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Example 11 with Statement

use of in project googleads-java-lib by googleads.

the class RunDeliveryReportForOrder method runExample.

 * Runs the example.
 * @param adManagerServices the services factory.
 * @param session the session.
 * @param orderId the ID of the order to run the report for.
 * @throws ApiException if the API request failed with one or more service errors.
 * @throws RemoteException if the API request failed due to other errors.
 * @throws IOException if unable to write the response to a file.
 * @throws InterruptedException if the thread is interrupted while waiting for the report to
 *     complete.
public static void runExample(AdManagerServices adManagerServices, AdManagerSession session, long orderId) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
    // Get the ReportService.
    ReportServiceInterface reportService = adManagerServices.get(session, ReportServiceInterface.class);
    // Create report query.
    ReportQuery reportQuery = new ReportQuery();
    reportQuery.setDimensions(new Dimension[] { Dimension.DATE, Dimension.ORDER_ID });
    reportQuery.setColumns(new Column[] { Column.AD_SERVER_IMPRESSIONS, Column.AD_SERVER_CLICKS, Column.AD_SERVER_CTR, Column.AD_SERVER_CPM_AND_CPC_REVENUE });
    reportQuery.setDimensionAttributes(new DimensionAttribute[] { DimensionAttribute.ORDER_TRAFFICKER, DimensionAttribute.ORDER_START_DATE_TIME, DimensionAttribute.ORDER_END_DATE_TIME });
    // Create statement to filter for an order.
    StatementBuilder statementBuilder = new StatementBuilder().where("ORDER_ID = :orderId").withBindVariableValue("orderId", orderId);
    // Set the filter statement.
    // Set the start and end dates or choose a dynamic date range type.
    reportQuery.setStartDate(DateTimes.toDateTime("2013-05-01T00:00:00", "America/New_York").getDate());
    reportQuery.setEndDate(DateTimes.toDateTime("2013-05-31T00:00:00", "America/New_York").getDate());
    // Create report job.
    ReportJob reportJob = new ReportJob();
    // Run report job.
    reportJob = reportService.runReportJob(reportJob);
    // Create report downloader.
    ReportDownloader reportDownloader = new ReportDownloader(reportService, reportJob.getId());
    // Wait for the report to be ready.
    // Change to your file location.
    File file = File.createTempFile("delivery-report-", ".csv.gz");
    System.out.printf("Downloading report to %s ...", file.toString());
    // Download the report.
    ReportDownloadOptions options = new ReportDownloadOptions();
    URL url = reportDownloader.getDownloadUrl(options);
Also used : ReportDownloader( ReportDownloadOptions( ReportQuery( ReportServiceInterface( StatementBuilder( ReportJob( File( URL(

Example 12 with Statement

use of in project googleads-java-lib by googleads.

the class CreatePlacements method getAllAdUnits.

 * Gets all ad units.
public static List<AdUnit> getAllAdUnits(AdManagerServices adManagerServices, AdManagerSession session) throws RemoteException {
    List<AdUnit> adUnits = new ArrayList<>();
    // Get the InventoryService.
    InventoryServiceInterface inventoryService = adManagerServices.get(session, InventoryServiceInterface.class);
    // Create a statement to select all ad units.
    StatementBuilder statementBuilder = new StatementBuilder().orderBy("id ASC").limit(StatementBuilder.SUGGESTED_PAGE_LIMIT);
    // Default for total result set size.
    int totalResultSetSize = 0;
    do {
        // Get ad units by statement.
        AdUnitPage page = inventoryService.getAdUnitsByStatement(statementBuilder.toStatement());
        if (page.getResults() != null) {
            totalResultSetSize = page.getTotalResultSetSize();
            Collections.addAll(adUnits, page.getResults());
    } while (statementBuilder.getOffset() < totalResultSetSize);
    return adUnits;
Also used : AdUnitPage( AdUnit( InventoryServiceInterface( StatementBuilder( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList)

Example 13 with Statement

use of in project googleads-java-lib by googleads.

the class GetActivePlacements method runExample.

