use of in project java-docs-samples by GoogleCloudPlatform.
the class CustomerSuppliedEncryptionKeysSamples method rotateKey.
* Given an existing, CSEK-protected object, changes the key used to store that object.
* @param storage A Storage object, ready for use
* @param bucketName The name of the destination bucket
* @param objectName The name of the destination object
* @param originalBase64Key The AES256 key currently associated with this object,
* encoded as a base64 string.
* @param originalBase64KeyHash The SHA-256 hash of the above key,
* also encoded as a base64 string.
* @param newBase64Key An AES256 key which will replace the existing key,
* encoded as a base64 string.
* @param newBase64KeyHash The SHA-256 hash of the above key, also encoded as a base64 string.
* @throws IOException if there was some error download from GCS.
public static void rotateKey(Storage storage, String bucketName, String objectName, String originalBase64Key, String originalBase64KeyHash, String newBase64Key, String newBase64KeyHash) throws Exception {
// Set the CSEK headers
final HttpHeaders httpHeaders = new HttpHeaders();
// Specify the exiting object's current CSEK.
httpHeaders.set("x-goog-copy-source-encryption-algorithm", "AES256");
httpHeaders.set("x-goog-copy-source-encryption-key", originalBase64Key);
httpHeaders.set("x-goog-copy-source-encryption-key-sha256", originalBase64KeyHash);
// Specify the new CSEK that we would like to apply.
httpHeaders.set("x-goog-encryption-algorithm", "AES256");
httpHeaders.set("x-goog-encryption-key", newBase64Key);
httpHeaders.set("x-goog-encryption-key-sha256", newBase64KeyHash);
Storage.Objects.Rewrite rewriteObject = storage.objects().rewrite(bucketName, objectName, bucketName, objectName, null);
try {
RewriteResponse rewriteResponse = rewriteObject.execute();
// rewrite until the operation completes.
while (!rewriteResponse.getDone()) {
System.out.println("Rewrite did not complete. Resuming...");
rewriteResponse = rewriteObject.execute();
} catch (GoogleJsonResponseException e) {
System.out.println("Error rotating key: " + e.getContent());
use of in project halyard by spinnaker.
the class GoogleDistributedService method deleteVersion.
default void deleteVersion(AccountDeploymentDetails<GoogleAccount> details, ServiceSettings settings, Integer version) {
String migName = getVersionedName(version);
String zone = settings.getLocation();
String project = details.getAccount().getProject();
Compute compute = GoogleProviderUtils.getCompute(details);
InstanceGroupManager mig;
try {
mig = compute.instanceGroupManagers().get(project, zone, migName).execute();
} catch (GoogleJsonResponseException e) {
if (e.getStatusCode() == 404) {
} else {
throw new HalException(FATAL, "Failed to load mig " + migName + " in " + zone, e);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new HalException(FATAL, "Failed to load mig " + migName + " in " + zone, e);
try {
GoogleProviderUtils.waitOnZoneOperation(compute, project, zone, compute.instanceGroupManagers().delete(project, zone, migName).execute());
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new HalException(FATAL, "Failed to delete mig " + migName + " in " + zone, e);
String instanceTemplateName = mig.getInstanceTemplate();
instanceTemplateName = instanceTemplateName.substring(instanceTemplateName.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
try {
GoogleProviderUtils.waitOnGlobalOperation(compute, project, compute.instanceTemplates().delete(project, instanceTemplateName).execute());
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new HalException(FATAL, "Failed to delete template " + instanceTemplateName + " in " + zone, e);
use of in project halyard by spinnaker.
the class GoogleProviderUtils method ensureSpinnakerNetworkExists.
