use of in project googleads-java-lib by googleads.
the class GetGeoTargets method main.
public static void main(String[] args) {
AdManagerSession session;
try {
// Generate a refreshable OAuth2 credential.
Credential oAuth2Credential = new OfflineCredentials.Builder().forApi(Api.AD_MANAGER).fromFile().build().generateCredential();
// Construct a AdManagerSession.
session = new AdManagerSession.Builder().fromFile().withOAuth2Credential(oAuth2Credential).build();
} catch (ConfigurationLoadException cle) {
System.err.printf("Failed to load configuration from the %s file. Exception: %s%n", DEFAULT_CONFIGURATION_FILENAME, cle);
} catch (ValidationException ve) {
System.err.printf("Invalid configuration in the %s file. Exception: %s%n", DEFAULT_CONFIGURATION_FILENAME, ve);
} catch (OAuthException oe) {
System.err.printf("Failed to create OAuth credentials. Check OAuth settings in the %s file. " + "Exception: %s%n", DEFAULT_CONFIGURATION_FILENAME, oe);
AdManagerServices adManagerServices = new AdManagerServices();
try {
runExample(adManagerServices, session, GEO_TARGET_TYPE);
} catch (ApiException apiException) {
// ApiException is the base class for most exceptions thrown by an API request. Instances
// of this exception have a message and a collection of ApiErrors that indicate the
// type and underlying cause of the exception. Every exception object in the admanager.axis
// packages will return a meaningful value from toString
// ApiException extends RemoteException, so this catch block must appear before the
// catch block for RemoteException.
System.err.println("Request failed due to ApiException. Underlying ApiErrors:");
if (apiException.getErrors() != null) {
int i = 0;
for (ApiError apiError : apiException.getErrors()) {
System.err.printf(" Error %d: %s%n", i++, apiError);
} catch (RemoteException re) {
System.err.printf("Request failed unexpectedly due to RemoteException: %s%n", re);
} catch (IOException ioe) {
System.err.printf("Example failed due to IOException: %s%n", ioe);
use of in project googleads-java-lib by googleads.
the class GetGeoTargets method runExample.
* Runs the example.
* @param adManagerServices the services factory.
* @param session the session.
* @param type the geo target type.
* @throws ApiException if the API request failed with one or more service errors.
* @throws RemoteException if the API request failed due to other errors.
* @throws IOException if unable to write the response to a file.
public static void runExample(AdManagerServices adManagerServices, AdManagerSession session, String type) throws IOException {
// Get the PublisherQueryLanguageService.
PublisherQueryLanguageServiceInterface pqlService = adManagerServices.get(session, PublisherQueryLanguageServiceInterface.class);
// Create statement to select all targetable cities.
StatementBuilder statementBuilder = new StatementBuilder().select("Id, Name, CanonicalParentId, ParentIds, CountryCode").from("Geo_Target").where("Type = :type and Targetable = true").orderBy("CountryCode ASC, Name ASC").offset(0).limit(StatementBuilder.SUGGESTED_PAGE_LIMIT).withBindVariableValue("type", type);
// Default for result sets.
ResultSet combinedResultSet = null;
ResultSet resultSet;
int i = 0;
do {
// Get all cities.
resultSet =;
// Combine result sets with previous ones.
combinedResultSet = combinedResultSet == null ? resultSet : Pql.combineResultSets(combinedResultSet, resultSet);
System.out.printf("%d) %d geo targets beginning at offset %d were found.%n", i++, resultSet.getRows() == null ? 0 : resultSet.getRows().length, statementBuilder.getOffset());
} while (resultSet.getRows() != null && resultSet.getRows().length > 0);
// Change to your file location.
String filePath = File.createTempFile(type + "-", ".csv").toString();
// Write the result set to a CSV.
CsvFiles.writeCsv(Pql.resultSetToStringArrayList(combinedResultSet), filePath);
System.out.printf("Geo targets saved to: %s%n", filePath);
use of in project googleads-java-lib by googleads.
the class GetMcmEarnings method main.
public static void main(String[] args) {
AdManagerSession session;
try {
// Generate a refreshable OAuth2 credential.
