNum; i++) {
        PduPart part = body.getPart(i);
        String type = new String(part.getContentType());
        if (Log.isLoggable(LogTag.APP, Log.VERBOSE)) {
            Log.v(TAG, "[CMA] haveSomethingToCopyToSDCard: part[" + i + "] contentType=" + type);
        if (ContentType.isImageType(type) || ContentType.isVideoType(type) || ContentType.isAudioType(type) || DrmUtils.isDrmType(type)) {
            result = true;
    return result;
Also used : MmsException( PduBody( PduPart(

Example 7 with PduPart

use of in project Signal-Android by signalapp.

the class MmsDownloadJob method storeRetrievedMms.

private void storeRetrievedMms(String contentLocation, long messageId, long threadId, RetrieveConf retrieved, int subscriptionId, @Nullable Address notificationFrom) throws MmsException, NoSessionException, DuplicateMessageException, InvalidMessageException, LegacyMessageException {
    MmsDatabase database = DatabaseFactory.getMmsDatabase(context);
    SingleUseBlobProvider provider = SingleUseBlobProvider.getInstance();
    Optional<Address> group = Optional.absent();
    Set<Address> members = new HashSet<>();
    String body = null;
    List<Attachment> attachments = new LinkedList<>();
    Address from;
    if (retrieved.getFrom() != null) {
        from = Address.fromExternal(context, Util.toIsoString(retrieved.getFrom().getTextString()));
    } else if (notificationFrom != null) {
        from = notificationFrom;
    } else {
        from = Address.UNKNOWN;
    if (retrieved.getTo() != null) {
        for (EncodedStringValue toValue : retrieved.getTo()) {
            members.add(Address.fromExternal(context, Util.toIsoString(toValue.getTextString())));
    if (retrieved.getCc() != null) {
        for (EncodedStringValue ccValue : retrieved.getCc()) {
            members.add(Address.fromExternal(context, Util.toIsoString(ccValue.getTextString())));
    members.add(Address.fromExternal(context, TextSecurePreferences.getLocalNumber(context)));
    if (retrieved.getBody() != null) {
        body = PartParser.getMessageText(retrieved.getBody());
        PduBody media = PartParser.getSupportedMediaParts(retrieved.getBody());
        for (int i = 0; i < media.getPartsNum(); i++) {
            PduPart part = media.getPart(i);
            if (part.getData() != null) {
                Uri uri = provider.createUri(part.getData());
                String name = null;
                if (part.getName() != null)
                    name = Util.toIsoString(part.getName());
                attachments.add(new UriAttachment(uri, Util.toIsoString(part.getContentType()), AttachmentDatabase.TRANSFER_PROGRESS_DONE, part.getData().length, name, false));
    if (members.size() > 2) {
        group = Optional.of(Address.fromSerialized(DatabaseFactory.getGroupDatabase(context).getOrCreateGroupForMembers(new LinkedList<>(members), true)));
    IncomingMediaMessage message = new IncomingMediaMessage(from, group, body, retrieved.getDate() * 1000L, attachments, subscriptionId, 0, false);
    Optional<InsertResult> insertResult = database.insertMessageInbox(message, contentLocation, threadId);
    if (insertResult.isPresent()) {
        MessageNotifier.updateNotification(context, insertResult.get().getThreadId());
Also used : InsertResult(org.thoughtcrime.securesms.database.MessagingDatabase.InsertResult) EncodedStringValue( Address(org.thoughtcrime.securesms.database.Address) PduBody( IncomingMediaMessage(org.thoughtcrime.securesms.mms.IncomingMediaMessage) UriAttachment(org.thoughtcrime.securesms.attachments.UriAttachment) Attachment(org.thoughtcrime.securesms.attachments.Attachment) Uri( LinkedList(java.util.LinkedList) SingleUseBlobProvider(org.thoughtcrime.securesms.providers.SingleUseBlobProvider) PduPart( UriAttachment(org.thoughtcrime.securesms.attachments.UriAttachment) MmsDatabase(org.thoughtcrime.securesms.database.MmsDatabase) HashSet(java.util.HashSet)

Example 8 with PduPart

use of in project kdeconnect-android by KDE.

the class SmsMmsUtils method addTextPart.

