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Example 6 with Expr

use of in project cel-java by projectnessie.

the class Macro method makeMap.

static Expr makeMap(ExprHelper eh, Expr target, List<Expr> args) {
    String v = extractIdent(args.get(0));
    if (v == null) {
        throw new ErrorWithLocation(null, "argument is not an identifier");
    Expr fn;
    Expr filter;
    if (args.size() == 3) {
        filter = args.get(1);
        fn = args.get(2);
    } else {
        filter = null;
        fn = args.get(1);
    Expr accuExpr = eh.ident(AccumulatorName);
    Expr init = eh.newList();
    Expr condition = eh.literalBool(true);
    Expr step = eh.globalCall(, accuExpr, eh.newList(fn));
    if (filter != null) {
        step = eh.globalCall(, filter, step, accuExpr);
    return eh.fold(v, target, AccumulatorName, init, condition, step, accuExpr);
Also used : ErrorWithLocation(org.projectnessie.cel.common.ErrorWithLocation) Expr(

Example 7 with Expr

use of in project cel-java by projectnessie.

the class Parser method parse.

ParseResult parse(Source source) {
    StringCharStream charStream = new StringCharStream(source.content(), source.description());
    CELLexer lexer = new CELLexer(charStream);
    CELParser parser = new CELParser(new CommonTokenStream(lexer, 0));
    RecursionListener parserListener = new RecursionListener(options.getMaxRecursionDepth());
    parser.setErrorHandler(new RecoveryLimitErrorStrategy(options.getErrorRecoveryLimit()));
    Helper helper = new Helper(source);
    Errors errors = new Errors(source);
    InnerParser inner = new InnerParser(helper, errors);
    Expr expr = null;
    try {
        if (charStream.size() > options.getExpressionSizeCodePointLimit()) {
            errors.reportError(Location.NoLocation, "expression code point size exceeds limit: size: %d, limit %d", charStream.size(), options.getExpressionSizeCodePointLimit());
        } else {
            expr = inner.exprVisit(parser.start());
    } catch (RecoveryLimitError | RecursionError e) {
        errors.reportError(Location.NoLocation, "%s", e.getMessage());
    if (errors.hasErrors()) {
        expr = null;
    return new ParseResult(expr, errors, helper.getSourceInfo());
Also used : CommonTokenStream( CELLexer(org.projectnessie.cel.parser.gen.CELLexer) CELParser(org.projectnessie.cel.parser.gen.CELParser) Errors(org.projectnessie.cel.common.Errors) Expr(

Example 8 with Expr

use of in project cel-java by projectnessie.

the class AstPruner method maybePruneConditional.

Expr maybePruneConditional(Expr node) {
    if (!existsWithUnknownValue(node.getId())) {
        return null;
    Call call = node.getCallExpr();
    Val condVal = value(call.getArgs(0).getId());
    if (condVal == null || isUnknownOrError(condVal)) {
        return null;
    if (condVal == True) {
        return call.getArgs(1);
    return call.getArgs(2);
Also used : Val(org.projectnessie.cel.common.types.ref.Val) Call(

Example 9 with Expr

use of in project cel-java by projectnessie.

the class AstPruner method prune.