 * Runs the example.
 * @param adManagerServices the services factory.
 * @param session the session.
 * @throws ApiException if the API request failed with one or more service errors.
 * @throws RemoteException if the API request failed due to other errors.
public static void runExample(AdManagerServices adManagerServices, AdManagerSession session) throws RemoteException {
    PlacementServiceInterface placementService = adManagerServices.get(session, PlacementServiceInterface.class);
    // Create a statement to select placements.
    StatementBuilder statementBuilder = new StatementBuilder().where("status = :status").orderBy("id ASC").limit(StatementBuilder.SUGGESTED_PAGE_LIMIT).withBindVariableValue("status", InventoryStatus.ACTIVE.toString());
    // Retrieve a small amount of placements at a time, paging through
    // until all placements have been retrieved.
    int totalResultSetSize = 0;
    do {
        PlacementPage page = placementService.getPlacementsByStatement(statementBuilder.toStatement());
        if (page.getResults() != null) {
            // Print out some information for each placement.
            totalResultSetSize = page.getTotalResultSetSize();
            int i = page.getStartIndex();
            for (Placement placement : page.getResults()) {
                System.out.printf("%d) Placement with ID %d and name '%s' was found.%n", i++, placement.getId(), placement.getName());
    } while (statementBuilder.getOffset() < totalResultSetSize);
    System.out.printf("Number of results found: %d%n", totalResultSetSize);
Also used : PlacementPage( Placement( StatementBuilder( PlacementServiceInterface(

Example 14 with Statement

use of in project googleads-java-lib by googleads.

the class GetAllAdUnitSizes method runExample.

 * Runs the example.
 * @param adManagerServices the services factory.
 * @param session the session.
 * @throws ApiException if the API request failed with one or more service errors.
 * @throws RemoteException if the API request failed due to other errors.
public static void runExample(AdManagerServices adManagerServices, AdManagerSession session) throws RemoteException {
    // Get the InventoryService.
    InventoryServiceInterface inventoryService = adManagerServices.get(session, InventoryServiceInterface.class);
    // Create a statement to select all ad unit sizes.
    StatementBuilder statementBuilder = new StatementBuilder();
    // Get all ad unit sizes.
    AdUnitSize[] adUnitSizes = inventoryService.getAdUnitSizesByStatement(statementBuilder.toStatement());
    if (adUnitSizes != null) {
        for (int i = 0; i < adUnitSizes.length; i++) {
            AdUnitSize adUnitSize = adUnitSizes[i];
            System.out.printf("%d) Ad unit size of dimensions '%s' was found.%n", i, adUnitSize.getFullDisplayString());
    } else {
        System.out.println("No ad unit sizes found.");
Also used : AdUnitSize( InventoryServiceInterface( StatementBuilder(

Example 15 with Statement

use of in project googleads-java-lib by googleads.

the class GetTopLevelAdUnits method runExample.

 * Runs the example.
 * @param adManagerServices the services factory.
 * @param session the session.
 * @throws ApiException if the API request failed with one or more service errors.
 * @throws RemoteException if the API request failed due to other errors.
public static void runExample(AdManagerServices adManagerServices, AdManagerSession session) throws RemoteException {
    // Get the InventoryService.
    InventoryServiceInterface inventoryService = adManagerServices.get(session, InventoryServiceInterface.class);
    // Get the NetworkService.
    NetworkServiceInterface networkService = adManagerServices.get(session, NetworkServiceInterface.class);
    // Set the parent ad unit's ID for all children ad units to be fetched from.
    String parentAdUnitId = networkService.getCurrentNetwork().getEffectiveRootAdUnitId();
    // Create a statement to select ad units under the parent ad unit.
    StatementBuilder statementBuilder = new StatementBuilder().where("parentId = :parentId").orderBy("id ASC").limit(StatementBuilder.SUGGESTED_PAGE_LIMIT).withBindVariableValue("parentId", parentAdUnitId);
    // Default for total result set size.
    int totalResultSetSize = 0;
    do {
        // Get ad units by statement.
        AdUnitPage page = inventoryService.getAdUnitsByStatement(statementBuilder.toStatement());
        if (page.getResults() != null) {
            totalResultSetSize = page.getTotalResultSetSize();
            int i = page.getStartIndex();
            for (AdUnit adUnit : page.getResults()) {
                System.out.printf("%d) Ad unit with ID '%s' and name '%s' was found.%n", i++, adUnit.getId(), adUnit.getName());
    } while (statementBuilder.getOffset() < totalResultSetSize);
    System.out.printf("Number of results found: %d%n", totalResultSetSize);
Also used : NetworkServiceInterface( AdUnitPage( AdUnit( InventoryServiceInterface( StatementBuilder(


StatementBuilder ( Test (org.junit.Test)61 UpdateResult ( Statement ( Statement ( Statement ( Statement ( CustomTargetingServiceInterface ( InventoryServiceInterface ( AdUnit ( AdUnitPage ( PublisherQueryLanguageServiceInterface ( ResultSet ( LineItem ( LineItemPage ( LineItemServiceInterface ( CustomFieldServiceInterface ( Creative ( CreativeServiceInterface ( Label (