Search in sources :

Example 16 with Feed

use of in project googleads-java-lib by googleads.

the class AddAdCustomizer method createAdsWithCustomizations.

 * Creates expanded text ads that use ad customizations for the specified ad group IDs.
private static void createAdsWithCustomizations(AdWordsServicesInterface adWordsServices, AdWordsSession session, List<Long> adGroupIds, String feedName) throws RemoteException {
    // Get the AdGroupAdService.
    AdGroupAdServiceInterface adGroupAdService = adWordsServices.get(session, AdGroupAdServiceInterface.class);
    ExpandedTextAd textAd = new ExpandedTextAd();
    textAd.setHeadlinePart1(String.format("Luxury Cruise to {=%s.Name}", feedName));
    textAd.setHeadlinePart2(String.format("Only {=%s.Price}", feedName));
    textAd.setDescription(String.format("Offer ends in {=countdown(%s.Date)}!", feedName));
    textAd.setFinalUrls(new String[] { "" });
    // We add the same ad to both ad groups. When they serve, they will show different values, since
    // they match different feed items.
    List<AdGroupAdOperation> adGroupAdOperations = new ArrayList<>();
    for (Long adGroupId : adGroupIds) {
        AdGroupAd adGroupAd = new AdGroupAd();
        AdGroupAdOperation adGroupAdOperation = new AdGroupAdOperation();
    AdGroupAdReturnValue adGroupAdReturnValue = adGroupAdService.mutate(adGroupAdOperations.toArray(new AdGroupAdOperation[adGroupAdOperations.size()]));
    for (AdGroupAd addedAd : adGroupAdReturnValue.getValue()) {
        System.out.printf("Created an ad with ID %d, type '%s' and status '%s'.%n", addedAd.getAd().getId(), addedAd.getAd().getAdType(), addedAd.getStatus());
Also used : AdGroupAd( AdGroupAdReturnValue( AdGroupAdServiceInterface( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) ExpandedTextAd( AdGroupAdOperation(

Example 17 with Feed

use of in project googleads-java-lib by googleads.

the class AddDynamicPageFeed method updateCampaignDsaSetting.

 * Updates the campaign DSA setting to add DSA pagefeeds.
private static void updateCampaignDsaSetting(AdWordsServicesInterface adWordsServices, AdWordsSession session, Long campaignId, DSAFeedDetails feedDetails) throws ApiException, RemoteException {
    // Get the CampaignService.
    CampaignServiceInterface campaignService = adWordsServices.get(session, CampaignServiceInterface.class);
    Selector selector = new SelectorBuilder().fields(CampaignField.Id, CampaignField.Settings).equalsId(campaignId).build();
    CampaignPage campaignPage = campaignService.get(selector);
    if (campaignPage.getEntries() == null || campaignPage.getTotalNumEntries() == 0) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("No campaign found with ID: " + campaignId);
    Campaign campaign = campaignPage.getEntries(0);
    if (campaign.getSettings() == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Campaign with ID " + campaignId + " is not a DSA campaign.");
    DynamicSearchAdsSetting dsaSetting = (DynamicSearchAdsSetting);
    if (dsaSetting == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Campaign with ID " + campaignId + " is not a DSA campaign.");
    // Use a page feed to specify precisely which URLs to use with your
    // Dynamic Search Ads.
    PageFeed pageFeed = new PageFeed();
    pageFeed.setFeedIds(new long[] { feedDetails.feedId });
    // Optional: Specify whether only the supplied URLs should be used with your
    // Dynamic Search Ads.
    Campaign updatedCampaign = new Campaign();
    CampaignOperation operation = new CampaignOperation();
    updatedCampaign = campaignService.mutate(new CampaignOperation[] { operation }).getValue(0);
    System.out.printf("DSA page feed for campaign ID %d was updated with feed ID %d.%n", updatedCampaign.getId(), feedDetails.feedId);
Also used : CampaignServiceInterface( Campaign( PageFeed( SelectorBuilder( CampaignOperation( CampaignPage( DynamicSearchAdsSetting( Selector(

Example 18 with Feed

use of in project googleads-java-lib by googleads.

the class AddDynamicPageFeed method addDsaTargeting.

 * Sets custom targeting for the page feed URLs based on a list of labels.
 * @param adWordsServices
 * @param session
 * @param adGroupId
 * @param dsaPageUrlLabel
private static void addDsaTargeting(AdWordsServicesInterface adWordsServices, AdWordsSession session, Long adGroupId, String dsaPageUrlLabel) throws ApiException, RemoteException {
    // Get the AdGroupCriterionService.
    AdGroupCriterionServiceInterface adGroupCriterionService = adWordsServices.get(session, AdGroupCriterionServiceInterface.class);
    // Create a webpage criterion.
    Webpage webpage = new Webpage();
    WebpageParameter parameter = new WebpageParameter();
    parameter.setCriterionName("Test criterion");
    // Add a condition for label=specified_label_name.
    WebpageCondition condition = new WebpageCondition();
    parameter.setConditions(new WebpageCondition[] { condition });
    BiddableAdGroupCriterion criterion = new BiddableAdGroupCriterion();
    // Set a custom bid for this criterion.
    BiddingStrategyConfiguration biddingStrategyConfiguration = new BiddingStrategyConfiguration();
    CpcBid cpcBid = new CpcBid();
    Money money = new Money();
    biddingStrategyConfiguration.setBids(new Bids[] { cpcBid });
    AdGroupCriterionOperation operation = new AdGroupCriterionOperation();
    BiddableAdGroupCriterion newCriterion = (BiddableAdGroupCriterion) adGroupCriterionService.mutate(new AdGroupCriterionOperation[] { operation }).getValue(0);
    System.out.printf("Web page criterion with ID %d and status '%s' was created.%n", newCriterion.getCriterion().getId(), newCriterion.getUserStatus());
Also used : Money( AdGroupCriterionOperation( Webpage( AdGroupCriterionServiceInterface( BiddableAdGroupCriterion( BiddingStrategyConfiguration( CpcBid( WebpageParameter( WebpageCondition(

Example 19 with Feed

use of in project googleads-java-lib by googleads.

the class AddDynamicPageFeed method createFeed.