Expr prune(Expr node) {
    if (node == null) {
        return null;
    Val val = value(node.getId());
    if (val != null && !isUnknownOrError(val)) {
        Expr newNode = maybeCreateLiteral(node.getId(), val);
        if (newNode != null) {
            return newNode;
    switch(node.getExprKindCase()) {
        case SELECT_EXPR:
            Select select = node.getSelectExpr();
            Expr operand = prune(select.getOperand());
            if (operand != null && operand != select.getOperand()) {
                return Expr.newBuilder().setId(node.getId()).setSelectExpr(Select.newBuilder().setOperand(operand).setField(select.getField()).setTestOnly(select.getTestOnly())).build();
        case CALL_EXPR:
            Call call = node.getCallExpr();
            Expr newExpr = maybePruneFunction(node);
            if (newExpr != null) {
                newExpr = prune(newExpr);
                return newExpr;
            boolean prunedCall = false;
            List<Expr> args = call.getArgsList();
            List<Expr> newArgs = new ArrayList<>(args.size());
            for (int i = 0; i < args.size(); i++) {
                Expr arg = args.get(i);
                Expr newArg = prune(arg);
                if (newArg != null && newArg != arg) {
                    prunedCall = true;
                    newArgs.set(i, newArg);
            Call newCall = Call.newBuilder().setFunction(call.getFunction()).setTarget(call.getTarget()).addAllArgs(newArgs).build();
            Expr newTarget = prune(call.getTarget());
            if (newTarget != null && newTarget != call.getTarget()) {
                prunedCall = true;
                newCall = Call.newBuilder().setFunction(call.getFunction()).setTarget(newTarget).addAllArgs(newArgs).build();
            if (prunedCall) {
                return Expr.newBuilder().setId(node.getId()).setCallExpr(newCall).build();
        case LIST_EXPR:
            CreateList list = node.getListExpr();
            List<Expr> elems = list.getElementsList();
            List<Expr> newElems = new ArrayList<>(elems.size());
            boolean prunedList = false;
            for (int i = 0; i < elems.size(); i++) {
                Expr elem = elems.get(i);
                Expr newElem = prune(elem);
                if (newElem != null && newElem != elem) {
                    newElems.set(i, newElem);
                    prunedList = true;
            if (prunedList) {
                return Expr.newBuilder().setId(node.getId()).setListExpr(CreateList.newBuilder().addAllElements(newElems)).build();
        case STRUCT_EXPR:
            boolean prunedStruct = false;
            CreateStruct struct = node.getStructExpr();
            List<Entry> entries = struct.getEntriesList();
            String messageType = struct.getMessageName();
            List<Entry> newEntries = new ArrayList<>(entries.size());
            for (int i = 0; i < entries.size(); i++) {
                Entry entry = entries.get(i);
                Expr mapKey = entry.getMapKey();
                Expr newKey = mapKey != Entry.getDefaultInstance().getMapKey() ? prune(mapKey) : null;
                Expr newValue = prune(entry.getValue());
                if ((newKey == null || newKey == mapKey) && (newValue == null || newValue == entry.getValue())) {
                prunedStruct = true;
                Entry newEntry;
                if (!messageType.isEmpty()) {
                    newEntry = Entry.newBuilder().setFieldKey(entry.getFieldKey()).setValue(newValue).build();
                } else {
                    newEntry = Entry.newBuilder().setMapKey(newKey).setValue(newValue).build();
                newEntries.set(i, newEntry);
            if (prunedStruct) {
                return Expr.newBuilder().setId(node.getId()).setStructExpr(CreateStruct.newBuilder().setMessageName(messageType).addAllEntries(entries)).build();
            Comprehension compre = node.getComprehensionExpr();
            // Only the range of the comprehension is pruned since the state tracking only records
            // the last iteration of the comprehension and not each step in the evaluation which
            // means that the any residuals computed in between might be inaccurate.
            Expr newRange = prune(compre.getIterRange());
            if (newRange != null && newRange != compre.getIterRange()) {
                return Expr.newBuilder().setId(node.getId()).setComprehensionExpr(Comprehension.newBuilder().setIterVar(compre.getIterVar()).setIterRange(newRange).setAccuVar(compre.getAccuVar()).setAccuInit(compre.getAccuInit()).setLoopCondition(compre.getLoopCondition()).setLoopStep(compre.getLoopStep()).setResult(compre.getResult())).build();
    // allocation cost at another point. So go with the simple approach - at least for now.
    return node;
Also used : Val(org.projectnessie.cel.common.types.ref.Val) Call( CreateStruct( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) ByteString( Comprehension( CreateList( Entry( Expr( Select(

Example 10 with Expr

use of in project cel-java by projectnessie.

the class CELTest method CheckedExprToAst_ConstantExpr.

void CheckedExprToAst_ConstantExpr() {
    Env stdEnv = newEnv();
    String in = "10";
    AstIssuesTuple astIss = stdEnv.compile(in);
    CheckedExpr expr = astToCheckedExpr(astIss.getAst());
    Ast ast2 = checkedExprToAst(expr);
Also used : CEL.parsedExprToAst(org.projectnessie.cel.CEL.parsedExprToAst) CEL.checkedExprToAst(org.projectnessie.cel.CEL.checkedExprToAst) CEL.astToCheckedExpr(org.projectnessie.cel.CEL.astToCheckedExpr) CheckedExpr( CEL.astToString(org.projectnessie.cel.CEL.astToString) Env.newEnv(org.projectnessie.cel.Env.newEnv) Env.newCustomEnv(org.projectnessie.cel.Env.newCustomEnv) AstIssuesTuple(org.projectnessie.cel.Env.AstIssuesTuple) Test(org.junit.jupiter.api.Test)


Expr (edu.stanford.CVC4.Expr)57 Test (org.junit.Test)55 CVC4.vectorExpr (edu.stanford.CVC4.vectorExpr)49 SExpr (edu.stanford.CVC4.SExpr)42 Expr ( Result (edu.stanford.CVC4.Result)32 Rational (edu.stanford.CVC4.Rational)28 Expr ( BoolExpr ( ArrayType (edu.stanford.CVC4.ArrayType)12 BitVectorType (edu.stanford.CVC4.BitVectorType)12 Status ( Type (edu.stanford.CVC4.Type)11 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)11 Test (org.junit.jupiter.api.Test)11 ParsedExpr ( CheckedExpr ( ArithExpr ( BitVecExpr ( Val (org.projectnessie.cel.common.types.ref.Val)7