static String ensureSpinnakerNetworkExists(AccountDeploymentDetails<GoogleAccount> details) {
String networkName = getNetworkName();
String project = details.getAccount().getProject();
Compute compute = getCompute(details);
boolean exists = true;
try {
compute.networks().get(project, networkName).execute();
} catch (GoogleJsonResponseException e) {
if (e.getStatusCode() == 404) {
exists = false;
} else {
throw new HalException(FATAL, "Google error encountered retrieving network: " + e.getMessage(), e);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new HalException(FATAL, "Failed to check if spinnaker network exists: " + e.getMessage(), e);
if (!exists) {
String networkUrl;
Network network = new Network().setAutoCreateSubnetworks(true).setName(networkName).setDescription("Spinnaker network auto-created by Halyard");
try {
DaemonTaskHandler.message("Creating a spinnaker network...");
Operation operation = compute.networks().insert(project, network).execute();
networkUrl = operation.getTargetLink();
GoogleProviderUtils.waitOnGlobalOperation(compute, project, operation);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new HalException(FATAL, "Failed to create Spinnaker network: " + e.getMessage(), e);
Firewall.Allowed allowSsh = new Firewall.Allowed().setPorts(Collections.singletonList("22")).setIPProtocol("tcp");
Firewall firewallSsh = new Firewall().setNetwork(networkUrl).setAllowed(Collections.singletonList(allowSsh)).setName(networkName + "-allow-ssh").setSourceRanges(Collections.singletonList(""));
Firewall.Allowed allowInternalTcp = new Firewall.Allowed().setPorts(Collections.singletonList("1-65535")).setIPProtocol("tcp");
Firewall.Allowed allowInternalUdp = new Firewall.Allowed().setPorts(Collections.singletonList("1-65535")).setIPProtocol("udp");
Firewall.Allowed allowInternalIcmp = new Firewall.Allowed().setIPProtocol("icmp");
List<Firewall.Allowed> allowInteral = new ArrayList<>();
Firewall firewallInternal = new Firewall().setNetwork(networkUrl).setAllowed(allowInteral).setName(networkName + "-allow-internal").setSourceRanges(Collections.singletonList(""));
try {
DaemonTaskHandler.message("Adding firewall rules...");
compute.firewalls().insert(project, firewallSsh).execute();
compute.firewalls().insert(project, firewallInternal).execute();
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new HalException(FATAL, "Failed to create Firewall rule network: " + e.getMessage(), e);
return String.format("projects/%s/global/networks/%s", project, networkName);
use of in project halyard by spinnaker.
the class AppengineAccountValidator method validate.
public void validate(ConfigProblemSetBuilder p, AppengineAccount account) {
String jsonKey = null;
String jsonPath = account.getJsonPath();
String project = account.getProject();
String knownHostsPath = account.getSshKnownHostsFilePath();
AppengineNamedAccountCredentials credentials = null;
boolean hasPassword = account.getGitHttpsPassword() != null;
boolean hasUsername = account.getGitHttpsUsername() != null && !account.getGitHttpsUsername().isEmpty();
if (hasPassword != hasUsername) {
if (!hasUsername) {
p.addProblem(Severity.ERROR, "Git HTTPS password supplied without git HTTPS username.");
} else {
p.addProblem(Severity.ERROR, "Git HTTPS username supplied without git HTTPS password.");
boolean hasSshPrivateKeyPassphrase = account.getSshPrivateKeyPassphrase() != null;
boolean hasSshPrivateKeyFilePath = account.getSshPrivateKeyFilePath() != null && !account.getSshPrivateKeyFilePath().isEmpty();
if (hasSshPrivateKeyPassphrase != hasSshPrivateKeyFilePath) {
if (!hasSshPrivateKeyFilePath) {
p.addProblem(Severity.ERROR, "SSH private key passphrase supplied without SSH private key filepath.");
} else {
p.addProblem(Severity.ERROR, "SSH private key filepath supplied without SSH private key passphrase.");
} else if (hasSshPrivateKeyPassphrase && hasSshPrivateKeyFilePath) {
String sshPrivateKey = ValidatingFileReader.contents(p, account.getSshPrivateKeyFilePath());
if (sshPrivateKey == null) {
} else if (sshPrivateKey.isEmpty()) {
p.addProblem(Severity.WARNING, "The supplied SSH private key file is empty.");
} else {
try {
// Assumes that the public key is sitting next to the private key with the extension ".pub".