 * Copy of the same-name method from
private static int addTextPart(PduBody pb, MMSPart p, int id) {
    String filename = p.Name;
    final PduPart part = new PduPart();
    // Set Charset if it's a text media.
    if (p.MimeType.startsWith("text")) {
    // Set Content-Type.
    // Set Content-Location.
    int index = filename.lastIndexOf(".");
    String contentId = (index == -1) ? filename : filename.substring(0, index);
    return part.getData().length;
Also used : PduPart(

Example 9 with PduPart

use of in project qksms by moezbhatti.

the class MessageUtils method resizeImageAsync.

public static void resizeImageAsync(final Context context, final Uri imageUri, final Handler handler, final ResizeImageResultCallback cb, final boolean append) {
    // Show a progress toast if the resize hasn't finished
    // within one second.
    // Stash the runnable for showing it away so we can cancel
    // it later if the resize completes ahead of the deadline.
    final Runnable showProgress = new Runnable() {

        public void run() {
            Toast.makeText(context, R.string.compressing, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
    // Schedule it for one second from now.
    handler.postDelayed(showProgress, 1000);
    new Thread(new Runnable() {

        public void run() {
            final PduPart part;
            try {
                UriImage image = new UriImage(context, imageUri);
                int widthLimit = MmsConfig.getMaxImageWidth();
                int heightLimit = MmsConfig.getMaxImageHeight();
                // as little as possible.
                if (image.getHeight() > image.getWidth()) {
                    int temp = widthLimit;
                    widthLimit = heightLimit;
                    heightLimit = temp;
                part = image.getResizedImageAsPart(widthLimit, heightLimit, MmsConfig.getMaxMessageSize() - MESSAGE_OVERHEAD);
            } finally {
                // Cancel pending show of the progress toast if necessary.
   Runnable() {

                public void run() {
                    cb.onResizeResult(part, append);
    }, "MessageUtils.resizeImageAsync").start();
Also used : UriImage( PduPart(

Example 10 with PduPart

use of in project qksms by moezbhatti.

the class SmilHelper method createSmilDocument.

private static SMILDocument createSmilDocument(PduBody pb) {
    if (Config.LOGV) {
        Log.v(TAG, "Creating default SMIL document.");
    SMILDocument document = new SmilDocumentImpl();
    // Create root element.
    // FIXME: Should we create root element in the constructor of document?
    SMILElement smil = (SMILElement) document.createElement("smil");
    smil.setAttribute("xmlns", "");
    // Create <head> and <layout> element.
    SMILElement head = (SMILElement) document.createElement("head");
    SMILLayoutElement layout = (SMILLayoutElement) document.createElement("layout");
    // Create <body> element and add a empty <par>.
    SMILElement body = (SMILElement) document.createElement("body");
    SMILParElement par = addPar(document);
    // Create media objects for the parts in PDU.
    int partsNum = pb.getPartsNum();
    if (partsNum == 0) {
        return document;
    DrmManagerClient drmManagerClient = QKSMSApp.getApplication().getDrmManagerClient();
    boolean hasText = false;
    boolean hasMedia = false;
    for (int i = 0; i < partsNum; i++) {
        // Create new <par> element.
        if ((par == null) || (hasMedia && hasText)) {
            par = addPar(document);
            hasText = false;
            hasMedia = false;
        PduPart part = pb.getPart(i);
        String contentType = new String(part.getContentType());
        if (ContentType.isDrmType(contentType)) {
            contentType = drmManagerClient.getOriginalMimeType(part.getDataUri());
        if (contentType.equals(ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN) || contentType.equalsIgnoreCase(ContentType.APP_WAP_XHTML) || contentType.equals(ContentType.TEXT_HTML)) {
            SMILMediaElement textElement = createMediaElement(ELEMENT_TAG_TEXT, document, part.generateLocation());
            hasText = true;
        } else if (ContentType.isImageType(contentType)) {
            SMILMediaElement imageElement = createMediaElement(ELEMENT_TAG_IMAGE, document, part.generateLocation());
            hasMedia = true;
        } else if (ContentType.isVideoType(contentType)) {
            SMILMediaElement videoElement = createMediaElement(ELEMENT_TAG_VIDEO, document, part.generateLocation());
            hasMedia = true;
        } else if (ContentType.isAudioType(contentType)) {
            SMILMediaElement audioElement = createMediaElement(ELEMENT_TAG_AUDIO, document, part.generateLocation());
            hasMedia = true;
        } else {
            // TODO: handle other media types.
            Log.w(TAG, "unsupport media type");
    return document;
Also used : SMILMediaElement(org.w3c.dom.smil.SMILMediaElement) SMILDocument(org.w3c.dom.smil.SMILDocument) SmilDocumentImpl( SMILLayoutElement(org.w3c.dom.smil.SMILLayoutElement) SMILParElement(org.w3c.dom.smil.SMILParElement) PduPart( SMILElement(org.w3c.dom.smil.SMILElement) DrmManagerClient(android.drm.DrmManagerClient)


PduPart ( PduBody ( MmsException ( EncodedStringValue ( ByteArrayOutputStream ( SendReq ( IOException ( Attachment (org.thoughtcrime.securesms.attachments.Attachment)4 Uri ( InvalidHeaderValueException ( SMILDocument (org.w3c.dom.smil.SMILDocument)3 SmilDocumentImpl ( MMSPart ( PduPersister ( UriImage ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)2 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)2 LinkedList (java.util.LinkedList)2 UriAttachment (org.thoughtcrime.securesms.attachments.UriAttachment)2 Address (org.thoughtcrime.securesms.database.Address)2