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Example 76 with Expr

use of in project cel-java by projectnessie.

the class Unparser method visitStructMsg.

void visitStructMsg(CreateStruct expr) {
    List<Entry> entries = expr.getEntriesList();
    for (int i = 0; i < entries.size(); i++) {
        if (i > 0) {
            str.append(", ");
        Entry entry = entries.get(i);
        String f = entry.getFieldKey();
        str.append(": ");
        Expr v = entry.getValue();
Also used : Entry( Expr(

Example 77 with Expr

use of in project cel-java by projectnessie.

the class AstPruner method pruneAst.

public static Expr pruneAst(Expr expr, EvalState state) {
    AstPruner pruner = new AstPruner(expr, state, 1);
    Expr newExpr = pruner.prune(expr);
    return newExpr;
Also used : Expr(

Example 78 with Expr

use of in project cel-java by projectnessie.

the class AstPruner method maybeCreateLiteral.

Expr maybeCreateLiteral(long id, Val v) {
    Type t = v.type();
    switch(t.typeEnum()) {
        case Bool:
            return createLiteral(id, Constant.newBuilder().setBoolValue((Boolean) v.value()).build());
        case Int:
            return createLiteral(id, Constant.newBuilder().setInt64Value(((Number) v.value()).longValue()).build());
        case Uint:
            return createLiteral(id, Constant.newBuilder().setUint64Value(((Number) v.value()).longValue()).build());
        case String:
            return createLiteral(id, Constant.newBuilder().setStringValue(v.value().toString()).build());
        case Double:
            return createLiteral(id, Constant.newBuilder().setDoubleValue(((Number) v.value()).doubleValue()).build());
        case Bytes:
            return createLiteral(id, Constant.newBuilder().setBytesValue(ByteString.copyFrom((byte[]) v.value())).build());
        case Null:
            return createLiteral(id, Constant.newBuilder().setNullValue(NullValue.NULL_VALUE).build());
    // Attempt to build a list literal.
    if (v instanceof Lister) {
        Lister list = (Lister) v;
        int sz = (int) list.size().intValue();
        List<Expr> elemExprs = new ArrayList<>(sz);
        for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++) {
            Val elem = list.get(intOf(i));
            if (isUnknownOrError(elem)) {
                return null;
            Expr elemExpr = maybeCreateLiteral(nextID(), elem);
            if (elemExpr == null) {
                return null;
        return Expr.newBuilder().setId(id).setListExpr(CreateList.newBuilder().addAllElements(elemExprs).build()).build();
    // Create a map literal if possible.
    if (v instanceof Mapper) {
        Mapper mp = (Mapper) v;
        IteratorT it = mp.iterator();
        List<Entry> entries = new ArrayList<>((int) mp.size().intValue());
        while (it.hasNext() == True) {
            Val key =;
            Val val = mp.get(key);
            if (isUnknownOrError(key) || isUnknownOrError(val)) {
                return null;
            Expr keyExpr = maybeCreateLiteral(nextID(), key);
            if (keyExpr == null) {
                return null;
            Expr valExpr = maybeCreateLiteral(nextID(), val);
            if (valExpr == null) {
                return null;
            Entry entry = Entry.newBuilder().setId(nextID()).setMapKey(keyExpr).setValue(valExpr).build();
        return Expr.newBuilder().setId(id).setStructExpr(CreateStruct.newBuilder().addAllEntries(entries)).build();
    // the enumeration the fields for a given message.
    return null;
Also used : Val(org.projectnessie.cel.common.types.ref.Val) Mapper(org.projectnessie.cel.common.types.traits.Mapper) IteratorT(org.projectnessie.cel.common.types.IteratorT) Type(org.projectnessie.cel.common.types.ref.Type) Entry( Expr( Lister(org.projectnessie.cel.common.types.traits.Lister) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList)

Example 79 with Expr

use of in project cel-java by projectnessie.

the class Macro method makeFilter.

static Expr makeFilter(ExprHelper eh, Expr target, List<Expr> args) {
    String v = extractIdent(args.get(0));
    if (v == null) {
        throw new ErrorWithLocation(null, "argument is not an identifier");
    Expr filter = args.get(1);
    Expr accuExpr = eh.ident(AccumulatorName);
    Expr init = eh.newList();
    Expr condition = eh.literalBool(true);
    Expr step = eh.globalCall(, accuExpr, eh.newList(args.get(0)));
    step = eh.globalCall(, filter, step, accuExpr);
    return eh.fold(v, target, AccumulatorName, init, condition, step, accuExpr);
Also used : ErrorWithLocation(org.projectnessie.cel.common.ErrorWithLocation) Expr(

Example 80 with Expr

use of in project cel-java by projectnessie.

the class Macro method makeQuantifier.

static Expr makeQuantifier(QuantifierKind kind, ExprHelper eh, Expr target, List<Expr> args) {
    String v = extractIdent(args.get(0));
    if (v == null) {
        Location location = eh.offsetLocation(args.get(0).getId());
        throw new ErrorWithLocation(location, "argument must be a simple name");
    Supplier<Expr> accuIdent = () -> eh.ident(AccumulatorName);
    Expr init;
    Expr condition;
    Expr step;
    Expr result;
    switch(kind) {
        case quantifierAll:
            init = eh.literalBool(true);
            condition = eh.globalCall(, accuIdent.get());
            step = eh.globalCall(, accuIdent.get(), args.get(1));
            result = accuIdent.get();
        case quantifierExists:
            init = eh.literalBool(false);
            condition = eh.globalCall(, eh.globalCall(, accuIdent.get()));
            step = eh.globalCall(, accuIdent.get(), args.get(1));
            result = accuIdent.get();
        case quantifierExistsOne:
            Expr zeroExpr = eh.literalInt(0);
            Expr oneExpr = eh.literalInt(1);
            init = zeroExpr;
            condition = eh.literalBool(true);
            step = eh.globalCall(, args.get(1), eh.globalCall(, accuIdent.get(), oneExpr), accuIdent.get());
            result = eh.globalCall(, accuIdent.get(), oneExpr);
            throw new ErrorWithLocation(null, String.format("unrecognized quantifier '%s'", kind));
    return eh.fold(v, target, AccumulatorName, init, condition, step, result);
Also used : ErrorWithLocation(org.projectnessie.cel.common.ErrorWithLocation) Expr( Location(org.projectnessie.cel.common.Location) ErrorWithLocation(org.projectnessie.cel.common.ErrorWithLocation)


Expr (edu.stanford.CVC4.Expr)57 Test (org.junit.Test)55 CVC4.vectorExpr (edu.stanford.CVC4.vectorExpr)49 SExpr (edu.stanford.CVC4.SExpr)42 Expr ( Result (edu.stanford.CVC4.Result)32 Rational (edu.stanford.CVC4.Rational)28 Expr ( BoolExpr ( ArrayType (edu.stanford.CVC4.ArrayType)12 BitVectorType (edu.stanford.CVC4.BitVectorType)12 Status ( Type (edu.stanford.CVC4.Type)11 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)11 Test (org.junit.jupiter.api.Test)11 ParsedExpr ( CheckedExpr ( ArithExpr ( BitVecExpr ( Val (org.projectnessie.cel.common.types.ref.Val)7