KeyPair keyPair = KeyPair.load(new JSch(), account.getSshPrivateKeyFilePath());
boolean decrypted = keyPair.decrypt(account.getSshPrivateKeyPassphrase());
if (!decrypted) {
p.addProblem(Severity.ERROR, "Could not unlock SSH public/private keypair with supplied passphrase.");
} catch (JSchException e) {
p.addProblem(Severity.ERROR, "Could not unlock SSH public/private keypair: " + e.getMessage() + ".");
if (knownHostsPath != null && !knownHostsPath.isEmpty()) {
String knownHosts = ValidatingFileReader.contents(p, knownHostsPath);
if (knownHosts == null) {
if (knownHosts.isEmpty()) {
p.addProblem(Severity.WARNING, "The supplied known_hosts file is empty.");
if (jsonPath != null && !jsonPath.isEmpty()) {
jsonKey = ValidatingFileReader.contents(p, account.getJsonPath());
if (jsonKey == null) {
if (jsonKey.isEmpty()) {
p.addProblem(Severity.WARNING, "The supplied credentials file is empty.");
if (jsonPath != null && !jsonPath.isEmpty() && account.isSshTrustUnknownHosts()) {
p.addProblem(Severity.WARNING, "You have supplied a known_hosts file path and set the `--ssh-trust-unknown-hosts` flag to true." + " Spinnaker will ignore your `--ssh-trust-unknown-hosts` flag.").setRemediation("Run `--ssh-trust-unknown-hosts false`.");
if (account.getProject() == null || account.getProject().isEmpty()) {
p.addProblem(Severity.ERROR, "No appengine project supplied.");
try {
credentials = new AppengineNamedAccountCredentials.Builder().jsonKey(jsonKey).project(project).region("halyard").applicationName("halyard " + halyardVersion).build();
} catch (Exception e) {
p.addProblem(Severity.ERROR, "Error instantiating appengine credentials: " + e.getMessage() + ".");
try {
} catch (GoogleJsonResponseException e) {
if (e.getStatusCode() == 404) {
p.addProblem(Severity.ERROR, "No appengine application found for project " + project + ".").setRemediation("Run `gcloud app create --region <region>` to create an appengine application.");
} else {
p.addProblem(Severity.ERROR, "Failed to connect to appengine Admin API: " + e.getMessage() + ".");
} catch (Exception e) {
p.addProblem(Severity.ERROR, "Failed to connect to appengine Admin API: " + e.getMessage() + ".");
use of in project halyard by spinnaker.
the class GoogleKms method ensureCryptoKeyExists.
private static CryptoKey ensureCryptoKeyExists(CloudKMS cloudKms, GoogleCredential credential, String keyRingId, String cryptoKeyId) {
CryptoKey cryptoKey;
try {
cryptoKey = cloudKms.projects().locations().keyRings().cryptoKeys().get(cryptoKeyId).execute();
} catch (GoogleJsonResponseException e) {
if (e.getStatusCode() == 404) {
cryptoKey = null;
} else {
throw new HalException(Problem.Severity.FATAL, "Unexpected error retrieving crypto key: " + e.getMessage(), e);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new HalException(Problem.Severity.FATAL, "Unexpected error retrieving crypto key: " + e.getMessage(), e);
if (cryptoKey == null) {
String cryptoKeyName = cryptoKeyId.substring(cryptoKeyId.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);"Creating a new crypto key " + cryptoKeyName);
String user = "serviceAccount:" + credential.getServiceAccountId();
cryptoKey = createCryptoKey(cloudKms, keyRingId, cryptoKeyName, user);
return cryptoKey;