Credential oAuth2Credential = new OfflineCredentials.Builder().forApi(Api.AD_MANAGER).fromFile().build().generateCredential();
// Construct a AdManagerSession.
session = new AdManagerSession.Builder().fromFile().withOAuth2Credential(oAuth2Credential).build();
} catch (ConfigurationLoadException cle) {
System.err.printf("Failed to load configuration from the %s file. Exception: %s%n", DEFAULT_CONFIGURATION_FILENAME, cle);
} catch (ValidationException ve) {
System.err.printf("Invalid configuration in the %s file. Exception: %s%n", DEFAULT_CONFIGURATION_FILENAME, ve);
} catch (OAuthException oe) {
System.err.printf("Failed to create OAuth credentials. Check OAuth settings in the %s file. " + "Exception: %s%n", DEFAULT_CONFIGURATION_FILENAME, oe);
AdManagerServices adManagerServices = new AdManagerServices();
try {
runExample(adManagerServices, session);
} catch (ApiException apiException) {
// ApiException is the base class for most exceptions thrown by an API request. Instances
// of this exception have a message and a collection of ApiErrors that indicate the
// type and underlying cause of the exception. Every exception object in the admanager.axis
// packages will return a meaningful value from toString
// ApiException extends RemoteException, so this catch block must appear before the
// catch block for RemoteException.
System.err.println("Request failed due to ApiException. Underlying ApiErrors:");
if (apiException.getErrors() != null) {
int i = 0;
for (ApiError apiError : apiException.getErrors()) {
System.err.printf(" Error %d: %s%n", i++, apiError);
} catch (RemoteException re) {
System.err.printf("Request failed unexpectedly due to RemoteException: %s%n", re);
} catch (IOException ioe) {
System.err.printf("Example failed due to IOException: %s%n", ioe);
use of in project googleads-java-lib by googleads.
the class AsyncDownloadReport method main.
public static void main(String[] args) {
AdManagerSession session;
try {
// Generate a refreshable OAuth2 credential.
Credential oAuth2Credential = new OfflineCredentials.Builder().forApi(Api.AD_MANAGER).fromFile().build().generateCredential();
// Construct a AdManagerSession.
session = new AdManagerSession.Builder().fromFile().withOAuth2Credential(oAuth2Credential).build();
} catch (ConfigurationLoadException cle) {
System.err.printf("Failed to load configuration from the %s file. Exception: %s%n", DEFAULT_CONFIGURATION_FILENAME, cle);
} catch (ValidationException ve) {
System.err.printf("Invalid configuration in the %s file. Exception: %s%n", DEFAULT_CONFIGURATION_FILENAME, ve);
} catch (OAuthException oe) {
System.err.printf("Failed to create OAuth credentials. Check OAuth settings in the %s file. " + "Exception: %s%n", DEFAULT_CONFIGURATION_FILENAME, oe);
AdManagerServices adManagerServices = new AdManagerServices();
try {
runExample(adManagerServices, session);
} catch (ApiException apiException) {
// ApiException is the base class for most exceptions thrown by an API request. Instances
// of this exception have a message and a collection of ApiErrors that indicate the
// type and underlying cause of the exception. Every exception object in the admanager.axis
// packages will return a meaningful value from toString
// ApiException extends RemoteException, so this catch block must appear before the
// catch block for RemoteException.
System.err.println("Request failed due to ApiException. Underlying ApiErrors:");
if (apiException.getErrors() != null) {
int i = 0;
for (ApiError apiError : apiException.getErrors()) {
System.err.printf(" Error %d: %s%n", i++, apiError);
} catch (RemoteException re) {
System.err.printf("Request failed unexpectedly due to RemoteException: %s%n", re);
use of in project googleads-java-lib by googleads.
the class GetAllUsers method runExample.
* Runs the example.
* @param adManagerServices the services factory.
* @param session the session.
* @throws ApiException if the API request failed with one or more service errors.
* @throws RemoteException if the API request failed due to other errors.
public static void runExample(AdManagerServices adManagerServices, AdManagerSession session) throws RemoteException {
// Get the UserService.
UserServiceInterface userService = adManagerServices.get(session, UserServiceInterface.class);
// Create a statement to get all users.
StatementBuilder statementBuilder = new StatementBuilder().orderBy("id ASC").limit(StatementBuilder.SUGGESTED_PAGE_LIMIT);
// Default for total result set size.
int totalResultSetSize = 0;
do {
// Get users by statement.
UserPage page = userService.getUsersByStatement(statementBuilder.toStatement());
if (page.getResults() != null) {
totalResultSetSize = page.getTotalResultSetSize();
int i = page.getStartIndex();
for (User user : page.getResults()) {
System.out.printf("%d) User with ID %d and name '%s' was found.%n", i++, user.getId(), user.getName());
} while (statementBuilder.getOffset() < totalResultSetSize);
System.out.printf("Number of results found: %d%n", totalResultSetSize);