 * Creates the feed for DSA page URLs.
private static DSAFeedDetails createFeed(AdWordsServicesInterface adWordsServices, AdWordsSession session) throws ApiException, RemoteException {
    // Get the FeedService.
    FeedServiceInterface feedService = adWordsServices.get(session, FeedServiceInterface.class);
    // Create attributes.
    FeedAttribute urlAttribute = new FeedAttribute();
    urlAttribute.setName("Page URL");
    FeedAttribute labelAttribute = new FeedAttribute();
    // Create the feed.
    Feed dsaPageFeed = new Feed();
    dsaPageFeed.setName("DSA Feed #" + System.currentTimeMillis());
    dsaPageFeed.setAttributes(new FeedAttribute[] { urlAttribute, labelAttribute });
    // Create operation.
    FeedOperation operation = new FeedOperation();
    // Add the feed.
    Feed newFeed = feedService.mutate(new FeedOperation[] { operation }).getValue(0);
    DSAFeedDetails feedDetails = new DSAFeedDetails();
    feedDetails.feedId = newFeed.getId();
    FeedAttribute[] savedAttributes = newFeed.getAttributes();
    feedDetails.urlAttributeId = savedAttributes[0].getId();
    feedDetails.labelAttributeId = savedAttributes[1].getId();
    System.out.printf("Feed with name '%s' and ID %d with urlAttributeId %d" + " and labelAttributeId %d was created.%n", newFeed.getName(), feedDetails.feedId, feedDetails.urlAttributeId, feedDetails.labelAttributeId);
    return feedDetails;
Also used : FeedAttribute( FeedServiceInterface( FeedOperation( Feed( PageFeed(

Example 20 with Feed

use of in project googleads-java-lib by googleads.

the class AddExpandedTextAdWithUpgradedUrls method runExample.

 * Runs the example.
 * @param adWordsServices the services factory.
 * @param session the session.
 * @param adGroupId the ID of the ad group where the ad will be created.
 * @throws ApiException if the API request failed with one or more service errors.
 * @throws RemoteException if the API request failed due to other errors.
public static void runExample(AdWordsServicesInterface adWordsServices, AdWordsSession session, long adGroupId) throws RemoteException {
    // Get the AdGroupAdService.
    AdGroupAdServiceInterface adGroupAdService = adWordsServices.get(session, AdGroupAdServiceInterface.class);
    // Create expanded text ad with a tracking template and custom parameters.
    ExpandedTextAd expandedTextAd = new ExpandedTextAd();
    expandedTextAd.setHeadlinePart1("Luxury Cruise to Mars");
    expandedTextAd.setHeadlinePart2("Visit the Red Planet in style.");
    expandedTextAd.setDescription("Low-gravity fun for everyone!");
    // Specify a tracking url for 3rd party tracking provider. You may
    // specify one at customer, campaign, ad group, ad, criterion or
    // feed item levels.
    // Since your tracking url has two custom parameters, provide their
    // values too. This can be provided at campaign, ad group, ad, criterion
    // or feed item levels.
    CustomParameter seasonParameter = new CustomParameter();
    CustomParameter promoCodeParameter = new CustomParameter();
    CustomParameters trackingUrlParameters = new CustomParameters();
    trackingUrlParameters.setParameters(new CustomParameter[] { seasonParameter, promoCodeParameter });
    // Specify a list of final urls. This field cannot be set if url field is
    // set. This may be specified at ad, criterion, and feed item levels.
    expandedTextAd.setFinalUrls(new String[] { "", "" });
    // Specify a list of final mobile urls. This field cannot be set if url field is
    // set or finalUrls is not set. This may be specified at ad, criterion, and feed
    // item levels.
    expandedTextAd.setFinalMobileUrls(new String[] { "", "" });
    // Create ad group ad.
    AdGroupAd textAdGroupAd = new AdGroupAd();
    // Optional: Set status.
    // Create operation.
    AdGroupAdOperation textAdGroupAdOperation = new AdGroupAdOperation();
    AdGroupAdOperation[] operations = new AdGroupAdOperation[] { textAdGroupAdOperation };
    // Add ad.
    AdGroupAd adGroupAdResult = adGroupAdService.mutate(operations).getValue(0);
    // Display ad.
    System.out.printf("Ad with ID %d and tracking URL template '%s' was added.", adGroupAdResult.getAd().getId(), adGroupAdResult.getAd().getTrackingUrlTemplate());
Also used : AdGroupAd( AdGroupAdServiceInterface( ExpandedTextAd( AdGroupAdOperation( CustomParameter( CustomParameters(


ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)11 FeedItem ( FeedItemOperation ( CampaignFeed ( CampaignFeedServiceInterface ( Feed ( ExtensionFeedItem ( FeedItemAttributeValue ( FeedItemServiceInterface ( SitelinkFeedItem ( AttributeFieldMapping ( CampaignFeedOperation ( FeedMapping ( FeedMappingServiceInterface ( FeedServiceInterface ( AdGroupAd ( CampaignFeedPage ( ConstantOperand ( ExtensionSetting ( Function (